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Cherishing His Forever

Page 10

by LeAnn Ashers

  Lani walks over and hugs me. “Are you okay?”

  “I’m okay now, especially because I know she’ll be out of that situation. I never knew she was even alive, let alone going through that nightmare. My heart hurts for her. She never had a chance.”

  Lani touches my cheek. “She does now.”

  I smile. “Yes she does.”

  Chase walks over to me and tucks me into his side, and we all sit around talking. Trey and Vinny don’t leave Lani alone for a second. One of them has his hands on her all the time.

  I love that for her; she deserves to be that happy, and they’re so crazy over her. All the men in our lives are like that. Chase is just a little bit extra though, cause he is mine.

  I bite back my smile and pinch his butt. He jumps and glares at me, letting me know I’m getting it later.

  We have arrived in Texas. Katherine texted me and let me know that she’s at our house so we don’t have to go get Hunter.

  I am so ready to smooch his little face.

  I hug Emily and Lani, thanking them for coming with me. They drove here, so they will be heading on home.

  I have the best friends. They dropped everything and went to Michigan to get my mother, and it could have gone South, becoming very dangerous. If it had been just me and River, it probably would have turned out very differently.

  I help Bell into the truck, because she is weak. I noticed that right off the bat. She was putting her bag on the table, and her shirt had ridden up. She was so thin that I could easily see her ribs, and her torso was covered with bruises. So as a chef it will be my mission to stuff her and makes sure she gets the care she needs. I’m also going to make some appointments for her to see doctors and therapists and get everything else she needs. She deserves to thrive, and I want to give her the tools to do so.

  We head home. “It’s so pretty here.”

  It really is. Texas is a beautiful state.

  She stays glued to the window, watching the scenery. Her hands are white from gripping the door handle.

  I turn around in my seat and smile at River, and she smiles back. I love her but she is reserved. She isn’t shy. but she is a people watcher.

  It’s crazy to think of how much my life has changed in this past week—hell, these last couple of months. I had a baby, fell in love with the most incredible man, became unbelievably happy, and met my sister—and now my mom.

  It’s wild.

  Even with all of this shit happening, I am happy. I spent my whole life alone, and now it’s like everyone is coming out of the woodwork.

  Chase slows down and the gate opens. The security guard waves at us as we drive past.

  I am so glad to be home. I spent almost my whole life in Michigan, and going back wasn’t fun.

  Katherine is standing outside on the porch with Ben. I open my door the second we stop and go straight to my boy. “Oh how I have missed you.” I hug him and close my eyes.

  I spend the next few seconds in my own world; then I open my eyes. “Thank you, Katherine, for watching him.”

  “Honey, anytime…seriously.”

  I laugh.

  When River helps my mother out of the truck, Katherine sucks in a sharp breath. “She has had it really bad, Katherine,” I say. I trust Katherine, and we have become very close.

  “I can tell, sweetie. You need me anytime, I will be here.”

  I hug her with my free arm.

  “I am going to let y’all get adjusted.” Katherine takes Ben’s hand and walks down to Bell to introduce herself before they get in their truck. She is literally the sweetest. She didn’t want to overwhelm Bell. Katherine and I wave bye as she heads down the driveway.

  Chase carries our bags into the house and up to our rooms. It’s been a long day, and I am ready to lie in bed with my man.

  Bell is looking at Hunter.

  “This is Hunter. Hunter, this is your grandma.”

  He grins that sweet baby grin.

  She smiles and, for the first time, it reaches her eyes. “He is absolutely beautiful.” She strokes the side of his face.

  “Are you tired?” I ask her and River.

  “I’m exhausted,” River tells me, and I’m sure we all look a little worse for wear. It’s around ten o’clock at night. Hunter is usually in bed by now, but I want some cuddle time with him.

  I’ll be getting up in the morning and cooking breakfast for everyone, but first I need to talk to my mom about some things.

  Chase stomps down the stairs, his hair messed up slightly from running his fingers through it. He is wearing a long-sleeved shirt, and his jeans are slightly tight around his butt and legs.

  He is hotter than sin and he is all mine.

  He takes Hunter from me, lifting him above his head, making faces at him. I smile at both of them. “I missed you, my boy.” Chase runs his hand down the back of his head.

  “Come on, let me show you your room.” I take one of Bell’s hands and River takes the other. I think Bell has some injuries somewhere because, as the day went on, she started getting stiffer, and I can tell she is hurting.

  I push open the door next to River’s. Bell walks inside and sits on the edge of the bed, looking around the room.

  “You have your own bathroom, towels are on the shelf by the shower.” I motion. I pull up a chair from the desk and sit beside her, and River sits on her other side.

  “It’s like I am in a dream. It hasn’t really sunk in it yet that it’s all over and I am free,” Bell says.

  I put my hand over hers. “I figured as much. You will get there, and I will make sure of it.”

  She smiles thankfully, and River puts her arm around her.

  “So, tomorrow is it okay if we take you to the doctor?” I ask. “I want to make sure you’re okay.”

  She studies me a few beats. “You saw the sheets, didn’t you?”

  I look down and nod slightly.

  “I will go, I need to go. I haven’t been to the doctor in a long time.”

  I smile at her, thankful she is agreeing to this. “I also have a friend who is a therapist, and she specializes in cases like yours.”

  “I will do it.”

  “Do you need anything?”

  She shakes her head. “I think I just want to shower and go to bed.”

  I stand up and River does the same. “Here is the remote to the TV, if you want to watch.” I point to the remote on the desk. “Goodnight,” I tell her and she smiles.

  “Goodnight, girls.”

  We close the door and River looks at me. “What a day. I think I am going to crash myself.” She hugs me and walks into her room.

  In our room, Chase is cuddling in bed with Hunter, who is getting sleepy. I walk over to the table where I keep an extra bottle of water and formula, and I make him a bottle. I slide in bed and hand it to Chase. Hunter closes his eyes, enjoying his bottle. I lay my head on Chase’s shoulder, yawning.

  “Are you sure you’re okay that they’re here?” I ask him.

  “Of course, angel. They’re a part of you, and that means they’re a part of me.”

  I kiss him deeply and rest my forehead against his. I am so in love with this man.

  “I love you so much.” I look into his eyes as I tell him this. Words would never be enough to express what I feel for him.

  “I love you, my angel. You and Hunter own all of me.”

  I smile.

  “He is out. I am going to lay him down while you get ready for bed.” Chase puts Hunter in the portable crib. We have been keeping him in here until we fully trust River, and now we have to consider Bell too. Not that I think they’re bad people or anything, but I won’t take any chances with Hunter.

  I do my nightly routine in the bathroom, and Chase walks in and brushes his teeth then walks back out. Must be nice to be a man.

  I slip on his T-shirt and fall into bed, literally. “I am so flipping tired.”

  He laughs and drags me into his arms, rubbing my back.

“If I didn’t love you already, that would have done it.” I sigh closing my eyes.

  He laughs loudly and smacks my ass. “Be nice.”

  I wiggle my butt. “I don’t know what that is.”

  He sighs dramatically. “Don’t I know it.”

  I roll my eyes. “Yeah, yeah,” I huff, pretending to be mad at him.

  He claps to turn off the light; then he tightens his arms around me and I close my eyes. “Love you.”

  “I love you too, my girl.”

  I wake up and look at the clock; it’s eight o’clock. I rub my eyes and slide out of bed. Hunter is wide awake and getting fussy, wanting to be held. I realize he slept through the night. It’s the first time he’s ever done that. Chase is awake now too, and I hand him Hunter. I fix his bottle as Chase changes him.

  I love this part of our day. We start our days together watching a little TV and relaxing.

  “I need to call the doctor and schedule some appointments for Bell, then call Braelyn. She agreed to do therapy.”

  “That’s good, my girl, I know shit has been bad for her.”

  He doesn’t know the full extent of it, but it’s not my place to tell him. I am sure she doesn’t want anyone else to know.

  “You still have your old apartment, in case she ever wants her own place. And you know the center helps people in circumstances like hers.”

  “You know, that’s a very good idea.” She can stay as long she wants and needs, but when you’re finally out of a horrible situation, you crave independence. I lean over and kiss him. “I am going down to start on breakfast.” I walk into my closet and change into a pair of sweats.

  I pass by Bell’s room and I can’t help but look inside to check on her. She is sleeping in the middle of the bed with her arm across her face. I shut her door gently and make my way downstairs. I put on the bacon and sausage as I make the calls to schedule her appointments. Braelyn says she can get her in tomorrow, and I will have to see if Bell is down with that.

  Braelyn has lived her own hell; that’s why I think she would be perfect for Bell. Because Braelyn can relate to her on another level.

  Chase walks into the kitchen and puts Hunter in his highchair. He’s always such a happy baby. I make the batter for some pancakes. “I am going to go wake them up,” I tell Chase, who is warming up oatmeal for Hunter.

  I knock on River’s door and she yells for me to come in. “Breakfast will be done in a few minutes.”

  She sits up in bed and rubs her face. “Have you woken her up yet?” she asks and throws her legs over the side of the bed.

  I shake my head. “I peeked in on her before I went downstairs, but she’s still asleep. We need to leave in the next hour and a half for her doctor’s appointments.”

  River throws her hair into a bun and walks over to me. “Thank you so much, Jessica. You’re a literal saint. I am so thankful for you.” She hugs me and I try to hold back my tears.

  “I am so glad that I have my sister.” I rub her back and hold her as long as she needs. I think we’re both unsure how to feel about Bell. How do you react to all of this? We went our whole lives without a mother; then one day we found out we had one, and now she is here. I think time will be the true test of it all. This is going to be a tremendous adjustment for her too.

  One day at a time, one step at a time.

  I gently knock on her door and, a minute or so later, she opens it. “How are you feeling this morning?”

  “I feel really good actually.” She smiles and it reaches her eyes. She really is beautiful. The most beautiful people come from the ugliest of places. She is the truest testament of that.

  “Well, I am fixing breakfast, come down whenever you want.”

  River and I walk downstairs, giving her privacy, and I butter the griddle and pour on the batter. Chase is sitting in front of Hunter, feeding him his breakfast.

  “Do you want me to take Hunter with me today?” I ask.

  “It’s whatever you want to do, angel. I can keep him if it’s easier on you.”

  “I don’t know how long I will be gone, so it may be best.”

  I serve everyone at the dining room table, and Chase carries Hunter into the living room and puts him in his baby swing. We can see him from where we are sitting.

  Bell walks down the stairs, and I motion for her to sit down. She looks unsure and I pull out a seat next to me. She sits down and stares at her plate like she is confused. Chase is already putting his food away. I take a drink of my orange juice and a bite of bacon. Maybe she is just self-conscious.

  A minute later she still hasn’t moved.

  “Are you okay?” I ask her, and she looks at me with pain in her eyes.

  “I am not used to this.” She runs her hand down her leg; I’ve noticed she does that when she’s nervous. And yesterday, when we ate lunch at the hotel, she was so shocked that Chase just handed her a plate.

  “What do you mean?” I ask her.

  She looks at Chase and whatever she wants to say, she doesn’t want to say it in front of him. I lean closer and she whispers in my ear. “I was only allowed to eat what he fed me by hand.”

  Fuck me.

  That’s why she is so skinny; she only ate when he allowed her to. He controlled every single aspect of her life completely.

  I take her hand and put her fork in it. “You eat, the only person that can control you is you,” I whisper to her.

  She nods and she is shaking as she cuts up her pancake. Chase is looking down, gripping his silverware. He heard us. His jaw is clenched so hard it must be hurting him.

  I make small talk with Chase and River, not wanting Bell to feel uncomfortable. I don’t want her to feel like she is a science experiment.

  Being ashamed and embarrassed is one of the biggest things women deal with when they’re abused, and I don’t want her to feel that. I certainly don’t want to be the cause of anything like that.

  We finish our food. “You girls go get ready, I will clean up.” Chase winks and kisses me.

  Later we arrive outside the doctor’s office. I gave them a heads-up, and Bell is getting the works. I want her to be healthy, and when he beat her, some of her injuries might not have healed properly because she didn’t get medical attention.

  She is wearing a sweater that leaves part of her shoulder and neck exposed. I can see some fresh bruises.

  I take her hand and River takes the other. “No matter what, we will be with you.”

  She smiles. “Thank you, girls. I am just a bit nervous about all of this.”

  “Heck, I still get nervous going to the doctor’s myself. It’s normal.”

  She relaxes and River holds open the door. She gets signed in, and we wait in the waiting room.

  When the doctor calls her back, she stands up and squares her shoulders. I try to hide my smile because I am proud of her. River smiles at me. She’s probably thinking the same thing. I know every little moment is going to be huge for Bell.

  She gets her blood drawn and a urine test; then she changes into a gown, waiting for the gynecologist..

  “Do you want us to stay?” I ask her.

  “It would make me feel better.”

  River and I stand at the head of her bed, and the doctor comes in and asks some questions. “When was the last time you were examined?”

  “When I gave birth to River.”

  The doctor’s eyes widen, and Bell sits up and rubs her face. “I feel like I need to tell you, I have been sexually assaulted by my husband since I was fifteen years old. Well, up until yesterday.”

  Wow, I never expected for her to come out and just say it like that. That took some major balls.

  “I am not going to be ashamed of what happened. I will not let myself feel bad for any of that. It’s time for me to be happy and feel good about myself.”

  I shake my head in disbelief. “You're so strong.” I hug her and she is shaking. This is her reclaiming her life, one she never really had until she was forty years old. I
doubt her childhood was great either.

  “I am scared, but I can’t let that stop me. My prayers were answered, and I am not going to let that be for nothing.”

  Wow, just wow.

  She settles back into the bed and closes her eyes as she is examined, her hand squeezing mine hard. The doctor has tears in her eyes, and River is trying not to cry too.

  Once she is finished, Bell sits up and we look at the doctor. “You will need to take it easy for a while, you need to heal and rest. I am going to prescribe you some antibiotics to treat any kind of infection.” She writes the prescription and hands it to me. “And food, you are way underweight for your height.

  I agree with her there, and my plan is to stuff her in any way I can. It hurts me that she has suffered in so many ways.

  River and I step out of the room, giving her privacy to get dressed. When we walk out of the doctor’s office, the hair on the back of my neck stands on end because I feel like we are being watched.

  Then he walks out from behind a truck. He is here. How did he find us from all the way in Michigan?

  “Michael.” She gasps and stops in her tracks. I stand in front of her, and River stands next to me. I take out my phone and text Chase an SOS letting him know something is wrong.

  “You are coming home with me!” He points at her. She flinches with every word.

  “She is not!” I tell him, and his eyes narrow on mine.

  “Yes she is. How do you think I found her? She left me once and I put a tracker in her ring.” He gloats so happily. She gasps and looks down at the ring on her finger. She rips it off and throws it down in the parking lot. Clink, clink, clink. We watch as the golden band moves across the lot.

  “No, leave me alone!” she screams at him, and she moves from behind me to stand next to me.

  I can feel my phone vibrating in my pocket, but I’m afraid if I get distracted he might try something.

  His face contorts to pure rage. “Bitch, you are going to pay for that.” The way he says this sends shivers right up my body.

  “She isn’t going to pay for anything. She isn’t going anywhere with you.” I would fight tooth and nail to make sure that didn’t happen. River nods, and we’re both ready to do whatever it takes to defend her.


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