Lessons for His Bride (Regency Matchmaker Book 3)

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Lessons for His Bride (Regency Matchmaker Book 3) Page 7

by Celeste Jones

  “Yes,” she said, smiling widely at him, feeling relief at the realization of what he had said. “I would like that very much.”

  “Then, I suggest you start by doing as I say in helping me to remove this glove from my hand.”

  “Thank you, Lucas, I feel much better now. Your explanation was very helpful.”

  Feeling somewhat more confident after their conversation Seraphina took her husband’s gloved hand in her own. Her fingers trembled slightly, for this was an exceptionally bold request on the part of her husband, but she felt it was important for her to make the effort to please him. And, there was no lack of pleasure in it for her, despite the nerves and anxiety the task created over doing something so personal with the man she had just met.

  Yes, admittedly he was her husband now. And so her hesitation seemed somewhat misplaced, but such was the nature of an arranged marriage.

  Even through the material of his gloves she could feel the heat emanating from his hand and with a nod of encouragement from him, she began. First, she tugged at the fabric over his thumb and continued all the way across his hand and then removed the entire glove leaving her bare hands holding his much larger hand between them. Her palms tingling with the intimacy of the contact.

  “You did very well, Seraphina,” Lucas said. His voice was thick with emotion and when Seraphina glanced up, their eyes met. With his bare hands, he cupped her cheeks. He tipped her face back then he gently took her lips in his.

  Never in her entire lifetime had Seraphina been kissed. Even as a child, she had been deprived of the coddling and affection other children received from their parents. Having been orphaned at an early age and then isolated by Mrs. Hartpence and always feeling more of a burden than a blessing, all of her life she had longed to belong to someone who valued her and was pleased by her company.

  Lucas’ lips were gentle on hers and she was unsure what she ought to do with her hands, but she rested them against the lapels of his coat, one of his hands leaving her cheek and sliding around the back of her neck to cover the base of her head and hold her in place.

  His other hand encircled her waist and pulled her closer to him. When Seraphina sighed, he took the opportunity to deepen the kiss, gently sliding his tongue along her lips until she opened to him and his tongue slipped between her lips. Startled by the intrusion into her mouth, Seraphina stiffened up and pulled away. “Bloody hell!” she exclaimed.

  “Oh, oh, oh, Dr. Spencer, I am so extremely sorry. Have I injured you?” Seraphina gaped at him, her eyes wide in shock.

  “Please forgive me,” she said. “It seems I am always causing harm wherever I go.” She put her hands against his chest and pushed herself away from him. “It was a mistake,” she said. “I am nothing but trouble. Please, take me back to the vicarage. Perhaps if the license has not been filed, we can simply tear it up and go our separate ways. You are too kind of a gentleman to be saddled with the likes of me.”

  If truth be told, Lucas was none too pleased at her language. It was rather a shock, to be sure. However, it was nothing compared to the pain of seeing the torture on his sweet little bride’s face as she referred to herself as nothing but trouble. In just the small amount of time which they had spent together he had to admit he found her intriguing and delightful, even if there was an occasional breach of manners. He had a feeling there were reasons in her past which would explain some of her unladylike actions and for that, he could not fault her.

  “Seraphina,” he said taking both her hands and his, “I do not wish to ever hear you say such things about yourself again, do you understand me?”

  “But, sir,” she said her voice quivering and a tear forming in the outside corner of her eye, “did we not just agree that candor was of the utmost importance? It is absolutely true that I am nothing but trouble. If you do not believe me, I can easily provide you with a list of others who would concur with my assessment.”

  Lucas’ fingers itched to form into a fist and find the people who had told her she was nothing but trouble, so he could punch them in the mouth for inflicting such cruelty upon a sweet and innocent young girl.

  “I am so very sorry,” he said, “you had to encounter people who said such horrible and untrue things to you. But today is a new day, for you, for me and for the two of us together. I will not take you back to the vicarage. We are married. We shall remain married. Until death do us part. Do I make myself clear, young lady?”

  By now the tear which had threatened at the corner of her eye slowly slid down her cheek, followed by several others. He brushed them away with his thumb and cupped her face in his palms. “Yes,” she whispered. “I understand.”

  “Good girl,” he said. “Now, I would like to apologize to you.”

  “Apologize to me?” She looked quite confused indeed. “Whatever for? You have done nothing wrong at all.”

  “Yes, my little poppet, I have. For I made assumptions that you might have known more about certain activities, such as kissing, than you actually do. And there is no shame in that, in fact I find it quite endearing and I am honored I will have the opportunity to teach you about so many different things. And your first lesson, will be in kissing.”

  “A lesson in kissing?” she said, and he was pleased to see the tears had stopped and a slight smile rested on her lips. Her very kissable lips.

  “Yes, of course. That is my intention, unless you would not like to have a lesson in kissing.” He stroked his thumb across her lips and saw a hint of desire in her eyes which was quickly covered with hesitation.

  “Please, sir, do not tease me so.”

  “I am quite in earnest,” he said. “For kissing, when done properly, is one of life’s truest delights. And as I have now vowed to kiss only you for the rest of my life, I believe it would be best for both of us to make sure we are skilled in our endeavors.”

  “I see,” she said, “as it is something which you intend to do often, I agree we had best put forth an effort to become adept at that skill.” The hesitation which he had seen in her eyes moments before was replaced with a teasing glint.

  Lucas was gratified by her trust in him. He was also relieved to see her tears had stopped and she even showed a bit of playfulness in her reply to his suggestion of kissing lessons.

  He also wanted to kick himself for his naïveté about her level of innocence. Of course he expected she was untouched, for he could not imagine Lady Ambrosia attempting to pass off a sullied woman as a suitable bride for any man. However, in these modern times, he had assumed most young ladies had at least some experience at kissing. That she was entirely his to instruct and nurture in the ways of men and women was a heady delight and no small burden either, for whatever her attitude about such matters became, it would be the result of his influence.

  Smiling down at his sweet little bride, he cupped the side of her face, the skin of her cheek smooth and creamy against his palm. She looked up at him with eyes wide and trusting. “The first part of your lesson in kissing,” he said, his thumb gently stroking her bottom lip, “is to keep your lips pliable but firm. Place a kiss upon my thumb and I shall check your level of pliability.”

  The tiny pink tip of her tongue slipped out and wetted her lips, but scrupulously avoided the pad of his thumb. Her gaze remained on his and she nodded solemnly before pursing her lips and pressing them against his thumb.

  Holy mother of God. Never in all his medical training had he been informed of the highly erotic nature of a man’s thumbs, but her kiss upon his sent a tingle of heated desire flying through him and his manhood stirred inside his trousers. He pressed back with his thumb and she took the tip of it between her lips with a delicate suck and he fought back a moan.

  He gently retracted his thumb and ended the contact. “Very good,” he said, his voice shaky.

  Her face was flushed, and her eyelids had drooped to half-mast.

  “Well, you did very nicely, Seraphina. I can see you are a natural at kissing.”

  With a blus
h she replied, “Thank you, sir... um... Lucas.”

  “Sometimes, a kiss will become more passionate and tongues will be involved. I take it that came as a surprise to you a moment ago.”

  “Yes, it did. I had no idea of such a thing, but now that I know what to expect, I believe I would like to try it again. If you are agreeable, that is.”

  “Oh, yes, I am quite agreeable.”

  She moistened her lips with her tongue and then nodded. “I hope I do not disappoint you.”

  “I am sure I will find it delightful. Now, close your eyes and relax.”

  Obediently, she did as instructed, her lashes forming a feathery crescent on her cheeks as she closed her eyes, her mouth relaxed and kissable. Oh, so kissable. He slipped his palm around the back of her head and held her in place, then lowered his head until their mouths met. She sighed against him, but unlike before, he did not hurry to deepen the kiss. Instead, he savored the sweetness of her lips as they became accustomed to his. After a moment, he moved his lips against hers and she matched him, the two of them exploring in unison. She raised her hand to rest it gently on his shoulder, like a delicate little bird landing there.

  He continued toying with her mouth, alternating between increasing pressure and then softening. Instinctively, it seemed, she echoed his movements and relaxed into his arms. They continued in this manner for a few moments and when she opened her mouth to him, he slipped his tongue inside and touched it to hers.

  She moaned deep in her throat and the hand upon his shoulder gripped the fabric of his coat. Slipping his hands around her slender waist, he slid her closer until the soft mounds of her breasts were crushed against him. The hand on his shoulder slipped around the back of his head and sunk into his hair.

  Heated longing nearly overwhelmed him and all he could think about was pushing her back against the seat, shoving her skirts up around her waist and plunging deep into her virginal heat.

  However, he was a gentleman. More importantly, he was her husband and he took her care and happiness quite seriously and well he knew that her introduction to the physical love between a husband and wife would have a long reaching effect on both of them. He had only one chance to get it right, and he would not squander it in a hurried coupling in the back of a carriage.

  They could not get to his home soon enough.


  When the kiss ended, Seraphina rested her head against her husband’s chest, her entire being engulfed in feelings of happiness and contentment. Just moments before, she had felt anxious and unsettled. But, after being thoroughly and properly kissed by her husband Lucas, all of her anxiety and worry had disappeared.

  She inhaled deeply, filling her lungs with what felt like the first full breath she had been able to take in weeks and weeks. Though she had been quite happy at Primrose Park with Lady Tempest, and the rest of the Knox family including the two little girls who were so dear to her, there had still been the underlying unease of knowing she was not a real member of their family. Not a true resident of Primrose Park.

  Of course, Lady Tempest had done everything in her power to make her guest feel welcome and included, and Seraphina had absolutely no complaints in that regard. But, for one who had spent her entire life searching for a place where she felt she belonged, life was a constant struggle for a place where her soul felt peace.

  In the back of the carriage, nestled in her husband’s arms, she found where she belonged. Maybe belonging was not so much a location, as a feeling. And no doubt, what she felt for Lucas was love. Lady Ambrosia had declared it... and so did Seraphina’s heart.

  “Tell me, my sweet little bride, how did you like your first lesson in kissing?” Lucas’ voice was a warm rumble under her ear. Their closeness, rather than feeling awkward, washed over her with contentment.

  Touching another human. It was what her soul had yearned for as long as she could remember. In her husband’s embrace, the frantic sensations which had made her nervous and uneasy stilled.

  She tipped her head back to gaze into his handsome face, to study his strong features and dark eyes. In their short acquaintanceship, she had noted his eyes could go from distant to stern to soft and warm in an instant. Currently, they looked upon her with an affection that made her heart sing. She had pleased him. Was there anything in life more satisfying?

  “I liked the lesson very much,” she said, holding his gaze. “You are an apt teacher.”

  “Thank you, I am pleased to have such an eager pupil.”

  “Kissing is so much more than I ever expected it could be. I had read about kisses and they always sounded quite intriguing but even the most descriptive books—you know I enjoy the most detailed ones the best—did not even come close to the kiss we shared. Is it always that way? In one book, The Vicar’s Naughty Bride, I had all sorts of heart palpitations over the kissing scenes. The heroine, Violetta Stevenson, was quite adept at getting into trouble, so you can imagine I felt much kinship to her, and when she described her first kiss with the vicar, it was not nearly so delicious as—”

  Her words were cut off by her husband’s mouth claiming hers once again.

  This kiss started out much like the first, with gentle pressure on her lips. Now that she knew what to expect, instead of feeling nervous as his mouth touched hers, Seraphina relaxed and reveled in the delicious sensations which encompassed her. As the kiss progressed and her husband slid his hands down the length of her spine gently cupping her backside, a moan formed deep in her throat and she wiggled in an effort to get even closer to his touch.

  Lucas’ large hand gave her bottom a squeeze and she felt a thrill of what she now believed to be womanly desire course through her.

  When Lucas ended the kiss, he lifted her onto his lap and snuggled her in his embrace, planting a gentle kiss to her temple. “I could not help myself, little wife, for it seems the only way to keep you from talking excessively is to make sure your mouth is otherwise engaged.”

  “If such be the case,” she said gazing up at him with a mischievous smile, “then I believe I shall endeavor to engage in lengthy monologues on a regular basis.”

  “Well,” Lucas said adjusting her on his lap, “then perhaps there ought to be another recourse for when you chatter.”

  The serenity which had overtaken Seraphina, the feelings of acceptance and closeness which she had when in her husband’s arms, began to dissipate. Familiar anxiety began to bubble up within her. “Forgive me, Lucas, I know my endless talking is quite an annoyance, and I apologize for doing so. I truly do wish to be a good wife to you, but as you know sometimes I become increasingly anxious which causes me to want to talk and talk and talk. And at other times I am not so anxious but just simply enthusiastic about life, and the things which I see like a beautiful sunset, or books which fill me with thoughts I want to share. But I can understand why you, just like everyone else I have ever known, have found me to be much too talkative. And I will most certainly put a clamp on my lips.”

  Lucas adjusted her again on his lap so she was now perched out on his knee and they were able to face each other a little more clearly. “Seraphina,” he said, “I do not wish to stifle your wonderful enthusiasm, for I find it rather charming. I think the important lesson to learn is when is it time for talking and when is it time for being quiet.”

  “And what time is it now, sir?” she asked feeling his statement made perfect sense and she did not feel chastised as she usually did.

  “I believe,” Lucas said with a twinkle in his eye, “it is time for your first lesson in wifely obedience.”

  “Wifely obedience?”

  “Why yes,” he said, looking her directly in the eye, raising an eyebrow and then giving her a playful wink. “Did you not say you were grateful to have a husband who cared enough to impose discipline?” Though he tried to keep a stern face, Seraphina could see he was in a playful mood. This was an interesting aspect of her husband which she had not expected. Being a physician likely gave him much cause for seriousne
ss and so she was gratified to see him engaged in merriment. She happily joined in.

  “But sir,” she said, giving him her best wide-eyed innocent look, “although I agree about the need for wifely discipline, I am unaware of any infractions on my part. Though I am sure there will be just cause soon enough.”

  “Did you, or did you not,” he tapped on the bridge of her nose with one finger, “deliberately attempt to be provocative just as we were entering the chapel to be married today? Is that not cause for wifely discipline? To behave in such an unladylike manner in the house of the Lord?”

  Seraphina stifled a giggle. For she had, in fact, behaved exactly as he described. Thinking back, she had no idea what had gotten into her to cause her to act in such a bold and flirtatious manner. But considering she was about to get her wish of being turned over the knee of a man who cared enough to discipline her, she could hardly complain.

  “Why yes, sir, I believe I did behave in an egregious manner. What do you prescribe as proper punishment for such an action?”

  “As you are still in the lesson phase of learning to be a proper wife, I believe a short but instructive lesson is in order.”

  Seraphina’s toes curled inside her shoes in delicious anticipation of she knew not what. Her bottom tingled as she considered the possibility of her husband’s broad palm smacking against the flesh there. She, of course, had no real experience with being over a man’s lap for punishment. However, she had happened past Lord Knox’s study on more than one occasion and heard the sounds of wifely discipline being administered there.

  At first, she had been utterly shocked at such a thing, but having observed Lord and Lady Knox together and seeing their devotion to one another, she could hardly question their methods.


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