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Bling: A Diamond Doms Novel

Page 14

by Ivy Nelson

  “It’s over,” he said tenderly. “But you get to go stand in the corner for a few minutes and think about how you’re going to do a better job taking care of yourself today. Hands off your butt,” he warned when she stood and rubbed.

  Tears fell down her cheeks as she made her way to the corner. She heard him moving around again and did her best to keep her hands from rubbing her burning bottom.

  When he tugged her from the corner again, he was fully dressed in his suit and tie. Standing there naked in front of him, an embarrassing wash of need rushed through her and she nearly whimpered.

  “You took that really well, Doll.” His thumb caressed her cheek and wiped away a stray tear. “How are you feeling?”

  “Conflicted,” she admitted.

  He raised an eyebrow. “Conflicted how?”

  She shifted uncomfortably. “Um. I never want you to have to spank me like that again. It felt like forever. But I’m also really horny right now with you all in your suit looking hot and powerful and me naked with a sore ass.”

  His eyes glazed with lust as he nuzzled her neck with his freshly shaved chin.

  “Two things,” he said when he pulled away. “Those conflicted feelings are some of the hottest things to play with in a Dom/sub dynamic, and if we had time to go to bed, I would make you come after a punishment like that. Instead, you get to be horny all day right along with me,” he said with a wink.

  “What’s the second thing?” she asked warily.

  He chuckled. “Your paddling was only about two minutes.”

  She shuddered. “It felt like so much longer.”

  His gaze turned stern as he ducked a finger under her chin. “If I have to punish you for not taking care of yourself again, you’ll get double. Are we clear?”

  She nodded quickly. “Yes, Sir. I’ll do better, I promise.”

  “Good girl. Now hurry and get dressed so I can buy you breakfast before you go home.”

  An hour later, he dropped her in front of the safe house and kissed her cheek. “I’ll send Jeff back for you,” he said.

  She nodded and rushed into the house to get the girls off to school.

  At eight-thirty, she was climbing the stairs to her office feeling surprisingly light. She could still feel the remnants of the paddle, but it didn’t hurt. It was just a warm sensation that reminded her of her morning with Garrett.

  As she settled into her desk, the phone rang. “Colorado Logistics, Isabelle speaking.”

  “Good morning, are you Isabelle Alvarado?”

  She frowned. Who would call for her? “It is. May I ask who’s calling?”

  “I’m calling with The Gazette and was wondering if I could ask you some questions.”

  Isabelle froze. “Regarding what?”

  “Your ties to Garrett Oliver and the recent attack at his Colorado Logistics facility.”

  She blew out a breath. “I’m afraid I can’t comment at this time.”

  She hung up without waiting for the reporter to respond. Garrett’s blinds were closed, so she pressed the intercom button.

  “Mr. Oliver, can I speak to you please?”

  His voiced soothed her as it crackled through the speaker. “Of course, Isabelle. Come in.”

  She pushed open the door to find Hunter sitting in one of the visitor’s chairs.

  “Oh. I’m sorry. I didn’t realize you had guests. I can come back.”

  “Sit down, Isabelle,” Garrett said, his voice hard.

  She shut the door and did as she was told.

  “What did you want to talk to me about?”

  Right, the phone call. “I just got a call from a reporter from the Gazette.”

  He tipped his head back and stared at the ceiling. “That’s the second fucking time they’ve called. What did they ask you?”

  “They asked about my ties to you and wanted to know details about Uncle Henry’s attack.”

  He threw the pen he was holding. “I’m sorry, Isabelle. You shouldn’t have to deal with that.”

  “I don’t understand what they mean by my ties to you.”

  Hunter chuckled. “You were seen kissing him on national television. People have questions about who you are.”

  “I thought that was a gossip site story. Not something the Gazette would run with. And he kissed me, for the record.”

  Garrett grinned. “The Gazette has a gossip column and I’m pretty sure you kissed me back, Doll.”

  She huffed. “Do we have to do this now?”

  Garrett sobered. “I’m sorry, I’m just teasing. Hunter and I were just discussing you, actually.”

  “Me?” Her eyes went wide. “I’m not in trouble again, am I?”

  Hunter squeezed her shoulder. “Not at all. I would like to talk to my hotel manager about changing your schedule though.”

  “Is this about me working two jobs? I know Garrett doesn’t like it, but I would really rather you two not get all Domly about my work or how I take care of my family.”

  Garrett scowled. “It’s not about how you take care of your family, Isabelle. It’s about whether or not you’re taking care of yourself in the process.”

  “The point is, I want to have you finish your degree sooner rather than later,” Hunter said. “I know you went to school in Fort Collins, but we can transfer your credits to a closer campus and have you do most of your work online. I’ve helped fund several prestigious degree programs in the hospitality industry. I’ll pay for it, you just have to promise me two years at one of my hotels after you graduate.”

  “And how does that change my schedule?”

  “We’ll cut your hours in half so you can dedicate the other evenings to coursework. We’ll call it professional development and I’ll still pay you your full salary.”

  “That’s too much, Hunter. I just want to be paid for the hours I work.”

  “I’m paying you to go to school, Isabelle. Why is that too much? It benefits me as much as it benefits you. I’m not in the charity business if that’s what you’re worried about.”

  Garrett had stayed quiet through Hunter’s spiel and now he leaned forward. “My preference would be to have you quit working here, but I don’t want you to think I’m trying to get rid of you. Not to mention, I want you around until we figure out what’s going on. That said, I’m not going to let you overwork yourself. Your plate is full, Isabelle. The things I need you for are flexible and you can do a lot of it from home.”

  She blew out a breath and tried to hold back the tears that were threatening to fall. “OK. I have been struggling to get enough sleep,” she admitted. “Just… I don’t know if I want to tell my family I’m going back to school yet. They are firmly in the college is a luxury camp. My dad thought I was selfish for leaving to go to school when I did.”

  Garrett tensed, and she knew he was clenching his fists beneath his desk.

  “I’ll leave that up to you to decide how much to tell them,” he said quietly.

  “I want to figure out how to address the kiss. It’s a viral sensation according to my nieces. I’m just waiting for the third degree from my dad. The only reason I haven’t been ambushed by other family is because we’re at the safe house. I honestly have no idea what to tell people.”

  Garrett flashed a genuine smile at that. “Tell them the truth.”

  “That I’m a collared submissive at a BDSM club? I don’t think so.”

  Garrett and Hunter busted into laughter.

  “No. You tell them that we are two consenting adults who are attracted to each other and exploring a relationship outside of work.”

  Her eyes went wide. “Are you really ready to be the boyfriend and deal with my family?”

  He chuckled. “How bad can it be?”

  Isabelle giggled. “You haven’t spent much time with them. Just wait until the family reunion. You’ll regret it.”

  Garrett rolled his eyes as if he didn’t believe her.

  “I should get going. I have some work at the Glenview before
the board meeting tonight,” Hunter said as he stood. “I’ll have Lori at the hotel help you get set up with classes.”

  When Isabelle stood, Hunter pulled her into a hug. “Don’t fight the help. We just want to see you happy.”

  “I appreciate it,” she said, squeezing him tight.

  When he released her, she started for the door, but Garrett’s stern voice stopped her. “Sit back down, Doll.”

  Hunter winked as he brushed past her. “I’ll see you kids this weekend,” he said, shutting the door.

  She dropped into her chair again and waited for Garrett to speak.

  “I just want to make sure I understand something. You’re working for me during the day, working for Hunter at night, and putting in time at Solitaire on weekends. On top of that, you’re taking care of two teenage girls. When exactly do you have time for yourself, Isabelle?”

  “You sound pissed,” she whispered.

  “I’m not pissed, I’m concerned. I wonder if spanking you was enough. I’m not a Dom that controls his sub’s free time or puts her on a strict schedule, but you’re making me reconsider that. Answer my question.”

  “Solitaire is time for me.”

  “Bullshit. You work the bar, you work the front desk, you help set up the suites and cabins, and it’s rare for you to miss set-up and teardown. You do three times what’s required of a house submissive. It’s like a third job for you and I’m almost convinced you need to step down from the program.”

  “No!” Panic clawed at her. “Please don’t take that away from me. It’s my secret place away from my family. My one escape. Please don’t take it from me just because you think I work too hard.” Her voice trembled and tears threatened to fall.

  Garrett’s face softened and he pushed away from his desk and came to sit next to her.

  “I’m not trying to upset you or take anything away from you. I’m sorry. I can see it means a lot to you.”

  She picked at an imaginary crumb on her skirt.

  “I’ll be honest, Isabelle. I’m not used to seeing women outside of the club so I’m new to this, but I do want to take care of you and I definitely want to keep seeing you outside the club. I don’t give a damn about your family, or the viral kiss. I just want you to be happy, healthy, and mine.”

  “I love being yours, Sir. I’m sorry my life is a complicated mess.”

  “I can fix most of it for you if you would let me.”

  Her head shook vehemently. “There are some things I’ll let you help with, but nothing concerning my family. That’s just something I have to handle on my own.”

  He sighed. “I don’t get that, but I’ll respect it.”

  “Can I get to work, please?”

  He reached for her hand. “Hey, I feel like I’ve upset you.”

  She shook her head. “No. Not upset. I’m just tired and overwhelmed.”

  His domly scowl returned. “Do you need to go home and take a nap?”

  She fisted the hem of her blazer into her hands. “Please, Garrett. Just let me work.”

  “OK. But you’re taking it easy at Solitaire this weekend. I won’t stop you from fulfilling your house sub duties, but you’re not doing any extra.”

  She sighed. He didn’t get that the things she did at Solitaire were fun for her, but she wasn’t in the mood to argue or continue the discussion, so she stood and squeezed his hand.

  At her desk, she sorted through personnel folders, looking for people who fell in the window Garrett was looking for. The third folder she pulled was her sister’s. Carmen had worked there after she got out of jail the first time but had been let go a short time later. She typed the employment dates into a spreadsheet she’d created and looked at the reason for dismissal. It was vague.

  A knot formed in her throat as she saw the entry light up red to indicate it fell in the date range Garrett was looking for. Had her sister been a target for Darren’s set up? Talking about her sister with Garrett was the last thing she wanted, but it looked like she didn’t have a choice.

  She put it off until she finished the stack of folders. At lunch, Garrett ordered lunch for both of them and she went over everything she’d found.

  “Do you think he framed your sister for one of the thefts?”

  Isabelle blew out a breath. “I’m honestly not sure, but the dates line up. Not long after she quit working here is when she started having legal trouble for the second time. Something like being framed for stealing money might have been enough to tip her over the edge again.”

  Garrett nodded and studied Carmen’s folder.

  “I hate to ask, but how would you feel if I went to visit her with my attorney or a private investigator?”

  “Does it matter how I feel?”

  Garrett frowned. “Of course it matters. I have to send someone to talk to her but if you don’t want me going I won’t. I can just send my lawyer or something.”

  She relaxed her shoulders. “I appreciate it. I can come with you. I love her, but she can be a bitch if she thinks you’re trying to get something from her. You’ve seen how my family feels about rich people.”

  “I’ll let you set something up then.”

  After lunch, Garrett insisted on taking her home.

  “Can I snuggle with you in the backseat?” she asked as she gathered her things.

  “That’s a highly inappropriate question to ask your boss,” he said sternly, though there was a twinkle in his eye.

  Isabelle giggled. “But is it an OK question to ask my Dom?” she asked.

  His eyes became heated as he held his hand out to her.

  “Very appropriate. Though, you don’t need permission to snuggle with me.”

  In the car, Garrett wrapped his arm around her and pulled her close.

  “What do you need, Doll?” he asked as he kissed her hair.

  “Nothing. Just this. You’re solid and I like that. Things are a little crazy in my world right now.”

  By the time they pulled into the safe house driveway, Isabelle had nearly dozed off.

  “I’ll call you when I’m done with my meeting. I assume you’re working tonight?”

  She nodded. “Yes, Sir. As long as Master Hunter doesn’t change his mind and fire me.”

  “He wouldn’t do that. You’re a valuable asset for him.”

  “You don’t have to call me you know.”

  He let his hand tangle in her hair. “Why would you say a thing like that?”

  When she didn’t answer, he tightened his grip on her hair. “Communication, Isabelle.”

  “I just… We… You…”

  He laughed, but his expression remained stern. “Spit it out, Doll.”

  She tried to look away from his steely gaze, but his grip on her hair wouldn’t let her turn her head far.

  “We just set boundaries when I first put your bracelet on at the club and I don’t want you to feel pressured into doing dating type things with me like calling when you get out of meetings.”

  “Does it seem like I’ve been pressured into anything, Isabelle? I want you. Not just in the club, but all the fucking time. You’re on my mind every waking minute of the day and you manage to work your way into my dreams too. You’re mine now, and we’re expanding our boundaries. If you want to discuss what that looks like we can. But right now, you need to go take a nap and I need to go to a board meeting. I’m going to call you when I’m done because I want to hear that you dreamed about me during your nap.”

  He opened his door and helped her out of the car. When she had both feet on the ground, he grasped her hand and pulled her toward the front door.

  On the bottom step, he pressed a kiss to her cheek. “I know your dad is here or I would take you inside and tuck you in. He’ll need to get used to me at some point though.”

  When she was inside, she peeked out the window to watch him walk back to the car.

  After the car disappeared past the stop sign at the end of the street, she turned to find her father scowling at her.

  “I wish you would heed my advice, Isabelle. You’re asking for trouble getting into bed with a man like him.”

  Unable to face the conversation he wanted to have, she jogged up the stairs without a word.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Garrett walked into the conference room at Solitaire and took his place next to Lance, who was lost in something on his laptop as usual.

  “It sounds like you’ve had a fun week, Garrett,” Dakota said. “And I’m not just talking about that viral lip lock with Isabelle either.”

  Garrett lifted his middle finger in her direction, but the southern sub just laughed and brushed him off.

  Austin and Patrick strolled in holding hands and Matthew followed close behind.

  “Afternoon everyone,” Patrick said before kissing his wife on the cheek. She sat next to Dakota, and Patrick stood at the head of the table where Elijah Barrett normally stood.

  “Eli and Holly had to make a trip to London, and they won’t be back until late tonight, so I’m going to run this meeting unless anyone has any objections.”

  Everyone murmured their agreement as Russell and Hunter came through the door talking in hushed tones. Samuel, as was often the case, was calling in via video call.

  “First things first, I think we need to address Garrett’s little show on the red-carpet Monday night.”

  Garrett raised one eyebrow. “What’s the problem? I kissed my date on the red carpet. That’s not a crime, is it?”

  Patrick remained solemn. “That’s not the problem. The problem is what happened when you were leaving the event.”

  Garrett winced. Had the reporter’s question made it onto a website somewhere?

  Lance tapped some keys beside him, and Samuel’s face disappeared from the screen on the wall. In his place, a video of Garrett and Isabelle walking to their car surfaced. It was almost inaudible, but in the background, he heard a reporter shout, “Did you meet her at a club called Solitaire?”

  “How did you get that? I’ve been scouring the news and the internet for any sign that it got picked up by a news outlet and it didn’t to my knowledge.”


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