Thorn (Salvation's Bane MC 3): A Bones MC Romance

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Thorn (Salvation's Bane MC 3): A Bones MC Romance Page 7

by Marteeka Karland

  Blood shook his head. “No. This is on me.”

  Thorn raised an eyebrow. That meant Blood anticipated trouble. Which meant any “convincing” he had to do in order to keep quiet any buddies Harrison brought with him, wouldn’t be pretty. Or gentle.

  “Ripper, you hear anything on them?”

  “Yeah. Our boy’s inquiring about a gun. Wantin’ something unregistered. Inquiring in all the wrong fucking places, though.”

  “Assume he’s able to pull it off,” Thorn said. “Prepare for an armed enemy. We’ll welcome him until he proves what he’s after. Then we’ll finish it.” He rapped his knuckles on the table, their signal church was adjourned, and everyone got up.

  After everyone left, Beast hung back. “You sure ’bout this, Thorn? I mean, I’m behind you a hundred percent, and Jason Harrison deserves to die hard. But are you sure about his buddies?”

  “They come here to harm my woman, then yes. I’ll kill the little bastards and won’t lose a second’s sleep.”

  “You sure ’bout her?” Beast held Thorn’s gaze steadily. Thorn understood. Beast needed to know where Thorn’s head was. He couldn’t blame his brother. If they were going to kill, it needed to be worth the cost.

  “I’m sure. She’s mine.”

  Beast snorted. “She know that?”

  Thorn shrugged. “Mostly. She’ll understand soon enough. I’ve been trying to take it easy on her. She’s been through a hell of a time.”

  “Mama and Pops both say she’s recovering nicely, though Pops says he worries she’s not fully acknowledged the loss of her child. Could be an issue for you down the road.”

  “Yeah. I’m aware. I’ll help her work through it.”

  “You sound awfully confident. She opening up to you?”

  Thorn hesitated. “No. But she will.”

  Beast just shook his head, offering a derisive snort. “Yeah. She knows she’s yours, all right. Might want to clear that up first. Then worry about this other shit.”

  “She knows we’re in an exclusive relationship. That’s enough for now.”

  “Do you know anything about women?”

  “Know enough.”

  “Right. Keep telling yourself that.” Beast clapped Thorn on the back. “Good luck. Sounds like you’re gonna need it.”

  Thorn sighed. “After this, I’m gonna need something else worse.” When Beast’s brows knit together, but the man remained silent, Thorn continued. “We’ll need a new clubhouse. Once I’ve killed here, we’ll need to relocate.”

  “You want to stay in Palm Beach?”

  “Maybe farther out of the city. More isolated.”

  Beast nodded. “I’ll get with Ripper. Something comes to mind, though we’ll have to do some modifications.”

  “Just be ready. We may need to move quickly. I won’t jeopardize anyone in the club. Not even to save myself.”

  “So I’m back to my original question. You sure about her? Because, if you are, every man in this club will fight to the death to protect her. Everything else be damned. Our women, our ol’ ladies, will be protected at all cost. Even our freedom, to our very lives.” Beast’s words were like a balm to Thorn. He was hesitant to have his club help if they all felt like it was for him. But if they saw it as helping his woman, then all was well. Same end, but they were fighting for his woman. Not for Thorn. He would never ask them to do anything so drastic for himself. For Mariana, he’d ask anything, but would never sacrifice less than his brothers would.

  “She’s my one and only, Beast. Ain’t quite sure how it fuckin’ happened, but she’s the woman I want.”

  “Brother, ain’t none of us sure how it happens. They’re sneaky. Catch you when you ain’t lookin’.” They both had a small chuckle at that. “We got your back. To the death, brother.”

  “That’s what I’m afraid of,” Thorn answered. “That’s what I’m fuckin’ afraid of.”

  * * *

  Mariana was restless. Thorn had barely let her out of the clubhouse all week. Had insisted she stay inside as much as possible. The only time he let her out was at night, and only at the pool. The only lights allowed on were the pool’s underwater lights. They gave off a soft glow that gave the patio a romantic feel, but Thorn’s tension ruined any romantic interlude they might have shared. Oh, he’d fucked her plenty of times, but it was always a frantic, hard ride. Like he was doing it for the last time. The thought disturbed Mariana in more ways than she cared to admit.

  In the short time she’d known Thorn, she’d come to rely on him for nearly everything. Especially when the not-so-distant past tried to creep in on her. She could go to him, seduce him, and he quickly made all her troubles go away.

  “You know, you can’t fuck your past away forever.” That was Mama. The woman was a conundrum. Her touch was gentle, but her words weren’t always kind. She could strip it naked and lay it all out there in such a blunt way, Mariana actually felt like the woman had taken a sledgehammer to her insides.

  “What makes you think that’s what I’m doing? I like sex. Thorn’s readily available.” She shrugged, trying to make light of the situation when she really wanted to wince. Her relationship with Thorn wasn’t like that. At least, not to her. For him? Who knew? He wasn’t a man to talk about his feelings much. When he did, he was like Mama in that he just laid it bare.

  “Pfft! You’re hiding. The past hurts in so many ways, and you’re avoiding it by losing yourself in Thorn’s body.” Mama stood at the edge of the pool, hands on her hips. It was hard to tell how old she was, but Mariana guessed late sixties. Mama’s hair was long but steel gray, and she kept it in intricate braids wound around her head most of the time. She was slender and fit, but her skin had some age on it. Mama didn’t seem to care and neither did Pops, though Mariana wasn’t sure if they were an actual couple or just very close friends.

  “Tell me you wouldn’t enjoy the same thing, and I’ll call you a hypocrite.”

  “Ain’t sayin’ I wouldn’t enjoy that man. Any woman would. You need more than sexual gratification. You need a man to have your back. To stand with you and in front of you when necessary. Thorn’s that man. By compartmentalizing him into a sex object, you’re doing you both a disservice.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about. He said we’re together, so we’re together. I’m just not getting my hopes up for a happy ever after. Men like him aren’t built for that.”

  “And your other man was?” By the low tone of Mama’s voice, the older woman knew that would be a crippling blow. Mariana felt it so hard through her body, she pulled her knees up, buffering herself from a truth she didn’t want to face.

  “Well,” Mariana said, swallowing a small sob. “That stung.”

  “Meant it to. He ain’t mine, but he’s Cain’s. When Cain sent me here to help, I came for Cain’s people. You were not my first priority, no matter what Thorn thought. You still ain’t. But I think you and Thorn could both benefit from this relationship if you give it more than just your body.”

  “Mama, I do that and Thorn will eat me alive,” she said starkly. “I’m not just being dramatic, either. I thought I loved Jason, no matter his tendency to be an asshole. If I give Thorn more than my body, he’ll crush my heart. I… I can’t do that, Mama.”

  “Have you talked to him about more than sex? What about what you want out of your relationship?”

  “What relationship? We have sex.” Did she sound bitter?

  Mama scowled. “Girl, you need to sit and have a talk with your man. He’s putting his club on the line. For you. Even he sees it. He’s letting his brothers convince him they’re doing it for him, but they’re getting ready to kill. For you. The least you can do is throw all in. Give him the benefit of the doubt.”

  “And if you’re wrong? If this is just what he said it is? Then I’m the one with a bleeding heart and permanent wounds.” Mariana was as close to tears as she’d been since the attack. Which she would not think about. Not now. Not ever. “He feels bad f
or me. Sorry that I made shit decisions with my life and willing to help me turn myself around.”

  “You already got permanent wounds, girl,” Mama snapped. For a supposed doctor, the woman had a horrible bedside manner. “And that man feels every single fuckin’ one of ’em! Why do you think he’s willin’ to let his club get involved with this? If he just felt bad for you, if you were just a pity fuck, don’t you think he’d just beat the fuck outa your baby daddy and go on with himself? Thorn is readying his club for battle. And they’re bringing it here. To his house! Their house! They’re doin’ it because they can control every aspect of the situation from here and keep your enemies here as long as they need to before they die. They’re gonna die hard and mean, and Thorn’s gonna enjoy every fuckin’ second of it.”

  Mariana let out a little sob. “I don’t want that for him. None of them. I didn’t ask for this! Why are you even telling me?”

  “Because you need to know the lengths Thorn is goin’ through to keep you safe and avenge your child. He wouldn’t do that for just anyone. Not his problem. The club is treating you like one of their own. That means Thorn has given them reason to. He’s claimed you, and you’re either too fuckin’ blind to see or too stupid to care!” By the time Mama had finished dressing her down, Mariana was sobbing openly, clinging to the edge of the pool, and Pops was trying desperately to calm Mama down. He was shushing her and looking around like he expected trouble. Man even had a wicked-looking knife out, as if readying himself for a fight.

  “Shut up, woman,” he hissed. “You’ll bring the whole place down on us!” Pops continued to scan the area. A burst of lightning lit up the sky, evidence of an approaching tropical storm forecast for the area. In the background, a tall, hulking shadow was lit briefly, making Mariana catch her breath.

  Thorn stood tall and proud, his shoulders back. His eyes glinted in the scant light, his gaze firmly fixed on Mama. “You done?”

  “I didn’t say nearly enough, boy.” The older woman really was pissed off. “This is as much your fault as it is hers. You’re so consumed by your lifestyle you can’t conceive of actually committing to a woman. You think all these club girls will satisfy you?”

  “They never have. Why would I think that would change?”

  “Then get off your ass and tell that girl how you feel. I’m tired of babysitting the two of you. You’ve fucked her. Now put a fuckin’ ring on it.”

  Thorn’s voice never changed inflection. “Intend to.” He took a step forward, and Pops pushed Mama firmly behind him. The older woman hissed out a warning, drawing her own wicked-looking knife. Neither of the pair backed down an inch from the much larger, stronger, and younger threat. When Thorn spoke again, his tone held that same calm demeanor, but there was an underlying threat of retaliation if they fucked with him. “I appreciate your help with Mariana. While Doc is wonderful, he doesn’t have quite the… feminine touch you were reputed to have, Mama. Please tell Cain I appreciate the gesture, but I think it’s time you and Pops head back to Kentucky. Carnage and Red are waiting to take you to the airport. Your flight leaves in a couple of hours.”

  Pops nodded, then skirted around Thorn, not turning his back to the larger man. Pops didn’t look scared, more like wary. Like a man might move around a snake coiled and ready to strike. He kept Mama firmly at his side, not letting her far enough away to get away from him and possibly attack Thorn, as she looked on the verge of doing. “I think that’s a good idea,” Pops muttered.

  “Thank God,” Mama snapped. “Ain’t never met a more unworthy president in my years.” She stabbed a finger at Thorn. “A president puts his club at risk for something, he tells them straight out why. You drug your men into a hunt letting them think it was for you when, in reality, it was for her.”

  “Not your business, Mama,” Thorn snapped right back at her. “I have my reasons for everything I do. My brothers know the score. And they know me as well as I know them.”

  The older woman bared her teeth at Thorn. “Good riddance, Thorn.”

  “Goodbye… Aunt Josephine.”

  * * *

  Mariana stayed very still in the pool, unsure of her footing. How much had Thorn heard, and what had he taken exception to? Because he’d obviously taken exception to something.

  “Out with you, girl,” he ordered. He didn’t sound angry, but just like he expected her obedience. Which kind of rankled. While she wasn’t pissed at him, she knew she had to assert her independence or risk losing herself.

  “I’m not done swimming. You’ve hardly let me out of the clubhouse all week. I’m enjoying the fresh air.”

  “Ana,” he said, his voice caressing her name. “Please. We need to talk.”

  “Uh oh. There’s that phrase again.” She sank to her neck in the cool water, a subtle retreat.

  He looked at her for long moment. When she made no move to obey him, he sighed and scrubbed a hand over his face. “Fine.” He sounded more resigned than grumpy. To her complete shock, he started stripping. Everything.

  If she lived to be a hundred, she could look at his body twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week and never get tired of it. He was covered in a myriad of tattoos and more than a few scars. And muscle. Lots of muscle. His cock was semi-erect but growing as he approached her. As he moved from the steps into the pool, he seemed to stalk through the water to her. Like a shark on the hunt. Perhaps that’s exactly what he was.

  “What are you doing?” Her question came out a squeak, and she had to stop herself from moving away from him into deeper water. He’d taken her in the pool more than once, but this was different somehow.

  “You ain’t comin’ to me? I’ll come to you.”

  “Thorn,” she said, using her best no-nonsense voice. “Be reasonable. The sex is great, but I’ve got too much baggage for you to fool with. I’d leave now if I thought I had a chance in hell of escaping Jason. I’d be gone. Not too ashamed to admit I’m afraid of him.” She shivered before she could stop herself, a wave of fear and revulsion going through her. To think she’d given that bastard her body. Had tried to please him. To take care of him outside the bedroom.

  “Ana! Focus on me!”

  Her gaze snapped back to Thorn, who was now inches from her. He reached out and cupped her cheek gently. The gesture seemed more intimate than any other time he’d touched her. And it was only his hand touching her face. Not that gloriously naked body of his. She wanted to reach out and run her hands over his chest and shoulders, but didn’t dare. Not in her present mood. Or his.

  “Mama’s right.” With those words he pulled her closer, wrapping those strong arms around her. “We both have things we need to have a serious discussion about.”

  Mariana stiffened. “With all due respect, it’s none of her business.”

  “No. But she reminded me I need to make it mine.”

  “Look, Thorn. I appreciate what you’ve done, but you really don’t have to do anything more. Just let me ride it out here for a while. That’s all I’m asking. You don’t have to do anything about Jason. I’ll just leave, and he’ll forget me soon enough. Hell, he already has another girlfriend.” She had to look away then, the pain still sharp if she dwelled on it. Not because she’d loved Jason so much as because Jason obviously loathed her enough to beat her until she miscarried. “Just let me have another couple of weeks, and I’ll be out of your way.”

  “Fuck, Mariana,” he swore. “Do you honestly think that’s what I want?”

  She still couldn’t meet his gaze. “You’re a biker. The president of a club with very powerful men. Every girl in this club has her sights on you. I see how they look at you. I hear every dirty fantasy they voice about you and, believe me, there are many.”

  “Is that what’s bothering you? Honey, I’ve probably had every single one of them at one time or another. If I’d wanted more with any of them, I’d have pursued it by now.”

  There was no stopping the wince. She’d only been with Jason, and now Thorn. Did he find her h
orribly inadequate?

  “Get that look off your face now,” he snapped. “Fuck!” He pulled her close, wrapping her up in his arms tightly this time. She felt his cock pulsing between them but was afraid to do anything about it. “Mama was definitely right. We should have talked more about this before I started fuckin’ you regularly.” He said it almost as if to himself.

  “I don’t wanna,” Mariana muttered. “Just let me have this time with you without telling me again how temporary I am.”

  He pulled back sharply but didn’t let her out of his arms. “What the fuck? I never said that! Not once.”

  She blinked, trying to step back, but he pulled her firmly back, growling as he did. “You said as long as I was with you we were exclusive.”

  “What part of that did you take to mean I didn’t want you around?”

  “It’s not that, Thorn,” she sighed, giving up trying to get away from him. “I just know the score. You’ll move on. Like you always have. If I’m completely honest?” She looked up into his face, waiting for him to tell her if he wanted to know what she had to say. When he nodded sharply twice, she gave a shuddering breath before continuing. “I’m not sure I can compartmentalize my relationship with you. Even now, when it’s all still new, I know I’ll never forget you. Or what I’ve shared with you.”

  To her complete and utter horror, a tear leaked from her eye and rolled down her cheek. Mariana tried to duck her head so he couldn’t see. Even better would be to duck under the water under the pretense of slicking her hair back. Unfortunately, Thorn wouldn’t let her get away with either option.

  “Look at me, Ana.” When she stubbornly kept her head down, Thorn gently curled a finger under her chin and tipped her face up so he could look into her eyes. When he spoke, his voice was tender. And so filled with heat it stole her breath. “Why in the world would you think that I didn’t feel exactly the same way about you?”

  Mariana had to fight for air. Her throat burned, and she was desperately afraid she was going to start sobbing.

  “I didn’t want to admit it. Damned sure didn’t know how to explain to my brothers. Mama was wrong about something, though. They know exactly why this is happening and who it’s for. They are willing to fight for you because they know you’re my woman. The one woman for me. They recognize you belong with me, and they’ve claimed you as their own as well. You’re as good as an ol’ lady. They know you’ll be mine soon and they’ve brought you firmly under the protection of the club. Which includes protection from me if they thought you needed it.”


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