My One, My Only, My StepBrother

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My One, My Only, My StepBrother Page 5

by Terri Brooks

  She lifts her leg giving me the access to enter. I stimulate her clit as I slide into her wetness.

  I pump in and out slowly. “Kiss me jake” She turns her head and I capture her lips.

  When I feel her walls tighten, I put my middle finger on her ass. Slowly pushing it in and she freezes.

  “Relax baby.” I kiss her fiercely and slide my finger in slowly.

  “Rub yourself baby.” She does without hesitation. I move faster and faster.

  I feel her starting to shake. Her ass is pulsing around my finger.

  We come undone to together. I feel her warm juices drain as I shoot my seed into her.

  I haven’t seen her taking any birth control. This was the deepest I’ve been. Hopefully I planted my baby in her.

  Pulling myself out of her and rolling to my back bringing her with me.

  We lay quietly. Softly rubbing each other.

  With a love this strong words aren’t needed.

  After a while I break the silence. “Want to get some liquor and go to the game room they have in the lobby?”

  I want her to enjoy herself tonight. I have to go back to work tomorrow. I have to think of an excuse to tell her for coming home late tomorrow. I can’t let her find out about the fight.

  She agrees to go. After she dresses she comes over to me placing her hands on my cheeks. “When I’m with you Jake nothing else matters, but us. I love you more than I can tell you. I promise to show you until my heart stops beating. Even after I will find away to show you. Thank you Jake for standing by my side and for always giving me what I want and need. You’ve always done things to make me happy, and put yourself last. You Jake are my one, my only, you went from being my step brother and friend to being my husband. I will love you as long as my heart beats.” After the words sink in I kiss the fuck out of her. If she finds out my secret, I hope she remembers this.

  This girl can piss me off at times, and also bring me to my knees.

  Chapter 11


  Jake carried everything in the house this morning before he left for work.

  Before he kissed me goodbye, he told me to put my things where ever I pleased.

  Every item I owned I brought with me. I left a few pieces of old clothes at my parents house, everything else I brought to Jakes.

  Jake might regret telling me to make his house our house when he comes home from work today and spots my pink fluffy heart pillows he gave me for my seventeenth birthday sitting in the corners of his couch.

  My body is still worn out from last night. Having a slight hangover isn’t helping any.

  I text Layla hoping she is awake.

  Me: Do you feel like coming over and helping me unpack?

  She replies back quickly.

  Layla: Sure, give me a few minutes to get dressed. Neighbor...

  Me: I love you, Cheesesteak.

  Layla: I love you, French fry.

  Layla and I started calling each other cheesesteak and french fry, when we had our first lunch together.

  We shared the food because it was too much for one to eat by themselves.

  There was a few fries left on the plate, when she reached for one, I stopped her and told her, “Don’t touch them fries.” She picked one up and threw it at me and said. “Shut up french fry.” I grabbed her half of the sub, and took a big bite. It led to a food fight in the middle of the diner.

  We tipped the waitress extra that day. Since then the names stuck.

  I live a lot closer to Layla and Dave’s house now. Which I think is awesome. I’ll be crashing her house a lot.

  I unlock the door and stand next to the wall. As soon as Layla opens the door, I jump out and scream, scaring the living shit out of her. She drops whatever it was she had in her hands.

  I fall to the floor laughing. Trying to hide her smile she says, “You play too damn much, goofball.” Picking one of the heart pillows up off the couch and tossing it at me. Which only causes me to laugh harder.

  “And you throw shit too much.” I say in fits of laughter.

  “Damn, Holly have you put anything away yet? She’s looking around at all the boxes and bags I have scattered.

  “Nope just the pillows. I was waiting for you boo-boo.” I was waiting for my bestie to help me. It is too much to do alone. It would take me probably two days.

  Jake helped me bring it. Mom and dad knew of the plans so they started before I even knew I was going to move in with Jake. He informed them he was going to ask me, and they knew I would agree.

  We start unpacking. I fill her in about what happened after jakes fight with Killian. Not leaving one single detail out.

  Showing her the ring and her eyes go wide. When I tell her how he proposed she busted out laughing.

  Layla is my best friend. I tell her everything. If I wipe my ass sideways I tell her.

  “Wow, you’ve been busy. I knew he loved you. I didn’t think it would move this fast, but y’all known each other forever. I am so damn happy for you. At least now I don’t have to listen to you crushing on him. I still can’t believe you lost your virginity and married. You move fast.” Bringing me in for a hug. I hug her tight for a few minutes. Layla is so loyal. I’m glad I have her in my life.

  I turn the music on while we finish putting everything a way.

  “Hey, Layla, has Dave said anything to you about the basement?” She looks at me dumbfounded.

  Shaking her head no, “You know if I knew what they we’re hiding you would know too. Dave went in yesterday, he came home with a busted lip last night, said Connor accidentally elbowed him” She’s right. We have never kept secrets from each other.

  This makes me wonder more. I decide to let it go for now. No sense of stressing over it.

  Turning the stereo up, I grab Layla and jump up on the bed.

  “You can’t be serious.. We are not fourteen any more, Holly.” She’s looking at me like I’m crazy.

  “Oh, I’m serious alright. Come’on.” Just because we’re not kids doesn’t mean we can’t let loose.

  Pulling her up on the bed, Shakira’s song - Hips Don’t Lie- blast from the speakers.

  I start jumping, dancing and singing dramatically along with the lyrics. Layla joins in.

  Both of us laughing hysterically while belting out the lyrics

  When the song is over we flop down on the bed and lay for a little bit trying to catch our breath. When we were younger Layla and I would sing and dance to song after song.

  Maybe I should start working out when I start working. My body is so out of shape.

  My phone chirps with a new message.

  Hubby: I’m gonna be a little late tonight. Gotta help the others with clean up.

  Something is off. I feel it in my gut. Layla is leaning over looking at my phone. She shakes her head. “Dave is at the gym. He text me right before we finished putting everything away.”

  “If I play along and act like the stay at home doting wife, will you go to the gym with me?” Getting up of the bed to get a shower and clean clothes on.

  Layla hollers in yeah. She is curious to especially now that Dave has been hanging down there too.

  I just turned eighteen and I am ready to be a Toys R US kid again.

  Me: How long r u gonna be?

  Hubby: About 2-3 hrs.

  Me: I’ll see you when I you get home.

  Hubby: Will ya be naked and waiting?

  Me: Depends on how late you get home.

  Hubby: I’ll clean as fast as I can. I love you Holly Bear.

  Me: I love you too, Jake.

  Now, it is time to be nosey. He thinks I will be here in bed and not expect me at the gym. I giggle at that. He should know me better than that.

  Chapter 12


  After getting a shower and throwing on a pair of jeans with a tank top, I put my boots on and Layla and I leave.

  The gym closes at six pm. We should arrive about fifteen minutes after cl

  When we arrive there is a long line wrapped around the entire building.

  They are using the back to enter. The back door leads straight down the steps to the basement.

  Layla and I rush to the line before anyone else can get into it.

  “You sure you want to do this?” Layla asks.

  “Positive, he is definitely hiding something and tonight I’m gonna find out what the hell it is.” The crowd is rowdy, making a lot of noise.

  When we finally make it to the door, the bouncer holds his hand out and says “One hundred and fifty dollars.” I’ve never seen this guy before. I don’t have a clue who he is.

  Layla and I give him our money and start down the stairs.

  Layla grabs me as soon as we reach the bottom of the stairs. “Shit, Holly I see Dave.”

  Taking a quick glance around, I guide us to the back in the corner. With a crowd this immense, It would be difficult for anyone to locate us. It would be like looking for a needle in a haystack. Plus they think we are home, so this is the best place to sit.

  When we settle in, we look around taking everything in.

  The last time I saw this part of the gym was when our parents first gifted it to Jake and we toured the whole gym.

  It looks completely different now. Solid red brick walls, with dim light. An oversized square mat in the middle with a metal gate going around the mat.

  The metal gate is stopping the crowd from getting to close.

  Noah, Matt, William, and Connor is on the side of the Mat. There is a referee in standing directly in the middle of the mat.

  This is some sort of fight. This is what he was hiding from me. It has to be more to it then what the eye can see.

  And to attract a crowd this huge, I know for sure this fight is not the first one.

  The referee says something, then moves out of the way. Leaving Jake in Killian to fight.

  Jake and Killian starts bouncing on their feet, circling each other.

  My heart is beating frantically in my chest. I pray Jake doesn’t get hurt.

  Killian swings first beating Jake in his sides, causing Jake to stumble back.

  My whole body is shaking from fear. I start sobbing watching the scene in front of me unfold.

  My Jake is getting punched in his ribs, and there isn’t a damn thing I can do about it.

  Killian grabs Jake and Jake picks his knee up connecting with Killian’s stomach.

  Killian jumps back, connecting a left hook right to the side of Jakes jaw.

  Jakes head flies to the side.

  I can’t watch this any more. I can’t stand on the side lines and not do nothing while Jake is getting hurt. Especially when this started be of me.

  Pushing my way through the crowd with Layla on my heels, we make it to the gate.

  I put my hands on the metal fast and remove them as fast as I put them there, that fucking thing is sharp.

  The guys spot us.

  Dave comes out going straight to Layla. They argue as soon as he reaches her. I know by the look on Layla’s face she is pissed.

  If Jake wasn’t fighting I’d be pissed to.

  I’m screaming and crying for Jake, he doesn’t hear me. Pleading for him to stop. My cries are unheard.

  The referee notices me, pushes the guys apart. His lips move, I can’t make out what he is saying. Killian goes to his corner, and Jake looks at me.

  A look of dismay crossing his features. He heads my way.

  As soon as he is past the metal gate, I jump on him throwing my arms around his neck. He wastes no time gathering me in his arms. “I’m sorry baby.”

  Burying my face in his neck. “No sorrys. Sorrys is just cover ups for fuck ups. I refuse to accept a sorry. Are you okay?” I squeeze his neck harder, not wanting to let him go.

  “Why on earth did you come here you nosey, stubborn fucking girl?” He’s kissing my whole face with little pecks.

  “Why did you lie to me about this?” Examining his face, I already see bruises forming on his cheeks. I kiss them as gently as possible.

  “Jake, please come home with me.” I say crying into his neck.

  “I can’t do that Holly. I have to finish this fight. If I don’t finish everyone in this crowd be will be pissed and it would probably cause a riot.” Leaning my forehead on his, caressing his with my hand. I beg him again. “Jake, please don’t go back on the mat and fight. I can’t bare to watch you get hurt. Your beautiful face is marked up. I’m begging you to please come home with me.” He closes his eyes. He looks so torn.

  I know this is hard for him. He has never been able to turn me down. “Sorry, Holly I can’t.” Rage is burning in my veins now. “Fuck, your sorry’s. What if you get badly hurt? Or hit the wrong way and die? Have you thought about that? Have you thought about our parents losing a child? Haven’t they suffered from death enough in this lifetime. What the hell about me? Did you marry me just so I could become a widower the very next day?” Unwrapping my legs from around his waist. I try to remove myself from him.

  He is more powerful than me, he refuses to let me go. “Calm down Holly. I’m not gonna fucking die, you crazy fucking girl. I’m letting him get some hits in to wear his ass out, Then I go in on him. Your not gonna be no widower.” Placing a kiss on my forehead, holding his lips there for a second before continuing. “I am not leaving you Holly Bear. Go home with Layla and I’ll be home as soon as I finish this fight. I don’t want you getting hurt in this crowd.” Tears are falling from my eyes. I am helpless to stop them.

  He tries his damndest to wipe them away. But they are falling to fast. “I want no part of this Jake. I refuse to be the doting wife, who works side by side with you, then goes home and have to worry if your gonna walk through the door at night because your putting yourself in situations like this. I’ve known you always had a godawful temper, but this is taking it to far. I refuse to become a widower like my father did. Your irreplaceable Jake, and I can’t stand the thought of you getting hurt. Or waiting at home wondering if your going to be okay”

  Worry covers his face. “What are you saying Holly, you’re not leaving me. I’ll walk through our front door as soon as I finish up here. You will never end up like our parents. I got this shit covered. ” He tries to kiss me, I turn my head.

  “Give me a kiss before I go back out their on that mat.” Rejection hurts like a bitch. He isn’t coming home with me. I give in and kiss him. Closing my eyes. Swallowing the hurt I feel. “Open your eyes.” I hear the hurt in his voice, and give into his request. Kissing him back.

  If something does happen to him here tonight, I couldn’t live with myself if I didn’t look at him tonight while kissing him.

  Rejection hurts so fucking much. Jake has never denied me anything until tonight. He has never said no to me. My sweet Jake. I can’t do this. I can’t watch him fight.

  After our kiss he turns to head back to the mat, glancing back at me one more time before stepping onto the map. I can see the regret in his eyes.

  Killian says something and Jake flips the hell out. Killian must of said something bitter, because this is the Jake I know. The one who doesn’t take no shit.

  Jake throws a right hook, then two left hooks. The crowd goes crazy. Cheering Jake on.

  They are both exchanging punches. Jake throws his hands at a faster speed then Killian gaining more hits.

  Jake uppercuts Killian, causing Killians feet to slip from under him. Jake drops down on Killian taking Killians head between his hands and repeatedly bangs his head onto the mat.

  Blood is gushing from Killian. I think it’s his nose. I can’t tell forsure from where I’m standing. The light in here sucks ass.

  “Are you ready french fry, I can’t watch this anymore?” Layla’s voice causes me to jump out the daze I was in.

  I clutch her hand in a firm grip and we run for the stairs taking them two at a time.

  Chapter 13


  After Layla and I
left the fight we went to a hotel on the other side of town.

  I needed a break from everything. My body has been constantly on the go the past few days. I need some time to relax and think. I need sometime to myself away from it all.

  We didn’t wanna take a chance and go back to Layla’s and Dave shows up with Jake and the guys. I didn’t want to go to my parents house and cause problems.

  This is what dad visualized happening. I couldn’t go to their house and expect them to not let jake in the house. I would never ask them to shut their door in his face. I just couldn’t ever put them in a situation like that.

  So we decided the hotel was the best choice.

  We had time to go to our houses last night and grab some personal items and a few sets of clothes to last us for a couple of days we are here.

  Our men started blowing up our phones not long after we checked into the hotel last night. We turned them off last night and left them on the nightstand.

  When they started blowing up our phones we knew they were okay.

  The hotel has a six foot pool, and a hot tub. Right after we turned our phones off Layla and I went down to the aqua center in the hotel.

  We soaked in the hot tub for hours and just talked about everything. Layla is hurting as much as I am. She had no idea Dave was involved in any kind of shit like this.. We were so clueless.

  Layla and Dave have been together for so long. I know this is hurting her.

  I’m glad she is with me, I’m not sure I would have the strength to stay away from Jake if I was alone. We are leaning on each other. Having her hair makes it easier.

  That’s what friends are for.

  I haven’t decided what we are going to do when we check out. I haven’t turned my phone on yet either.

  It’s been off the whole time. I can’t look at the messages or bring myself to listen to the voicemails. If I hear his voice right now, I’ll want to run back in his arms.

  This is the furthest Jake and I have been apart.

  Out of reach. Hopefully it will teach him a lesson and he will stop with the fights.


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