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Heaven's Loss (Hell Yeah!)

Page 24

by Sable Hunter

  Seren didn’t complete her anguished, instinctual cry for help. Before she could get that most important word out of her mouth, Diego was jerked off her and thrown against the opposite wall. A huge, formidable form stood between Seren and her attacker.

  Canyon Brady.

  Seren hung back, stunned at the unexpected development. Canyon had shown up at the exact moment she’d needed him. Seeing him stand up for her, stand between her and danger – was so beautiful, she could barely manage to stand there without crying and screaming at the unfairness of fate.

  “What do you think you’re doing, asshole?” Like the incredible hulk, Canyon’s anger just made him seem larger.

  “Nothing she didn’t want me to do.”

  “That’s not true,” Seren spoke up, unable to keep quiet.

  “Call the cops,” Canyon told her.

  “I didn’t hurt her!”

  “Did she want your attention?” Canyon screamed in his face.

  “No,” Seren answered for him. “But…no cops.” With John recognizing her and Gregori’s gift of fake ID’s, she didn’t know what an investigation might turn up.” I just want him to leave me alone.”

  Canyon crowded Diego, getting right up in his face. “Hear that? Today’s your lucky day. If you want to walk out of here under your own steam, I suggest you disappear pronto. And if I ever hear of you worrying this lady even a little bit, I’ll tear your sorry ass limb from limb. Got it, jerk?”

  Diego didn’t immediately back down. “Who are you to tell me what to do, fuck-face? The MeToo Movement honor guard?”

  “I’m a better man than you, boy, that’s what I am.” Canyon crowded him just a little more and Diego held up his hands.

  “Fine.” He threw a leer Seren’s way. “She’s not that hot anyway.”

  Canyon lunged at the guy, but Seren reached out to stop him.

  Her touch was the only thing that saved Diego. The small, soft hand made a greater impact on him than anything ever could. He felt her touch clear to his soul.

  “Get out of here before I change my mind, lowlife.”

  Diego left and Seren didn’t know what to do – other than thank him. “Thank you. He…uh…I’m not sure why he did that.”

  “He’s a moron and a pervert.” Canyon faced her in the shadows. He was so drawn to her, as if invisible strands of awareness connected them. “Are you leaving?”

  Trusting him implicitly, she nodded. “I live in the trailer out back.”

  “Don’t leave.”

  Don’t leave. Don’t leave.

  His entreaty broke her heart. “I have to.” She looked over his shoulder to see Joplin holding a platter containing his hamburger. “Your food is ready.”

  “I only ordered it to get a chance to talk to you. What’s your name?”

  Knife in the heart. Seren almost went to her knees. “Seren. Seren Whitewing.” He wouldn’t recognize the name. Closing her eyes, she wondered if this was yet another punishment. If so, it was especially cruel. “The woman who’s serving your food is helping me out. She w

  anted to meet you. Her name is Joplin Capri and she’s planning on opening a bakery in town.” Seren hated playing Cupid for the man she loved.

  “I don’t care about anyone else. I want to talk to you.”

  Seren backed up. “I can’t.”

  Canyon couldn’t understand. She was trembling. “I’d never hurt you. Ever. I’m the one who’d protect you from idiots like Diego.” He watched her back up a few more steps, heading for the door. “Don’t go. Please.”

  “I have to.” She needed to leave before she begged to stay. “I’m sorry.” Sorrier than he would ever know. Taking one last look at his beloved face, she turned and ran.

  Canyon watched her go, but he didn’t keep his distance. As soon as she was out the door, he was behind her. There was no way in hell he’d let her walk out into the darkness alone. Once he was passed the exit, Canyon stopped, waiting while she sprinted across the drive. He stood guard while she unlocked her door, then he remained until he heard the interior locks click.

  Taking a deep breath, he backed against the wall, crossing his arms over his chest. He’d stand here awhile, watching out for her. Later, he’d make sure Diego was gone from the premises. His stomach growled, but he refused to leave his post. Tomorrow was time enough to settle up with Isaac over the uneaten burger.

  Leaning his head against the log exterior of Hardbodies, Canyon wondered at his odd reaction to this woman. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d felt this way. Love at first sight was an alien concept to him. With a smile, he laughed off the thought. One thing for sure, he intended to see her again. And…he no longer had to wonder how to finish his latest project. Tomorrow, his angel would have the face of Seren Whitewing.


  Once inside the trailer, Seren ran straight to the restroom, fearing she might be sick. Despite the roiling of her stomach, she managed to keep everything down. Too tired and despondent to move, Seren knelt in the darkness, trying to come to terms with the evening’s events. Her emotional response to seeing Canyon again came as no surprise. What was unexpected was his reaction to her – that she couldn’t explain. She knew he didn’t recognize her, he had no memory of their time together. Yet, his concern and consideration melted Seren’s heart.

  After a while, she rose and ran water in the sink to splash on her face. With trembling hands, she palmed the cool liquid over her warm skin. Even in the midst of her despair, Seren knew she needed to formulate a plan. This was her reality now. She couldn’t turn back time and staying this near to Canyon would only cause her more pain. As much as she despised the thought of never seeing him again, Seren knew she needed to walk away. There was a huge world out there waiting for her. The only problem – Canyon had been her whole world for so long, she didn’t know how to exist any other way.

  Returned to the living room, she headed to the kitchen. She wasn’t hungry, but she needed to eat. At some point in her struggle with Diego, she’d lost the plate Emma fixed for her. At the thought of Diego, her steps faltered. Intellectually, she’d been aware such men existed but she’d never come into contact with one of them. She pondered what fueled their actions. Did they really think their attention would be welcome or were they acting on some long-forgotten resentment and hatred toward a member of the opposite sex? She didn’t have an answer. The only thing she knew was how afraid she’d been when she was at his mercy and how grateful she’d been for Canyon’s intervention.

  After preparing a quick peanut butter and jelly fold-over, she stepped into the living room. The darkness was thick, Seren hadn’t bothered to turn on a light. It might not make sense, but she felt cocooned in the darkness. If someone were to pass by the trailer, they wouldn’t know she was inside. As she ate, Seren moved to the window to look out toward the club.

  And when she did – Seren had to grab onto the wall for support.

  A man stood in the shadow of the club, facing her way. Staring.

  For a heart-stopping moment, she thought it was Diego.

  But as her eyes grew more accustomed to the twilight, she realized the man was too big to be Diego.

  It was Canyon.

  Canyon was watching over her.

  The bittersweet irony of the situation forced a sob from her throat. As she began to ugly cry, the first curse words she’d ever uttered slipped from her lips.

  “Dammit! Dammit to hell!” How could she stand this? “He’s there. He’s right there. Oh, God,” she whispered as she sank to her knees, unwilling to turn away from him. “Why is this happening?” Seren breathed the question to the cosmos. “Is someone getting a laugh from this insane situation?” With no answer to be found, she sat there for the longest, her eyes caressing the solid form of the man who was standing guard outside her door. Finally, when she couldn’t stay awake a moment longer, Seren eased to the floor, curling into a fetal position.

  It was in this manner, she spent the night, crying
until she fell into a restless sleep.

  …The next morning, Seren pulled herself to her feet. Her whole body felt stiff. She glanced out the window and found that her sentry had left his post at some point during the night. As she contemplated what this all meant, an uneasy sick feeling rolled through her middle. The nausea from the night before hadn’t abated. Oh well, good thing it was Sunday. She would have a day of rest. The weight lifting competition was over and Monday would begin a new week. Knowing Canyon didn’t frequent clubs or honkytonks, there would be no reason for him to return to Hardbodies. This thought should’ve relieved her mind.

  Instead, it made Seren very sad.

  * * *

  After staying up most of the night, Canyon slept in on Sunday. When he did awake, he couldn’t help but smile at the memory of the hot dream he’d enjoyed in the wee hours of the morning. His dream girl was just as insatiable as always – only this time she had a face. As he recalled the sensual details, he stroked himself to climax. “Seren!” was the name on his lips as his body spent itself on his heaving chest.

  After the welcome orgasm, he pulled himself from bed to clean up in the shower. He was in a good mood – or better than usual. It was Sunday, he was off work. He could stay at home. Usually, this self-enforced solitude was soul numbing.

  Not today!

  He planned on working on his latest piece of art. Now that he had a clearer vision and the right inspiration, he knew this would be his most beautiful piece yet. Normally, Canyon created these metal sculptors because he had to. They were an outlet for the emptiness eating at him night and day. The emptiness of no longer being a parent, the great, gaping hole left by Matty’s death. His art served as a frail barrier from the storm surge of pain that relentlessly engulfed Canyon night and day.

  But the angel was different.

  The vision for her creation came from a different place within Canyon.

  His heart.

  …Three hours later, Canyon stood back from the metal sculpture and smiled. “There you are.” His angel almost looked alive. As he stared at the familiar, delicate features of her face, Canyon remembered their interaction the night before. He thanked his lucky stars he’d been there to keep that ass Diego from hurting her. If it’d been up to him, he’d have called the cops. Truthfully, the most they could’ve gotten him for was harassment. He’d have been back on the streets in short order and angry to boot. Still…he didn’t trust the bastard as far as he could throw him.

  And that was why he intended to make damn certain Diego didn’t get anywhere close to Seren Whitewing again.

  He couldn’t be with her every minute of the day, but he could let Isaac McCoy know there was a problem. After hours, he’d see to her safety himself. Last night, he’d stood guard, heading home just before sunup. Tonight, well…he’d think of something.

  As the day wore on, his stomach began to think his throat had been cut. In lieu of cooking, he decided to head on into town. His first stop was to check on Bull, Canyon had a surprise for his best friend. After finding a photograph of Isabella in the bull ring online, he’d sculpted a piece of wall art depicting her in full bullfighter regalia with cape spread, facing down a massive Spanish bull. He’d started it awhile back, hoping to get it ready for their wedding anniversary. When Bull became sick, the project was put into high gear with the intent of cheering up his friend. Canyon thought the project turned out well, if he had to say so himself.

  After knocking on their door and finding no one home, he propped the package against the wall on their porch. “That’s what you get for not calling ahead, dumbo,” he chided himself. “Oh well, they’ll find it.” He had no doubt the gift would make the couple smile.

  Once he was on the road again, his mind returned to the woman he’d encountered the night before. He couldn’t explain the instantaneous connection he felt for her, the sense of recognition. As if he’d been waiting for her.

  Shaking his head, Canyon couldn’t believe his train of thought. Where was all of this coming from? Since losing Matty and since Kim walked out on him, he’d vowed not to make himself vulnerable again, never love anyone enough that losing them would bring him pain.

  “Right.” He chuckled. “I’m not in love with her. That would be impossible. We just met.” He let out a stabilizing breath, searching for mental footing. “I’m being chivalrous, that’s all.” Yea, chivalrous.

  Keeping his eye on the road ahead of him, Canyon narrowed his gaze trying to make out what he was seeing. Someone was pulled off the road and standing in the street, waving their arms. Drawing nearer, he could see it was a woman. Putting his foot on the brake, Canyon slowed down his truck. As he drew near, he realized the woman looked familiar. He’d seen her at Hardbodies the night before. Seren mentioned her name…some city name. The moment he eased to a stop and opened the door, she was there to greet him.

  “Oh, thank you!” She smiled at him, a pretty smile. “Hey, I know you!”

  Canyon was surprised she blushed. “You do?”

  The woman shook her head, covering her eyes. “I mean…I saw you last night. I asked who you were. Canyon, right? Canyon Brady?” She held out her hand. “I’m Joplin Capri, a newcomer to the area.”

  Canyon took her hand. “Nice to meet you, Joplin.” He nodded toward her red Subaru. “Car trouble?”

  She sighed. “Yea. Dead as a hammer. I have no idea what’s wrong with it.”

  “Let me take a look.” Canyon moved to her vehicle to look under the hood. After checking it out, he announced the verdict, “Your transmission’s shot. Would you like me to recommend a good mechanic?”

  “Oh, yes. Please.”

  At Joplin’s agreement, Canyon dialed Jonah and ordered a tow. After hanging up, he turned to the waiting woman. “He’s a good guy. His prices are fair and he’ll do the job correctly. Plus, he’s close. Just down the road.”

  Joplin gave him a warm smile. “Sounds perfect. I trust you.” She patted the tailgate of his truck. “Care to join me?”

  “Sure.” He hopped up beside her, amused that she issued the invitation, even though he was the owner of the vehicle. “So, did I hear you were planning on opening a bakery?”

  She nodded. “Yea, right next to the florist shop. I’ll be offering pies, cakes, pastries, donuts, and coffee.”

  “Sounds like a good addition to the community. The cowboys will be lined up around the block every morning.”

  Joplin grinned. “I’m counting on it. I moved here from Dallas, just for the scenery.”

  “Oh, the Hill Country is a beautiful place to live,” he agreed.

  “Oh, that’s not what I meant.” She gave him a mischievous wink. “I’m talking about eye candy, cowboys and otherwise.” Looking him up and down, Joplin licked her lips. “Speaking of eye candy, you definitely fit the bill.”

  Canyon felt his face grow hot. The woman didn’t mind speaking her mind, that was for sure. “Well, thank you, ma’am.” She was definitely a looker. But…something was missing. “What made you decide to open a bakery?” Not knowing what to do with her flirting, he opted for small talk.

  Joplin grinned, realizing she’d made the big man a bit uncomfortable. “I like sweets. I guess you could say baking is the way I express myself. How about you, Canyon? Is bending iron to your will the way you let people know who you are?”

  “Maybe. I also do a little metal sculpting,” he muttered without thinking.

  “Really? I want to see your work. Take me to your studio.”

  “Look, he’s here,” Canyon said with a bit of relief as Jonah’s wrecker pulled up. Hopping off the tailgate, he walked over to meet Jonah. He noticed John and the new caretaker, Delaney, were sitting in the cab with the mechanic. “Afternoon.”

  “Brady. Where did you go last night? When we stood up to accept the trophy, you were nowhere to be seen,” Jonah asked as he climbed down from his rig.

  Seeing Joplin was within earshot, he didn’t reveal too much. “I got distracted.”

  “Yea?” Jonah raised an inquisitive eyebrow, but didn’t pursue the topic. Pointing at the Subaru, he directed his question to both Canyon and the owner of the car. “So, what seems to be the problem?”

  “The transmission, I think,” Canyon offered.

  “Okay, let me take a look.” He walked over to the Subaru and Joplin accompanied him.

  Canyon was about to join them when John spoke up,

  “Hey, Canyon. Where’s your girlfriend?”

  Stopping in his tracks, he turned to speak to the older man. “What did you say, John?”

  John started to open the passenger door of the wrecker to exit, but Delaney placed a restraining hand on his arm. “We don’t need to get out, Mr. John. Just stay in here with me.”

  “All right, Miss Margaret.” He gave Delaney a smile. “I just wanted to know where Canyon’s hiding that pretty girlfriend of his.”

  “I don’t have a girlfriend, John. I’m not a big Hollywood movie star like you.”

  “Well, I guess that’s true,” John agreed, exchanging a grin with Delaney. “What happened to Seren? She was your girlfriend a few weeks ago.”

  Canyon tilted his head in confusion. “I didn’t know Seren a few weeks ago, John. I met her last night at Hardbodies. I guess you met her too.”

  “No.” John sat up straighter, his face growing concerned. “I met her at Tebow. With you.”

  Seeing he was becoming agitated, Delaney placed a restraining hand on the elder Mr. Callan’s arm. “It’s okay, John.”

  “Yea, it’s okay. Just a misunderstanding.” He tipped his hat at them both. “Let me see if I can help Jonah.” He moved away, a bit confused. This conversation reminded him of the one he’d had with Cady. What was going on?

  By the time he joined the mechanic and Joplin, Jonah was lowering the hood. “Your diagnosis was correct, Canyon. I’m going to tow the car in and fix it for Ms. Capri.”

  “Can I get a ride from you?” Joplin asked Canyon before he could respond to Jonah’s comment.


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