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Dual Sword God Box Set

Page 25

by Shadows Finger

  "Good Morning Sir, how may I be of assistance to you today?" A beautiful female said she was dressed in a stylized ancient formal dress with a symbol of a question mark on its chest.

  "I'm here to attend the auction," A shady looking man.

  "Very well, right this way," She responded as she guided the man towards a desk where she began to help him register for the auction.

  Step. Step. Step.

  While all of this was going on, three figures could be seen making their way towards the entrance of the pavilion.

  One of them was a young man dressed in stylish red robes with long dark gold sleeves that had patterns, atop his head was a simple head-accessory by his right side was a blue-haired young man with a large black conical hat, he wore black qigong robes with dark wrapping over his limbs. Finally, on the other side was a healthy-looking figure reaching as high as two meters tall, he wore a sleeveless shirt with large baggy trousers and wooden sandals.

  As the trio made their way across the crowd gathered at the entrance, there couldn't help but be a small commotion.

  "Isn't that!" One practitioner shouted as he noticed the blue-hair underneath the conical hat of the figure who was walking along with the individuals of three man the group.

  "It's Blue Thunder Dai Lin!" Another individual exclaimed.

  "That’s him?" An influential looking figure said.

  "Yes, I'd remember that guy anywhere!" The individual said once more.

  "Then, who are those two beside him?" Asked the influential looking figure.

  "If I were to recall correctly the red-haired young man is the young master of one of the largest family clans’ in Machen Town the Feng Clan. He is called Feng Yu and goes by another reputation in these parts," The individual said.

  "Oh, and what reputation does he have?" Asked the influential looking figure.

  "Ha! I hear he goes by the honored title of ‘Troublemaker’ Feng Yu," The influential replied with scorn on his face.

  "Hmph! Only a bumpkin in a pond nothing more, who is that young man walking beside them?" The influential looking figure said.

  "That, I don’t know. I have no idea who he is or where he's from," The replied individual.

  "..." The influential looking figure looked on in silence.

  Feng Yu hearing the discussion going on around him went to a dark mood as he glanced at Dai Lin secretly. Sadly though, Dai Lin's expression remained indifferent as if the matter of the mundane world had nothing to do with him. Soon, he restrained his glance and looked forwards once more.

  The moment this was done Dai Lin who was also observing Feng Yu reaction in secret casually wiped the almost imperceptible sweat from his forehead while pondering, "Young Master Yu seems to be upset about this, it looks like I need to be careful."

  As Hui Ying saw this scene, he couldn't help but make a snicker, "Puhei~."

  "Brother Ying, is something the matter?" Asked Feng Yu as he looked at Hui Ying snickering.

  "Oh, nothing! It's nothing, only excess air," Replied Hui Ying as he pulled himself together.

  "Hmph! We're almost there! Let's pick up the pace," As Feng Yu said this, without waiting for their consent he promptly rushed forward towards the registration area for the auction. Dai Lin and Hui Ying smiled secretly to themselves as they immediately followed him.

  "Welcome Sirs, which service would you like to register for today?" The beautiful young woman asked.

  "I would like to have a booth for today's auction prepared for the three of us," Feng Yu replied as he took out an insignia from his storage ring.

  "Understood, please sign your----" The woman responded, but before she could finish her statement, she saw the odd insignia within Feng Yu's hands, suddenly a look of surprise flashed across her face as she glanced at Feng Yu with a curious light.

  "Honoured Guests! Please follow me to the VIP quarters," The beautiful woman replied with a more respectful tone. As she said this, she then began to lead Feng Yu and his party towards the VIP Booth.

  "Eh? Brother Yu, how did you get a VIP token? I've heard that it's difficult for even the most powerful of influences in this kingdom's capital," Hui Ying said as he had a puzzling look came over his face.

  Dai Lin in the corner smiled as he had already noticed the strangeness of the Feng Clan through his years of service.

  "My aunt gave it to me, she said it could be useful," Feng Yu replied vaguely.

  Hui Ying hearing this had a strange expression on his face, but he didn't bother to delve any deeper.

  Soon, they came in front of a large room. The room had a personal bartender and even a game table with a myriad of games stored on the inside. Strange runes powered it and drew energy from low tier essence stones. A tinted glass window that took up an entire wall for itself, as a few luxurious cushions with a small gray orb floating at their sides were positioned 1 meter away from the window.

  The beautiful woman upon arriving here pointed towards the gaming platform and bartender before speaking once more, "Honoured Guests, this will be your betting quarters, we have an assortment of entertainment devices that can be used to occupy your time until the start of the auction. We have also provided a personal wine mixer who will provide you with the finest quality of liquors in our storage."

  Afterward, she then pointed towards the window and cushions and continued to speak, "This tinted window is where you will be able to see the auction's proceedings. Simply touch the floating orb beside your cushions of choice, and you will be able to remove its tint. Also, no one on the outside will be able to see through this window as on the outside it will simply appear as another layer of wall. To place your bets on an item of choice there is an option available in the menu of those RelayOrb's, simply inject your essence-energies, and it will prompt you with that option."

  "Well then, Honoured Guests, if that is all I will now be taking my leave. You may contact our staff using one of the RelayOrb's at any time," As she said this, she then bowed curtly then left the room.

  Feng Yu looked around the room in surprise as he murmured, "Incredible, this Mystery Pavilion is more than I'd originally thought it would be, such interesting facilities. I wonder, how did they go about creating such things?"

  "Indeed, they truly are a unique and mysterious set of individuals at that," Hui Ying replied as he went towards the wine mixer to get some drinks.

  Dai Lin walked towards the gaming platform and inspected it for a bit, placing his finger on one of the compartments. Soon, a strange scene occurred as a virtual board beamed itself on top of the platform and in simple text prompted him to choose an option.

  "Select your desired game:" system prompt.

  "Go, Shogi, Chess, Dungeon and Lycans, Battle of the Dummies," system prompt.

  "Eh? Young Master Yu, this looks very interesting would you like to try it," Dai Lin said with a look of slight excitement visible in his eyes.

  As Feng Yu used the RelayOrb to remove the tint from the window, he heard Dai Lin's words. Quickly, he left the RelayOrb then headed towards Dai Lin while asking.

  "What's the matter, Dai Lin? Has this thing caught your interest?" He asked as he made his way over.

  Hui Ying who also got himself a few drinks also made his way over to see what was going on.

  "Oh! Interesting, this looks pretty fun why don't we try it," Hui Ying said as he pointed at the option for Battle of the Dummies.

  "Fine! Even though the name sounds a bit strange it should prove to be quite interesting," Feng Yu said.

  Quickly, they each placed their hands at opposing compartments made on the platform, following which there was a change.

  Phew! A beam of light shone across the platform, and three tiny puppets made of unknown materials appeared in the center of a simulated battlefield. The three puppets had no aura, but they each had a strange feeling as if they connected to the very souls of Feng Yu, Dai Lin, and Hui Ying.

  Ping! "Choose your weapons:" system prompt.

  "Swords, Bow, Spe
ar, Blade, Hatchet, Axe, Chains, Knives, Stick, Stone, Knuckle Guards," system prompt.

  Feng Yu seeing this felt curious as he responded, "Two Swords!".

  Ping! Suddenly, two sharp looking swords appeared in the hands of the puppet with red hair. They gleam with a threatening light at the edges of their blades.

  "Interesting, it feels as if I'm the one controlling these swords myself," Feng Yu said as he observed the puppet with interest while injecting his essence energy into the platform to move the puppet around.

  Dai Lin and Hui Ying seeing this also chose their weapons.

  "Knuckles!" Dai Lin said as a pair of blue knuckles appeared on his puppet with blue hair.

  "Bow! " Hui Yin said as a large bow appeared on the back of black-haired puppet.

  As soon as all three puppets were armed for battle, the board once again changed as countdown initiated.

  "The battle will commence in - 5, 4, 3, 2, 1." system prompt.

  "Commence Battle Royal – Mode: Free for All," system prompt.

  "Ha! Let's do this!" They said in unison as a fire glared in their eyes prepared to do battle, they pushed their consciousness into their puppets and commenced a showdown like none other before.

  ∞ ∞ ∞

  Outside of Machen Town on a large hill.

  A group of people could be viewed making their way downwards towards the town in the distance, at the head of those individuals were five imposing individuals, 3 of whom were quite familiar.

  "Brother Zang, it seems that this small town has quite a few secrets," A brawny and confident looking youth said.

  "Hmph! A place of nothing but bumpkins and strays from tiny affiliate kingdoms," A pretty looking girl said.

  "...." The young man being spoken to did not respond, he thought inwardly, "Hmm, I wonder if he is already here," As he thought this a smile could be seen trailing at the edge of his lips.

  Soon, their figures vanished across the horizon followed by a relatively large group of individuals as they made their way towards the small town in the distance.

  Chapter 38


  Sudden Insights! An Unusual Xiang Shu?

  It was a battle that transcended the very limits of man, as beams of sword light rained down destruction towards a desolate land of ruin buildings and ancient constructs. The energies broke through the buildings and tore through the earth, as it left deep gashes that scarred the land.

  Shing! Shing! Bang!

  With the sound of an explosion, a blue-haired form was soon revealed hidden beneath what was once a towering ancient building. It then looked up towards another figure of red hair that stood above the earth descending like a god amongst men and then placed its fists together, forming a ball of electric current around its strange looking knuckles.

  Pzzzzz! KA-Bang! Along with the sounding of thunder, a blue lightning bolt instantly soared to the sky from the ground leaving only a remnant shade of the previous blue-haired form, as it shot towards the red-haired form with full momentum.

  "Heavenly Shocking Circuit: First Style - Double Shock Palms!" The blue-haired form roared.

  The red-haired form looked on without any emotion as it moved one of the swords by its side in an elusive manner. Soon, a trail of swords could be seen creating an illusion of multiple swords surrounding the red-haired form.

  "Sword Foundation Tactics: Path of Balance: Burry Mantis Swords!" The red-haired form shouted.

  In an instant, there came silence, as the attacks of both forms collided creating a shockwave that instantly generated a vacuum zone. In the space, all sound ceased, but after a short moment, the 'zone' was soon destroyed by a raging current of blue electrical energy that spread outwards scattering towards the distant buildings and constructs creating further ruin to the environment.

  Pzzzzz! As the electrical energies continued to wreak havoc, the red-haired form stood firm in mid-air as it stubbornly blocked both fists of the blue-haired figure with its sword. However, there was suddenly a change, the blue-haired form that was pressing its attack retracted its skill as it flickered with blue lightning appearing a few meters away from the red-haired form focusing its gaze towards the sky.

  Soon, a rain of arrows could be seen falling towards both forms at terrifying speeds, blanketing more than 200 meters of the sky. Followed by a voice that seemed to have sounded from everywhere but nowhere at the same time.

  "HuiMang Bow Arts: 2nd Bolt: Sky’s Stripper!" Said the voice of a black-haired form which could now be seen hiding a few hundred meters away.

  As the rain of arrows continued to fall, the two forms that were within its area of effect were not panicked instead they prepared to receive it directly. The blue-haired form moved and positioned its hands into a brawling stance.

  "Heavenly Shocking Circuit: Second Style - Shock Palm Barrage!" It roared as it launched a barrage of palms towards the rain of arrows in the sky creating thousands upon thousands of electric palm shades, the bolts that encountered its palms exploded with brute force creating a small shockwave for each blow landed.

  The red-haired form seeing this did not attack the rain of arrows but aim its vision somewhere else looking directly towards the black-haired form in the distance. Slowly, it reached towards the other sword on its left side and drew it, fully equipping itself with two swords. It then crouched down and leaned its body forward as it positioned the tip of each sword towards the ground with both arms placed backward assuming the form of a bird ready to take flight.

  "Sword Foundation Tactics: Path of Eruption - Dual Blazing Sword Waves!" The red-haired form said as it roared.

  Suddenly, a towering sword aura rose as an invincible prestige covered the entire small world. Clusters of flame essence-energies gathered around the red-haired form’s two swords, as blazing sword energies erupted towards the sky transforming the sky into a sea of flames. Just as the towering sword energy was about to unleash its wrath, there was an interruption.

  Ping! "Your combat time has ended! Battle Result - Draw!" System Prompt.

  Phew! After a flash of light, the magical battlefield on the platform disappeared, and Feng Yu, Dai Lin, and Hui Ying removed their hands from the compartments.

  Hui Ying looked at Feng Yu in shock as he said, "Brother Yu! What on earth was that sword technique?"

  Dai Lin also looked at Feng Yu with a bit of dread as he remembered the final scene.

  As if he did not hear them Feng Yu was currently standing with his eyes closed trying to remember the feeling he had just experienced. Sadly, the time was too short as the moment he inspired the strength of two swords he was 'booted' out of the platform. After a bit of time in his head, he cleared his thoughts and opened his eyes.

  Shing! Almost as if a sword was drawn, an invisible intent appeared briefly for a moment only to disappear shortly after.

  Feeling this intent that flickered for a moment Hui Ying and Dai Lin once again fell into a state of shock.

  "Half-Step Sword Intent! How could this be?!" Hui Ying shouted as he took a step back only trip and almost fall on the floor.

  "Young Master Yu is truly extraordinary!" Dai Lin said as he looked in awe at Feng Yu.

  Feng Yu who was now fully aware of his surrounding hearing their exclamations scratched his head as he replied, "A pity, it was only a vague feeling of grasping 'Sword Intent,' I'll need to get another sword and try it to truly grasp the feeling. If so, I believe I may be able to not only step into the Sword Realm of 'One with Sword' but also grasp initial insights into the 'Sword Intent.' Such a superb platform, to think it could cause such an effect."

  "Mm. It is indeed an astounding device. Even I feel a slight hint of a breakthrough regarding my 'Bow Intent.' Even though those puppets were roughly on the same level and we could only compete with our comprehensions. It was enough to temper our already solid foundation regarding our Martial Path's," Hui Ying said as his bow that was on his back vibrated slightly.

  "Un. My has
also reached another turning point, I believe I'm not far from unearthing another of its true combat skills," Dai Lin said as he grasped his fists tightly causing a small electromagnetic field to appear around his fist like a 'Domain.'

  As they continued to discuss with each other the benefits of the 'Battle of the Dummies' game, there was a sudden announcement that came from a central RelayOrb inside of the room,

  Ping! "Attention everyone and our Honoured Guests, the Mystery Pavilion Auction will commence in 40 minutes, please take this time prepare for the event," The voice of a woman said.

  "It's about time this show got started, I wonder what kind of characters will show up?" Hui Ying said as he walked over to the window to look at the auction's main room.

  Feng Yu and Dai Li also went over to observe from their seats.

  The view outside the window was a peculiar sight indeed, strange and mysterious character flocked towards their numbered seats with the guide of the Mystery Pavilion Staff Members. The auction room was a rather vast and spacious room within the building reaching a height of over 40 meters. The seated participants were divided into the layers, at the bottommost layer were ordinary individuals with common status, while the second, third, fourth and fifth layers going upward belong to the higher brass of society and top-class mysterious characters from distant places.

  As the characters were seating themselves and bickering a scene suddenly took place that drew most people’s attention.

  Bang! Thud! A figure crashed towards the ground from the second-tier betting layer within the auction room, looking closely, it was a skinny mousy young man with long black hair that trailed down to his knees. The figure who tossed him off the platform was an arrogant looking man who appeared to have come from a rich background.

  "Che! Where did this rat come from? Why was I not told that the Mystery Pavilion could not even handle its pest affairs?" The arrogant looking man said as his voice spread across the entire room filing the ears of everywhere one observing or not.

  Listening to his statement some of the figures in the room started laughing and making jeers as they looked towards the form which was now seated crossed-legged position below.


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