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Underland, #1

Page 8

by Rebecca Goodwin

  “All right, let's go.” I turned back down the tracks. “How far to the castle?”

  He made a face like he'd rather eat sour lemons than respond but he pointed to a dark red mountain ahead of us. “The queen lives in the mountains near a rose garden.”

  Roses. Mine and Grams favorite flower. I hiked forward with Chaz grumbling under his breath beside me. “Don't worry, once my grandmother sees me, she'll be so happy.” Had she lost her way out of Underland or she didn't realize how much time had gone on in the real world. With my senior year at school being so busy, I hadn't even stopped by to visit her except during Christmas. Usually, I came once a month. Maybe she figured no one would miss her and didn't realize that everyone on the other side of the hedge maze thought something had happened to her.

  Yeah, after I talked with her, she'd come home with me and we'd cancel her funeral. Then I'd have her tell me all about this amazing world and why it was tied to her backyard.

  My stomach growled. “Hey, are you hungry?”

  “Still have that can of tuna?” he asked.

  “It's all yours.” I dug in my pack and handed him the can. “Crap, I didn't bring an opener.”

  But Chaz bent down near a small, flat rock, then scrapped the top of the can along the rock. Back and forth, the vibration grating.

  Then he turned the can right-sized up and pushed down on the top. The lid popped down on one side and he took the lid off.

  “Wow, that was amazing.” I clapped my hands. “You're on my team during the zombie apocalypse.”

  He brought the open can to his lips, pausing to say, “What's a zombie?”

  “Ha! Don't tease me.” I rummaged through my back pulling out a bottle of water and the box of crackers. Before I could ask Chaz to split the tuna with me, and both of us have it on crackers, he slurped the meat and liquid down like it was a thimble worth.

  He looked up to me staring at him, then gave me a crooked smile. “Sorry, I haven't eaten in nearly two days.”

  “What? Why not?” I handed him the pack of crackers but he wrinkled his nose at them.

  “Been busy.” He shrugged. “Saving damsels, fighting wolves, that sort of stuff.”

  “Ah.” I tore into the crackers and ate as we walked. When I handed him the water, he drank half then handed it back to me.

  “There’s a small creek the runs through the rose garden, we should fill up.”

  “Sure.” But my Grams would make sweet iced tea for us when we got there.

  Near the base of the mountain, goosebumps erupted across my flesh and I shuddered. Even Chaz wasn't his usual sly self and frowned as he stared up at the looming peak.

  “So is there a shortcut around here?” I asked, my voice light despite the unease that settled into my gut and made my legs feel heavy.

  “Afraid not.” He gestured to my pack. “Let me carry that for you. I'm more sure-footed than you.”

  “So you say. I got this.” I climbed up the rocky path with my bag slapping the back of my legs as I moved. For a while, neither of us said anything while we went up the mountainside bit by bit.

  I stopped and drank a gulp of water and offered him some.

  “Thanks.” He took a sip and handed it back. His fingers brushing mine and sent a current of excitement straight to my core.

  I cleared my throat, swallowing against the sudden dryness. “Welcome.”

  Then as if the sexual tension hit him too, he closed the distance between us even more. His minty breath was weird since he just ate a whole can of tuna in one slurp. My own breaths increased.

  “What we are doing here is dangerous, you know that right?” He cupped my cheeks, his emerald eyes staring into mine two different colored ones.

  Was he talking about going up to the castle to see my grandmother or us standing so close together that his pulse raced under my fingertips? “Yes,” I whispered.

  I grabbed his shirt and hauled him down to my mouth. Our kiss went from longing to primal in seconds. His hands skimmed underneath my shirt and I sucked in a breath. I tugged on the waistband of his pants and he growled low in his throat, exciting me even further.

  He lowered me to the ground and somehow the grass and dirt soft as if I was lying on silk sheets. Never before had I made love outside and the sensations of nature around me, the sun warming my skin, and Chaz kissing me made me heady like I was drunk.

  When he nuzzled my neck, teasing kisses along my collarbone, I blinked to focus. Tried to quell this liquid inferno consuming me and turn me to ash. I wasn’t a virgin, but I feel out of control, drowning in a sea of passion and desire that I couldn’t control. My shaky hands tug at his shirt and he pulled back long enough to whip it off.

  His muscles were chiseled and the same sun-kissed color as the rest of him. I bit my lower lip. Was he this tan all over? Trailing a hand down his chest, I smile when he let out a moan in the back of his throat that enthralled me. I feel drugged, yet I want more.

  He slid his hands up and down my body, then a finger underneath the edge of my bra. “Are you trying to drive me mad woman?” he asked in a rasp.

  I bat my eyelashes at him. With a wink that steals my breath away, he frees one breast, teasing the nipple with his fingers until I buck underneath them, whimpering for release. Then he moves to the other breast. Our kisses merging until I cannot tell where he ends and I begin. His hips press over mine, his erection digging into the soft folds of my sex as I hitch up my legs to get closer.

  A low rumble of appreciation vibrates out of him. And I want more of him. I want to feel him inside of me. Want to kiss him everywhere. His fingers dig into my shoulders as he wretches his mouth from mine.

  “Are you sure?” he pants.

  “Stop talking…” I force the words out cause all I can think about is him inside me. “Make love to me.”

  Not waiting for anymore encouragement, he helps me remove my T-shirt and bra, then I wiggle out of my shorts and underwear while he undresses completely. Yup, he’s the same bronze color all over. His erection promises I’ll remember this day for the rest of my life.

  “What about protection?” I ask not wanting to kill the moment but I have to ask.

  When he made a face, I stifled a giggle.

  “It’s okay. I think I have some condoms in my bag.” Thrown in one of the pockets thanks to Rose who insisted we all needed to bring some because of the college guys near my grandma’s. I thought she was sex-crazed at the time. Now though, I made a note to thank her. “Here.” I tossed him the wrapper.

  He opened it, then sniffed at it. “Am I supposed to eat this?”

  “No!” So this place didn’t have condoms. “Let me help you.” I kissed my way down his chest while my hand stroked him. Slowly, I eased the rubber down his erection. Then come back up to kiss his mouth.

  “You’re touch feels so good.”

  I smiled against his lips. He shifted until we’re both lying down again, him between my legs. His kiss turning hungrier as he rubs my clit but I’m already hot and wet for him. He pushed into me and I groan as my body adjusted to his width. My body trembling, needing release yet not wanting this moment to end. He might not even be entire human, but I don’t care as he moves inside me. All I know is that I’ve never been kissed this way with a craving I couldn’t control. Nor have I desired someone I just met this much.

  Other girls did things like this and one-night stands. Never me. Not until now.

  He pulled back, almost slipping out of me, and I tucked my legs around his middle, holding him in place. Then he pushed back into me and stars danced before my vision. Slowly he repeated the action of almost leaving me then burying himself as deep as he could.

  “Please,” I whimpered and bit his lower lip lightly. “Stop teasing me.”

  With that smile that made my knees weaken and my stomach flutter, he increased his pace. I gasped as wave after wave of pleasure erupted over me. It was all I could do to hold on by grasping his arms, my nails digging into his skin. One of
his hands pinched my nipple while the other one stroked my sensitive nub.

  “Yes, Chaz!” I screamed not caring who heard me. Every cell in my body exploding in euphoria. All the tension I’d carried for weeks dissipating. In his hands, I turned to putty. And he kept slamming into me bringing me back to another climax with his kisses, his touch, his filling me completely.

  This time when my release tore out of me. He shuddered, falling on his elbows onto either side of me. Our breaths mixing as we basked in the afterglow of our lovemaking. Never had two orgasms in a row. Colored stars skated across my vision. One was like a rare phenomenon in my life and to have two…my heart hurt. I didn’t know Chaz that well. Sure, he’d saved my life with the wolves.

  Who did I think I was that this gorgeous semi-stranger I’d just had sex with would even want to have a relationship with me? He was from an entirely different world—and time. Yet, he owed me nothing.

  Best if I cherished this memory and not allow myself to think about what ifs. But the idea of never seeing Chaz again once I got Grams caused my heart and soul to grow heavy like iron chains shackled them until I couldn’t take a deep enough breath.

  “Let’s get a move on.” He eased off me, taking off the condom then re-dressing. “Thirsty? There’s a stream nearby and we can refill your bottles.”

  “Great idea.” Heat still coated my skin from our lovemaking, but I quickly put on my clothes. “How far is to the water you said runs through the garden?”

  “Another mile. Finish your drink, I’ll be fine.” He stayed with me as the elevation increased like I was walking straight up.

  My legs cramping but each time I nearly slipped, he was there to stop my fall. I grabbed a tree root to haul myself up over what looked like a broken boulder sticking out of the side of the mountain.

  Finally we came to a plateau, and I practically crawled across the golden grass. I unhitched my pack and rolled over looking at the fluffy clouds scudding across the sky.

  “Give me your empty bottle and I’ll refill it for you while you rest.” He offered.

  “No, I’m fine,” I lied. “Just give me a minute.” After a few deep breaths, I pushed to my feet and when he offered to take my pack for me, I didn’t refuse. “Thank you.”

  He nodded. We walked hand in hand another half mile or more but at least the ground here was more level and the soft grass cushioned my steps. I couldn’t stop thinking about him and how he made me feel. How careful yet captivated he was with me. And I didn’t want our new love to end. Yet how could we have a future together when we belonged to two different worlds? Would he want to come back with me? Was it even fair for me to ask? As much as I loved this place, I couldn’t stay. My parents and friends…everyone I knew was in my world.

  He tugged on my hand, stopping.


  A wall of rocks stretched out before us blocking our way. I couldn’t even see over them on my tiptoes.

  “What is this?”

  “The edge of the queen’s garden.” He trekked down the wall, running his hand along it.

  “Is there a gate?” I really didn’t want to have to deal with another maze or try and climb over the ten-foot tall wall.

  “An opening, yes.” He paused then bowed slightly. “After you.”

  Frowning, I moved toward him cautiously. Next to him was a small gash in the wall. It was partially hidden by a bushy tree. I squeezed through, then Hadden shoved my bag past the opening, then he came next.

  We moved past the tree and my breath caught in my throat. Blood-red roses surrounded us. So dark they almost looked black. And unreal. Like someone had painted them over and over until the colors bled onto the petals in thick patches.

  “Who goes there?” a male’s vaguely familiar voice asked behind me.

  I faced the speaker and gasped. “Rob?” He stood a few feet from us dressed in a white tuxedo. One of the roses was pinned to his lapel and he had his blond hair slicked back. And damn if he didn’t look good.

  “Alicia?” He smiled but then his face clouded over when he spotted Chaz behind me. “Why did you bring her here?”

  His harsh words had my gut clenching, and I licked my lips. “I’m here to speak with my grandmother, remember?”

  “Alicia, why did you come?” Rob pulled me into his embrace and it felt like home. Like pure love and comfort. Then he brushed his lips gently across mine, so soft and quick that I wondered if I’d imagined it. “If she finds y—too late! She knows. I’ll try to buy you time. Hurry, go!”

  Chapter Eleven

  “No, you don’t understand,” I said. “Everything is fine. My grandma is the queen.”

  Chaz hissed. “Wait, what? You told me that your grandmother knew the queen not that she is the queen.” He felt my forehead, but I slapped his hand away. “Are you ill or did the queen put a curse on you?”

  “Neither.” I sighed.

  “Her guards are coming, both of you need to leave now, please.” Rob backed up toward a cluster of rose bushes. “She can’t find you. Everything will die.”

  Great, I meet these great guys and they’re both crazy. But before I could protest, Chaz yanked me behind a fig tree.

  “Hey!” I moved to see what was happening to Rob.

  But Chaz put a hand over his mouth. “Let me concentrate, I can’t keep both of us invisible with you squirming.”

  Wait, invisible? I shifted until I found Rob standing where we left him. His shoulders hunched and his head down.

  “Rob, rob, rob,” said a familiar voice. “Have you allowed strangers into my garden?”

  “No. Just a damn cat.” He kept his voice low as my grandmother strutted around him in a circle wearing a regal black, high-collar dress with red hearts down the lace sleeves and across the collar. Her crown was gold with a mix of dark-red roses and hearts sat on her hair which was twisted into a bun.

  “You know I can smell lies. They’re like spoiled meat hanging in the hot sun.” She grabbed Rob’s arm, and he cried out, falling to the ground.

  I jerked forward but Chaz held onto my arm. “Let me go.”

  “No, that’s not your grandmother, trust me.”

  Pausing, I considered his words. Why was everyone here convinced this woman, who was the spitting image of my grams, wasn’t her. But he was wrong. She had the same gray hair, same tilt of her head, even the same voice although the accent was a bit off. “It has to be her... she’s playing into the role or something.” My grams wouldn’t hurt anyone not unless they hurt her first or one of her friends or family members. What was going on? I couldn’t stay here hiding and do nothing.

  “I-I told you... it was just... a cat.” Rob panted but she didn’t relent. And his scream cut me to the core.

  Unable to stand it anymore, I pried away from Chaz’s fingers, then tore forward. “Leave him alone!” I jerked to a stop when my grandmother faced me. My breath froze in my chest as she stared at me. Dark eyes with no pupils. I wanted to look away from but couldn’t. There was no recognition, no love, nothing of my grandmother in their depths. Only loathing and evil.

  “And who are you, my dear?” she asked and her tone was anything but welcoming.

  “Alicia. I-I... ” I couldn’t squeeze the words past my throat. It was like someone had snapped my voice box in a vice grip and I couldn’t speak.

  “My aren’t you eloquent.” She frowned and straightened her shoulders. “But I am queen here stranger Alicia. You must bow and say, yes, your magnificence.”

  What had this place done to my grandmother? No wonder she hadn’t returned home yet ‘cause something had happened to her here.

  Chaz had mentioned a spell and weird things I couldn’t explain away had happened with Hadden. Was my grams possessed? That would explain her weird eyes. I just hoped she wouldn’t start spewing pea-green vomit cause then I would hurl too.

  I opened my mouth to ask her what was going on and maybe say the Lord’s Prayer over her to help cast the demon out when the feeling like some
one had cut the access to my voice happened again. “I-I... pray... I.” God this was getting old.

  “A simpleton then.” She clapped her hands. The rose bushes around us sprang upward, forming into several tall figures like men. “Take her and the rabbit down to the dungeon. Maybe some time in there will loosen her tongue.”

  “What? No!” I yelled backing away from the guards with arms of thorny rose bushes.

  One reached out for me and a thorn pierced my shoulder. It was as big as a spike, and I screamed.

  The hold on my throat lessened again and I cried out, “Grams, stop this. It’s me, Alicia.”

  But the queen was half-way up the path to a dark castle. Thorny hands reached for me again.

  “Just do as they want and you won’t get hurt,” Rob said.

  I glanced over my shoulder at the bushes where Chaz had held me.

  “What are you staring at, child?” the queen asked, looking past me to directly at Chaz. Could she not see him? He had said he was trying to make us invisible... but I saw him... then before my eyes, he vanished. I blinked hard.

  Whatever had happened to my grandmother to change her must be affecting me now. Would I become a tyrant and have wicked-looking eyes? Or worse, would I not remember who I was or my family and hurt people?

  The rose guards led us to a dark castle that could give Dracula’s place a run for its money in the doom and gloom departments. Rob walked beside me. His head stayed lowered and his breathing labored as if it took a lot just to put one foot in front of the other. We were led across a drawbridge and into a huge stone castle. Tapestries hung from the stone walls showing trampled white flowers underneath the queen’s black boots. She was much younger in this picture—more my age. And she looked exactly like the pictures of my grandmother I’d seen before except for two things: the queen’s black eyes and her raven hair flowing out behind her. My grandmother had blond hair from birth until it turned all gray.

  Realization and unease tangled in my gut. Whoever this queen was, she wasn’t my grandmother. Maybe the queen was my grandma’s doppelganger?


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