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Sweet Nectar (Ellison Brothers)

Page 6

by Vera Roberts

  Emerging from my bedroom a few brief minutes later, I hear voices talking. I quietly wait in the hallway to listen in. It’s clear Jared and Soul are having words, yet there is peaceful tension between them. Jared isn’t raising his voice neither is Soul, however, Soul has proven he doesn’t need to yell to end someone’s existence.

  “Who are you, man?” Jared asks.

  “Soul Ellison,” Soul introduces himself.

  “Oh,” Jared acts like he knows who Soul is and he just might. The Ellison family isn’t a family people don’t know who they are. The last name alone tells people they’re up there with the Clintons, Bushes, DuPonts, and Hiltons in terms of wealth, power, privilege. “Are you related to that family?”

  “I am,” Soul replies.

  “Ah, good.” Jared pauses for a moment. “How do you know Ariana?”

  Quietly, I’m imploring Soul not to tell Jared how he knows me. I’m hoping he doesn’t share the real story on how I wrote that horrible article on him. He shouldn’t mention how I hid into my bedroom for days and barely ate or slept as I recovered from the embarrassment of a lifetime.

  And please, Soul, don’t mention how after I saw Jared cheating on me, I stayed with you for a month. And during that month, you showed me how to embrace my natural hair. You made me feel comfortable in my own skin.

  And you blew my back out so much I had trouble walking straight in the airport as I headed back home to Los Angeles.

  I feel the hairs prickle on my arms and my heart races to unbelievable rate. If Soul blows up my spot, there will be instant hell to pay. Yet, Soul will not leave me here alone with Jared under any circumstances.

  My spot might be blown regardless of what he says.

  “We’re good friends,” Soul finally answers and my body releases the stranglehold on my lungs.

  Jared seems to accept that answer and doesn’t push it. Jared is a man of few words and likes to think he’s smarter than what he really is. He ended up dropping out of Cal State L.A. while I went on to graduate. He’s held a series of jobs, but was never jobless for too long. I can also say he’s never been at the same job for longer than a couple of years.

  Yet, Jared likes to think he has the intelligence, attitude, and wealth of a CEO when he’s just slightly above an entry-level worker at best. He’s one of those guys who thinks because he’s a manager, he’s a boss, but really he’s a dick.

  What Jared doesn’t like is any challenge to his manhood. If he feels threatened, he won’t act like he’ll fight right back despite how hard he likes to think he’ll come across. He’ll coward down because let’s face it, Soul would wipe Jared off the face of the earth and do it with a smile. I might smile as well.

  Clearing my throat, I re-enter the living room and Soul immediately stands. Seeing how Soul reacted, Jared also stands. “I’m ready to go now,” I mention to Soul.

  “Wait...hold on!” Jared finally stands between us. “Where are you going? What’s going on here?”

  “I’m going on a business trip,” I mention to Jared. “I’m going to interview Soul about his upcoming fashion line. He’s flying me to Harlem to do so.”

  “I didn’t know about this trip,” Jared defiantly replies, “why am I just finding out about this?”

  “I spoken to Soul tonight about it at Desiree’s concert and he was only in town for a few days.” I’m unnerved at how well these lies are coming out of my mouth. “So, I’m leaving tonight and I’ll be back soon.”

  “Oh, okay.” Jared steps closer to me and lays a forcible kiss on my lips. He grabs my ass and squeezes it before he pulls away. Jared smiles while I look at him with embarrassment.

  He was sending a message to me. He was sending a message to Soul. She’s mine.

  “Have a fun trip, baby.” Jared winks at me before he turns to Soul. “Nice to meet you, man.” He nods at him.

  “Same.” Soul’s voice is ripe with controlled anger. He expresses nothing on his face and his emotions would not indicate otherwise. I’m the only one who notices how his nostrils flared up and his fists curled up into tight balls.

  Soul is calm, cool, and collected on the surface. But honestly, he wants to punch Jared in his fucking face.

  Chapter Three

  This tension between us was thicker than a jar of cold peanut butter.

  As Soul navigated throughout traffic on our way to somewhere, he was silent. He didn’t hum. He didn’t crack a corny joke. He didn’t talk about Desiree’s performance. He didn’t say a word.

  He was pissed.

  Soul wasn’t hunched over his driving wheel as if he drove in a panic. His eyebrows weren’t furrowed nor were there any lines on his forehead. His jaw was easy but Soul was far from relaxed.

  He showed incredible restraint when he saw Jared kissed me. I wasn’t in a position to turn him down yet Soul didn’t make any move or threat. I know it had something to do with possibly being outnumbered – Jared had three of his friends over in comparison with just Soul being there.

  I also know it was a money issue. If Soul landed one punch on Jared, it would’ve been a million-dollar one and I don’t mean that figuratively. Soul has the money where any dollar amount would’ve been a drop in the bucket.

  It was the biggest issue: the moment the media found out, and surely they would have, it would’ve put a bigger spotlight on whatever is going on between me and Soul. Soul is used to the media attention, both wanted and unwanted. Even if it bothers him, he never lets the detractors see him sweat.

  When I was bombarded with tons of media attention, I hid inside my bedroom for three days.

  I shouldn’t overthink any of this. I still don’t know what’s really going on between me and Soul, despite what happened at Desiree’s concert. For all I know, Soul is driving me somewhere to dump me and then get on a plane back to Harlem, leaving me to figure out a way home.

  I know he wouldn’t do that. Despite whatever feelings Soul might have towards Jared and me right now, he has proven he would take care of me. He took care of me when I wrote that godawful article about him. He restored my faith in men and humanity.

  Now he’s beyond pissed at me.

  We arrive at a gated community and Soul enters a code. The gates slowly open and Soul drives inside. We travel through numerous neighborhoods before we stop at a massive estate. In front of the gates are two undeniable, cursive capital E’s.

  We’re at the Ellison compound.

  Soul enters another code and those gates open. He drives through the path and it’s another two miles before we actually see what looks like the Ellison estate. It’s a massive building and I’m not sure how many floors it has.

  I know I’m looking at a very expensive property but my mind can’t fathom how much this estate is actually worth. I also bristle at the thought there’s a possibility I’m going to meet the parents. I don’t have to wonder if I’m Sidney Poitier.

  Soul parks on the cul-de-sac in front of the home and gets out before he opens my passenger door. He has a hand out for me and I feel reluctant to grab it, but I do, anyway. We step out of the car and the L.A. breeze catches me by surprise. I rub my arms and Soul takes off his jacket to put it around my shoulder.

  He stares into my eyes and I see the warmth inside of them. “You all right, shorty?” He asks and I nod. “Good.”

  I stare into Soul’s blue eyes, glaze over the structure of his sharp jaw line, and my vision lands on his kissable lips. I’ve known for the past two years I was still in love with him but now it’s official.

  I love that man with everything. And if I blew it again, I don’t know what I’m going to do. I still feel him inside of me, but it’s not just my sex. He’s in my soul. He’s in the center of my belly. He’s in the tips of my toes.

  “Are we all right, Ellison?” I carefully ask.

  Soul cups my face into his hands and pulls me closer to him. Our lips our touching, but he doesn’t kiss me. “We’re perfect.”

  He grabs my hand and leads me insi
de. We take our shoes off by the front door and then walk up the stairs. We go down several hallways until we reach one room. Soul flips on a light and it’s a massive bedroom with floor to ceiling windows.

  “Come in. Relax.” He states and I follow his lead. I sit on the bed while Soul goes to the wet bar to fix himself a drink. He knocks back the dark liquor and stands in front of the large windows. I’m not sure what he’s looking at, but he’s contemplative.

  The last three hours have been nothing short of a whirlwind. From surprising me with some of the greatest sex in my entire life to narrowly avoiding a confrontation with Jared and his friends.

  Now, I’m in a bedroom at what I’m assuming is his parents’ home and my mind is running a mile a minute why he brought me here. There have been numerous rumors about the Ellisons and their dealings in underhanded and shady businesses.

  It’s not something anyone can prove and those who do know the truth are wise enough to not utter a word about it. But there is an air surrounding the family they don’t play with their legacy and wouldn’t hesitate to end someone’s entire life to do so.

  Did Soul bring me here simply to dispose of me?

  He turns towards me and sits down on a sofa. With a remote, Soul turns on some music. I get up, walk over to him, and stand before him. It’s a song I’ve never heard before and I don’t quite recognize the artist. It’s clear Soul knows who it is as he slightly moves his head to the song.

  “Who is this?” I softly ask.

  “Teena Marie,” Soul answers, “Déjà vu.”

  “Déjà vu, huh?” I start swaying to the song. Teena’s voice is hugging the melody. I instantly relate to the song and how she sings about she’s been there before. There as in love. It’s a powerful feeling and she doesn’t want it to end.

  I don’t want me and Soul to end.

  I sound sappy and like one of those women I loathe. The girls who would turn their worlds upside down for some man and lose all sense. I always said it was never going to be me. I was never going to get lost in some man. I was never going to lose myself in some relationship.

  And here I am. Dancing in front of Soul at his mama’s house.

  The song switches to Aretha Franklin’s “I’ve Been Loving You Too Long” and I definitely recognize this one. Desiree always plays this song whenever she gets too involved with a girl and this song is on repeat. I swear that woman has a song for every moment in her relationships.

  “I like that,” Soul nods and I smile at him. He leans back with a cigar and lights it up. Now I feel like we’re Jay-Z and Beyonce in her “Partition” video. Soul wants me to put on a show for him and I’m more than willing to do so.

  I have never put on a show for anyone. It’s not that I thumbed my nose down at any woman who chooses to strip or pole dance, but it was never my thing. Yet, I feel incredibly sexy dancing in front of Soul like it was natural and we do this all of the time.

  As Aretha croons through the song, I move my hands behind me and unzip my dress. I shimmy out of it and kick it aside. A slow smile curves Soul’s lips and he definitely approves. I’m only wearing my bra and I’m still panty-less from earlier.

  He’s seen me naked before but this is different between us.

  The energy definitely shifted and it’s more heightened than before. I’m no longer concerned about anything in the future, but only concentrated on the moment. I want to prove to him I’m his and no one else’s.

  I close my eyes as I feel Aretha’s soulful voice cover me. She sings about a woman loving her mate too long and she doesn’t want to stop. I didn’t think I would be able to relate but I do. I so do.

  My body slowly gyrates to the angry gospel-tinged piano chords. I feel my song in my soul, at the backs of my knees, and in the curve of my feet. I don’t want to stop loving Soul. Not now, not ever.

  I’m on fire and my sex is throbbing to feel him back inside of me. I open my eyes and I lock glazes with Soul. He blows out a plume of smoke and puts the cigar on the ash tray before beckons me to come over and sit on his lap.

  I straddle Soul’s lap and carefully watch him as he popped a breath mint. Gotta love a man who’s a considerate bae. He reaches behind me and undoes my bra strap before he removes it and tosses it somewhere on the floor.

  He squeezes my breasts as his hardened cock is poking my wet entrance. His cock is still inside of his slacks, though we both know it won’t be for much longer. He continues to squeeze and play with my breasts even when contemplative storm clouds form in his irises.

  “I’ve never had sex in my parents’ home,” he quietly says in a whisper-like tone.

  Soul is already breaking rules while he’s with me. That makes me feel some kinda of way and I’m not sure if it’s a good feeling. “You don’t have to.”

  “I didn’t say it was a bad thing. I was just making an observation.” He mentions. His hands haven’t stopped playing with my breasts. “Are you on birth control?”

  I nod. “I am.” I pause for a moment. “Are you clean?”

  “I am. I’ll give you my health report tomorrow morning to reassure you.” He smiles and it reaches up to his eyes. “I was serious when I said I don’t want to use any protection with you, Ari.”

  “Are you trying to give me a baby?” I ask.

  “Not yet,” he answers, “but I don’t want any more barriers between us.”

  He means condoms but I know it’s more than that. He knows despite me packing an overnight bag, I still haven’t made a solid decision on if I’m going to Harlem with him. I know he can give me everything but I have a feeling what Soul wants from me is more than I give to him.

  There’s not a doubt he wants more than my love or my body. Hell, I can say he wants more than just me moving to Harlem. But I’m not certain what it is that he wants. I’m also not certain if I’m actually capable of giving it to him.

  Still, I have to try. It can be everything or it can be absolutely nothing.

  I play with the pants zipper and relieve Soul’s hardened cock. It’s long, thick, and damn near reaches his navel. My mouth waters to feel him inside my mouth, but my cunt needs him more. I adjust my position and easily slide onto him.

  He hisses. I sigh.

  We’re locked together for a brief moment as the radio station plays “Red Light Special.” Soul holds my back and I’m barely hanging onto him. He feels incredible. He feels like...everything.

  Our pace was agonizing slow, but I wanted to feel every ridge, every vein of him. Every thrust down, he moaned. Every thrust up, I cried.

  We moved together as one, sneaking in kisses between moans, moaning into each other’s mouths as we kissed, declaring our love once again.

  I loved it. I love him.

  Soul let me lead while he simply guided the way. I controlled the thrust and tempo. I controlled the narrative. I was in charge of everything. Soul made his stance loud and clear: if I want this, if I want us, I would be the one leading the charge.

  He wants me to move back to Harlem with him, but he won’t force the issue. He wants me to get rid of Jared on my terms before he intervenes. He wants me to find a better career, but he’ll only help if I ask for it.

  He wants me to be his partner, not just his girlfriend.

  “Ari...” Soul moans in my ear and I know he’s close.

  I feel his cock throb inside of me as I go deeper and take him in. My cunt tightly squeezes around him and a shriek escapes my throat. My tempo is faster now and I’m bouncing on him. I want to come all over his dick. I want his cock to be completely soaked with my love.

  The climax started as little fireworks going off in different parts of my body before the grand finale. I screamed as Soul joined me; his hot seed filling me and claiming me as his own. I bit down on his shoulder while my body shook.

  We lay joined like that for a long moment before either of us moved. There were no words because there was absolutely nothing to be said.

  Chapter Four

  The sunlight w
akes me up the next morning and I barely open my eyes. Soul’s bed is the second softest I’ve ever been in and I could stay here forever. The first softest bed was definitely Soul’s bed back in Harlem.

  I reach over to find my lover and the side is empty. I turn over and see Soul is not there. I immediately sit up and contemplate my next thought. I’m clearly in his parents’ home but I don’t know if they actually know I’m here.

  I also don’t know if they heard if I was here, neither.

  Crimson covers my cheeks as I thought about how we made love throughout the night. We had sex. We fucked. When one of us finished before the other, there was guidance to help the other reach the same peak.

  We declared our love for each other. Now I’m about to meet his parents who quietly influence their sons one way or the other.

  I’ve never been a part of a dynasty but I heard many rumors of the dynamics. Money is loud and emotions are silent. A lot of women live in quiet misery but dry their tears with Franklins and Grants. Some butcher up their faces to compete with their husband’s younger girlfriends while they turn a blind eye.

  Soul mentioned in previous conversations his parents were never home, but he was rather close to his mother. His father, however, I got the feeling it didn’t matter if he was a part of Soul’s life. Yet, despite any personal feelings, it’s clear Soul ultimately respects him.

  I wonder how his parents feel about me and if my appearance would be shocking or disgust. It’s not like I’m a world-famous singer or budding author; I played a key role in damaging allegations against Soul. He loved me in spite of that.

  I can’t worry about any of that. I manage to get up and head to the bathroom to shower. I’m sore just about everywhere but I can move just fine. I quickly wash up and dry off before I head back into the bedroom.


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