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Winter's Promise

Page 17

by G. Bailey

  "It hasn't been three weeks," she said, pouting at him. Josh smiled knowingly.

  "It has, and we both know it. Now get your sexy ass into your room and put on that slinky silver thing you love."

  "Thing? You mean dress?"

  "It's not a dress if it shows off your underwear. Now go." He looked so stern that Eira let out an involuntary giggle. She'd never admit it to anyone, not even her sister, but she liked it when Josh got bossy.

  She pushed herself off the sofa and walked towards her room, making a conscious effort to sashay her hips. Josh might not be into her like that, but he was still a man, and it really had been three weeks. Her body was primed for seduction and there was nothing that she could actually do to avoid that.

  She walked straight over to her wardrobe and opened it, going straight towards the section where she kept her dresses, comfortable in the knowledge that her organisation system made things simple to find. She pulled it out and brushed it down, a smile curling at the side of her lips. Josh was right, this thing barely covered her. And she loved it. She lost the comfortable jeans and t-shirt she was wearing, before deciding to change her underwear as well. Her choice for the day had been pretty lace, but this dress needed something a little sexier. Hell, Eira needed something sexier. Plus, she couldn't wear a bra with this one. Not that she needed to anyway. Her breasts were certainly erring on the small size, though at least they were pert.

  After slipping on the dress, and a lacey black thong, she shook out her hair from it's ponytail, running her fingers through the pale strands. Her hair was just a shade blonder than white, and it was almost impossible to tell the difference in some lights. After a moment's contemplation she decided that even attempting to tame it wasn't worth the effort, and left it in it's natural ringlets. Slicking on some eyeliner and a smudge of lipstick, she shrugged to herself in the mirror. This was as good as it was going to get. Not that she needed anymore. With the pheromones she was no doubt giving off, there was next to no chance that she'd survive a night out without getting any attention.

  She walked back out into her living room at the same time that Josh walked back in, clearly having got changed himself. His dark jeans and shirt suited him perfectly and he ran his hand through his dark hair as she took him in. She nodded once, giving her seal of approval to his outfit and he sighed in relief. It was a ritual they always went through when they were getting ready to go out, though she'd only actually sent him to change once in the entire time they'd known each other.

  "Damn, Eira. There's no chance you won't get any tonight." He wolf-whistled and she tried to scowl at him, but failed, instead giving him a half-smirk. She knew Josh too well to actually take offence at his comments.

  "Damn is right," she said, grabbing a clutch bag from her coffee table as she passed. While she was normally a neat person, she seemed to have forgotten to put it away. Luckily, it matched her dress and already had money and her ID in it. All she needed to do now was add her phone and she was all set to go.

  Saving Eira Link




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