My One, My Only, My StepBrother

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My One, My Only, My StepBrother Page 6

by Terri Brooks

  Everytime we vacationed we were always together or the whole family would go. Even when he moved out he was always in driving distance.

  This time he doesn’t have a clue where I am, and since I’ve known Jake, he has never been unaware of my whereabouts.

  He should have trusted me and told me what was going on instead of lying to me and telling me he had to clean.

  I would not have took that dance no further than a dance with Killian. I blame myself for the fight. I hate the fact it blew up the way it did. It wasn’t worth my Jake having a bruised up face. Or putting himself in harm’s way the way he did.

  We’re going to spend the day in bed and just relax and watch t.v. shows.

  We’ve filled our stomachs up with tasty cakes, chips and pizza. I feel better already having some girl time with my bestie, away from all of the bull shit.

  “Have you checked your phone yet?” I ask during a commercial.

  “Yeah, he is upset that I left. Begging me to return to the house. Apologizing, and promising me as soon as they find someone to replace his job with the fights he will only work the gym.” Her eyelids droop.

  “I believe him Layla. Dave loves you so much.” She nods her head in agreement.

  “Check your messages. We can listen to them together. I know Jake is probably going nuts right now.” I know she is right.

  I reach over picking my phone up off the nightstand.

  Turning it on. Oh, my word... My voicemail is filt to the max. I can not receive any more messages. I have a ton of text, to many to check that’s for sure.

  Dad called and left a message telling me he is worried and would like for me to call him.

  Jake blew my phone up. Begging me to come back home, telling me he loves me and needs me. Apologizing to me. Wanting me to let him know I am okay.

  Layla and I listen to every message he left. I can hear the desperation in his voice as he pleads with me to come back to him.

  He tells me everything about the fights. How it all started. Layla and I sit there and quietly listen to him talk on my voicemail.

  I’m not sure what I want to do. I know I’m not ready to go back and it is a lot to take in.

  When I pleaded with him he turned his back on me and went back to the mat to fight Killian. Maybe I am being stubborn. But right now I can’t bring myself to care.

  When he dialed my number last night ringing my phone I felt instant relief knowing he was okay.

  That’s all I need for now.

  Geez, Holly what the hell do we do now?” I look over at her.

  “Layla if you go home before I do, please don’t let Jake talk you into telling him I am here. If you want to go home cheesesteak I’ll take you. I am not ready yet. I feel hurt that he didn’t come to me when he was in need and he’s done so much for me. I’ve turned to him countless times for things. And the one time he needed a little help he couldn’t come to me. He rather have illegal fights than to confide in me, and that hurts.” I say touching my chest.

  Laying my head on her shoulder she begins talking. “Well I’m staying with you. As long as Dave and I been together he’s never held back from telling me something. It takes one secret and they will continue to pile up. I am going to relax here with you tonight, and tomorrow night we party french fry.” She lays her head against mine.

  “Now that sounds like a plan.” Pulling the covers up over us.

  We have plenty of food to feed us all night. The bed just became our new best friend.

  Tomorrow is a new day. New memories.

  I am going to get trashed and drink the pain away.

  Chapter 14


  There are several bars to choose from. It’s hard to chose.

  Layla and I always had an obsession with even numbers. In school we had to have an even amount of people in our group. So, we decide to walk into the second bar we spot.

  We did each others makeup, and curled our hair and left it down around our face. We wore similar dresses . I wore the short red spaghetti strap dress and she wore the short black spaghetti strap dress.

  The block where all of the bars are located was only a five minute walk from our hotel.

  The bar is a jam packed. I head over to the bar to order us some drinks while Layla grabbed us a pool table before anyone else can snatch it.

  The have karaoke, bull riding, and dart boards. Looks like we picked the best spot.

  After getting our drinks I carry them over to the pool table, and begin lining them up on the side of the pool table.

  “What you get?” Layla ask, while racking the balls.

  I don’t answer right away. I swallowed a shot of vodka on the way over, and I’m waiting for the burning sensation to subside. “I got us some shots of vodka, red headed sluts, jagermeister, and your favorite.. Incredible hulk.. Getting smashed tonight cheesesteak.” She takes the triangle off the table all of the balls are sitting perfectly on the pool table.

  My bestie grabs a shot glass and I grab another. “Cheers” We say at the same time tapping our glass together.

  We slug our drinks down and start our game of pool.

  It takes us a while to clear the table.

  “COME’ON HOLLY, WANNA sing on karaoke?” I start laughing. I’m buzzed but, before I do that I’ma need another drink.

  I have no problem singing and dancing in my bedroom. But, in a crammed bar I feel a little shy.

  I drag Layla back to the bar. “After a couple more shots I will sing on the karaoke machine with you.” We order a few more and swallow them back.

  I’m where I want to be. I feel strong enough to take on the world.

  “I’m ready!” She tosses her last shot back and giggles.

  Taking each others hand we stagger over to the karaoke. Jumping on the stage, we pick a song.

  -Ain’t it funny by Ja Rule and Jlo.- Oh, lord this is gonna be fun.

  Before we start the song, I hand my phone to some dude and ask him if he’ll record us. He agrees. I set my phone up, all he has to do is push the record button when we begin.

  “Ready to do this french fry?” Layla challenges me.

  Wiggling my eyebrows at her. “Hell, yeah!”

  I shout out the rap lyrics to the song, while Layla sings Jlo’s part. The further into the song we get the more energized we get. We are totally feeling it. We dance together, shaking our booty, dipping low, dancing circles around each other.

  When we finish the song we drop the mic and stand with our backs against each other. Crossing our arms over our chest we look out into the bar.

  Oh, shit... All eyes are on us. The large group are clapping, and hollering for us to do another.

  We were having so much fun in our own little world we didn’t even notice we had an audience.

  I walk over to the dude to get my phone. When I reach for it. He jerks his arm back. I look at him confused. “Do one more, y’all had this place jumping. The best entertainment all damn night”

  “Will you record it?” I ask staggering back over to Layla. He nods his head.

  This time we pick - A genie in a bottle by Christina Aguilera-

  We slur the lyrics out. Freak dancing with each other. These people made us feel like celebrities.

  We give them one hell of a show. Teasing the guys with the way we are dancing and touching each other.

  Letting Loose.

  Having Fun.

  Living Life.

  Acting like two fools. And boy, does it feel good.

  When we’re finished the guy gives me back my phone, I waste no time posting the videos to my facebook page.

  We go back over to the bar and order a mixed fruity drink. We sit there for a while sipping them taking the time to catch our breath.

  “Layla, Jake commented on the video, asking where the fuck I’m at.” Hiccup.

  “Let him wonder just like he made you wonder. Better yet, let him find out on his own like you had too.” I love this girl she is the sister
I never had.

  We go over to the dart board, we’re not taking anything serious.

  We are too giggly and can hardly stand still.

  We begin throwing the darts, missing every single one of them which causes us to laugh even harder.

  The darts are bouncing off the wall, falling straight to the floor.

  “Do you want to ride the bull?” I am curious to how it is. I’ve never rode a bull before.

  “Hell Yeah.” Layla is so outgoing, and down to earth. We have so much in common.

  She goes first, they had to help her on. I record her, continuously laughing at her.

  Everytime the bull starts moving she goes flying.

  Finally she gives up. Taking my phone to record me. She says. “Girl, that damn bull isn’t as easy as those girls riding it made it look.” She is rubbing her bottom.

  I’m no better than she is. I fly off the second it moves. I try a few more times. It’s no use. I give up and laugh my way over to Layla.

  “EITHER I DRANK TOO much, Or that bull made me sick. The rough bastard.” Laying my head down on the bar.

  Layla puts her elbow on the bar, laying her head on her hand. “ I think it was the bull. I feel like I’m going to be sick. And we still have to walk back to the hotel.” She wines.

  Dammit, I didn’t think about that. Shouldn’t have drank so much. No time for regrets. Life is too short, and I had one hell of a night.

  I hear Layla shriek next to me. I shift her way, almost falling off the stool. A set of strong arms wrap around me stopping my fall. I focus on Layla, and I see Dave throwing her up on his shoulders.

  “I miss you baby.” Ah, hell. How the hell did he find me. I missed him too, but I’m too stubborn to tell him.

  Chapter 15


  Holly ignores me. I figured she would. She has always been too damn stubborn for her own good.

  She posted those videos on her facebook page probably too drunk to realize her location was turned on.

  Facebook automatically tagged -The Tropical Thunder- to her videos.

  I googled the place and got the address. Dave followed me, since I had the information typed in on my GPS already.

  I knew she was drunk when I watched the videos. I just didn’t think she was this drunk. I’m pretty sure if I didn’t catch her just now she would have fell off the bar stool.

  Holly and Layla was up on that karaoke stage dancing like two strippers. Grinding their asses on one another. Rubbing each others asses and other parts. Those short ass fucking dresses they are wearing pissed me off even more.

  Dave and I really pissed our woman off. Layla was ignoring Dave as well. If it wasn’t for the fact her location was on I don’t think we would have found them.

  I was pissed off even more at how far she was. Completely out of my reach. They are in the heart of the city miles the fuck away.

  “Ignore me all you want, but I’m taking you home so you can sleep this shit off.” She tries her best to pull away from me.

  I fucked up this time. She has never acted this way with me. When we were younger if we had a disagreement it was forgotten a couple of minutes later.

  “Get off of me, Jake.” She’s slurring so bad I can barely make out what she is saying.

  If she thinks I’m going to leave her here by herself in the state of mind she is in she has another thing coming.

  Fuck This!! I pick her up and toss her over my shoulder.

  She starts wiggling and kicking her legs. “Put me down Jake. I feel like I’m gonna puke.” I ignore her. Thinking she is just saying that so I put her down.

  I missed the hell out of her. I couldn’t sleep or eat. I had trouble tolerating the fact I didn’t know where she was. I’m not letting her go now that I have her back in my arms.

  Once we get outside I head straight for the car. She abruptly stops moving. I feel her heaving. Before I can move her I feel the warm liquid soaking my back.

  God Dammit. I should have listened to her.

  Jesus Chris, She just hurled all over me.

  She isn’t done.

  I stand her up and she wobbles. I grab a hold of her, and pull her hair back while she pukes her guts out.

  What a fucking mess. Ah shit, it fucking smells horrible!

  When she’s finished she looks up at me with sadness in her eyes. “Can you carry me like you always do Jake. Don’t toss me on your shoulder like I am a rag doll. Hold me. I don’t have the strength to fight you.” I don’t like the sadness in her eyes. I’m gonna fill them back up with happiness even if it kills me.

  I pick her up, I can tell she is sloshed. She doesn’t wrap her legs around me like she normally does. Her legs are dangling at my sides.

  She does manage to wrap her arms around my neck and bury her face into my neck. I feel her take a deep breath. She has always done this.

  I’ve used the same cologne since I was a teenager. When we were younger she did this to, She didn’t wrap her legs around me like she does now. But every time we hugged she always inhaled my scent.

  I angle my head, kissing her neck. She doesn’t respond.

  Once we get to the car, I take the sheets out of the trunk and cover the seats.

  She looks as if she is more alert now. She doesn’t talk to me on the ride home. Not a word.

  When we get to our house she makes no effort to get herself out of the car.

  When Holly is pissed she usually storms away and slams doors.

  I get her out of the car taking the sheets with me.

  My whole car stinks like puke. I roll the windows down to air out the car. The funk is horrible.

  I walk us straight into the bathroom.

  I sit her on the bathroom counter, and brush her teeth. Her movements are a lot slower.

  I slip her clothes off standing in front of her between her legs, and strip our clothes off.

  I carry her into the shower, washing her first than myself.

  “Can you stand while I grab us some towels?” I’m scared to let her go not wanting her to fall and hurt herself.

  “I don’t need you to stand. I’ve been standing on my own since I was one years old Jake.” Ouch that hurt. I ignore the smart ass remark.

  I let go of her keeping my hands close just incase she wobbles.

  She braces herself on the wall waiting for me to get the towels.

  I dry us off, and put one of my T-shirts on her, slipping a pair of boxers on myself.

  She lays on her side on the bed. I crawl in next to her wrapping myself around her. “Get off me Jake.” I’m tired of her telling me this. I know I fucked up, I missed the fuck out of her, and she acts like this doesn’t bother her.

  “No, Your my wife and I missed you. Stick your attitude up your ass and shit it out. Haven’t you missed me at all Holly?” I pull her into me. She comes easily this time.

  “I love you, Holly.” She lets out a mockery laugh.

  “Love?” She says it like a question.

  “You love me, Jake? I actually thought you did, until I saw you fight Killian. You turned your back on me to finish a fight. You let me worry about you. I tell you everything there is about me. Things I’ve never told anyone else. Not my father, nor my best friend. I thought we were closer than that Jake. I thought you told me everything as well. You hide shit from me. You don’t trust me to have your back. All of those times you helped me and gave to me, the one time you needed help you didn’t come to me. You decide to run illegal fights out your gym instead of talking to me. So, don’t talk about fucking love.” She stares up at the ceiling. Her eyes are filling with tears.

  “Holly look at me.” I try to turn her face towards me, but she jerks her face out of my hand.

  Even though she refuses to look at me. I talk anyway. “ It isn’t like that. I’ve always had a strong urge to take care of you, to protect you. I didn’t want to look weak in your eyes Holly. I didn’t want to go to our parents, because I knew when you turned eighteen I was
making you mine.” She rolls over and faces me. I kiss her lips, she doesn’t kiss me back.

  “I didn’t want dad to look down on me as a punk who couldn’t run a business and wasn’t strong enough to take care of his daughter. I didn’t want him to think I wasn’t good enough to marry his daughter. If I couldn’t run a business how the hell would I support a family? Support his daughter, his only daughter? So I did what I had to, too thrive. And it worked. I set some plans into motion. I need you to be patient and wait with me while everything falls into place. Don’t ever question my love, Holly. I love you more than I love myself.” She doesn’t say anything else. She lays her head on my chest, wraps her arm around me, and tosses her leg over me.

  I missed her so fucking much, now that I had her I can’t handle being away from her.

  Now that we are wrapped around each other I can finally get some sleep.

  Chapter 16


  I wake up feeling like shit. Jake is still asleep. He is snoring loudly. He’s in a deep sleep. I can tell he hasn’t slept by the bags under his eyes.

  I know Jake loves me. I shouldn’t have questioned that. Angry on top of being smashed didn’t work well.

  I am scared he will get hurt or locked up if he continues with these fights.

  I can’t live in a world without him. The thought of not having him around sends a sharp pain straight through my heart.

  We’ve been glued to the hips since we were little kids. He is all I know.

  I slide out the bed without waking Jake up, he needs this sleep.

  I get myself together and go down stairs to grab a bite to eat hoping it helps with this nausea. I’ve never felt this sick after drinking.

  I make it to the trash can just in time. I am amazed at how much vomit comes up after puking so much last night.

  Crap, thinking about last night remembering throwing up on jake makes me laugh out loud. I should be embarrassed by that, but if I remember correctly I did give him a warning.

  I decide to grab a can of sprite out of the fridge and make a piece of toast.


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