Heaven's Loss (Hell Yeah!)

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Heaven's Loss (Hell Yeah!) Page 7

by Sable Hunter

  All right. Fine. That was it – the last straw. All he could take. His limit.

  “Come here.” Reaching down next to his seat, he pulled the lever, and with a push of his foot, sent it skidding backwards. Holding out his hand, he waited for her to place her palm to his. When she did, trust shining in her eyes, he tugged her into his arms.

  “What are we doing?” she whispered, willing to do anything he asked.

  “This.” Canyon slid his fingers around her neck, supporting the delicate weight in his palm. “I want more kisses from these plump, delectable lips.” With the tip of his finger, he pressed on her chin, loving how her head fell back in surrender. He gladly accepted the responsibility, gently giving her support as he bent near enough to claim her mouth. Her breath. Her kiss.

  With a sigh of complete acceptance, she brushed her lips against his. “Canyon, my Canyon,” she whispered.

  Canyon trembled in anticipation. They were alone now. No one to witness. He could enjoy every second without distraction. “Open your mouth, angel.”

  For a few tantalizing seconds, Seren hesitated, her dark lashes feathering high blushing cheeks. “Are you sure?” she asked, her fingers grasping his forearm, seeking a tether to hold her to this world.

  “Oh, hell yeah, please.” He held his breath, then her lips opened to him and all that sweet heat became his once more. Just his. Cradling her close to him, he ate at her mouth, encouraging her with tiny nips and laps to return his sweet caress.

  “Canyon, please…”

  He accepted her soft entreaty into his mouth, needing her more than oxygen. The tight grip he had on his self-restraint lessened with every touch of her lips. “God, you’re sweet,” he growled his need. “Kiss me, beautiful.”

  To his relief, she began to tease him. Innocence graced with budding passion. Her tongue stroking him, tempting him to suck on it until she shivered, giving him another beautiful gift of her orgasm. “God, what will you be like when I’m inside you?”

  The only answer she gave was more of herself and Canyon greedily accepted it all. She felt so good in his arms and the woman kissed like a dream. Like paradise imagined. She was going to his head like the finest wine.

  Tap! Tap!

  Fuck. Canyon reluctantly raised his head, ignoring the man standing on the other side of the window. All he wanted to do was look at Seren as she blinked up at him, still awash in a daze of passion. “You are so beautiful,” he murmured.

  Tap! Tap!

  Seren tried to raise up and Canyon helped, easing her to one side.

  Tap! Tap!

  “We have company,” she said softly.

  “Yea, I’ll handle it.” He cupped the side of her face, seeing her eyes widen with growing concern. “Don’t worry. This was all just in fun.” Thanking fuck for fogged up windows, he opened the door to greet Jonah Callan.

  Seren watched him go, her newly discovered heart thumping wildly in her chest. She lifted her hand to touch her tingling lips. Amazing alien emotions were clamoring in her head, each vying for preeminence. Hope. Want. Dismay. Confusion. And most of all…love. All of the protective devotion she’d always afforded Canyon had blazed up into a bonfire of tender feelings. She knew, without a doubt, what she’d just done with him was wrong. For eons, her kind had been warned and punished for such infractions. She’d always marveled how beings so superior in comparison to her own lowly station could show such an appalling lack of judgment.

  But now she knew…

  Of all the powers in the universe, love seemed to reign supreme. She could no more fight or deny this rising tide of adoration than she could stop the sun from rising in the east. “But it’s more, isn’t it?” Sitting in the truck, Seren gazed at the grain of leather on the dashboard and answered her own question. “Yes, it’s more.” She crossed her arms over her breasts, knowing she not only loved Canyon beyond mortal comprehension – she desired him. Longed for him. Ached for him. Her body clamored for relief, yearning for an intimate connection. Seren wanted to be held. She wanted to be possessed. Taken. Consumed.

  “Oh, I’m in so much trouble,” she keened softly. “So much.” Trying to calm herself, she took several deep breaths and soothed her palms over the soft lace of the borrowed camisole. There was no doubt in her mind that she was being monitored. Even though she often felt alone in her quest to insulate Canyon from any threat, she knew someone watched over her in the same way she watched over him – maybe with more detachment, but there was an all-seeing eye she could never evade.

  And now that all-knowing, perfect force knew what she’d done.

  Seren stilled, holding the air she’d inhaled deep in her lungs, waiting for remorse and regret to come. After all, there could be substantial repercussions to her actions. Before now, she’d skated a narrow path between favor and residing in the proverbial celestial doghouse. This infraction, however, might not be as easily overlooked as the time she swung on the main gate and knocked one of the pearls off. “Waiting. Waiting.” With a bubble of laughter, she realized the anticipated contrition wasn’t going to make an appearance. “I’d do it again – and more – in a heartbeat.”

  Glancing out the window, she saw Canyon speaking to another man with longish blond hair. They were about the same size – in other words big, mountain big. While she couldn’t deny Jonah Callan was handsome, Seren only had eyes for Canyon Brady.

  As she watched them carefully, keeping an eye out for any danger that might arise, she recalled the last words he spoke after their kiss.

  This was all just in fun.

  Innocuous words. Words meant to reassure – not necessarily meant to dash hopes.

  But dash them they did.

  She understood enough about the world to know when a man was saying he wasn’t in the market for anything meaningful. “Sigh.” The surprise to Seren was how much the realization hurt. “What did you expect?” She scoffed at herself. “As if this foolishness could end any other way. All of this is temporary.” Like he made sure to note, this…episode they were sharing would be short-lived. Even the time she’d be with him in his world, in this mysterious way, was surely fleeting. The only enduring truth she could hold onto was her determination to take care of Canyon and to keep him safe.

  And with that in mind…she glanced out of the window to see Canyon bent over the bumper of the truck welding on the trailer hitch. When a spark of fire flew unnoticed in the air and landed on the back of his plaid flannel shirt, she gasped and flung open the door, intent on saving him from getting burned. “Watch out, Canyon! Watch out!”


  The noise of the welding machine drowned out any other sound as he and Callan worked to affix the new trailer hitch. Compared to most of his other projects, this was a fast, easy job. Yet…Canyon fought to concentrate on the task at hand, his thoughts kept going astray.

  Right to the delectable woman whose kisses set him on fire.




  “Holy Hell!”

  He didn’t have to wonder what was happening. In a moment of agony, Canyon knew a drop of white-hot slag had flown up and landed on his back. Out of pure instinct, he jerked upright, fighting to get it off before the material of his shirt caught fire.

  Seeing Canyon was in trouble, Jonah shut off the welding machine and reached out to swing him around, ready to see what was causing the problem. Before his hand found the blacksmith’s arm, a blur of femininity buzzed in, her voice full of caution and concern.

  “Hold on, Canyon. I’m coming! I’ve got it.” Without thought or hesitation, Seren used her bare hands to knock away the glowing embers causing damage to his clothes and his skin. “Are you hurt?” She felt like an utter failure. “I’m sorry. I was…thinking, I should’ve gotten here in time to catch this before it landed on you.” Her adrenaline was running so high that a few seconds passed before Seren became aware of the pain in her hands.

  Searing, blistering pain.

  She d
idn’t cry out, say anything, or react. The only move she made was to hold her hands behind her back. “Are you okay, Canyon?”

  “Oh, fuck, yea. Just hurts like a son-of-a-bitch.”

  Jonah turned Canyon around. “Let me see.” He inspected the small hole in the white chambray shirt, the edges of the material were scorched black. The exposed skin of Canyon’s back was bright red and beginning to blister. “I think you’re all right. Come on, let’s put some salve on that burn. Where’s your first aid kit?”

  “In the storage closet next to the work bench.” Canyon followed his friend. “I’m all right. It’ll quit hurting in a minute or two.”

  Seeing he was being taken care of, Seren took the opportunity to slip away behind the shop and run toward the barn. Finding a shadowy spot next to the corral, she slid onto her bottom. Bowing her head, she held her hands out palm up. Seren didn’t want anyone to see she was hurt. “As far as new stuff goes, this is the worst.” How stupid could she get? Along with the other earthbound characteristics she was gaining, being vulnerable to pain and injury wasn’t one she’d anticipated. “Doodly-squat,” she hissed, staring at the ruby red flesh of her palms and the raised watery blisters forming on her skin.

  “I say, lil’ pilgrim, what seems to be the problem?”

  The slow, sing-song drawl caused Seren to glance up quickly. “Oh, sorry.” She bent her head sideways and wiped tears from her cheek. “I’m fine, sir.” Gazing up, she had a hard time seeing the big man for the glare from the morning sun. “Just resting.”

  “You don’t look fine. You look like you’ve been rode hard and put up wet, iffen you don’t mind me saying so. What’s your name, girly?”

  “Seren.” She didn’t bother with her fake surname. “Who are you?”

  He offered a hand to help her up. “My name’s Wayne, John Wayne. King of the cowboys.”

  “Nice to meet you, Mr. Wayne.” She held her hands up, palms toward her face so he couldn’t see the damage she’d inflicted on herself. “I’m sorry I can’t accept your kind gesture of aid. I seem to have something on my hands.”

  When she attempted to rise, he caught her arm and tugged her up. “Upsey-Daisy.” Once Seren was on her feet, she could see the gentleman wasn’t as old as she first thought. He was dressed in western clothes, boots, and a big, ten-gallon hat. “There, you go. You’re fine as frog’s hair, aren’t you?”

  “Thank you, but no.” Despite her best intentions, she winced. “I guess I need to put something on these burns.”

  “My son, Jonah, can help you. He takes care of me.” Mr. Wayne patted her on the shoulder. “Come on, let’s go find him.”

  “Oh, I see. You’re Jonah’s father.” Seren was beginning to understand. This sweet man was very much like a child in his reasoning. “You must love him very much.”

  “Oh, I do.” They moved along together, returning to the blacksmith shop, the elder Mr. Callan moseying along with a distinctive swagger. “Have you seen many of my movies?”

  Remembering a few late-night westerns, she nodded. “I think True Grit was my favorite. Did you enjoy making that one?”

  “Yep.” He grinned at her, then hooked his thumbs into his belt. “Well, sister, the time has come for me to ride hard and fast.”

  In spite of the stinging in her palms, Seren had to laugh. “I remember that line. You make a great Rooster Cogburn.”

  “Much obliged, lil’ pilgrim.” He doffed his hat at her and winked

  …In the meantime, Jonah finished affixing a small bandage to the burn on his friend’s back. “You should’ve been wearing protective gear. You know better, Brady.”

  “Yea, I do,” he agreed. “I thought this was a quick job and…I was distracted. Speaking of distractions, where’s Seren?”

  “You mean the pretty little thing who came to your rescue?” Jonah put away the first aid kit before turning to gaze out into the ranch’s common yard where people were beginning to mill about starting the business of the day. “I don’t know. She was here knocking the slag off your back one second and gone the next.” Stepping quickly, he ventured farther out into the open area. “Come to think of it, where’s my dad? You know how he is. He just wanders off. He’s probably found some colts or little calves to pet.”

  Canyon frowned. “It’s not like Seren to leave my side.” A hint of worry entered his mind. What if she’d left? Funny, he’d been encouraging her to go back where she came from – and now, he was fearful of that very thing. So, what had changed?

  He’d changed.

  Because those kisses had changed everything.

  Jonah chuckled as he continued to glance around for his dad. “I have to tell you, man. I’ve heard about fools rushing in, but your girl didn’t even hesitate. I don’t know what she used to pick up that red-hot slag, but she was determined to get it off of you in a hurry.”

  “Well…she is way too impulsive. She doesn’t think before diving headfirst into trouble.” His non-explanation explanation didn’t even make sense to Canyon. Of course, there was no way he was going to tell Jonah the truth about Seren’s claims. They were just too farfetched. While she was here, he didn’t want people avoiding her because they thought she might be nutty as a fruitcake.

  Jonah glared at Canyon. “Well, I wouldn’t complain if I was you. She clearly thinks the world and all of you. Do you have any idea what I’d do for a woman who cared about me that much?”

  “Hey, you’re a handsome macho stud. I’m sure you have women falling all over you.” Canyon hoped he wasn’t blushing at the idea of Seren’s affection.

  “Not really. I work all day and take care of Dad at night. I have a home-help nurse who comes in three days a week, but the rest of the time it’s all on me. Even if I had an opportunity to chase women, I’d be too tired. Besides, no female wants to get seriously involved with me. Who wants to be saddled with the responsibility of being a caregiver to their boyfriend’s parent?”

  “None of my business, but why don’t you put him in a home?”

  Jonah shook his head. “You know I rode with a motorcycle gang for years. Working odd jobs. I intended to settle down someday, but my someday came quicker than I expected when Dad got sick. I came home to be with him and started my business. The sad thing is that the land, our home, and my shop – everything’s in his name. We don’t have any cash to speak of, and if I put him in a nursing facility, I’d end up having to liquidate everything to pay his bills.”

  “Seriously?” Canyon felt sorry for the guy. He knew how astronomical medical bills could be. And Matty still couldn’t be saved… “Hell, I’m sorry.”

  “Yea, what they wouldn’t take now, they’d end up taking after he passed. Either way, we’d lose our home and I’d lose my business. More importantly, however, when he first realized something was wrong, he made me promise I wouldn’t put him away.” Jonah sighed. “And I’m not. I haven’t been a good son in the past, now’s my chance to change things.”

  “I know it must be hard. How’s he doing?” Canyon asked as he shaded his eyes to look into the distance. Where could Seren have gone?

  “About the same. At least we have a diagnosis. Early onset Alzheimer’s.” Jonah’s voice dropped almost to a whisper. “Isn’t that a crock of shit? Fifty-eight years old and he thinks he’s John Wayne.”

  “I know. I’m so sorry the two of you are going through this.” He slapped his friend on the shoulder. “John loves you so much, that’s still evident. Maybe the whole Duke thing is his way of coping with what’s happening to him. You know, like escapism.”

  “The doctors spout off some fancy medical terms, but putting a name to his condition doesn’t go very far in fixing anything. He understands enough to know something is wrong, which just makes him more agitated.” He let out a long breath and took out a bandanna from his back pocket to wipe his face and neck. “I guess you’re right about the John Wayne thing, probably gives him something to focus on besides being afraid.”

  “Yea…” he mu
ttered the word slowly, a thought entering his head about Seren. What if this belief she was his guardian angel stemmed from some type of trauma? What if someone had hurt her and this delusion was her way of escaping a horrid reality? Concern for her roiled in his chest. “Seren!” he called, following Jonah out into the common area between the ranch office and the other outbuildings. “Seren!”

  A few feet ahead of him, Jonah pointed down the lane. “There they are. She’s with my dad. Thank God.”

  Canyon stalked out to meet her, his eyes raking the little beauty from head to toe. “Where did you go? I told you to stay close!”

  Hearing his harsh voice, Seren flinched. “I’m sorry. Uh…I promise I didn’t talk to anyone but Mr. Wayne. I just needed to get away for a minute.”

  “You chose a fine time to sashay off!” Relief was making him react in a way he didn’t really understand. Lashing out at her wasn’t what he’d intended to do.

  “I’m sorry, I…”

  She didn’t get a chance to finish her reply before Jonah’s dad intervened. “Now, just hold your horses, you lazy sidewinder.” John Callan sauntered in front of Seren, effectively blocking Canyon from talking to her. “Watch your tone when talking to the little lady. She’s just been settin’ with me for a spell, keeping me company.”

  Seren, with hands behind her back, peeked around her defender. “It’s okay, Mr. Wayne, Mr. Brady hasn’t done anything wrong.” She met his eyes for a brief moment, held them for a second, then looked down at the ground. “Are you all right, Canyon?”

  Still trying to read her reaction, he barked, “I’m fine. Jonah bandaged me up.”

  “I’m relieved.” She nodded to his vehicle. “Maybe I should wait in the truck.”

  “Crap, no. The weather is too damn warm. You’d burn up in there. That’s all I need, you getting heat stroke on top of everything else.” He used his bulk to gently displace Jonah’s dad from his position separating him from the woman who, for the first time in their brief acquaintance, seemed to be trying to avoid him. There was something different in her eyes. Pain? “Is there something wrong? Come here.” He held out his hand, but Seren seemed oddly reluctant to step toward him.


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