Heaven's Loss (Hell Yeah!)

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Heaven's Loss (Hell Yeah!) Page 6

by Sable Hunter

  Upon joining him, she found herself blushing again. If she wasn’t mistaken, there was a sure knowledge in his eyes of how he’d made her feel. “Sorry, I took so long.” She glanced down at his orange T-shirt. “I don’t have anything else to wear. Any suggestions?”

  “Damn.” This fact hadn’t crossed Canyon’s mind. “Here.” He handed her a pop tart to eat. “Want some coffee?”

  “No, I don’t think so.” She tasted the pastry he’d given her and smiled. “Oh, this is good! Sweet. Like manna!”

  “Manna?” Canyon asked as he considered what he could give her to wear.

  “Yea, angel food. It’s…hard to explain.” She watched his face. He was clearly in a quandary. “I can wear this.” She looked down at herself. “I’m decent, aren’t I?”

  Canyon glanced at her beautiful, lithe legs. “Barely.” No, there wasn’t a Walmart or anything between his house and Tebow. “Oh, I know. We’ll stop at the main house. Libby or Cady will have something you can borrow, I’m sure.”

  “Oh, they’re nice.”

  “You’ve…” Canyon started to ask how she knew them – when it hit him what her answer would be. “You’ve seen them when you’ve been with me.”

  “Yes,” she agreed with a smile. “I look forward to meeting them face to face.”

  “Well…” Canyon began as he raised his hand to guide her to the door, wrinkling his brow when she sidestepped away from his touch. “If you have any insight into anything the McCoy’s did or said while you were invisible, you probably should keep it to yourself.”

  “I know. I won’t say anything, I’m not as crazy as you think I am.” She edged ahead of him, making her way to his truck.

  Canyon didn’t think he was going to ask this question aloud, but the words erupted from his lips before he could rein them in. “Why are you avoiding me?”

  “I’m not avoiding you.” She didn’t wait for him to help her in, she bopped around to the passenger side and climbed into the truck like she’d done it a thousand times. “If you touch me, I might go all blissful on you again.”

  The way she referred to what happened to her made Canyon laugh. It also made him feel proud as a peacock. So…he’d made her feel blissful. Oh, fuck, yeah! “Didn’t you enjoy it?”

  “Too much.” She fastened her seat belt. “Something that feels that good has to be sinful.”

  “Oh, I don’t know. We were made this way, weren’t we? To experience pleasure?” Even in the midst of this conversation, Canyon felt like he was walking on the edge of reality, his entire body sizzling with sexual excitement at the memory of how she flew apart in his arms.

  “That’s the way you were made. Not me.” She lifted her hair and balled it up on her head, bowing a bit to cool her neck, then released the mass to fall in a wave of corkscrew curls. “I’m not supposed to feel things beyond a desire to serve.”

  Canyon didn’t really know what to say to that. “Feelings change. People change.”

  “Yea, I’m changing.” She just didn’t know why. “I just don’t know what it means.”

  Neither did he. Something was definitely going on, he just didn’t understand what it could be. Feeling confused, he kept his eyes on the road, steering the conversation back to something he could control. “Uh…I’m not sure how you’re going to occupy yourself today. Just try not to get in anybody’s way.”

  A twinge of hurt pinched Seren’s chest. “Okay. I don’t want to bother anyone, I promise.” Least of all you. “I’ll be careful.”

  As they drove north toward Kerrville, Seren worked hard to appear extremely interested in their surroundings. She kept all of her senses attuned to Canyon and a sharp eye on the road, but she made sure not to stare at him overly much. Surveying the countryside wasn’t a chore; she’d always admired the rocky, tree covered hills and the meandering streams. What was hard was struggling with these new emotions waging war within her breast – uncertainty, vulnerability, and a longing to connect with this man in ways she didn’t really understand. So far, she’d done little more than make him uncomfortable.

  A wave of remorse swamped her.

  “I am sorry, Canyon. I know I’ve really screwed things up for you. Please know I never intended this to happen, it’s not something I planned.” It might’ve been something she wished for had she known it was possible – but after seeing what an imposition she could be to him, she knew whatever this was…it was a mistake. “Just as soon as I figure out how to undo this, I will. I can’t promise I’ll go away, but you’ll never see me again.”

  Canyon’s hand tightened on the steering wheel of his white Ford F150. He cut his eyes to Seren who seemed to have scooted as close to the passenger door as she could get. Instinctively, he reached down and flicked the lock on the door. When she jumped at the sudden click, he explained, “Don’t want you falling out.”

  “Huh, that might actually solve our problem.” Even as she muttered the words, they surprised her. She was feeling depressed and that was also a strange new emotion for her.

  “Stop.” Canyon shook his head. “We have a deal, Seren. Remember? You stay with me until we figure out where you belong.”

  “Where I belong?” she asked, not expecting an answer. If she didn’t belong with him, Seren had no idea of her place in this world or in heaven.

  “Yea, I’m going to help you determine where you belong and in return, you’re going to entertain me with fantastic stories.” He was teasing, mostly. Canyon didn’t really think she knew the solutions to the unanswerable questions he could ask, but he thought it might be fun to hear her opinion. Lord knows, he needed to have something to think about when he was with her – other than stripping her down to the naked goddess he couldn’t forget, and loving on her until there were no tomorrows.

  This made Seren smile. “I can’t imagine what you’re going to ask me.”

  Canyon returned her smile. “Oh, I’ll come up with some doozies, I assure you.” He turned off on the road to the ranch. “First, let me ask you this. Do you have any relatives anywhere?”


  “Can you tell me where you lived before coming to be with me?”

  Seren frowned. “No. I don’t think I was anywhere.”

  “How old are you?” Canyon couldn’t help but ask.

  “How old do I look?” she asked him with a quick grin.

  Making the last turn before reaching the Tebow gate, he pulled to the side of the road to study her face. “Hmmm, your face is perfection. Although…I do see a few cute freckles on your nose I never noticed earlier.”

  “Freckles? I don’t have any freckles.” She lifted her hand to cover her nose.

  “Oh, yea, you do. I see seven…right here.” He brushed a finger over the bridge of her nose. “To me, you look about twenty-one or twenty-two. Am I close?”

  Seren could see through his questioning. Canyon was ignoring everything she told him, expecting her to slip and tell him the truth he was waiting to hear. “I don’t know how old I am. I’ve been around as long as I can remember.”

  Canyon threw his head back and laughed, guiding the truck into the road. “I think I’ve been around a little bit longer than I can recall.” Letting out a long breath, he surmised she wasn’t going to give him the answers about herself he was seeking. “All right, we’re here,” he announced as they pulled up in front of the impressive Tebow main house. “Let me run in and see if they wouldn’t mind loaning you something to wear.”

  Canyon climbed from the truck, expecting Seren to wait for him. Bounding up the steps of the big stone and log home, he tapped on the doublewide wooden doors. In a moment, his knock was answered by Cady McCoy. “Canyon! How are you? Come in.” She opened the door wide and stepped back for him to enter. “Who do you have with you?”

  Damn. Canyon pivoted. He wasn’t aware she’d followed him. “Oh, pardon me. This is Seren…my girlfriend.”

  Hearing the unexpected explanation coming from his mouth surprised Seren to such an ext
ent that she tripped over her own feet and went flying across the porch – right into Canyon’s arms.

  “Your girlfriend! Oh, how amazing!” Cady clapped her hands. “Seren, I am so glad to meet you.” She held out her hand to grasp Seren’s, who was by now standing on her own two feet again. “I’m Cady McCoy.”

  “Hello, Cady.” She accepted the greeting. “I’m Seren…Whitewing.” She stumbled over the last word, knowing the woman would expect some type of last name.

  Canyon cleared his throat, noting the confused look Seren was giving him. “Yea, anyway, we don’t mean to keep you. Uh…Seren arrived unexpectedly last night. She lost her luggage on the trip over and I haven’t had a chance to buy her anything, having to get to work on time and all. Could we borrow something for her to wear?”

  “Oh, certainly. Come on, sweetheart.” She took Seren by the arm. “I’m sure we can find you a few things quick as a wink.” To Canyon, she looked over her shoulder and gave him the real thing, a wink happy enough to let the blacksmith know there’s nothing a woman loves better than to sniff a hint of romance in the air.

  “Oh, brother.” What had he said? Girlfriend? And why the hell was his heart hammering like a woodpecker attacking a bug infested tree? Canyon found a chair and sat down on the edge of it, taking a deep breath and glancing at his watch. “Heck, I’m supposed to meet with Jonah Callan in ten minutes.”

  “Jonah? Did you say Jonah was coming to the ranch?”

  Canyon glanced up to see Libby McCoy enter the room, wiping her hands on her apron. “Oh, hello, Libby.” Aron’s wife was the unmistakable boss of Tebow ranch. Her diminutive size was deceptive to her sphere of influence over the family and whatever was going on around her. “Yea, he’s bringing Jacob’s truck this morning after replacing the transmission. He asked me to help him weld on a fancy trailer hitch.”

  “I want to talk to him before he leaves. I think I have a project for him.” She came up to Canyon to give him a hug. “How are you? Did you and Bull have any luck hunting yesterday?”

  “No. Saw a good-size buck, but I didn’t get a shot.” Actually, he’d bagged the unexpected. Seren. Talk about wild game.

  “Pity. Hey, do you want some coffee?” She wiggled her finger for Canyon to follow her to the kitchen. “I have brownies to go with it.”

  “Not fair, Libby. You know no one can resist your brownies.”

  Upstairs, Seren meekly followed Cady to her closet.

  “We’re about the same size, I think. What do you need?”

  Pulling on the sides of the T-shirt, Seren felt like a ragamuffin. She wanted to look as put together and confident as the woman in front of her. Another new emotion to process. “Anything. I’m not picky. I just don’t want to embarrass Canyon.”

  “Oh, I doubt that’s possible. I saw the way he was looking at you.” She held out a pair of jeans and a lacy camisole. “Will these do for right now?”

  “Oh, yea, those would be perfect.” She moved to a chair in the corner of Cady’s wonderful room and sat down to pull on the jeans. “Uh…” Seren hesitated, remembering what else she needed.

  “Oh, how about these? I’ve never worn them.” She held out a pink pair of panties.

  “Perfect. Thank you,” Seren said gratefully.

  “I don’t think I have a bra that will fit you, though.”

  “That’s fine.”

  “Good.” Cady kept rummaging through the closet. “I’m going to place a few other things in this small case. Another pair of jeans, another top. A couple of dresses and…what size shoe do you wear?”

  Seren hesitated. “Gee, uh…”

  “See if these fit?” Cady brought a pair of comfortable looking flats to her. “I don’t know about you, but if my feet hurt, I’m miserable.”

  “Yea. Okay.” Glancing at Cady, whose back was turned as she folded a few items to put in the bag, Seren slipped on the panties, the jeans, the camisole, then layered a shirt over the top to keep herself warm. “This is great. I am so grateful to you for letting me borrow these items. As soon as I get something of my own, I’ll return them to you.”

  Cady waved her hand in the air. “Oh, don’t worry about it. I have plenty. Joseph loves to buy me things, he’s always bringing surprises home.”

  “How wonderful.” Seren could only imagine how happy they were. “I’m going to be helping Canyon for a few days. Keep him company and…organized.” She hoped that sounded reasonable.

  “I’m sure he’s thrilled you’re visiting.” She finished packing the bag, then handed Seren the small case. “Where are you from?”

  Blank. Seren’s mind was blank. “Uh…up…state.”

  Cady smiled, then narrowed her eyes, looking at Seren closely. “Have we met before? Do I know you?”

  Seren shook her head. “No…I don’t think so.”

  “You just seem awfully familiar to me for some reason.” Cady chewed on her lower lip and continued to stare at Seren. “Oh, well.” She smiled and came closer to put an arm around Seren’s shoulders. “It will come to me sooner or later.”

  At Cady’s touch, she jumped a bit, receiving a tiny electric charge. “Oh. Wow.”

  “Yea, wow. We have a magnetic attraction.” Cady laughed, leading her back downstairs. When they heard Libby and Canyon laughing in the kitchen, they went to join them. “Would you have time to come to lunch one day? I’d love to get to know you better.”

  Meanwhile…in the kitchen, Canyon heard Cady’s invitation and spoke up as soon as they were in view, “Oh, thank you, Miss Cady. I’m afraid Seren is going to be too busy for much socializing.” He reached out and pulled Seren close, ignoring her tiny gasp. “I want to keep her as near to me as possible.”

  Sensing his true motive, Seren heard a little voice in her ear tell her to take advantage. Turning in his arms, she framed his face and kissed him full on the mouth.

  And kissed him.

  And kissed him.

  Then kissed him some more.

  Only Libby and Cady’s amused titters broke Seren and Canyon apart.

  Seren’s eyes crashed with Canyon’s and she blushed scarlet. “I…will take care of you, Canyon.” She sheepishly glanced at the women who were watching them so closely. “But – I’d love to have lunch with you, Cady. I think it would be great fun.”

  Behind her, Canyon growled ever so softly, like a big, disgruntled bear.

  “Wonderful!” Cady placed a hand on Seren’s shoulder. “Libby, this is Canyon’s girl, Seren Whitewing. Isn’t she precious?”

  “She is. And lunch sounds wonderful! We’ll get Jessie and Skye here too. It’ll be a party.” Libby came closer to put a welcoming hand on Seren’s arm. “Canyon, where have you been hiding this sweet lady?”

  By the time the women all turned to him, he’d moved his hat from his head to hold below his waist, covering the outline of his huge, errant erection. He opened his mouth to answer Libby, but he couldn’t seem to form words. Seren’s kiss had stolen his breath and his ability to think.

  Seeing Canyon at a loss for an explanation, Seren spoke up, “I’ve been around. I like to fly under the radar.” She placed a hand over her chest, feeling an unfamiliar thump-thump. After the impulsive kiss she’d given Canyon, it was hard to breathe – much less analyze her new body’s function. She was trembling from head to toe and it was taking every bit of focus she could muster not to go weak in the knees.

  “Well, I’m glad you’ve finally met someone. I worried about you,” Libby told Canyon.

  “Well, thank you.” He latched on to the sleeve of the top Seren wore and began tugging her to the door. “We’d better get going. I have to get to work.”

  “Yes, thank you, again,” Seren told Cady. “I look forward to seeing you soon.” She smiled at Libby. “Both of you.”

  “Glad to help,” Cady told her. “Will you be here Friday? Would that be a good day for a lunch date?”

  Moving along with Canyon, Seren gazed over her shoulder at the two McCoy women. “I ca
n’t promise I’ll still be here on Friday, but if I am – yes. I’d love to have lunch with all of you.”

  “Perfect.” Libby ran ahead of them to get the door. “Canyon, make sure she’s still here on Friday.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” He just wanted to escape, hoping to hell they didn’t notice he was walking funny and holding his hat over his manly business. “I’ll see what I can do.”

  “I’m sure you will,” Libby told him. “Don’t let Jonah leave until I get down to the shop to see him. I have an idea for Aron’s birthday I’d like his help with.”

  “I’ll tell him,” Canyon promised as he made his way outside with Seren in tow. “Thank you, ladies.”

  Once they were in the truck, Canyon didn’t say a word. He could’ve asked Seren what she was thinking when she accepted Cady’s invitation. He could’ve addressed his impulse to call her his girlfriend. Neither of those things seemed important at the moment. As he started the engine and drove down the ranch road to the area where all the outbuildings were located, all he could think of was – that kiss. That incredible mind-blowing, out-of-this world kiss. Cutting a quick glance to Seren, his heart thudded at the sight of those delectable, soft kissable lips. “Uh, what was that about?” When she met his gaze, her eyes were luminous. The irises dark and full of mystery. Canyon felt like he could drown in their blue depths. “What are you doing to me, woman?”

  As he drew to a stop, his attention was drawn to her amazing mouth again. Her lips parted and her breath came in soft gasps. Everything male within him was reacting to the evidence of her feminine desire. His cock grew even harder, filling and throbbing. Energy arched between them. Canyon felt an undeniable connection to her, unlike any he’d ever experienced. Without doubt, he wanted more of it. Wanted more of her.

  Hearing the censure in his voice, Seren wilted. “I don’t know. I’m sorry. It was this wild impulse. For so long, I’ve existed on the periphery of life.” She hugged herself tight. “I felt like I was being offered a chance to fit in. Even with you, I…hunger.”


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