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Bling: A Diamond Doms Novel

Page 7

by Ivy Nelson

  Garrett stared at her. Was she serious? It was so hard to tell sometimes.

  The driver was already pulling back onto the street.

  “Do you have any preferences for dinner?” he asked, resisting the urge to pick up her hand. He still wasn’t quite sure where they stood.

  She looked at him and smiled. “I’m kind of in the mood for pizza.”

  “I’m not sure you can get a proper pizza in Colorado,” he said dryly

  She laughed. “I don’t want anything proper. I want a greasy slice of takeout pizza. But if it’s more your style, there’s a little Italian place halfway between here and the club that has good pizza and pasta.”

  Garrett nodded. That sounds more doable. “Give my driver the address.”

  “No need, Sir. I’ve been before. Miss Alvarado is right, it’s quite good.”

  Garrett lifted one shoulder in a halfhearted shrug. Who was he to argue with them? It took twenty minutes to get to the small restaurant. It wasn’t going to be in any food magazines any time soon, but he liked the rustic feel of the place. An old woman took them to their table and plopped down a basket of assorted breads. Isabelle wasted no time devouring a breadstick.

  Garrett sat back in his chair and watched her, amused, as he sipped his water.

  “What?” she asked a minute later when she saw his eyes on her.

  “I just like watching you eat.”

  She blushed and set the second breadstick down. “Sorry. I was just hungry. I fed the girls and forgot to eat something myself.”

  Garrett scowled. How could she forget to feed herself?

  Wanting to see where they stood, he leaned forward and narrowed his eyes at her. “I consider failing to eat putting yourself in danger, Doll. Do we need to have a refresher on the rules for my subs?”

  Her mouth formed a slight o shape and her eyes grew round with surprise. After a beat of silence, she shook her head and said, “No, Sir. I’m pretty sure I remember them all.”

  He relaxed his stern gaze and flashed her a grin. “Good girl.”

  When the waiter arrived with bowls of pasta for both of them and a pizza to share, they focused on their meals. After several minutes of enjoying the food, Garrett dabbed his napkin to the corners of his mouth and leaned back.

  “How long have you lived in that apartment complex?”

  She paused, her fork midair. “Most of my life, except for a few years in college. Why?”

  He cocked his head to one side. “Just curious. They look small, and the place could use some work.”

  Isabelle closed her eyes. “Please don’t. This is why I didn’t want you picking me up.”

  Garrett frowned. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to embarrass you. I just worry about you is all.”

  Her smile was forced. “We’re fine, I promise. Can we just finish our food?” She dropped her head and focused on her pasta.

  Garrett sighed and clenched a fist under the table. This was not going well for him. “Isabelle, look at me.”

  Her eyes lacked warmth when she lifted her gaze to meet his. “I’m sorry. Forgive me for prying. I don’t want to ruin our night before it gets started. How do I make things better?”

  Her gaze softened and she offered him a half smile. “Maybe stop trying to make things better? I know you think money fixes most things, but it’s not always necessary or helpful. We live in two different worlds, you and I, and they only come together at Solitaire where I don’t have to worry about anything else. Can we just focus on that for a while?”

  He reached across the table and picked up her hand, thankful he hadn’t completely ruined their evening. “That sounds good, Doll. I promise to make you forget everything but Solitaire for the weekend,” he said with a wink.

  Her blush told him he’d won her back and he watched as she nervously twirled her fork in the mountain of spaghetti still in her bowl.

  “Do you have to go home tonight, or can you spend the night?”

  Her blush turned scarlet and she gave him a lopsided grin. “The girls are spending the weekend with friends and won’t be home until Sunday.”

  Garrett leaned into the small table and tucked a hand beneath her chin. “So, if I’m hearing you correctly, I believe you’re saying you’re all mine for the weekend.”

  She tried to turn her head away from his piercing gaze, but he wouldn’t let her.

  He could feel her swallowing as she stared back at him. “Yes, Sir,” she finally whispered. Garrett loved watching the submissive switch inside her brain flip on. There might still be some awkwardness between them, but he knew if they were able to shut out the outside world for the weekend, he could make that disappear and things would be right between them again.

  When they finished their meal, Garrett stood and offered her his hand. Her slender fingers felt good nested between his thicker ones. It was such a minor thing, but it was intimate. Isabelle had been slow to warm up to him when he’d first taken her on as his trainee, and sex had been off the table, but as the weeks went by, they grew closer and there had been definite sparks. Things had come to a screeching halt last weekend, and Garrett was grateful for the opportunity to pick things back up with her.

  In the car, he wrapped an arm around her, and she didn’t shy away.

  “I’d like to kiss you,” he murmured against her ear.

  She ducked her head into his shoulder, but he saw her ears go crimson.

  “Is that a yes or a no, Doll?”

  Her head bobbed up and down, indicating consent.

  “How am I supposed to kiss you if you’re hiding your face?”

  She raised her head and gave him a coy look. “My mouth isn’t the only place you can kiss me, you know.”

  He felt his cock strain against his jeans. How was he supposed to respond to a comment like that?

  The only way he knew how.

  Shifting his arm, he snaked his hand into her long dark hair and tugged so her head was tilted at a more favorable angle before crushing his mouth to hers.

  Her soft gasp as she sucked in air before their lips connected seemed to pull him deeper into her. Their tongues tangled, and his polite reserved Isabelle no longer existed.

  Her moan vibrated through him and he deepened their kiss until she jerked away. Why did she do that?

  “Sir, a phone call for you.” His driver had been trying to get his attention.

  Christ, this better be important. Regina was the only one who had his driver’s number and knew he could be reached that way.

  “Regina, what’s the emergency?”

  “Sorry, Mr. Oliver, you weren’t answering your cell. I’ve intercepted a series of emails making various threats against you and your employees in the last several hours. I know the police are investigating Miss Alvarado’s car being vandalized.”

  He scowled. It was good to know but did it really warrant interrupting his weekend?

  Regina must have read his mind. “I wouldn’t have interrupted you, but Miss Alvarado is one of the people being threatened by name. Since you’re taking her to Dallas with you on Monday, it seemed important as you might want to increase security.”

  He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. He and Isabelle would be safe through the weekend, but it was after that he was concerned about.

  “Thank you, Regina. If you could please forward the emails to the police here in Colorado. I’m sure they’ll find them useful. Arrange a private detail for us in Dallas, but I have a feeling this is more of a local thing.”

  The sound of metal on metal sounded as their vehicle lurched forward. “What the hell?” Garrett whirled to look behind them. Had someone just hit them?

  “Hang on tight, Sir. Looks like whoever just rear-ended us is gearing up to try and hit us again. I can keep us on the road, just make sure you’re both buckled in.”

  “I have to go Regina,” he hung up the phone and double-checked Isabelle’s seatbelt.

  “Is this on purpose?” Isabelle whispered, rubbing her neck.r />
  “Did you get hurt?” he asked, ignoring her question.

  The driver was on speaker phone with the police, giving them their location.

  They hadn’t quite made it into the mountainous region that led up to Solitaire, so there were still some well-lit parking lots around.

  Metal crunched and Isabelle was jerked into Garrett’s shoulder as the car behind them slammed their bumper again.

  “Garrett what’s happening?” Isabelle screeched.

  “Shhh. We’re going to be OK, Doll.”

  Jeff navigated the giant SUV into a parking lot and stopped under a large streetlamp. Sirens screamed toward them, and three police cars soon surrounded them.

  “Stay in the car unless you’re told to get out,” Garrett warned as he slid out of the vehicle. He sucked in a deep breath and did his best to calm his racing heart. Isabelle needed him to be strong right now.

  For the second time in less than forty-eight hours, they filled out police reports and were interviewed by officers. They were going to be late getting to Solitaire, but the SUV was still drivable, so they were being allowed to leave in it. There was no sign of who ran them off the road. He’d already sent texts to some of the members of the board that he wanted to talk to them as soon as he arrived.

  Now he was back in the car with Isabelle, checking her over.

  “Are you hurt? Are you sure we don’t need to take you to a hospital?”

  Her lip quivered as she shook her head. “I’m fine, Sir. I just want to get to Solitaire and not leave for the weekend.”

  He tucked her close to him and nodded to Jeff. “You heard the lady, let’s get there.”

  “Was this tied to whatever Regina called you about?” she asked quietly.

  He sighed. “I’m concerned for your safety,” he said before outlining what Regina had told him.

  Isabelle snuggled close. “People write angry letters all the time.”

  Garrett kissed the top of her head. “I would agree if not for everything else. We’re going to be taking some extra precautions for your safety until we catch whoever this is.”

  Isabelle frowned. “What does that mean?”

  “You don’t go anywhere on your own. Let me or my driver take you to and from work.”

  She nodded. “That sounds easy enough. If it will make you feel better, I can do that. Just…” She trailed off and looked out the window.

  “What is it, Isabelle?” he asked.

  “Just maybe don’t bring such flashy cars to my apartment complex. It makes people uncomfortable.”

  Garrett sighed. “This flashy vehicle kept us safe tonight, Doll. But I’ll see what I can do. Now, there’s nothing else we can do right now. What do you say I get back to enjoying your mouth and we forget about all of this for the weekend?”

  Her grin was slow as she lifted her head to face him.

  “I like the sound of that a lot, Sir.”

  When his mouth closed over hers, she didn’t hold back and neither did he.

  Chapter Nine

  Isabelle’s heart raced as they approached the front of Solitaire. She wasn’t sure if it was the hit and run, or the searing kiss Garrett had just given her. It was likely a mix of both. She kept her head on Garrett’s shoulder and enjoyed his warmth until the car rolled to a stop.

  He’d done everything he could to make his mistakes right, and when danger was threatening her, she’d found calm in his presence. Garrett deserved another chance and she was ready to give it to him. Deep down, she knew she wanted something more permanent and committed than Garrett was offering, but she couldn’t see tearing herself away from him anytime soon. They shared a connection and she wanted to enjoy it while it lasted. She just had to take precautions to guard her heart while she did.

  “Come on, Doll. Let’s get you inside,” he said, interrupting her thoughts. She drew in a deep breath and did her best to leave everything but her role as his submissive behind. Really, she was the club’s submissive; she was just under Garrett’s supervision, but that wasn’t important. The important part was to get out of her normal mindset and slip into that submissive headspace where she was happiest.

  Her submission was service oriented. A psychologist would probably have a field day with that, given the amount of time she spent caring for others, but she chose not to think of it that way. Here, the service wasn’t just about caring for someone who needed her. It was about digging deep into her psyche and fulfilling her own needs as well. The service she gave to the club filled her emotional well and gave her the strength she needed to do what she had to at home.

  Garrett was a stern Dom who demanded excellence of her and any other submissive under his guidance, but he was also thoughtful and made sure that the fun they had together were things she enjoyed as well. She hated disappointing him or any of the others at Solitaire, so she strived to follow the rules and protocols and earn praise rather than punishment. In fact, aside from her first weekend as a house submissive, last weekend was her first punishment. It was something she hoped to avoid in the future.

  When she was out of the car, Garrett and his driver had a hushed conversation she couldn’t quite make out. When their bags were unloaded, Garrett slung them over one shoulder and extended his hand to Isabelle.

  “We’re not as early as I wanted to be, but we can go to my suite and spend a few minutes alone and get changed if you want. Though I’m a fan of this dress you’re wearing.”

  Isabelle smiled as her cheeks warmed under his intense gaze. “I brought my corset, but I can wear that tomorrow night.”

  Garrett’s hand tightened around hers. “Whatever you want, Doll. I’m just planning to take it off you later anyway.”

  Her heart slammed into her throat. Was she ready to go to bed with him? She had been last week, but things had changed. She didn’t say anything. They could figure that part out later.

  Inside, the lobby was empty still, and Isabelle noticed the registration desk was disorderly. Without thinking, she untangled her fingers from Garrett’s and began straightening it. As she shifted a vase of flowers into the right spot, she heard the snap of Garrett’s fingers.

  “Isabelle,” he said sternly as she looked up. “Come here.”

  Dropping a pencil into the office supply caddy, she hurried to his side. “Yes, Sir?”

  “I understand that you take your role here serious, and I appreciate that, but I did not release you to do anything. Tonight, your focus is on me. You’ve mastered serving the club well, Doll. Now it’s time for you to focus on serving a Dom.”

  Her throat tightened as he scolded her. “Yes, Sir. I’m sorry,” she whispered. “I just need to keep my mind busy.”

  His smile was tender. “I understand. You’ve been through a lot. Just ask next time. You can finish your task. I need to talk to Master Eli and Master Russell for a few minutes. Send Master Hunter in when he arrives, please.”

  When he was gone, Isabelle finished straightening the desk, then went to the small supply closet in the corner of the lobby and found a rag and some furniture polish to wipe it down.

  As she was finishing shining the desk, the front door opened, and Hunter stepped in.

  “Isabelle, I’m glad you’re here and safe, little one. Master Garrett told me what happened.”

  She gave him a bright smile as she set the rag and polish on the counter. “I’m glad to be here. He’s in Master Eli’s office waiting for you, Sir.”

  He stepped around the desk and offered her a hug before disappearing into Eli’s office. By the time the men emerged, the desk was done, and she sat waiting on the couch.

  All four Doms looked at her with concern as they stood outside Eli’s office. She waved at them and stood as Garrett broke from the group and made his way to her.

  “I’m fine, everyone,” she said.

  The men nodded but continued to watch as Garrett extended his hand to her. “Desk looks great, Doll. Let’s go upstairs.”

  “I’m assuming your little m
eeting was about me?”

  He chuckled. “In a manner of speaking. We were just discussing safety protocols.”

  They were standing in front of Garrett’s suite now and he swiped his key card. The suite decorated in pale yellows and grays had always been one of her favorites. Isabelle had never stayed in it, though she’d gotten it ready for members Garrett had loaned it to a couple of times.

  Nerves overtook her as she stood in the middle of the room looking around. He gave her a quick tour even though they both knew she didn’t need it.

  “The kitchenette is fully stocked. I take my coffee black with two sugars in the mornings,” he said as he opened a cabinet to show her the coffee supplies.

  She felt her shoulders relax. He wasn’t being presumptuous that she would get him his coffee in the morning. It was his way of giving her an act of service to focus on to help quell her nerves. She was grateful.

  “What time do you have to be in the bar tonight?” he asked.

  Isabelle pulled her phone out of her purse and scrolled to her schedule. “I don’t start until nine, Sir.”

  His smile was broad. “Excellent. Come here, Doll.”

  She stepped nervously to him and he put his hands on her hips. “How are you feeling right now? You seem nervous. Is it the wreck or being here with me that has you tense?”

  “Both, I think,” she whispered. “I don’t want you to think I don’t want this, though. Being here, spending the night with you.” She waved her hand around the room as she spoke. “I’m just not sure what to expect right now.”

  He let a hand trail up her side before lifting it to rest on one cheek. She sighed and leaned into his touch.

  “We’re going at your speed, Doll. You know I listen to your boundaries. All you have to do is say something if I’m brushing up against one. Right now, I’d like to push you a little further into your submissive mindset and take your mind off the wreck. Can I do that, Doll?”

  When she nodded, he lowered his mouth to hers for a tender kiss. It ignited more in her than the intense kiss they’d shared in the car. She wrapped her arms around his neck to draw him closer as their lips tangled together. It was a slow, gentle kiss that sent simmering tendrils of heat through her body. She knew she wanted this man and had almost since the day she met him.


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