Thorn (Salvation's Bane MC 3): A Bones MC Romance

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Thorn (Salvation's Bane MC 3): A Bones MC Romance Page 8

by Marteeka Karland

  “You’d never hurt me,” she whispered, looking up at him in a kind of awe. She’d never known he could lay his emotions out like that. “You’ve never been this blunt with me before. Is this some kind of trick?”

  Thorn grinned. “Why would I need to do that? I don’t play mind games, Ana. With me, what you see is what you get. I’m laying my soul bare. My heart.” He shrugged and gave her a gentle smile. “You hold both in your hands. The only question is, are you brave enough to take them?”

  To her complete and utter horror, a sob escaped. Just one. When he pulled her into his arms, the dam broke. Mariana wasn’t certain why she was crying. Was it for herself and all she’d lost over the past few weeks, even before she met Thorn? Probably. But she wasn’t opening the door to that. Not yet. Not when the possibility she could be hurt again still loomed over her. She refused to dwell on it, because that way lay madness.

  Chapter Six

  Ana’s tears were killing him. Thorn held her tightly, willing his body to be the shelter and comfort she needed. Though he wasn’t exactly certain what had her upset, he had a good idea. She was a beautiful young woman who’d been betrayed in one of the worst ways possible, yet he was asking for her trust. It was probably too much for any woman, but his little Ana was especially vulnerable after everything that had happened.

  Thorn knew he was a bastard. Knew the last thing she truly needed was sex. But when he had her in his arms, making love to her, bringing her to orgasm over and over, he knew she let herself go and just felt the pleasure he gave her. Reveled in it. She always clung to him so sweetly afterwards, and he’d come to crave that afterplay almost as much as the actual sex. Right now, sex with her was the only way he knew to get her to that warm, lethargic place where she let him take care of her and put her trust completely in him.

  Moving them to the shallow end, he pulled at the strap of her bathing suit. He hated that she chose the one piece instead of a bikini to show off her beautiful body, but he knew she had scars from the attack. Though she never talked about it, he knew she was self-conscious about any lingering marks on her body. Lord knew she tried hard to hide from him sometimes. Thorn pretended not to notice because he didn’t want her uncomfortable, but he knew the time was coming when he’d have to deal with it all. She would have to deal with it. Otherwise, it would fester like an abscess that never healed until she grew sick with it. Until they were both sick with it. Because Thorn had a feeling once she opened up to him, even though he knew exactly what had happened, he was going to share every single pain she had inside of her, and he wasn’t altogether certain he could handle it gracefully.

  Once he got Ana’s bathing suit around her waist, Thorn lifted her to sit on the edge of the pool, wedging his hips between her thighs. Looking up into her eyes, he could see the sorrow and fear there, and it nearly broke him.

  “Hey, hey,” he said softly, cupping her face in his hands. Her gaze skittered away from him, but he ducked back into her line of sight. “Look at me, baby. Let me see your beautiful hazel eyes.” Tears continued to fall, but she met his gaze with her eyes glistening in the scant lighting of the pool. “I’m not goin’ anywhere. I’m with you like stink on shit.” As he’d hoped, she let out a surprised giggle. Something that had been coiled and roiling inside his chest eased just a little bit at the soft sound. Yeah. He was so fucked. He wouldn’t have it any other way. “No matter what, I’m always gonna be with you. You’re part of Bane now. Soon as this little fucker is dea -- err, out of the picture, I’m makin’ you my ol’ lady. Believe me, that’s not something I do lightly. I don’t claim a woman then let her go. You’re mine. Now. Always.”

  Her breathing had grown ragged. Something that looked suspiciously like hope blossomed on her face before she tried to mask it over. Then she let out a breath, her shoulders slumping just a little.

  “What about you? Will you still be with the club girls? I know that, when you guys have parties, there’s lots of sex. Other clubs or your own girls like to party, and it usually leads to sex.”

  He grinned. “Oh, I expect we’ll both have lots of kinky, raunchy sex at those parties. But only with each other. Baby, I’m yours. You’re mine. I’ll always protect you, and I absolutely do not share. Don’t expect you to share me, either.”

  Fuck. She looked up at him like he’d fucking hung the fucking moon. His chest swelled with pride and a possessiveness that nearly doubled him over in its intensity.

  “Really?” she asked. “You mean that?”

  “I never say anything I don’t mean, Ana. You should know that by now.” He dipped his head to take one peaked nipple into his mouth and she gasped, her hands going to his head to hold her to him.

  “Thorn,” she whimpered.

  “Gonna love you all night, baby. We’re gonna make love, and work out the details of what happens next, but we’re gonna do it together. From now on, we’re a pair. You’re part of us now. The club. They’ll protect you as fiercely as they protect me. They do it because they know you’re important to me, but they also do it because you’re important to them. And before you ask, they won’t always take my side over yours. Hell, there’s a couple of those bastards who’ll automatically assume I deserve whatever you’re mad at me over and kick my ass on principle.” That got another giggle. “You understandin’ me, babe?”

  She sighed, urging him to continue sucking her breast, but he looked up at her, needing to make sure she knew he was telling her the absolute truth. “Not really, but I’m going to take your word for it. I have a feeling being with the president of a club like this I’m gonna have to do a lot of that. Just…” She swallowed, letting her pain show through just a little. “Just don’t give me a reason to regret that decision. I’m willing to trust whatever you’re doing with the club has a good reason, and some things I’m better off not knowing about. Just please don’t bring another woman into the dynamic. Not for any reason, no matter how much you think the ends justify the means. I can’t have another conversation with anyone like I had with Jason the day you and I met. But especially not with you. You have to know, I never cared about him anywhere near the way I care about you, Thorn. I find you with another woman, it would gut me.”

  “Never gonna happen, baby, so don’t spend time even considering it. For now, I want you out of this bathing suit. I’m gonna spend the rest of the night worshiping your body. You’ll be so exhausted tomorrow all you’re gonna want to do is sleep.”

  “Which means you’ve got something planned for tomorrow, doesn’t it?”

  “Not ever gonna lie to you, darlin’, so don’t ask if you don’t really want to know.” Deliberately, Thorn wrapped his tongue around her nipple again before sucking strongly. His hand found her other breast and kneaded it lovingly.

  “OK,” she sighed. “We’ll talk about it later.”

  Thorn chuckled before urging her to lift her bottom so he could pull her suit down her legs and toss it in a sodden heap on the concrete beside her. He pulled her knees over his shoulders then dipped his face to her bare pussy, inhaling the scent of her arousal.

  “Ah, fuck, baby,” he growled. “You smell like fuckin’ paradise.”

  “Thorn.” Mariana let her legs fall wide off his shoulders. “Lick me.”

  Was there ever a sweeter demand?

  “My fuckin’ pleasure,” he growled. Then he set in.

  When he first made contact with her clit, Ana screamed, arching her back off the concrete. Thorn was worried she might injure herself, so he lifted her so she sat astride his neck, his mouth firmly against her pussy. At first she squealed and clutched at his hair, the position awkward and new to her. But Thorn knew he could hold her there easily and gave her a swat on the ass to still her struggles.

  It didn’t take her long to simply let him take over. Thorn held her with his big palms splayed wide across her ass. Wasn’t the most ideal position, but it was better than her scraping her back all to hell on the concrete. Besides, any position where he could get his
mouth attached so firmly to her pussy was a great position.

  Soon, Mariana had herself balanced, her hands in his hair, and rocked her hips over his mouth. Her little pussy wept with every stroke of his teeth, lips, and tongue over her clit. Her cries filled the night, echoing off the building and floating out to sea. Thorn loved that she was so abandoned. Everything about her was sensual and hedonistic. She just needed to learn to let herself go with him more often. Tonight, that was something he was going to encourage. Let her make all the fucking noise she wanted. His brothers would congratulate him for a job well done, and every single club girl on the place would know he’d claimed Mariana as his. Once her vest was done, she’d wear his property patch, and no one would bother her. Any club girl who didn’t get the message from that would learn when they were banned from the clubhouse.

  Thorn felt her body tense on the verge of her first orgasm and pulled back. He wanted her to come, but not yet. He wanted her mindless with need.

  “Thorn! Let me come!”

  “No,” he growled against her clit once, smacking her ass again. “Not yet.”

  “Oh, God! Please, Thorn! Please!”

  He let her slide down his body as his arms came around her. “Put your legs around me, Ana. Need to fuck you while you come.”

  “Yes,” she gasped. “Yes, let’s do that.”

  Had his cock not been so hard he was in actual pain, he might have chuckled at her little demand. The second she came, Thorn knew he was coming with her.

  She did as he asked. Thorn took them out of the pool to one of the loungers and laid her on it. He sat in the middle, his legs over the sides. Her legs draped over his, and Thorn guided his aching cock to her entrance before gripping her tiny waist and pulling her to him at the same moment he surged forward.

  “AAHHH! Thorn! Fuck!” Her screams were louder than before, her arms stretched over her head, her hands gripping the head of the chair. She again wrapped her legs around him to give herself leverage and met Thorn thrust for thrust.

  How the fuck could Jason have said she lay unmoving beneath him during sex? This woman was starved for sex! Every single time he fucked her, she was always a giving and a bit of a demanding lover. She never balked at anything he wanted to do and always threw herself into sex with him. She fucked as good as she got fucked.

  “Little witch,” he bit out. “Cast a spell on me. Makin’ me want to fill you with my cum. Is that what you want? My cum?”

  “I do,” she whispered. “Oh, God!”

  “Well, you’re gonna get it. But not in your pussy. Not this time.”

  She looked confused until he swirled a finger around his dick and gathered her creamy dew before moving his finger to her ass. He circled the little hole, coating it with her own juices before carefully pushing inside her.

  “You ever been fucked here?”

  She sucked in a breath, her cheeks going flush and her eyes wide. “I have a feeling I’m about to be.”

  “You have to answer the question, Ana. I need to know what you can take.”

  “No. I never have. But you stretch me. Prepare me. Do that, and I can take you. I will.”

  “Fuck! You’re so fuckin’ fierce!”

  She hesitated, her eyes going even wider. “Is that -- Thorn, is that wrong?”

  He barked out a laugh, surging into her once again a couple of times, needing her back into this. “Fuck no! Are you kidding me? I love that you want to do dirty things with me. Gonna enjoy showing you off during parties. I’ll fuck you on the pool table in front of the whole fuckin’ room. Everyone will be watchin’, fuckin’ their own women, and I’ll be the luckiest son of a bitch in the whole Goddamned place because you’ll put on such a wild show. Given’ me everything I want and enjoying it so much you come ’til you pass out. You think you can do that?”

  She was definitely turned on. Her eyes glazed over and her breathing quickened. More importantly, her pussy clamped down on him hard, pulsing around him until he wasn’t sure he could keep from coming inside her.

  Fuck it. She could make him hard again. Did just by looking at him. No time ever had he fucked her that he didn’t get hard almost immediately after he’d come. He’d take her somewhere more private for round two, and use his fuckin’ cum as a lubrication for her ass.

  “Mother fuck!” he shouted. “You fuckin’ come with me, Ana,” he commanded as he surged into her hard and deep. “Fuckin’ come now! Now!” He threw back his head and roared to the stars. Her screams filled the air while he emptied himself into her pulsing little cunt.

  She clung to him, digging her nails into his shoulders. Thank God she did, too, because that little bite of pain grounded him. Helped him realize he had way more to accomplish in the next couple of hours. And he’d get it done, too, because the club was expecting company tonight. He wanted Mariana firmly attached to him before they showed. Mostly so she obeyed him without too much effort on his part. If there was going to be death tonight, he wanted none of it to touch his little Ana.

  * * *

  Emotions overwhelmed Mariana as Thorn urged her to wrap her legs around him. He stood and grabbed a towel, somehow draping it around her back so it covered her ass and tucked between their bodies. He was still semi hard inside her, and she could feel his cum leaking from her body.

  “Keep your arms around me, baby. While I got no problem with my brothers and sisters seeing you, I know you’re not there yet. Just know I’ll always keep you safe. Do you trust me?”

  God help her, she did. “Without question, Thorn,” she answered immediately.

  Because she did. He could have left her any number of times since she’d been discharged from the hospital. But just the fact that he’d stayed by her side the entire time, then brought her to his home, kept her in his bed, treated her like she belonged with him and he was keeping her, earned that trust. She knew he was going to kill Jason, and that was another reason to give him the benefit of the doubt. No way he did something like that for her unless she meant something to him. What he described during sex might seem a little over the top for her, but Mariana couldn’t deny she was intrigued with having people he trusted watch them having sex. She knew she would never make a conscious decision to do it, but Thorn could cajole her into trying. He could make her so hot for him she’d sink down and give him a blow job in the middle of town if he promised to give her orgasms like he continued to do. He pushed her, but he never hurt her. Physically or emotionally. He always seemed to be careful of her even while showing her his wild nature. She was falling fast for the gruff MC president.

  His arms held her to him like steel bands, holding the towel in place as he entered the common room. Naturally, they got cat calls and more than one brother hollering out that he was “leaving a trail of cum” in his wake. Both of them were bare-assed naked. She just had a towel around her because he knew she’d be uncomfortable. His whole everything was still hanging out. Hell, they could probably see his dick was still in her pussy as he walked. She thought she’d be embarrassed -- mortified, even -- but she wasn’t. She saw several of the club girls in their walk from the pool. He had to take her all the way through to the back to the stairs where his room was on the floor above. Some gave her a thumbs up and a bright smile. More than one gave her venomous looks as if she were encroaching on their territory, even though the women were currently with a different patched member of the club.

  Something else she noticed. More than one of the girls was topless. Beast was with Fleur, his hand around her shoulder and under her shirt. She made a halfhearted attempt to get him out as she waved to Mariana, but giggled all the same. He did not remove his hand. Vicious was with Lucy in a corner off to themselves, kissing like teenagers in a movie theater. He cupped a breast. She cupped his crotch. A club girl -- Topaz? -- knelt between Red and Tinker, a cock in each hand, alternating sucking them. She met Mariana’s gaze and winked at her, grinning even around her mouthful.

  It should have horrified Mariana. If she’d been th
e good girl her mother wanted her to be, it certainly would have. But Mariana had known for a very long time she wasn’t a good girl. Now the thought of sex with Thorn, surrounded by his club, his brothers, didn’t hold the revulsion it might once have. It was obvious his brothers didn’t mind. Neither did their women. She thought about everything that had happened to her over the last month. What if she’d died the night Jason had beaten her? She’d have missed out on all this. Missed out on Thorn. On the wild and sometimes rough but always satisfying sex he shared with her.

  Never again. She was not going to live the rest of her life trying to please anyone but herself and Thorn. If she was lucky enough to have a child, she’d include him or her in that circle, but she was going to experience anything and everything Thorn wanted to throw at her.

  “Don’t like you so still, woman,” Thorn growled. Speak of the Devil.

  “I was just thinking about what you said earlier.”

  “What was that, baby?” He’d reached his bedroom door and opened it, kicking it shut. He took the towel from her body and tossed it to the bed for her to lie on. The bed they shared was large and inviting, ready for their use like the comforting arms of a lover. Mariana already loved being here with Thorn. It felt like home. Definitely more of a home than she’d ever felt with her mother or with Jason.

  Thorn didn’t separate their bodies, just crawled up on the bed, still inside her. She felt him pulse as she clenched her muscles around him. “About you fucking me at a party with your club.” They both cried out as his cock swelled inside her. Yeah, he liked that idea. A lot. “I saw Fleur and Lucy with their men. As long as it’s something you want to try, I’m willing.”


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