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by Natalie Hunter

  But what did this mean he should do? If the women of this place had decided he, the newcomer - perhaps to them, the challenger - should be the new alpha male of the group, then would he be able to simply lead the people out and take them back to Newtown without any resistance? Had the decision been made for him, without him needing to make any convincing arguments?

  "I see that you don't feel the need to answer my question. But the answer would have told you the real reason you should follow me. Not because I'm stronger and healthier and better informed than you, although, clearly your women recognize that I am. But because the Aerquan you thought were harmless watchers, they were breeding you to experiment on. That's why none of you are old. They must have taken you away and killed you, or whatever other things, before you had a chance to grow old. Humans live to be much, much older than you. Some even live for 100 years. The Aerquan were killing you, and so I killed them, so I could free you and take you to a place where you can live long, happy lives, where you can experience things you've never even dreamed of, in this place. I know it's scary, but, well, I grew up in a cave, and I still prefer it out there, so I know you will too. So... come with me."

  The men looked at each other as if seeking approval from their peers, particularly the man who had spoken before, who Curtis gathered was the 'alpha' of the group before he had somehow deposed him. But there was no particular desire to rebel from them. If the women had chosen Curtis, then the group had chosen Curtis, and it was as simple as that. They also seemed to understand that whether what Curtis was saying about why he'd killed the Aerquan was true or not, the Aerquan were dead, and that meant things were going to change anyway.

  But the women weren't finished with making their point just yet. Groans of frustration came from the group of them, still bent on the floor with their bare asses and cunts pointed at him.

  "Claim me!" one of them cried out, and others followed suit with similar appeals for him to fuck them.

  Oh, fuck... I guess they think that that's how someone asserts their dominance here. They think I've got to claim the women, and then I'll be the guy they all follow. But... well, I mean, they're probably all around my age, probably at least some of them are going to be hot, once I get the androids to clean them up and give them some clothes and stuff, and, I can't say I'm not curious about what it'd be like to fuck someone so wild, but all these people seem to do is eat and fuck, how many of these women are already pregnant? How am I supposed to know, when we get back to Newtown, which kids are mine, nine months from now? And how many of them am I supposed to fuck before it'll be good enough for them to follow me? I mean, I was kinda pumped up, and down for the idea of a victory fuck before I came in here, maybe with Lena, or Maddy, but this... this is not what I had in mind at all.

  But this vague thought about Lena reminded him that the whole time he'd been in here, he'd had the option to call for back-up. Maybe he didn't need it for the purposes he might have expected, for instance running into any Aerquan stragglers, or needing to get into an area he couldn't reach in his mecha, but the androids who had cleared the school of Aerquan would still be outside, keeping guard, and waiting for him to lead the people out. Lena was among them - he had put her in that group so she'd be in the same quarter of the city as he and Maddy, should anything happen to their mechas that she might need to fix, but the majority of the squad were big, male security and military androids.

  I guess that's the answer then. I'll claim these women with my androids, who look even stronger and better than me, and that should hammer home the message to the men of the group.

  He pulled his communicator out of his pocket, not wanting to confuse the people watching him by sealing himself back in the mecha to talk to Lena via its comms interface. He tapped in the code to reach her communicator, and ignoring the curious stares of the men and the continued groaning and begging from the naked women, he waited for her to answer.

  "Curtis, is everything alright? Why aren't you in the mecha? There are no Aerquan around, we're pretty sure of it, but you should stay inside it anyway, just one wounded survivor could fry your brain outside of that shell!" she scolded, without saying hello. As the creator of the mecha, it was kind of understandable that the fact he was talking to her this way, instead of through the monitors in the mecha, would be the first thing she'd notice.

  "It's fine, Lena - I had to open up the mecha to show the humans that I'm one of them, but I'm still inside it, I can seal it up if I begin to feel the pain from an Aerquan close by. But that's not why I called you. The mecha is working perfectly. I called because I need back-up. Specifically, I need about thirty male androids. And, let's make it one female. You, preferably..." he'd realized when speaking to her that perhaps he could look even more alpha if he showed them the kind of woman he usually got to fuck, as well as delegating the task of claiming the human women.

  "I'm not really one of the best fighters... why does male or female matter, and who are we fighting, if there are no Aerquan in there? Are the humans hostile? Are there obstacles?"

  "We're not fighting anyone, that's not the kind of back up I'm asking for... I need them to use their, er, 'special protocols' with some human women. It'll make more sense when you get here, I promise. Well, as much sense as it's ever going to make, at least."

  He put away the communicator, with Lena having agreed - as of course, she and his other loyal androids always would - to come straight to his location.

  "People! I will show you the kind of world I am going to take you to live in, and why I am fit to be your leader. Yes, I could claim every woman here, and, I probably will, when we get back to Newtown, but instead, I will claim them with men from my army. My soldiers will satisfy your women better than any of you ever have, and will show you just why we can take better care of all of you than your Aerquan oppressors ever did."

  He was getting into giving these little speeches now, even though it looked like his audience understood only parts of what he was saying and weren't especially moved by those parts. It was really just a bombastic show of his confidence, which he felt was necessary if they were the kind of people who just followed whoever seemed strong. And it filled in the time while the androids made their way into the school. He hadn't even finished speaking before the sounds of synchronized, marching footsteps began to thud through the hallway behind him, causing the women, still presenting themselves, to look around over their shoulders in curious excitement.

  This was better, this was much better. With his androids nearby, everything felt less weird. He felt less out of his depth. He could handle this whole situation quickly - or at least, as quickly as thirty androids could make thirty women come - and then they'd escort the people out of the city, and put fucking Brightvale in the rear view mirrors of their legion of AI powered cars. It felt good to be in control again.

  Chapter 4

  The android men, with Lena trailing behind them, wearing her usual attire of short shorts and a tank top (which might normally have seemed a bit inappropriate for an urban battlefield, but androids didn't really have the same concerns as humans about having exposed flesh), filled up the hallway behind Curtis' mecha, until he told Lena via their communicators to have them enter the assembly hall. They gathered around him, each looking serious and professional, each unperturbed by the women, though Curtis knew, from having heard androids speak so reverently about their old human masters, that being around so many humans for the first time in well over a century was exciting for them - whatever state the humans were in.

  "People, these are just some of my men. As you can see, they are strong, and powerful, and... clean. With them, I will claim every woman here in my name."

  They weren't really clean - a few had splatters of black and blue goo on their urban fatigues that probably used to be some internal part of an Aerquan. But they still looked a better kept than the humans in the school.

  "What are your orders for the men," Lena asked, moving to stand closest to him, ready to tell the and
roid army she'd been waiting outside with exactly what their human leader expected them to do here. The original plan had of course been just to escort these people across the ditch and over to the cars, where they'd rendezvous with Maddy and the hybrids, allocate refugees to vehicles, and start the journey back to the first recharge point on the way to Newtown. Now, of course, Lena realized that there were going to be extra steps.

  "Isn't it obvious from the way these women are offering themselves up to me, Lena? We must have our soldiers give them what they want. Show them why they will be much happier with us. Show the men up there on the stage - yes, those are humans, under all the hair - that we are the ones they should be following, by showing them what we can do for their women."

  "So... you want these guys to get naked and fuck the humans?"

  "I want these guys to get naked and fuck the human women - the men are just to watch."

  "Uh... OK, well, soldiers, you heard our master," she said, a hint of amusement in her voice, almost like she was keen to see such a spectacle unfold.

  The android men didn't waste a moment, moving hurriedly to the rows of women, unfastening their pants as they moved. These androids were all programmed with the ability to want and enjoy all different types of sex, depending on the whims of the people who had once ordered them to be made. The military androids, who made up over half of those present, were given very versatile interests, so that they could be used to provide companionship to human soldiers who were away from home training, or on missions. The security androids had all belonged to private individuals before the invasion, and so had rather more unique tastes, but none of that seemed to matter. They felt excitement and something akin to adrenaline just like any human, and after the tension of the battle - even though it had been an easy one - they seemed to relish the idea of fucking just as much as anyone else would in a moment of triumph. There was also the fact that most, if not all of these men hadn't had a chance to indulge the one passion they all had definitely been designed to have, for fucking humans, since their previous owners had been wiped out by the Aerquan. Unless Maddy had invited any of these guys to entertain her, they hadn't had a chance to fuck a human woman for so long that the opportunity here was one they wouldn't turn down.

  It quickly became chaotic in the assembly hall, women shrieking in erotic pleasure as powerful android men threw them into whatever positions they felt like and plowed their hard cocks into them, fucking them with relentless, joyful thrusts. Some of the security androids were clearly working to their own pre-ordained kinks. One blond android was holding down a woman with matted red hair and clamping his hand over her mouth as he rammed his cock into her. Another android with short black hair and tattooed arms was spanking a petite human woman's ass hard as he fucked her, leaving red marks on her skinny body that Curtis could almost feel the heat from just looking at her. Another of the androids seemed to have somehow ended up with two of the women, and was alternating between fucking each one's cunt as they lay beside each other on the floor in front of him, his hands squeezing at their bare breasts in turn.

  Curtis watched in fascination for a few moments, his own cock beginning to throb in response to the sounds of so many of these strange, primal women being fucked, and really enjoying it. He noticed that it was having some effect on Lena too, who had moved as close as she could get to him, where he still sat in the mecha cockpit, as if hoping he'd feel compelled to do something to her, too.

  Well, he did feel compelled, but he also wanted to make a strong show of his dominance to the men - especially the ones on the stage, the ones who were watching in a kind of aroused awe, their naked dicks once again jutting out from their bodies, hard. Some of the men around the sides of the room, the ones who had not already been involved in the primitive orgy on the stage when Curtis had arrived, were openly masturbating as they watched the women get fucked, and Curtis supposed that this was what the guys who never got turns with the women were used to doing in this odd little society. But the guys on the stage, well, they weren't sure what to do. They were getting horny, but they couldn't just grab a woman like they usually would - their women were getting fucked by better specimens than them, and they were unsure of what to make of that. And Curtis felt the need to make sure they knew where they were going to be in the pecking order from now on, lest they thought that in Newtown, they'd be entitled to do what they wanted to Maddy, or Sky, or even his androids.

  He moved to get out of the cockpit, and as he expected Lena looked at him with a worried expression, but he was sure they were safe enough from Aerquan at this point that he could come out. There were thirty armed guys who'd stop doing even this to defend him if anything happened, anyway. Either she agreed the risk was tiny, or was allowing herself to throw caution to the wind because she was wet for Curtis, because she didn't try to convince him to get back in when he took her in his arms and kissed her deeply. He took her hand and lead her through the hall, past the mass of androids and women - who, if Curtis knew androids, would be keeping on going until the women couldn't take any more - past the shabby, musty smelling piles of blankets in the middle of the hall, and up the steps at the side of the stage, to stand there up close to the men.

  Chapter 5

  "I bet you guys have never seen a woman like this before, have you?" Curtis said, not really expecting an answer, as he pulled Lena in front of him and ran his hands over her breasts, down her belly, and over the curves of her hips, showing her off to the wild, hairy, naked guys on the stage, who may as well have literally drooled in response.

  "If you need to be shown why you should follow me, and why you should give up any thoughts that you have nothing to gain by making me your leader, let me show you what I get to do, in my city. Lena here is just one of hundreds of beautiful women I can fuck whenever I want, and she's not just sexy, either. She designed that machine I came in in. I've got doctors, scientists, experts in every useful field there is, including ones you've never even imagined, after being raised in here like cattle. All of these smart, beautiful girls, and I can have any one of them, at any time. If you think success with women is what makes a man strong, then I've got a harem so much bigger, and hotter, than you have even fantasized about in your limited imaginings. So that makes me the leader, correct?"

  He slipped a hand up Lena's tight tank top, seeing their eyes follow as he pinched at a stiff nipple, and made her let out a little gasp and push herself back closer to his body, his stiff cock now pressing against her firm ass through her little shorts.

  "Taking all our women, though. You should have to fight for that," the previous 'alpha' said, though he sounded unsure, as though he was talking about a rule he had never seen enforced, and wasn't entirely confident about following through on.

  "I have no personal interest in taking your women from you. I don't need to fuck them. And I do need to make sure there are future generations of humans - you can father them with these women yourselves, if you want. But things will need to change about the way you all live if we are going to get along once we get to my city, and so you're going to have to accept that I'm in charge. I'll provide a place for you to live, much better than here. There'll be food, there'll be comfortable places to sleep, there'll be stuff you can do to entertain yourselves way above and beyond what you've ever seen before. But there will not be savagery. I know you'll need some time to adjust, and I know you'll need some education. We'll help with that. But you, and the children you have, well, together we're going to restore humanity. And that means we're not going to live like beasts. So I'm going to show you, just this one time, in the language you currently understand, that I'm the man you respect, the man whose women you don't touch, the man who will lead you. So when I'm done, and when my men are done claiming your women for the city of Newtown, you'll take me, gladly, to wherever your children are, and the other women - the pregnant ones and the new mothers, I know they must be somewhere here - and you'll all follow me and my troops out of this place, and to a better life."<
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  It was intoxicating, being in a position like this, staking his claims, giving his commands to these people, while one of his hands worked its way inside Lena's shorts and felt the slickness of her pussy, and the other visibly toyed with her big, braless tits under her tight little tank top. How much were the men listening? How much were they just looking at Lena, and wishing they could take her, like they'd taken those other women whenever the mood at struck them? It didn't matter, the meaning, Curtis hoped, was the same. He had to claim dominion here, and if he had to be primal about it, then he was on board with that.

  Sensing that he was done talking now, Lena reached back behind her and pressed her palm against the bulge in his jeans, as he continued to slide the tip of his finger over her wet entrance as well as he could inside her shorts.

  "Undress, Lena. Let them see you properly. Let them see what I'm about to fuck."

  She gave a throaty little laugh, and he took his hands out from inside her clothes, so she could undo her shorts and step out of them, before lifting her top off over the head. He wondered what the mean would make of the little port on her lower back where she plugged herself in to charge, if they noticed it at all, as busy as their eyes were taking in her soft, supple body - so different from the malnourished waifs his soldiers were still pounding into screaming, babbling messes across the room.


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