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Welcome Back to Rambling, TX

Page 12

by June Faver

  “Careful,” he whispered.

  She swayed toward him and had the distinct impression he was going to kiss her, but at that moment, Milton yelled up the stairs.

  “Hey, Reggie Lee. It’s getting late. My wife will have dinner on the table pretty soon.”

  She jerked away. “Coming.” She smiled at Frank and made a break for the staircase. When she arrived at the bottom, she turned to gaze up at Frank, her heart pounding in her chest. She wasn’t sure if her escape was a good thing or a bad thing.

  Chapter 8

  The next day, when Reggie arrived at the office, she gathered the magazines she had used to research ideas for updating Frank’s house without destroying the Victorian charm. She had notebooks where she had doodled and made notes. Thus armed, she pushed through the front door to deposit her load on the front counter.

  She found Gayle, the receptionist, waiting for her. Her eyes were shining, and it would be impossible for anyone to produce a bigger grin. “This is for you,” she said in a breathy voice. She hefted a square, beribboned box onto the counter.

  “Uh, thank you, but you shouldn’t have.” Reggie stared at the gift-wrapped box with trepidation. It wasn’t her birthday, and she couldn’t think of any occasion warranting a gift. She swallowed hard, re-gathered her magazines and notebooks, and continued on her path to her office.

  Gayle followed her, placing the box reverently on Reggie’s desk. “It’s not from me. It’s from him.”

  Reggie sucked in a breath. “Him?” She put her purse in a drawer and sank into her chair.

  “Mr. Bell. He brought it by earlier.”

  Reggie could see that Gayle was about to hyperventilate with excitement. Her eyes were sparkling, and her cheeks were tinged with a very attractive pink.

  Reggie pressed her own lips together. Her reaction seemed to be the opposite of Gayle’s, since Reggie couldn’t seem to catch her breath. Frank Bell brought this for me. Oh, what should I do? She swallowed hard. Open it, silly girl. Open it.

  With trembling fingers, she reached for the box. Gayle sank into a chair on the opposite side of the desk, her gaze fastened on the box.

  When Reggie lifted the lid, she gasped. There, nestled in tissue paper, was the carousel music box Frank had brought his aunt from Brussels. Her hands flew to cover her mouth. “Oh, my!”

  “That’s beautiful,” Gayle said. “What a thoughtful gift. He must really like you.”

  Reggie wanted to agree but didn’t want to start any office gossip. “I’m sure it’s just because I’m going to help him with the house remodel… I mean, I love old houses.” She gazed earnestly into Gayle’s eyes. “We’re just friends.”

  Gayle smiled an incredibly knowing smile and nodded. “I’m sure.”

  Reggie removed the music box from the tissue and set it on the desk in front of her. She wound it up and pulled out the knob on the side. The sweet sound of “Clair de Lune” floated on the air. The metallic strains caused a swelling in her chest. She could hardly breathe. How very lovely. She glanced at Gayle, who had her hands clasped together.

  “It’s so romantic.” Gayle let out a loud sigh. She blinked rapidly, and her eyes were moist.

  “Um, yes. Isn’t it though?” The image of Frank’s face sprang into her brain, shoving aside all rational thought. His face, as he had looked when she’d wanted to kiss him the day before. Even now, Reggie felt a flush spread through her chest, rising up her neck to paint her cheeks.

  She pushed the stem in, thereby shutting off the tinkling strains of melody. The horses stopped spinning. The silence was crushing.

  Clearing her throat, she straightened her shoulders. “Well, let’s get back to work, shall we?”

  Gayle sniffled and pushed out of the chair. “That was just the sweetest—” She left the room, shaking her head as though she couldn’t understand why Reggie wasn’t swooning.

  Swooning on the inside. Reggie drew in a deep breath and exhaled. Okay, so I have fallen under Frank’s spell. I can’t let him get to me. I have to remain cool. After all, I’m the editor. I must be professional.

  She scooted the music box to one side and moved the magazines closer. She had made notes of ideas for the Grady house, and she wanted to run them by Frank.

  Reggie spent the next couple of hours pulling together the ideas she had come up with as appropriate to the Grady house. She snipped from the magazines and from her notebooks, made copious notes with her marker, drew arrows to illustrate what she had in mind.

  There was a cork bulletin board on the opposite wall, and she used it to coordinate her images and notes. Securing her pages and snippets with pushpins, she stepped back to survey her progress. Yes, this will make an amazing running story for the Gazette. Maybe I can even submit it to some decorator magazines.

  She was standing, entranced with her own imaginings, when Frank stepped through the open doorway. She didn’t hear him until he was right beside her. His presence overwhelmed her, invaded her consciousness, gave her the insane desire to lean against him.

  “Ms. Stafford,” he breathed. “When you take on a project, you dive right in.”

  She turned her head, looking up at him with what she hoped was an appealing expression. He put a hand on her shoulder, and she almost stopped breathing.

  “This is just…amazing.” He gestured to the board. “You must have spent a lot of time in creating this display.” He gazed down at her. The hunger in his eyes made her knees almost buckle.

  Frank seemed to hesitate and then lowered his head to press his lips against hers. It was a tentative kiss, at first. And then another, more confident.

  Reggie leaned into his arms and reached up to circle his neck. Frank’s kisses set off a wildfire of emotion within her. She had never been kissed with such intensity, such passion. Her own passion simmered low in her belly.


  They drew apart as though scalded. Turning, Reggie saw Gayle and Milton standing in the doorway, both with mouths agape. Reggie felt her face turn red.

  Frank adjusted his tie and heaved a deep sigh. “You caught us. I was just giving Reggie cause for a sexual harassment lawsuit.”

  “Good job.” Milton advanced toward them, with Gayle trailing behind. She met Reggie’s gaze with a conspiratorial smile.

  Frank caught Reggie’s eye and winked.

  Milton averted his eyes and strode to Reggie’s desk. He pointed to her computer. “I sent you the pictures I took yesterday at the Grady place. Thought maybe you already had a chance to look them over, but…it appears you were…busy.”

  Reggie scrambled to her desk and sat down to boot up her computer. She knew a blush stained her cheeks, and she was afraid to make eye contact with anyone.

  Frank chuckled. “Let’s have a look now.”

  Doesn’t anything ever bother him? No, Mr. Cool as a Cucumber wasn’t in the least affected by our kiss…or having been caught. Reggie swallowed and clicked on the email from Milton. She opened the attachment, and a seemingly endless train of images spread across the monitor.

  “Those look great, Milt.” Frank leaned on her desk and pointed at the screen. “You really do have a great gift for composition.”

  Reggie saw Milton stand a little taller. She made a mental note that Frank had a way of giving compliments to people and making them feel good about themselves. She supposed that was the sign of a great leader. Perhaps she should take a lesson from him.

  She stole a surreptitious glance at Frank, and there was nothing to show he had been wrapped in a passionate lip-lock with her a few moments before. It probably didn’t mean anything to him. He must have women hanging off him all the time.

  That thought troubled her. Any man that hot and successful must have an armload of gorgeous women vying for his attention. So why was he hanging around Rambling? Why was he looking at her like she was the blue plate special
at the local diner? How could he kiss her, sending electric impulses all the way down to her toes, and then act like nothing happened?

  Suddenly, Reggie felt like a complete idiot. I’m not the sophisticated woman he’s used to. I’m just a small-town girl. Don’t be such a dope. Frank is just here for the short term. He’ll probably move on and have no further use for me.

  Plagued by doubt, she stared at the computer monitor as Milton and Frank talked about each image, but she didn’t see anything. Her brain was replaying every nuance of Frank’s kisses. She wanted more but figured she should get her act together and concentrate on being the best small-town newspaper editor she possibly could be so she could impress her staff and the community of Rambling.

  * * *

  Frank listened to Milton prattle on and tried to concentrate on the pictures. He was leaning forward, his hands braced on the desk. He hoped nobody had noticed the huge erection he had grown while pressing the beautiful Reggie against his body, while exploring her soft mouth with his tongue. He hoped he was carrying off his casual façade.

  He was acutely aware of the woman on the other side of the desk. He could still taste her kisses. Still feel her arms around his neck. If anything, kissing Reggie Lee Stafford had knocked him on his ass. He’d never thought she would kiss him with such passion. He was expecting less…way less. Now, it was all he could do to stand across from her and act like he wasn’t shaken to the core.

  “Great job, Milton. I’m sure Reggie will be able to use a lot of these photos.” He tried to think of something to take his mind off the seriously sexy woman, but she seemed to be pulsing her own vibrations at him…and they all said “take me.”

  Milton glanced at Reggie, one eyebrow raised. “So Reggie’s calling the shots on this one?”

  Frank straightened suddenly. “Reggie is the editor. This is her story. Of course she calls the shots.” Remembering his condition, he sank into one of the chairs in front of Reggie’s desk and crossed one leg over the other. Yeah, just be cool.

  “But I thought…” Milton’s head ricocheted between Frank and Reggie.

  Frank leaned forward and risked a glance at Reggie. She looked like a tiger ready to pounce. Oh, down, boy. Do not look at her mouth. Or her eyes. Just don’t. He changed positions uncomfortably and crossed the other leg on top.

  Reggie tented her fingers in front of her and gazed at him intently, as though his response was vital.

  Frank cleared his throat. “I’m just the guy who owns the building, and I have a vested interest in supporting the Gazette. Yes, I want this to be a successful enterprise, but Reggie Lee is the one who makes all the decisions. I’m here to support her.”

  This announcement was followed by a tangible silence, so thick it was difficult to draw a breath.

  “I see,” Milton finally said. “Good to know how things stack up around here.”

  “No change, as far as I can see,” Frank said. “Just make your editor happy and I’ll be happy.” He gave a wave of his hand. “My purpose is to honor the memory of my Aunt Rose and share images of her home with the community she loved.”

  Milton gave him a two-fingered salute, did an about-face, and marched out of the room.

  Gayle flashed a quick smile. “Is there anything else you need?”

  Reggie shook her head, and the receptionist fled.

  Frank and Reggie stared at each other for a matter of minutes. When she gnawed on her lower lip, Frank wanted to climb across the desk to nibble it for her.

  “Are you okay?” he asked finally.

  She heaved a sigh, keeping her gaze studiously fastened on her hands. “I’m not sure. That was certainly awkward.”

  He smiled. “I’ll try to remember to close the door the next time I kiss you.”

  She looked up suddenly, meeting his gaze. A blush crept up her cheeks. Not unattractive. One side of her mouth lifted in a sort-of smile. “You think there’s going to be a next time?”

  He grinned. “I’m pretty sure. That was about the best kiss I’ve ever been a party to. It would be a shame if we didn’t try to improve it.”

  She giggled. “Oh, Frank. I don’t know. You make me feel so—”

  “Yeah, me too. I better leave before the gossip mill has a field day.” He stood up and gave her another long look before heading for the door.

  “Wait!” She hurried from behind the desk to cut him off.

  He stopped and turned, sending her a questioning gaze.

  “I—I just wanted to thank you…for the music box. It’s the sweetest, most thoughtful present I’ve ever received. I truly love it.”

  He ached to take her in his arms again. To tell her she could have anything of his she took a fancy to, but he stood gazing down at her, tongue-tied.

  “And…thank you for supporting me. You know, with Milton.” She looked so engaging, her big brown eyes shining like a kid at Christmastime.

  It suddenly dawned on him that she didn’t really want him to leave. He reached out to softly stroke the side of her face. He leaned forward and kissed her cheek. “You are killing me here. I’d better go before I get us both in more trouble.”

  She nodded, and he turned to leave. As he strode past the Gazette employees, none met his eye. They all seemed to be extraordinarily busy.

  * * *

  Gayle was torn. She had wanted to share her story about the day care center, but when she had gone to Reggie’s office to present her project, she had discovered the boss making out with the hot guy who owned the building.

  Gayle sighed. Not the best time to be offering her story. She was proud of her first effort and wanted Reggie to be open to it, but judging from the expression on her face, she was definitely not focused on anything else but the hot guy noshing on her.

  “Hi, Gayle.”

  She looked up to see Paul standing on the other side of the front counter. He grinned at her and waved.

  Carefully stowing the printed copy in her desk drawer, she stood and crossed to greet him. “Hi, Paul. What can I do for you today?”

  He grinned but blushed at the same time. “I—I just need to run another ad.”

  “Oh, you didn’t get your dog back?”

  “Um, no. Not yet.”

  “I’m so sorry. You must be devastated that Violet is missing.”

  He looked confused for a moment and then nodded. “Yes, Violet. I miss her so much.”

  “Aww… I hope we can help you find her.” She thought he looked cute today. Perhaps a little less stiff and a bit more relaxed. “Do you want to run the same ad again or change it up?”

  “Um, if you have any ideas that would make it better…”

  So they spent a few minutes changing the wording around. She noticed that he smelled good, like he had slapped on some aftershave before coming over to the Gazette. He would have had to go home after school to apply it, or maybe he carried it in his car. She inhaled. Something spicy…

  When he was satisfied, he paid for the ad and departed.

  “Hope you find her,” Gayle called after him.

  She returned to her desk and pulled the day care center story out again, wishing the meeting going on in Reggie’s office would end so she could present her story…and hoping it was acceptable.

  * * *

  Reggie rocked a little on her feet as Frank left. It felt as though he had taken all the air with him. Swallowing hard, she rushed to the window to watch him climb into the BMW and roll out of the parking lot.

  She smiled, bit her lip, and then pressed both together to keep from shouting with glee. Frank Bell really likes me. Or at least he wants me. That thought sobered her. She wasn’t sure she could handle Frank’s desire.

  “Pardon me, Ms. Stafford.”

  Reggie whirled around to find Gayle standing in the doorway. She seemed to be hesitant to enter. “Please come in.”
  Gayle crossed the room to stand a few feet away. She ducked her head. “I’m sorry if I’m interrupting something important.” Clearing her throat uncertainly, she thrust a sheet of paper toward Reggie. “I—I just wanted to show you this.”

  “What’s this?” Reggie quickly scanned the document. “Oh, an obit.”

  Gayle nodded furiously. “My second one.”

  Reggie read it carefully. “This is lovely. Very sensitive.” She handed it back to Gayle. “I’m certain the family will appreciate your kind words.”

  “Really?” Tears spangled Gayle’s lashes.

  “It’s perfect.”

  “Sorry to be such a mush.” She dabbed at her eyes. “It’s just that I’ve always wanted to be a writer. Thanks for giving me a chance. I—I had so much fun at the day care center. I’m just putting the finishing touches on that article.”

  “I appreciate your enthusiasm. Maybe you can go out to cover some other news stories. Maybe the school events. I know you would fit right in.”

  “Oh, you think so? I would really be happy to do that. Thank you. Thank you so very much.”

  Reggie didn’t know how to tell her that she was thrilled to have someone express some interest in the job. “You’re welcome. I’ll see about getting you a raise. Anything else you’re particularly interested in?”

  Gayle heaved a deep sigh. “I’m just a little frustrated at the moment. I’ve been doing a little research on housing here in Rambling, and I realized there are no apartment buildings. No place for young people starting out. No place for those who don’t want to buy a house…or even rent one.”

  Reggie gnawed her lower lip thoughtfully. “Hmm… I hadn’t known that. What made you think about looking into the housing market?”

  “A young couple, with a child… They came here to try and find an apartment, but I couldn’t help them. When I suggested the trailer park, the woman went into hysterics.” Gayle shook her head sadly. “There are some really nice house trailers, but she was just horrified by the prospect.”


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