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The Brutal Time Special Edition

Page 25

by Christina Bauer

  Lincoln and I share a look of faux-surprise. Octavia always knows everything that happens in Arx Hall within two minutes tops, thanks to the servants on her secret payroll who are experts at lurking around corners and listening at doorways. Whenever something juicy takes place, they feed information back to her through a network of back hall whisperers. I thought about breaking up her system, but I benefit from it too, sometimes. Besides, we only live here six months out of the year. When we’re in Purgatory, Mom and Dad are so busy as President and First Guy, they pretty much stay out of our way.

  Maxon’s little mouth pulls down into a scowl. “She was terrible to me, Grandmother. She wouldn’t let me read your new book or anything.”

  “Ah,” says Octavia sagely. “But you shouldn’t have hit her with lightning, now, should you?”

  Wow, she found out about the lightning strike, too. Extra impressive.

  “I only hit her a little bit,” explains Maxon. “Now, I’ve got extra chores.”

  “And some nasty ones too, I should think.” Octavia taps her cheek dramatically, as if a thought were just occurring to her. However, Octavia being Octavia, I’m sure this thought is why she headed over to our wing of Arx Hall in the first place. “How about you come with me to the stables today? It’s Saturday, so you’ve no tutoring, right?”

  Maxon nods vigorously.

  “Your chores can be tending to the horses. After that, you and I can go for a ride.”

  Maxon wraps his arms tightly around Octavia’s neck. “Chores with Grandmother. Yay! And then Pop-Pops comes for my battle training tomorrow. Double-yay!”

  “Your grandfather’s coming into Antrum to attend the anointing of the new Earl of Acca,” I explain. “It’s not all about you and your battle training.”

  Actually, it is all about Maxon. Dad has a mega-playdate-slash-mock-battle arranged with Maxon and all his little prince buddies. My father could give a crap about the new Earl; it’s just a good excuse to sneak away from Purgatory while Mom’s stuck in a convention. Still, Maxon doesn’t need to think the world totally revolves around him. Only mostly.

  “What do you say?” Octavia turns to me and Lincoln. “Does cleaning the stables count as an acceptable punishment? I’ll oversee everything to ensure the servants don’t let him slack.”

  “That’s fine,” says Lincoln.

  “Agreed,” I add.

  “Excellent, I’ll have him back by noon.” Octavia rises to stand and Maxon does his ‘little monkey’ routine, wrapping his legs around Octavia’s waist so she has to carry him, tummy to tummy. She hugs him close and smiles.

  “You’re my sweetest boy, Maxon.”

  Lincoln’s eyes open wide in mock-shock. “What about me?”

  “You’re a close second,” says Octavia with a smirk.

  Maxon snuggles into Octavia’s shoulder for another hug, and he uses the opportunity to peep over at Lincoln and me, his shit-eating grin once again firmly in place. Somehow Maxon’s trouble with Rowena turned into Grandmother, horses and happy time. What a little player.

  Octavia says Maxon has ‘natural political acumen’ that will make him a great king some day. I think Maxon could grow two heads and she’d say that’ll make him a great king one day. Octavia is tough as nails until you wheedle your way into her heart. After that, you could do pretty much anything and she’ll make an excuse for you. Connor’s living proof of that. Classic example: the fact that he’s gone all the time? Octavia says he’s merely adventurous in his retirement. Or the way he treats Maxon like my kid’s contagious? Connor doesn’t want to force himself on his grandson.


  Still, I’m sure Octavia had other plans for her Saturday morning. I shoot her a friendly wave. “Thanks for helping out.”

  “You’re most welcome.” She raises her pointer finger high. “Ah, one last item. We’re sending over a new night nanny for Maxon. She’ll understand how to handle my little warrior.”

  “Wow, that’s a relief. Thanks, Octavia.”

  Lincoln’s mismatched eyes narrow. “Of course, we’ll need to meet her first before making any final decisions.”

  “Are you quite certain?” A strange look flickers across Octavia’s typical poker-face. Could that be guilt? “I shouldn’t think that’s necessary.”

  “Oh, it is extraordinarily necessary, Mother. Especially considering that face you just made.”

  Octavia opens her eyes extra wide. I know that trick for seeming innocent; I’ve used it myself a million times. “Whatever do you mean, my son?”

  Lincoln points right at her nose. “That look, right there. Come clean. What’s really going on?”

  “Nothing,” replies Octavia quickly. “You two have got quite enough on your plate as it is, so I found you a new night nanny, that’s all. Now, you can focus on the big event tomorrow.” Her mouth winds into a satisfied smile. “The end of the old House of Acca. Anointing a new Earl.”

  “Nice try to change the subject,” says Lincoln. “I hardly noticed.”

  “Please.” Octavia rolls her eyes. “Go prepare for the Anointing.”

  “Not happening,” I say. “When are you sending her over?”

  “Her who?”

  I fold my arms over my chest. “Octavia. Enough.”

  “Fine. I’ll send her over to your audience chambers tomorrow at eleven.”

  I pause, considering. “That’ll work. Lincoln and I can split nanny duty tonight.”

  Lincoln steps up to my side, wrapping one arm firmly around my waist. “In the meantime, you bring up an excellent point. The Queen and I have all sorts of things to do before the Earl’s Anointing.” Behind my back, his hand slowly dips to firmly cup my ass. I make a chirpy-sound and then blush something fierce.

  No question. The guards at the other end of the hallway just got a free show.

  Wouldn’t be the first time.

  “Lots to do,” I add, my voice about two octaves higher than normal.

  “As I suspected.” Octavia turns on her heel and strolls away, Maxon still happily cuddling in her arms. “See you later!”

  Once she and Maxon are gone, Lincoln and I rush back into the bedroom, slamming the door shut behind us. My heart beats at double speed.

  Royal playtime returneth, yeah!

  Lincoln tosses me onto the bed, where I bounce, snort, and in general break out into a fit of giggles. With an ultra-smooth lunge, he slides onto the mattress and pins me onto my back, his firm hands, hips and thighs instantly pressing mine into place. Wherever he touches me, a sense of electric excitement runs across my skin. Our gazes lock; my body heats.

  Lincoln’s voice comes out all low and growly, just the way I like it. “How long do I have you?”

  I know exactly what he means. “I’m open until the trade summit.”

  “So, we have hours.”

  “Yes, we do.”

  “In that case, I have an idea.” His legs guide mine apart with a knowing grace. “Want to know what it is?”

  I squirm to free my hands so I can pull his mouth to mine, but he has me pretty well pinned. Damn, that’s hot. “Tell me.”

  “Watching you unravel, again and again.”

  I can’t help but smile. Unraveling is the best. “Oh, I’m all yours, Mister the King.”

  End of Sample

  Order ARMAGEDDON today!

  Quasi Redux - Description

  Book 8 in the Angelbound Origins Series

  Dear Readers,

  It’s a well-known fact that I am a mean meanie to my characters. Aaaaaaaand I really let Myla have it in QUASI REDUX (Angelbound Adventures Origins Book 8). Here’s the description:

  Myla Lewis has her life back. Wife. Mother. Queen. Great Scala. Queen of the Thrax. Yay! Then one day, Myla runs across a supernatural waterfall that makes her igni screech like crazy. Our heroine speaks the fateful words:

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  Some days, I wish I weren’t the Great Scala.

  The waterfall grants her wish.
r />   * * *

  A moment later, Myla is back at Purgatory High. No husband. No child. No powers beyond her old quasi days. And without Myla around as the Great Scala, all quasis now live under Armageddon’s rule. That sucks. Hard. So Myla sneaks into Antrum—she simply must find Lincoln and figure this out. Once she arrives, two problems arise.

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  First, her husband doesn’t know her. At all.

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  Second, Lincoln is married to someone else.

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  So, yeah. Mean meanie. That’s me.

  BIG CAVEAT: The worse I make Myla’s life, the more opportunities she has to fight back and-or sass off. Which is another way of saying, there’s a method to my mean-ness. Plus, there will be some mega tension between Myla and Lincoln as they fall in love all over again. Le sigh!

  Want to order book 8? Glad you asked! You can order QUASI REDUX here.

  That’s it for now. Thanks for reading and being you,



  If You Enjoyed This Book…

  …Please consider leaving a review, even if it’s just a line or two. Every bit truly helps, especially for those of us who don’t write by the numbers, if you know what I mean.

  Plus I have it on good authority that every time you review an indie author, somewhere an angel gets a mocha latte. For reals.

  And angels need their caffeine, too.


  If you’re reading my freaking acknowledgements, chances are, I should thank you for something. So, for the record: you are awesome, dear reader.

  That said, huge and heartfelt thanks must go out to my husband and son for their rock-solid support. Being an author means a lot of early mornings, late nights, long weekends, and never-ending patience. You two are the best guys in the universe, period.

  After that, I must thank the extensive network of reviewers, friends and colleagues who helped me build my writing chops in general. Gracias.

  Finally, deep affection goes out to my late, much loved, and dearly missed Aunt Sandy and Uncle Henry. You saw the writer in me, always. Thank you, first and last.

  Collected Works

  Angelbound Origins

  About a quasi (part demon and part human) girl who loves kicking butt in Purgatory's Arena

  1. Angelbound

  2. Scala

  3. Acca

  4. Thrax

  5. The Dark Lands

  6. The Brutal Time

  7. Armageddon

  8. Quasi Redux (coming 2020)

  ALSO: Origins Box Set (Books 1-5)

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  Angelbound Lincoln

  The Angelbound experience as told by Prince Lincoln

  1. Duty Bound

  2. Lincoln

  3. Trickster (coming 2020)

  ALSO: Lincoln Box Set (Books 1-2)

  * * *

  Angelbound Offspring

  The next generation takes on Heaven, Hell, and everything in between

  1. Maxon

  2. Portia

  3. Zinnia

  4. Rhodes

  5. Kaps (future)

  6. Huntress (future)

  ALSO: Offspring Box Set (Books 1-3)

  * * *

  Fairy Tales of the Magicorum

  Modern fairy tales with sass, action, and romance

  1. Wolves and Roses

  2. Moonlight and Midtown

  3. Shifters and Glyphs

  4. Slippers and Thieves

  5. Bandits and Ball Gowns (coming 2020)

  6. Evil Queens and Goblin Kings (future)

  ALSO: Magicorum Box Set (Books 1-3)

  * * *

  Dimension Drift

  Dystopian adventures with science, snark, and hot aliens

  1. Scythe

  2. Umbra

  3. Alien Minds

  4. ECHO Academy (coming 2020)

  5. Drift Warrior (future)

  ALSO: Dimension Drift Box Set (Books 1-3)

  * * *

  Pixieland Diaries

  Sassy pixie Calla loves elf prince Dare. Too bad he hasn’t noticed her. Yet.

  1. Pixieland Diaries (coming 2020)

  2. Calla (future)

  3. Dare (future)

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  Where a medieval farm girl discovers necromancy and true love

  1. Cursed

  2. Concealed

  3. Cherished

  4. Crowned

  5. Cradled

  ALSO: Beholder Box Set (Books 1-5)

  About Christina Bauer

  Christina Bauer thinks that fantasy books are like bacon: they just make life better. All of which is why she writes romance novels that feature demons, dragons, wizards, witches, elves, elementals, and a bunch of random stuff that she brainstorms while riding the Boston T. Oh, and she includes lots of humor and kick-ass chicks, too. Christina lives in Newton, MA with her husband, son, and semi-insane golden retriever, Ruby.

  Stalk Christina on Social Media

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  Complimentary Book

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  Author Note

  Dear Reader,

  Welcome to the end of the book! If you’re here, I figure you may want some additional background on THE BRUTAL TIME, so here goes!

  In this novel, I wanted to explore a new inner journey for Myla. Specifically, she’s always been a solo player—except for a handful of family and friends—and I thought it’d be cool to have her learn how to play well with others. That’s when I leveraged the extensive library of storytelling that explores this aspect of the heroine’s journey.

  Just kidding.

  I looked around, but I really couldn’t find dick out there on this particular topic. Not that it doesn’t exist; this might just be my limited searching skills. Anyway, what I did find was a lot of magical powers that showed up without a lot of work. Not helpful.

  Let me explain.

  One big magilla problem for being a teenage girl (in my opinion anyway) is that one second, you’re a kid. The next, you’re a sexual being and getting all sorts of attention for your hormones hopping. You don’t do anything to achieve this status. It just happens.

  All of which is why a lot of stories about teenage girls deal with powers that simply appear. Again, that’s totally valid … but so is the idea that, at some point, working your ass off will take place as well.

  Case in point: in the original Angelbound, Myla has inner wrath powers, but that in itself isn’t enough for her to win. Myla must know each demon type and how to take them down … which in turn takes lots of research, visiting the arena, keeping notebooks, and thinking through the approach in the heat of battle. This is different from, say, being born with immunity to mind reading or something. Yes, that power may open doors for you, but it wasn’t anything you worked to achieve. Again, not an invalid story type as much as one that does’t float my particular boat.

  That said, I did find some YA fantasy books that described what it was like to be a queen or whatever. The ones I got my hands on mostly described two things: 1) planning outfits and-or parties and 2) barging into a room and yelling at people. I spent thirty years in corporate America working for tech companies like Microsoft and Cisco. In my experience, any major focus on outfits, parties, and scream-fests was 1) pretty rare and 2) a career limitin
g move in the long run. So none of those approaches inspired me.

  When I finally ran across the idea of King Arthur, I was thrilled. There’s research showing King Arthur is an Anglican version of Celtic pagan legends. For a long list of reasons, I think Celtic tales retain more of the heroine’s journey than other types of storytelling, so it fit with the Myla model. The rest of the book fell out from there.

  If I’ve down my job right, none of that will be super-apparent. THE BRUTAL TIME should just be a kick-ass story that’s both satisfying and unique. I certainly hope that’s the case for you, and that this note gives you more background on the thinking behind the page.

  See you at the next book!


  Christina Bauer




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