Lessons for His Bride (Regency Matchmaker Book 3)

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Lessons for His Bride (Regency Matchmaker Book 3) Page 8

by Celeste Jones

  On one occasion, she had noticed Lady Tempest sitting a bit gingerly and asked after her well-being. To her surprise, Lady Tempest had said, “Oh, do not mind me, Seraphina. My backside is a little sore, for Lord Knox found it necessary to turn me over his knee this morning. I shall not share with you the embarrassing details of the infraction, but I can assure you that even though I am uncomfortable, I am also confident of his love. I rely upon James to help me to be better. I know you may find this hard to believe,” Lady Tempest said with a smile, “but my behavior is not always as it should be. Without James’ loving guidance, who knows what sort of a heathen I would be by now. I hope you will find a husband someday who loves you enough to provide you with the discipline and guidance you may occasionally need.”

  Seraphina’s wish was about to be granted.

  Bewitched. It was the only explanation Lucas had. For how else could he explain the way his new bride had transfixed his thoughts?

  He had not entered into marriage lightly. Before engaging the services of Lady Ambrosia, he had given serious thought to his desire for a wife, and his own suitability as a husband. He was a man who prided himself on a certain amount of self-awareness, and he thought he had known himself to be a rather studious and serious man, certainly not one prone to fancy and general silliness. And yet, here he was engaging in a flirtatious game with the enchanting Seraphina.

  It was not all fun and games, however. He was a man, after all. And she was the most beguiling young woman. Although he had expected, of course, his bride would be a virgin, he had not fully realized the depths of Seraphina’s innocence. Her trust in him to be her teacher filled his heart with pleasure and pride. He vowed, then and there, never to betray the trust she had put in him.

  Her kisses had mesmerized him in a way he had never experienced before. Had Lady Ambrosia done something to put a spell on her? Of course that was silly. He was a man of science. Respected doctor, physician and healer who had done his best to educate his patients in the modern ways of medicine rather than in the old-fashioned methods which they clung to in their misplaced faith in old wives’ tales and legends.

  Therefore, he could only conclude that what had overtaken him was some sort of affliction of the heart. Whether he wished to cure himself of it, he doubted very strongly.

  He took his little bride around the waist and stood her between his knees in the moving carriage. He kept his strong hold on her lest she be jostled by the uneven roadway. He took a moment to look into her face and noticed a bit of worry creased her brow.

  “You appear anxious, little Seraphina,” he said. “Did you not say you wished to have a husband who spanked you?”

  “Yes, I did. It is simply... sometimes I wonder if I ought to be careful what I wish for.”

  He crooked his finger beneath her chin and held her gaze. “You need never fear me, my wife. Of that I solemnly swear to you. Today, we are learning about each other, and about marriage. And I believe a little taste of discipline is not uncalled for, or unwelcome, is that not correct?”

  “Thank you, husband, for the reassuring words. You are correct. I do not fear you and I don’t expect I ever will. However, that does not mean I will not be fearful of disappointing you. Or of bringing you sadness due to my own poor behavior. Though I could never imagine I would be disappointed in you. It seems a bit of an uneven bargain you have made.”

  It tore his heart to hear her constantly put herself down. How could she believe she would only bring disappointment to him? Just moments ago, they had been engaged in a playful flirtation. And now she spoke of disappointing him. He made a note to himself, to do his best to eliminate those anxieties of hers.

  But now, there was the matter of her lesson in wifely discipline.

  “The first thing you must learn is that today’s lessons in kissing and discipline and other matters of married life which we will get to once we have arrived at Cherry Grove Manor, are meant to be enjoyed by both of us as part of our exploration of each other. I expect it will take much more than one simple carriage ride together for us to come to understand and know each other, for we are both complex people, are we not?”

  “I am not so very complex, I do believe.”

  “Seraphina,” he said, and his voice was stern. He wanted to get her attention, for this was the most important lesson he believed she needed to learn. “I have already told you at least once in the short time we have been married that I do not wish to hear you speak poorly of yourself and yet you continue to do so. Do you know what happens to wives who disregard their husband’s instructions?”

  Her hands moved to protect her backside, though she said nothing, which was out of character.

  “That is correct, little girl, they get a spanking.” He turned her around and positioned her across his lap, reveling in the intimate contact of her torso against his thighs.

  Though she had not protested his intention, Seraphina held her body stiffly as she lay across his lap. His heart tugged with the desire to provide her with comfort which would allow her to relax and trust him. He believed her when she said she trusted him, for she was not one for artifice, that much was clear. But, the reaction of her body told a different story.

  He proceeded slowly. First, he allowed her to simply lay across his lap for a few moments to become accustomed to the unusual and intimate position they now found themselves in. Then he took his hand and steadied her against himself, while he used the other hand to gently stroke up and down her back. And for some strange reason, he began to hum a gentle tune. He did not even recognize the melody which seemed to have erupted from him spontaneously, but after a few moments he realized it was a lullaby his mother used to sing to him.

  He continued to hum and to stroke across her back and shoulders and eventually her breathing became more normal, no longer the shallow panting which she had exhibited when she first lay across his lap. And with a few more minutes of his ministrations, her arms went limp and hung down to the floor and he felt the muscles along her spine begin to loosen and relax.

  Realizing he had been able to bring her some comfort in her distress filled him with a great deal of pleasure. Next, he moved his hands further down until they were resting upon her buttocks. Though he had given one of the cheeks of her arse a hearty squeeze a few moments earlier, that had been in the throes of a passionate kiss. And now in the quiet of the carriage, it seemed each movement was amplified. As his hands rested along the curve of her bottom, he noticed her breathing again became shallow. Not as it had been when she was particularly anxious, but not as relaxed as it had been just a moment before, either. He moved his hands in gentle circles over her dress and massaged her buttocks.

  He had told her he would spank her and he would do so. It would not do for him to not follow through on his word this early in their marriage. Furthermore, he was determined to get his first glimpse of what was buried beneath the many layers of clothing.

  As he continued to stroke over her buttocks, he realized that although Seraphina’s breathing had become shallow, it was not the result of anxiety but of desire. She had begun to press her womanly parts against his thigh and a gentle moan slipped from her lips.

  “Seraphina, are you finding pleasure in what is happening to you right now?”

  “I do not know, sir. I do not find it unpleasurable, I am quite certain.”

  With that bit of encouragement, he gathered up the skirts of her dress and piled them on her back and opened the slit of her drawers allowing himself the first glimpse of her bottom. It was even more delightful than he had imagined. Smooth and round, the flesh was ivory in color, as though it had never been touched, which he assumed, it had not. “Seraphina, my little wife, have you ever been spanked before?”

  “No, I have not. Though that does not mean I was never punished in the past, because I was. However, it usually entailed taking on servants’ tasks or other forms of manual labor in order to work off my infractions.”

  “At some time in the future, I s
hould like to learn more about those things that happened to you. But for now, I’m focused on delivering your very first spanking.”

  “Yes, sir. I believe I am ready.”

  “I am glad to hear you believe yourself ready, little wife,” he said with a smile she could not see, “but I should be the one who determines the pace of things and I am still inspecting your delightful little derrière.”

  “Oh, please, Lucas,” she said reaching her hands back in an effort to cover her bottom, “it is too embarrassing to have you look upon me in such a familiar and intimate way. I know we are married and married couples have certain intimacies—though I shall admit I am still uncertain about what those things might be; I am most eager for you to explain them to me as you are an exceptionally patient and considerate man and your instructions so far on kissing and other matters have been quite helpful—but please, sir, I cannot bear to have you staring upon my naked bottom.”

  In reply, Lucas lifted his hand and lowered it with a sharp swat to the center of her rear. And then he repeated the same action, enjoying the feel of his palm against her sweet bottom.

  “Ouch, I did not expect it to be such a sharp pain.”

  “I believe, my dear, you may be in for quite a surprise.” Lucas delivered three more swats to her upturned, bottom. And then he proceeded to rub his hand over her backside delighting in the silky feel of her flesh. With both hands, he pulled the cheeks of her rear apart and gazed down upon her little pink pucker.

  Seraphina vigorously renewed her efforts to cover herself. Her arms and legs flailing about until Lucas crossed one of his legs over hers to steady them and gathered her hands in one of his hands and held them at the small of her back. “Seraphina, it is very important that while I am administering a spanking to you, you do not wave your arms and legs. It could lead to injury to one or both of us.”

  “But sir,” she cried out twisting her head around so she could look at him, “you cannot look at my private hole. ‘Tis not done. It is most shameful indeed. Please, do not continue to embarrass me.”

  “I have another lesson for you to learn, my little Seraphina,” he said running his finger down the crevice between her cheeks.


  Bloody hell! What sort of dilemma have I gotten myself into? The carriage ride with her husband had gone well, up until now, particularly the kissing. There had been an opportunity to become comfortable with one another. There had been the intimacy of glove removal, which she had found quite titillating. But to believe they had gone from baring the flesh of their hands to having her husband gaze upon—it was too embarrassing for her to say even to herself what he was gazing upon.

  She was in way over her head.

  And yet, in all of this embarrassing situation, she felt excited, and on edge with anticipation. She knew she should protest even if he was her husband. They had not yet consummated their marriage. Though she wondered exactly what that meant. Was this what consummating entailed? No wonder no one had told her about it.

  “Are you not curious, my little wife, about the next lesson I have for you?” her husband said, his voice teasing her.

  “I shall admit, I am curious, however, that does not mean I am eager to find out what else you have in store for me.”

  Lucas continued to run his finger down the crevice between her bottom cheeks and he tapped the pucker of her bottom hole. Unbidden desire rumbled through her and came out her mouth where she lay across his lap panting. “Oh, husband, what has come over me? Is that the lesson you wish to teach me?”

  “That is a lesson we will be addressing perhaps more thoroughly once we get home, my little wife,” he said. “The lesson I have in mind for you right now, is most important indeed.”

  “Oh dear, my head is in such a muddle, I have so many sensations running through my body, I am not sure I will be able to focus on your words. And I do so wish to do well in my lessons, for as I have said so many times, I fear disappointing you.”

  To her relief, Lucas lifted his hand and stopped probing at her pucker. However, he used that hand to inflict several rapid swats on the curve of her bottom. “I believe I may end up wearing out my hand, if you do not stop fussing about the possibility of disappointing me. We have only been married a few hours, and I am already weary of having this conversation with you.”

  “Yes, I apologize. So, husband, what is this most important lesson you wish for me to learn?”

  “This very important lesson,” he said, resuming his exploration of her nether region, “is for you to realize, your body belongs to me. And should I wish to gaze upon your little pucker,” he said, stroking his finger over the part of her anatomy which he had just mentioned, “or even down here into the slick folds of your womanhood, I shall do so.”

  And as promised, he did. The heated longing, combined with embarrassment which Seraphina had felt at her husband’s exploration of her bottom hole, turned into searing heat and desire, as his finger probed further along the crevice and into the wetness which had gathered in her private womanly places.

  “Oh my, it would appear you enjoy being across my lap, having your bottom spanked, having me look upon your private openings.”

  “No, ‘tis not true,” Seraphina said, though as the words left her mouth she questioned their veracity, but she could never have the nerve to speak of enjoying such shenanigans as her husband had engaged in.

  “I beg to differ, for this moisture here,” he ran his fingers along her thighs gathering up the wetness which had collected there, “is clear proof of your desire, proof of your enjoyment of the lessons I have been teaching you.”

  “I do not know why moisture is there, it has never happened to me before.”

  Lucas put his hand into her private parts, spreading her thighs apart a little further, so Seraphina felt the cool air inside the carriage as it wafted over her exposed parts. “This part of your body,” he said running his finger through her slick folds, “is called your cunny. And when you become aroused, such as when your husband spanks you, or kisses you, or you think naughty thoughts, your cunny will become wet with your arousal. This slickness will make it easier when we engage in marital congress.”

  As if to demonstrate even more of his authority over her, Lucas pushed one finger into the tight opening of her womanly core. Seraphina gasped and grabbed hold of his calf to steady herself. “Seraphina, you are absolutely soaking wet in here.”

  “I am sorry, but I do not know how to stop the wetness. It just keeps coming.”

  “Well, yes, coming would be the operative word here, little girl. But we will discuss it all in more detail later. I believe we have had enough lessons for the time being.”

  Lucas quickly withdrew his finger from its probing, righted her skirts and set her up on his lap where an unusual hardness pressed against her bottom. She had set upon his lap earlier and had not noticed this. She adjusted her position, for she had no idea what it was that seemed to be straining against her husband’s trousers.

  “Oh, my sweet Seraphina,” Lucas said. “There are so many lessons for you to learn. And I am honored to be your teacher. Have you noticed the hardness which has formed between my legs?”

  Seraphina paused, unsure of what she ought to say. It was all so new and overwhelming for her. Would he think her a strumpet if she said she had noticed?

  “Let me remind you, little wife, we have had a conversation about the importance of truthfulness. So, tell me, did you notice the hardness in my trousers?”

  “Yes, I did.” Seraphina felt very embarrassed talking about her husband’s body.

  “Just as your womanly parts become wet when you are aroused, my manly parts become hard when I am aroused. Now, I have no complaints we both have found stimulation in the other. However, I do not wish to consummate our marriage here in the back of the carriage. There are many sweet and wonderful lessons which I wish to teach you about the way a man and his wife make love together. And I will not be hurried in my duty.”

raphina tried to make sense of all which had happened, but her mind was in a state of extreme confusion. She knew she felt great affection for her husband, but her body had behaved in unusual ways which she had never experienced before, and she felt there was more which she wanted to experience.

  Yet, she was also quite anxious, for the ways of men and women, the arousal of her body, and nearly every other matter related to being someone’s wife, was utterly foreign to her.

  She was quite lucky indeed, because her husband seemed determined to teach her so many lessons.

  There were countless thoughts swirling through Seraphina’s head, she had numerous questions she wished to ask but did not even know how to formulate the words to ask the questions.

  “You appear very thoughtful, my little wife,” Lucas said. “I would like it if you would share your thoughts with me. And remember you have promised to be honest in all our discussions.”

  “Husband, I have experienced many new things today. And, I shall acknowledge I have many questions. However, if you do not mind, I should like if we would simply sit in the quiet for a few minutes, and you could perhaps tell me a little bit about the town which is to be my new home.”

  “You are very wise, young lady,” he said. “We have had enough of lessons for the time being. I am sure your head is full of much more than you can understand right now, and I apologize, for I may have moved too quickly. It appears I was unable to help myself, for I find myself very attracted to you, my little Seraphina. I had never imagined I would find a bride who intrigued me and touched my heart in the way you do.”

  Seraphina looked up at her handsome husband, her heart full of affection and eager anticipation. Just hearing him acknowledge his own vulnerabilities made her feel safe and secure with him. She reached out her hand and touched his. “I am pleased you will be the one to teach me these lessons.”


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