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Zombie An Aussie Apocalypse - Book 2

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by Adam Smith


  An Aussie apocalypse

  Part 2




  Part 2

  I look at the others with a cheeky smile and I say. “We do what we do best. We kill zombies and start again!” “Really? That’s your fucking plan?” Says Fiona angrily. “Care to elaborate on that mate?” Asks Mark. “Just hang on a minute. I’m thinking here.” I reply as I walk to the back of the boat and look at our now zombified compound. “Who left the gate open anyway?” Asks Sandy, we all look at her, then at the wide open beach side gate. “Wait, you mean you guys didn’t have to open it when we made a run for it?” I ask. “No, we didn’t actually.” Says Mark concerned. We all look at each other. “Someone had to have brought that pack to us.” Says Mark. “Well that would explain how the gate suddenly gave way to the undead fucks.” I say in frustration. “So you’re saying that someone found us, watched us, and decided they wanted what we’ve got?” Says Sandy curiously. “Only one way to find out. We need to head to shore and lure them up the beach, far enough up the beach that we can get them out of sight around the bend in the shore line. Then Mark and I will take the small boat back to the house to check it out and kill any zombies that are still there.” I say. “What about us?” Asks Fiona. “You two stay on the big boat near the shore, keep killing zombies occasionally to keep them interested in you. Keep your radio on and we’ll call you if anything happens.” I say in reply, walking to the cabin of the boat and firing it up. Fiona walks into the cabin behind me and says “If you find the people that did this, make sure you save one for me.” I smile at her as Mark unties the rear tie rope and I pull up the anchor with the winch. “Sandy, can you drive this big boat out here while Fiona drops us off on shore with the small boat?” I ask. “Yeah I can do that.” Replies Sandy. “Once Fiona drops us off she’ll come back out and follow us along the shore a bit closer in than you can get.” I say. We all start loading the small boat with some extra guns, ammo and supplies before Mark, Fiona and I climb into it. I start it up, Mark unties it and we pull away from the big boat. Mark yells out to Sandy as we drive past the front of the big boat. “You’ve got this gorgeous!” “Be Careful captain cuddles.” Sandy yells back. Fiona and I look at Mark and burst into hysterical laughter. “Captain cuddles?” I manage to say in between laughing. “Fuck off idiot.” Says Mark laughingly as he slaps me in the chest, looking at Fiona he says. “Just drive the fucking boat mate.” and smiles. Once Fiona stops laughing she reaches into a bag she has beside her and pulls out a bottle of tequila. “Here. get some of this into you before we get to shore. You know, hair of the dog type thing.” She says , handing me the bottle, I open it and take a swig then pass it to Mark, he has a swig then puts the lid on and stuffs it into his backpack. “Cheers doll face.” I say to Fiona. “Fuck that’s good.” Says Mark. We head towards shore and I say to Fiona. “Right, so as soon as the front of the boat hits the sand Mark and I will jump off, once we’re off you need to reverse out into deeper water and just keep following us up the beach. We will lead them away.” “Okay, I can do that.” Says Fiona as she steers the boat towards the shore, Mark and I grab some backpacks full of ammo, a few guns and walk onto the bow of the boat. We hit the shore with a bit of speed and the boat slides onto the sand about 50m from the zombie herd and our compound, Mark and I jump off, I turn around and say. “Reverse now.” “I am. It’s not moving though.” Fiona Yells back as the zombie herd begins to notice us and starts walking towards us. Fiona revs the engine but the boat doesn't move. “Mark. We need to push it out!” I yell. Mark and I start pushing the boat but it’s not moving. “The motor is stuck in the sand!” Says Mark. “Fiona! Tilt the motor up!” He yells. “How the fuck do I do that?” Fiona Yells back. Mark throws his backpack up onto the beach then runs around to the side of the boat and climbs aboard. “Here.” Says Mark as he grabs the boats controls and lifts the motor out of the water. “Push now!” He yells to me. I start pushing as Mark revs the engine again in reverse with the prop just under the water, the boat starts moving backwards into the ocean as the zombies get within 20m of me. “This button here makes it go up and down.” Mark says to Fiona, pointing at the tilt and trim button on the boats controls. “Okay, quick go help Smithy.” Says Fiona. Mark quickly jumps over the side into waist deep water and wades to shore. I turn around, grab my shotgun from my bag and start firing into the zombie herd that is almost on me. Mark runs behind me as I fire again, two zombies heads turn to red mist and they hit the floor, Mark gets to his bag, grabs his .44 Mag, shoulders it and fires into the eye of a zombie about 2m from him, its brains explode out the back of its head, the projectile slams into the forehead of another zombie behind it, both fall down dead. “Get out of the way!” We hear Fiona yell from the boat, we both turn and run up the beach, Fiona starts firing into the zombies as we run 50 odd metres up the beach, we turn around, Mark starts firing into the pack, I start reloading my shotgun. “Mate. Save the ammo. I think we’ve got their attention now.” I say to Mark. “One last shot mate. Look at this fucking shit would you.” Replies Mark, he looks down the sights of his rifle, lines up a child zombie that has made its way clear of the pack by about ten metres and is moving towards us faster than the rest. I look at the child zombie in shock. “Why is it moving so much quicker?” I ask Mark as he squeezes the trigger. The shot echoes off the bush beside us and across the ocean, the round hits the small zombie in the top of the head causing it to flip over backwards landing on its head in the sand. We look at each other, turn around and start walking up the beach with the pack following us, Fiona fires into the pack again, I yell out to her. “FIONA. STOP SHOOTING. SAVE THE AMMO.” She gives us a thumbs up, starts reloading and follows us up the beach. “Brah, why the fuck was that child zombie so much faster than the rest?” Mark asks me. “Mate I have absolutely no idea.” I say, we keep walking up the coast, constantly looking behind us. “Almost to the bend in the beach now mate, what’s the plan?” Asks Mark as we start walking around the curve in the beach. “I’ll explain it when we’re on the boat mate, you’ve gotta trust me though.” I say in reply. “Always brah, we’ve made it this far on your plans.” Says Mark as he pats me on the back. “FIONA. PICK US UP OVER THERE!” I yell to Fiona as I point up the beach a little bit, Fiona nods then drives the boat onto the beach about twenty metres in front of us, we run over to her. “Take us out to Sandy.” I say to her as Mark and I push the boat back out into the water and jump aboard. “Did you guys see that little zombie running? What the actual fuck?” Asks Fiona as she drives towards the big boat. “Yeah we seen it, we’ve got no ideas about it though.” Says Mark, he takes control of the boat from Fiona and drives us beside the big boat. We tie up to it and Fiona jumps on. “Now what?” Asks Sandy. “Mark and I are going to take this boat back to the house to clear it” I say. “What do we do?” Asks Fiona. “Stay here, keep an eye on the pack and let us know over the radio if anything happens.” I say. “What radios?” Asks Fiona. “There’s a bunch of handheld ones in a bag in the cabin Sandy. Can you grab some please?” Says Mark. Sandy walks to the cabin, then returns with some handheld two way radios. “Channel 25 now.” I say to everyone. “Once we head off make sure you set the one in the cabin to 25 as well.” Says Mark with a wink. I start the boat and pull away from the big boat. “We’ll call you soon, remember if anything looks off call us!” I state as Mark and I drive off in the boat. “So what are we going to do?” Asks Mark as we cruise up past the pack towards our house. “We’ll pull up on the other side of the compound, then we can go in, clear it and check the gates.” I say to Mark with a smile. We pull the boat asho
re just beyond the compound, we secure it with the anchor, jump out with our bags and start walking towards the open gate closest to the beach. “There’s still a few stuck on the fence mate.” Says Mark as we sneak in the gate and run up to the deck. We make our way to the back door, unlock it, walk inside, we lock the door behind us. “Looks like they didn’t get in here mate.” I say to Mark. We walk through the kitchen and begin looking around the house, the blinds are all still closed and in place, nothing seems to be disturbed. “Mate do you hear that?” I ask Mark. “Sounds like a car.” Says Mark. we quickly head up stairs. Looking out of my open bedroom window, we see three cars pull up. “These must be the fucking morons that want to take our shit.” Says Mark. We get down low and look out the window. We see three, four wheel drives pull up just outside of the gate close to the scrub line, three older guys covered in tattoos get out of the first car while four younger guys get out of the other two cars. They all walk to the front of the lead car and start talking. We can over hear one guy say. “Right, looks like we got these fucks sorted now.” “He must be the big dog.” I whisper to Mark. We look out the window again and listen to the tall solid built man with a full grey mullet hair cut and long grey beard. “Hope that little blonde thing is still alive, I haven't had any fresh pussy for ages.” he laughs, everyone else laughs and agrees with him, then another bloke says. “Nah I’d rather smash that little tattooed thing… then fuck it.” Mark looks at me in anger. “Right mate, I’ve got a plan.” I whisper to Mark. “Hope it’s a fucking good one mate. They’re armed.” Mark says in response pointing out the window, we can see 5 of the 7 guys have what appear to be sawed off shotguns. “Oh don’t worry about that shit mate. They couldn’t hit the side of a shed with a handful of corn from there with that shit.” I whisper with a giggle. “What’s the plan then mate?” Mark asks. “We both start firing from here. Once you’ve fired three shots I want you to run downstairs, out the back door, out the gate, up the side of the fence, into the bush then across to the track and see if there's anyone else. I’ll stay here and deal with them.” I say to Mark. “No worries mate.” Mark replies. “Once you’re up there, stay hidden and keep your radio on.” I say with a wink and a smile. “Call the girls on the radio now and tell them what’s happening and to be quiet.” I say to mark as I move into a better position at the window. Mark calls the girls and tells them the plan, we look back out the window and see the “guy in charge” pointing towards the front door, two guys start walking in our direction. “I’ll take the guys in the open mate, you just smash that car where the others are standing then run.” I say. Mark looks at me, nods and says. “Ready mate. On your shot I’ll fire.” I line up the guy closest to the gate with another guy behind him, I exhale slowly and squeeze the trigger of my .44 rifle. The shot rings out, the projectile splits the first blokes forehead open then it slams into the lower back of the guy behind him, who had turned to talk to the others at the car. They both hit the floor, the second guy screaming in agony as he tries to drag himself to the cars. Mark fires at the guys standing at the car, his first shot goes high above their heads. He reloads as I shift my aim for them, I fire my second shot at the group hitting a bloke dead centre of his chest, the blood sprays onto the lead guy, he and the others drop behind the car for cover as Mark fires again hitting the car. “Go now mate.” I say to Mark, he turns and runs out of the bedroom. I look back out the window and see a guy with long black hair walking out from behind the car firing wildly at the house yelling. “I’m not scared of you! I’m not scared of anything!” I line him up and fire. The round slams into his throat, he falls to the ground grabbing at his neck while blood flows from the wound onto the sand. I keep firing at the car until I’m out of ammo. I turn, run out of the room and downstairs, loading as I go. I make my way to the kitchen and grab a knife from the table, I turn and run back towards the door that leads to the shed, as I’m running I look out the window and can see Mark running past the shed into the bush. I duck down at the door and listen to the guys as they start talking. “Bluey. You take the side door there and I’ll go through the front, young fella you stay here and keep an eye out.” I lean up and unlock the side door then duck back down slinging my shotgun over my shoulder I lay my .44 beside me, I quickly grab my radio and say to Mark. “There’s a young bloke that’s unarmed by the cars. We want him alive. Don’t make a move until I call you though.” “Copy that mate, there’s no one else here.” Mark replies over my quiet radio. I hear the bloke walk up the deck and grab the door handle. I press myself into the corner behind where the door will open. He opens the door and walks in slowly. There’s a rattle at the front door from the other bloke trying to get in, as the guy swings his right arm behind him to shut the door. I jump up, wrapping my left arm over his left shoulder and over his mouth, my right arm under his right armpit. I slit his throat. Blood sprays the walls in front of me, I start stabbing him in the chest over and over until the blood sprays begin to just dribble, I drop him on the floor, the knife still buried in his chest. I walk towards the front door as I hear the bloke outside say. “What’s happening in there?” I reply in a deep voice. “All clear mate, I’ll open the door for you.” I unlock the door, take two steps back, shoulder my shotgun and point at the door. The door flies open, the lead man looks at me and says. “Oh shit!” I smile at him then pull the trigger, the shots tears through him and he stumbles backwards. I pump the lever and fire again and a third time. The guy falls backwards off the deck onto the path, missing the side of his head and a massive hole in his chest. I step over his body look at the young bloke standing at the ute and say. “You’re next.” with a smile. I walk towards him as he turns and runs, I step over the top of the wounded guys that’s screaming in pain, put the barrel to his head and fire. “Copy Mark. He’s coming your way now mate.” I say over the radio as I keep walking to the cars. The young bloke runs past the second car looking at me over his shoulder, he turns his head just in time to see Mark standing there. Mark buries the stock of his rifle into the blokes face knocking him out cold onto the floor. Mark spits on him then looks at me and says. “You all good brah?” “Yeah mate. Told you I had a plan.” I say. “What do you want to do with this guy?” Asks Mark with a big smile? “Tie him up so he can’t escape. I’m going to deal with these last few zombies.” I say turning and walking back to the fence where there’s a few zombies caught. “Copy girls? Head back to the house now.” I hear Mark say over the two way radio just as I kill the last zombie. We walk inside the house. Mark looks at me as we enter the house and nod. We walk to the fridge and grab some beers. “What happened to the other bloke?” Asks Mark. I point in the direction of the corpse by the side door and say. “Not much. Just a little bit of good old fashioned fuck your shit up son.” Mark walks down to the corpse, takes a look then turns to me and says. “Woah! Brutal mate!” He then finishes his beer walks back to me, grabs another two beers. He hands me one and we walk outside to the beach to wait for the girls. “We can’t stay here anymore mate.” I say to Mark. “No shit.” Laughs Mark just as we see the girls pulling the boat onto the beach.

  “What happened here?” asks Fiona as the girls walk over to us. “Well we found out who wanted to take our shit.” Laughs Mark. “We can’t stay here anymore though, we need to head somewhere new.” Sandy Says to us, “She’s right guys, that pack is coming back this way.” Says Fiona. “Shit, we need to load everything we can onto the truck and utes.” I say. “I’ll take one of their cars. Smithy you drive the truck, Sandy you take our ute and Fiona you can take the ute we got from the hardware store.” Says Mark. “Good plan mate, we need to do this as quick as possible.” I say. Everyone agrees and we all run up the beach to begin loading everything we have. Fiona and I get inside and start clearing out the last of our shit from the kitchen when she looks at the body by the side door, then she looks at me. “Who did that?” She asks. I just smile at her and say. “You would’ve done worse if you heard what they were saying about you and Sandy.” �
�Wow, and I thought my killing of the crazy bitch the other day was bad.” Says Fiona with a giggle. “Guys we need to hurry up.” Says Mark from the front door. “Coming now mate, we’ve got everything.” I say, we all run out the door as we see the zombie pack about one hundred metres from us. “I’ll radio you when this sack of shit wakes up.” Says Mark. “Where the fuck are we going?” asks Fiona. “Back into town, there’s plenty of houses in there we can stay in tonight and make a plan.” I say. We all get into our vehicles that are loaded with everything and we head off. About a half an hour into our drive I see all three of the other cars start slowing down and Mark calls up on the radio, “he’s awake.” is all that he says. We come to a stop in the middle of the highway, in the middle of the day. We all get out and walk to Marks car at the lead of our convoy, in the scorching hot sun, no breeze, just unbearable heat. I open the passenger side door and drag the young bloke out onto the hot bitumen, I kneel down and untie him, stand up and say to him. “Get up mate.” He stumbles to his feet and I push him to the front of Marks car. “Start talking you piece of shit.” Says Fiona as she punches him in the stomach. He reels in pain leaning on the bonnet of the car. “What do you want to know?” He asks as he grabs his bruised and swollen head. “How did you find us?” I ask. “We seen you the other day in town.” He mumbles. “So you thought you could just come and fuck us over?” Asks Sandy. “We were snooping around your house for a few days and we noticed that you just partied and drank a lot, so Kev thought it’d be easy to take what you had.” Says the bloke winking and smiling at Fiona. “Don’t you fucking smile at me you sick fuck.” Says Fiona, she punches him in the face then spits on him as he lie on the floor. “Any more of your group out here mate?” I ask. “Yeah there’s 4 more that stayed behind in town, they stayed back as our insurance policy, you know? Incase we didn't call them before midday they’d come looking for us. So i’d say you’re screwed now.” Laughs the guy. “Don't let him go anywhere, I’ll be back in a second.” I say. I walk to the ute and write out a note saying. “Nice try! Good luck now tough guys!” I grab a short piece of fence wire out of the tray and walk back over to the group. “Hold him on the bonnet.” I say. Fiona and Mark slam his face into the bonnet and hold him steady. I hold onto his ear and force the wire through it, then attach the note and twist the wire up. “Tie his hands up behind his back and let him up.” I say to the others, they stand him up and tie his hands back while he’s screaming in pain, as I return from the truck with my rifle over my shoulder, I grab him push him into the middle of the road. “Start walking mate. And give your mates my message.” I say to the guy. He starts stumbling up the highway towards town. “Big mistake mate! You guys are fucked now.” He says. He turns his back and keeps walking, just as a zombie stumbles out of the bush and walks towards him. I walk out into the middle of the highway, shoulder my rifle and fire, purposely hitting him in the right shoulder, causing him to fall to the ground face down. The zombie walks over to him, ducks down and bites into his upper leg. The young bloke screams in pain, he manages to kick the zombie off and get to his feet, he begins stumbling down the road. I reload and fire at the zombie. It’s head explodes. I reload, aim at the young bloke and fire, hitting him square in the left side of his back, he drops to the floor in a heap. “Good. let the piece of shit walk forever as a zombie.” Says Sandy. Standing around the cars trying to come up with a plan when Mark says to us. “Their radios are on channel 19. I say we call them up and see if he was telling the truth.” “Good idea mate. Pass it here.” I say. Mark throws the radio to me. “You lot still there or are you too busy fucking each other”? I say over the two trying to match Kev’s voice the best I can. “Fuck off Kev!” is what we hear in reply over the two way. “We’ve taken these clowns out. Caught them on the highway trying to escape. Killed the two guys and kept the sheila’s for some fun.” I say into the radio. “On our way mate.” is the response. “Bring one car only, I’ll leave the young fella on the highway to meet you. When you get here, grab all of their vehicles and come out to meet us.” I say into the radio. “Copy that mate be there soon.” is the response. I look at the others. “We need to set up an ambush and fast.” Says Mark. “Girls you hide off the side of the road behind the trees in a ditch. Mark you get behind the truck, I’ll duck down in the back of your car here in front.” I say. “What about him?” Asks Sandy pointing at the young fella in the highway as he starts to turn. “Mark and I will tie him to the front of the truck as a decoy. We need to hurry though.” I say. We all set about our tasks, the girls grabbing their weapons and hiding in the bush. Mark and I tie the now zombified young fella to the truck bullbar so he looks as alive as possible, then we hide, just as we hear a car coming up the highway. The car drives past me slowly as I hide in the back of the four wheel drive wagon. They pull up just short of the truck and get out. “What the fuck is going on here?” Says the driver as the two guys on the drivers side walk up to the zombified young fella. “IT’S A TRAP!” Yells a passenger as he sees Fiona in the bush. We all open fire and unleash hell in the form of hot lead and gunpowder. Killing all four of them in seconds. I walk over to the car and look at the dead passengers. “Son of a bitch.” I say looking at the front seat. “What?” Says Fiona. “That’s fucking Bryce. The god lover from town the other day.” I say. “He had you fooled mate.” Laughs Fiona as Mark and Sandy search the car. We take anything of value to us, get back into our vehicles and head off towards town. We pull into town and head toward the housing section. “We’ll stop at a house up here on the outskirts of town for tonight.” I say over the two way and pull into a small house on a large cleared block. I get out of the truck and walk past the bull bar where the zombified young fella is still tied up. I look him up and down and see his legs have been rubbed away to his knees by the bitumen. “Look at this shit!” I yell to the others. They come over and have a look. Fiona passes everyone a beer then slams her crowbar into the left eye of the zombie. We just look her. “Feel better now?” I ask with a smile. “Yep sure do.” She replies with a smile and kisses me. “Should we clear this house then?” Asks Mark. We agree and set about clearing the house. As we enter the front door we see a living room on our left, a short hallway leading straight into the dining room, a small kitchen on the left of the dining room, a door that leads out the back in the middle of the back wall of the dining room, we turn right at the end of the hallway into another short hallway, there’s a door leading to a small bedroom on the left,


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