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Heaven's Loss (Hell Yeah!)

Page 37

by Sable Hunter

Jacob, Bull, and Jonah laughed at his rendition of the Christmas song. “Listen to those pipes! I can’t wait to see you up on stage.” Jonah raised his beer for a toast. “Here’s to Brady Bublé’s singing debut.”

  Seren shook her head in warning. “I think you’ll be surprised, Jonah. He’s good.”

  “Ah, the man has you twitterpated, Seren.” Jacob laughed.

  “Maybe.” She couldn’t disagree. “See you on stage, big boy.” After giving him another saucy wink, she sauntered off, knowing full well he was enjoying watching her leave.

  When the karaoke contest started, couples seemed to come out of the woodwork. The crowd responded wildly. Some were good and some weren’t so hot – none of that seemed to matter. The whole night was for a good cause and no one stepped from the stage without a rousing round of applause. A duet by Joplin and Celine almost brought the house down. Their rendition of Redneck Woman had everyone on their feet and clapping. Seeing their raw sensuality and the way the men in the audience reacted, Seren felt totally inadequate to perform. She was just about to ask Canyon if they could back out when Isaac called them on stage.

  “Next, we have Seren Whitewing and Canyon Brady performing their rendition of Cowboys and Angels!”

  Feeling weak in the knees, Seren met Canyon halfway, taking his hand as he helped her up the steps. “Come on, love. Let’s do this. There’s a pup back there just waiting for you to claim it.”

  With shaking hands, she took her place. As the music started and the lights went down, Seren focused on Canyon. As she listened to his voice, the people in the club faded away. There was no one but him. When time came for her to join in, their voices harmonized, the words painting a picture more meaningful than anyone could know. In Seren’s mind, she recalled the years of watching over him, the sorrow at his pain, the joy in his healing. When the song questioned why their paths crossed, if it was accident or a grand design, Seren wanted to believe in the answer the lyrics provided.

  Maybe God has a soft spot for cowboys and angels.

  As the music faded away, something strange happened. As the audience gave them a standing ovation, an odd light illuminated one person in the audience.

  Cady McCoy.

  Seren couldn’t explain the feeling that came over her when their eyes connected. The only way she could describe the expression on Cady’s face was one of serenity and…knowing. As she clasped Canyon’s hand and took a bow, she held the other woman’s gaze. Inexplicably, chill bumps bloomed on her body and Seren could hear Cady’s voice in her head, as clear as if they were standing face to face.

  Don’t despair. All things work together for good. I understand what you’re going through. If you ever need me, I am a mere whisper away.


  “Now, you can hold him but don’t bond with him. Buster Scruggs is going to be a huntin’ dog.” Canyon hid a smile as he looked over at Seren kissing on the wiggling pup.

  “I’m not bonding,” she assured him as she buried her face in the small animal’s fur. “I’m keeping him warm.”

  “Do you like him? He’s just a mutt, you know.” Canyon wasn’t sure what breed the dog could be. “Might be part golden retriever, part hound dog.”

  Seren cut her eyes at Canyon, giving him a harsh glare. “He’s not a mutt. Buster is perfect.”

  “Ah, okay.” He didn’t mind her attitude. She would show the exact same loyalty if someone insulted him. “When we get home, we’ll fix him a bed, and find him something to eat.”

  Seren hid her face behind Buster’s head and grinned. “I don’t know. He might have to sleep with us. He’s just a baby, you know.” When Canyon sputtered, she couldn’t help but giggle. “What’s wrong?”

  He shook his list at her. “My wishes!”

  “Oh, yea, right.” She nodded agreeably. “I’d forgot about those.” Actually, she couldn’t wait to see what he had on his list. “Did you ask for cookies? Pancakes? A foot rub?”

  “Not hardly.” He gave her a panty-wetting grin. “Just you wait and see.”

  “I’m on pins and needles,” she teased him. “I bet I can guess one thing on your list.”

  “What’s that?” He turned on the blinker for the last leg of their journey. Canyon could barely contain his happiness. He’d never expected to feel this way again.

  “A blow job,” she said with full assurance she was right.

  “Nope. Sorry. I have this amazing girlfriend who gives me those regularly.”

  “True.” Seren trembled at his answer as she cuddled Buster, her mind racing at what his requests might be. “What’s in the sack?” she asked just noticing a small bag between his legs on the floorboard.

  “Has to do with one of my wishes,” Canyon answered as he pulled into the yard. “Hold up and I’ll help you and Buster out.”

  Seren waited patiently, happy to note the puppy was comfortable enough to sleep in her arms. “I love him already,” she breathed the words in contentment as Canyon took her by the waist to ease her to the ground.

  “Remember, a good hunting dog shouldn’t be too spoiled,” he cautioned as they made their way to the front door.

  “I’ll keep that in mind,” she muttered. “Wouldn’t want to spoil anyone.” Seren gave him a sidewise knowing glance.

  “Except me. Spoiling me doesn’t count.”

  “I thought so.”

  Once they were indoors, they worked to make Buster comfortable. After making sure he had food and water, Seren put a piece of her clothing, a hot water bottle, and a wind-up clock in the bed with him. “This will keep him company. If he starts whining, I’ll come check on him.”

  “He’s going to be fine.” Canyon waited patiently for her to finish. When she was done, he led her to the bathroom. “Okay, are you ready to hear my wishes?”

  “I am.” She was more than ready to grant his every request. “Just tell me what you want me to do for you – and I’ll do it.”

  “Let me tell you my plan for the evening.” Canyon stepped over to the large tub, put in the stopper, then turned on the water to the correct temperature.

  “Okay, it involves a bath. Obviously.”

  He placed the small bag from the truck on the vanity next to the tub. “Everything you suggested were things you could do for me.” Next, he proceeded to undress Seren, removing her clothing slowly, caressing and kissing each portion of creamy flesh he uncovered.

  “Right, that’s the idea of granting wishes,” she murmured, finding it a bit hard to breathe with him slipping her panties down her legs and off her feet.

  “Wrong, these are my wishes and I want to spend them on you. I didn’t put in any bubble bath because I want the water to be clear enough for me to see every delectable inch of your beautiful body while I take care of you.” Taking her by the hand, Canyon helped her into the water, then knelt by the tub.

  “You want to bathe me?” The very idea made Seren shiver with anticipation. “Me?” she squeaked.

  “I know what I want,” Canyon told her in the most sensual tone she’d ever heard. “I want to show you what you mean to me. How much I desire you.”

  Over the next two hours, Seren was treated to an experience unlike any she’d ever known. Canyon bathed her. Tenderly. Seductively. Leaning over the tub, he caressed every inch of her body. At one point, he stepped behind the clawfoot tub, bending over to kiss her neck while he played with her breasts. When he had her at a fever pitch, Canyon moved back to the side, cradling her with one arm while he fingered her until she came – gasping and crying out his name.

  Once she was out of the tub, he dried Seren tenderly, then settled her on the bed for a back rub. “See, making you happy makes me happy.”

  “You succeeded. I am ecstatic,” she whispered as he touched her all over, making her feel as if she was the most important person in his world.

  Once she was sated and relaxed, he upped the ante. The touch of his hands was replaced by the whisper of a feather. “What’s that?”

sp; “Honey dust. This was what was in the bag. It’s made with real honey. I’m going to brush it on your skin, then kiss it off.”

  “Oh.” She shivered at the thought. “I bet it will taste sweet.”

  “Not as sweet as you.”

  By the time he was through kissing and licking her body, Seren was mindless with arousal. She opened her arms and welcomed Canyon into them. They made love time after time, making use of the whole bed. Insatiable, his seemingly inexhaustible ardor even took them to the thick rug. The moon was high in the sky before he was sated enough to sleep.

  * * *

  Rising early, Seren let Canyon sleep in while she went to tend to Buster Scruggs, taking the puppy outside for a morning run. She hugged herself as she followed along behind the romping dog, her cheeks red from the crisp wind teasing her hair. Taking a deep breath, she let herself absorb the beauty surrounding her.

  Canyon lived in such a pretty area. Hilly. Rocky. Covered in trees. The hardwoods were losing their foliage, but the leaves that still clung to the branches were colored shades of vibrant orange, yellow, and red. Creation at its finest. As she trailed the small animal, Seren reminisced about scenes in heaven she’d seen with her own eyes. Yes, those recollections were beginning to fade now. Of majestic waterfalls. Placid blue seas. Fields of flawless flowers. As perfect as those places were, Seren didn’t miss them. Earth might bear the scars of time and nature be burdened with the weakness of deterioration – but the capacity of humankind to know the heights of joy and the depths of sadness gave greater meaning to both.

  “How’s our boy?”

  Canyon’s voice drew Seren’s attention as he joined them, leaning in to give her a morning kiss. “He’s good. I’ve already fed him. He had a little accident during the night. I need to get some puppy pads,” she admitted. “I’m sorry I didn’t think about buying any last night.”

  “I guess we had other things on our mind,” he teased, grasping her hand to hold as they walked.

  “You sure surprised me,” Seren admitted. “Last night was amazing.”

  Canyon chuckled and shook his head. “I came so hard, you wouldn’t believe.”

  “You came three times. I lost count of how many times you made me come.”

  “Good. That’s how it should be.” He kissed her on the side of the face. “Don’t forget the party tonight. I know you’ll want to take fresh clothes to change into after work.”

  “All right. I’ll be sure to take what I need.” The puppy barking frantically at something drew their attention. “Oh, good gracious. Buster’s cornered a skunk!” Pulling away from him, Seren took off at a run toward the scene of prospective calamity.

  “Whoa!” Canyon made a grab for her. “You don’t want to get sprayed.” Stopping, he hunkered down on the ground and began to snap his fingers. “Come here, Buster. Come to Daddy.”

  Despite the direness of the situation, Seren giggled. “Come to Daddy,” she repeated his plea.

  “Quit laughing and help me call him over. If he gets sprayed, we’ll be all day getting the stink off him.”

  Seren joined Canyon, kneeling down, trying to persuade the little dog to leave his newfound playmate. “Buster! Buster! Come to Mama.”

  Buster looked at them, then back to the skunk. The skunk seemed oblivious to the whole business, much more interested in some small rodent or insect in the clump of grass.

  “Hey, Buster! Look here, Buster.” Canyon took out his keys and shook them. To their relief, that seemed to do the trick. With mouth open and tongue wagging, he scampered over to play with the keys. “Gotcha! You little varmint.”

  Seren laughed when Canyon swept him up, carrying Buster like a football under his arm. “I think the safest place for Buster today is in my shop. I’ll make a spot for him if you’ll bring his water and food.”

  “Sure thing.” She left them to gather the food bowls and the dog bed. When she returned, Seren made her way into Canyon’s workshop. “Oh, this will be a good place for him. He’ll have plenty of room to roam around.”

  “Yea, I think I’ve moved all the bad stuff away he could get into.” He stooped to give Buster a pat of assurance. “Don’t worry. I’ll build you a dog-run soon. When you’re housetrained, we’ll put in a pet door and you can take care of your own bathroom trips.”

  Glancing up, Seren realized his art studio was right next door. She hadn’t been inside of it since her fall from grace. “Since we’re here, why don’t you show me what you’ve been working on?”

  Canyon shook his head. “Soon. I want to clean up in there and make a few final adjustments before you see the piece.”

  “You don’t have to clean up for me. I’ve seen your work before, it’s fantastic.”

  “You have?” This was news to Canyon. “When?”

  She shrugged. “I saw the dragon you made for Cal Farley’s Boy’s Ranch.” At his confused expression, she reminded him. “Religious family, remember?” To keep him from asking more questions, she nodded toward the house. “I’d better go get ready. We don’t want to be late.”

  He agreed and she ran back to gather her things for the boat excursion. Once she was out of earshot, Canyon picked Buster up. “How do you like your new home, boy? Better than the shelter, huh?” When the pup licked his face, Canyon laughed. “I liked it when Seren called herself Mama, didn’t you? Do you want her to be your forever mama?” A small bark sealed the deal. “I think you’re right. Give me a little time and I’ll see what I can do.”

  Later…at Hardbodies

  Isaac motioned for Canyon to turn off the portable welder. “We’ve got company.”

  Doing as Isaac asked, Canyon took off his protective goggles, turning to see Denver and Jacob climbing from one of the ranch trucks.

  “Look what the cat dragged in!” Isaac yelled, always ready to give his family or friends a hard time. “Where are you two going? Shopping?” he asked, noting the empty stock trailer behind the truck.

  “Nope. Nice set up here, Bro.” Jacob stalked around the outdoor kitchen checking everything out. “We moved Magnus to the south pasture so he could stretch his legs. Thought we’d drive by and drop off Canyon’s paycheck.” He pulled the envelope from his pocket and handed it over.

  Isaac frowned at Canyon. “Why are you still living in the stone age? What’s wrong with direct deposit?”

  Canyon held up the envelope. “I like to see my money, not just read it as a line item on a website.”

  “It’s a wonder he doesn’t want it in cash,” Denver drawled joining Jacob as they looked inside the heavy-duty smoker Canyon had built. “This is damn nice. You can cook a whole steer in this thing.”

  “That’s the idea,” Isaac muttered as he rose to answer a summon from Doris who stood at the back door of the club. “I’ll be back.”

  “Hey, are Jessie and Seren going with y’all tonight?” Denver asked as he grabbed a water from the cooler and sat down on a large rock brought in for landscaping. “To the duck boat thing?”

  “Yea,” Jacob spoke for them both as Canyon nodded. “Why?”

  Denver pushed his hat back and frowned. “Bree’s not keen on going and she doesn’t want me to go either.”

  “Why not?” Canyon asked as he watched an old green truck pass slowly in front of the club. As he followed the vehicle with his eyes until it was out of sight made Canyon wonder if he’d ever quit watching for Diego.

  “Well, it makes her nervous. She’s been doing research on those things and she doesn’t think the boats are safe under any circumstances.”

  “I know there have been some accidents, I remember the one in Arkansas. Have there been others?” Jacob asked, giving Denver his full attention.

  “Several, according to Bree.” Denver took a swig of his water. “The last accident happened in Missouri, seventeen people died after a storm lashed Table Rock Lake. Thirteen died on Lake Hamilton near Hot Springs in ’99 due to a dislodged drive shaft seal that allowed water to flood the hull. Not to mention the
dozens of road accidents. In 2011, a motorcyclist was seriously injured when a duck boat ran over him. In 2015, five college kids were killed when one of the ducks collided with a bus.”

  “Wow. I had no idea,” Canyon mused. “That’s a lot of accidents.”

  “I’m not sure they should be on the water, to tell you the truth,” Denver continued with his protest. “After all, they’re based on a five-ton war machine from WWII. I don’t think they were ever intended to be a tourist attraction.”

  “I guess the appeal is that the vehicle can travel on land and on water. I know they have a few in Austin.” Jacob continued to think aloud. “Well, I agree they aren’t the best boats on the water, but this man has gone out of his way to make all kinds of repairs and improvements. His rig isn’t a regular duck boat, it’s a helluva lot bigger with all kinds of amenities.”

  “He deserves a second chance,” Canyon agreed. “There’s no telling what the poor guy has invested in that monstrosity.” He smiled and shrugged his big shoulders. “I always thought they looked fun…” His voice faded to a whisper. “Although, carrying those dead children to their mothers is something I’ll never forget.”

  “I know.” Jacob hung his head, studying the toe of his boot. “I suppose this wasn’t the best idea, timing and everything.”

  Denver waved his hand in the air. “Don’t let me influence you. Bree is always getting a feeling about one thing or the other. Sometimes she’s right, sometimes she’s not.” He laughed and rubbed his forehead. “The other day she told me A&M will beat LSU this weekend and we both know that ain’t gonna happen.”

  “You never know.” Canyon stood and stretched. “Aw, heck. Let’s go. The guy has gone to a lot of trouble and it wasn’t his fault. At least we can take comfort in the fact that lightning rarely strikes the same place twice.”

  …After parking near the marina, Canyon led Seren onboard the boat for the excursion. “This is nice.” She clutched her sweater closer around her. “It might get cool later. I’m glad we can sit inside if we choose.” She waved at a few people she recognized. “Look, they have lots of viewing room.”


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