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A Lady for the Forsaken Earl: A Historical Regency Romance Book

Page 23

by Bridget Barton


  Nicholson came out of his hiding once he was sure that the Earl had left. He peeked into the stable, looking to see if he could quickly dash away without being spotted by the stable hand. The young man’s back was turned. Nicholson saw his chance and took off at a sprint, running towards the house. He had an important note to send to Lady Scarborough.

  “She will not be getting any grandchildren from this one. He’s in love with his own stable hand!”

  Granted that the stable hand was undoubtedly too pretty to be a man, but that did not condone his actions.

  “Just like Philip! Lady Scarborough will hear of this.”

  Nicholson had wished that he had been able to hear the words spoken, but their actions were proof enough. It looked as though Lady Scarborough was going to have to appeal to have his title taken away and given to someone worthier, one who knew what it meant to uphold the family name and title.

  “It’s a good thing I came this way. Ha! What a scandal this will be! I will write that letter right now and get it to the Postmaster. My lady should be here within four days, five if she takes extra rest stops, which I presume she will.”

  It did not matter how long she would take, but Nicholson would remain here, keeping an eye on the two. It had been a long time since he had been around any real scandal, and he was looking forward to it.

  Chapter 11

  Hugh could not understand how he had not put two and two together before now. It had taken a chance run-in with Harry Huntington to finally bring to light all the missing pieces of the puzzle.

  “Maddy is Madelene Huntington, my runaway bride. She’s been right here under my nose all this time!”

  Harry had been a source of vital information, facts that he would never have obtained on his own. Despite his drunken state, the man had been able to tell him all about his niece: her father, Cardross Huntington, and her life upon his ship, The Marguerite. Her unconventional childhood, her travels to different countries, and the two servants that accompanied her to England, Maria and Giles Sweeney. He had even mentioned that Maria was French, just as Madelene’s mother had been. It wasn’t difficult to figure out that the so-called Mr and Mrs Wickham were, in fact, Maria and Giles Sweeney, Madelene’s servants. That meant her aunt had lied about the circumstances surrounding her disappearance.

  “Which does not make any sense to me whatsoever. Why tell me that she ran off with the stable hand when she could have spoken the truth? Perhaps it was to paint a more unsavoury picture of Madelene.”

  But where did this leave him? What do I do with this information? Hugh did not believe that it changed the way he felt about her. Now that he knew her better, he could see her reasons for running away. Hugh was ashamed for the part he had to play in her desire to escape her supposed fate, but he could not regret it wholly as the situation had brought her to him and allowed him to discover the woman beneath the disguise. If I reveal what I know, she may very well disappear again, and I cannot have that. Hugh wanted her right here with him, but to what end, he was not certain. And what of the feelings I have for her? What am I to do about those? Does she feel the same way?

  “What is it to you whether or not she feels the same way? Do not be a fool, man! You cannot entertain anything with this woman, or have you so quickly forgotten about Almeria? Where did loving her get you?”

  A broken heart and a distrust of women. Although Madelene was different to Almeria in every way, what guarantee did he have that the same thing would not happen again? She would hurt me more than Almeria ever did. A knock brought him out of his thoughts, and he looked up, still frowning.


  The very woman he had been thinking about walked in, her face alight with a breathtaking smile.

  “Hugh, I have the perfect idea for James’ birthday! I have just spoken to Julia about it, and she agrees with me.”

  Even with the men’s clothing, Madelene was easily the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. It wasn’t just about her outward beauty, but the beauty that radiated from a kind and compassionate heart. Almeria had been selfish, beautiful, but selfish. There had been a cruelty to her that Hugh had brushed off, so eager was he to make her his bride. But that is the silliness of youth, is it not? I married her when I was but twenty-two, and she had been eighteen. I am now a man of thirty-one, soon to be thirty-two, a grown man with a wealth of experience. If I allow Madelene to hurt me as Almeria did, what excuse would remain for me? It would no longer be the folly of youth, but the stupidity of a lovesick fool. Hugh plastered a smile on his face as he fought to hide the turmoil within him.

  “And what have you two women been concocting? The boy is only turning seven, hardly a milestone birthday.”

  Madelene plonked herself into an armchair near the window, tucking her bare feet in. If she could, Madelene would go without shoes for the day, but her work in the stables prevented that. Her bare feet told him that she had been in the house for quite some time, having a tete-a-tete with his sister. Hugh was glad that the two women had become fast friends. There was a three-year difference between them, but it was not something either of them was particularly concerned about. Hugh knew that his parents must not be happy about their only daughter visiting him, but Julia had become quite headstrong since her last visit. He pitied his parents to some extent; finding a conventional husband for their daughter was not going to be a simple mission.

  “It will be his first celebrated birthday. We could have it on the front lawn, complete with a cake and a few children. Notably Nielsen’s three children and Eva’s four children. Mrs Rosely and my mother are already at work in creating a menu for the day. I think a picnic style meal will do wonderfully. James has insisted on almond cheesecake, meat pies, flummery, and a lemon cake with whipped cream and berries.”

  Hugh just watched her as she spoke, her face animated with her chatter. What if he had never stopped and helped them on the road that day? He could not remember ever having had the peace he experienced when Madelene was around. Hugh suddenly stood up and moved towards her, earning him a frown.

  “Hugh? Are you quite alright?”

  The concern in her voice only spurned him on for what he was about to do. He dropped down to his knees beside her seat, taking care to keep his hands on his thighs. Madelene sat up straighter, her feet hitting the ground with a light thud.

  “Are you feeling ill? What has brought you to your knees?”

  She held the back of her hand to his brow, peering into his eyes. The fact that she did not move away when he came closer to her was a testament to the trust she had in him. Hugh took her hand from his brow, holding it firmly in his own as he took her other hand. Her confused eyes travelled from their entwined hands to his face, probably trying to make sense of it all.

  “Hugh? Should I call Prescott?”

  Madelene moved to the edge of her seat with every intention of standing up, but Hugh blocked her with his body.

  “No, Prescott does not need to be here. I merely wish to speak with you.”

  His voice had dropped to a husky tone, thick with quick emotion.

  “If you would just tell me what plagues you, I can help you.”

  He stared into her eyes. You have plagued me. Your smile, your nature, your laugh ... you have captivated me like no other. Hugh wished that he could speak these words, but his fear would not let him. She would think me a blubbering fool and leave. Better to burn with these emotions in my heart than to be rejected.

  “I merely wish to thank you for your contribution in this home. You have certainly brought life to these walls.”

  Madelene laughed. “You would get to your knees in order to thank me? I must have a greater influence than I believed. Please, there is no need to humble yourself in this manner. You have done much for my family and me. Do not think anything more of it. Now come, rise to your feet.”

  She applied pressure to his hands, pushing forward until he leaned back and stood up with her. However, Hugh rose at such a rapid speed tha
t Madelene lost her balance and tipped backwards. She still had a firm hold of Hugh’s hand, using it to her advantage to keep her balance. Madelene pulled his hands towards her, bringing herself forward. It was an automatic and quick reaction to falling that brought her close to him. An action that he was not complaining about.

  “Whoops! My apologies, Hugh. I seem to have lost my balance ...”

  Her words trailed off when she finally lifted her head and looked at him. Hugh could see how vividly blue her eyes were. There was not a drop of any other colour in them, just the clearest of sapphire blue eyes. Madelene’s pupils dilated, and he could feel her tremble slightly. Or am I the one who is trembling? Before he lost his nerve, Hugh bent his head and placed a tender kiss on her lips.


  Not at any time had Madelene expected to be kissed by Hugh in such a sweet manner. She did not resist, but closed her eyes, her heart beating fast. He suddenly pulled back, horror clear on his face.

  “Forgive me, Maddy! I should not have done such a thing!”

  He left her, feeling bereft at the loss of contact. Madelene’s mind was not cooperating with her as she struggled to comprehend what had just happened. She found that her knees felt weak and sat back on the chair that she had vacated only moments before. Madelene brought a trembling hand to her lips.

  “Oh my.”

  What had just happened? Hugh had kissed her! And now he was apologising. Why is he apologising? She shook her head, trying to make sense of his actions. What is he thinking? Madelene looked at Hugh, his back was to her, and he had laced his hands behind his head.


  Madelene didn’t recognise her own voice. It sounded hoarse, as though she had just woken up from a deep sleep. Had she imagined the kiss? No, her lips were still tingling. She cleared her throat.


  He turned around and regarded her with sorrowful eyes.

  “I am sorry, Maddy. I do not know what came over me. I have never lost control in this manner before. Please forgive me. Say that you will forgive me?”

  Madelene found that she did not regret the kiss. Perhaps it was time to reveal her own feelings for him.

  “There is no need to apologise, Hugh. You see–”

  Hugh interrupted her with an explosive denial.

  “No! I took advantage of you! There is every need to apologise, Maddy. I have taken advantage of you – what kind of a man does that? I am your employer, an Earl for goodness sake! How could I have lost control with a servant? What was I thinking? I could never entertain anything with you! Forgive me, Maddy, please. I promise that I will never do such a thing again.”

  Madelene felt her heart sink with every word he uttered. He merely saw her as a low-ranking woman, an employee in his house. His meaning could not have been any more precise. Madelene stood up, willing her knees to operate.

  “Yes, My Lord. I understand perfectly. May I please leave your presence? I’m afraid that I have other matters to attend to.”

  Hugh nodded, going back to his desk and sitting down as a man who had control over his current state and position.

  “Yes, yes. You do that.”

  Madelene nodded and turned to leave, pausing when he called out to her.

  “Maddy, I would ask that you do not inform the others of this kiss; it is solely between you and me.”

  Madelene didn’t answer him. Shame, anger, and sadness had clogged her throat with overwhelming intensity. She didn’t trust herself to speak, to answer him. Madelene felt tears begin to gather, forming salty pools in her eyes. I will not embarrass myself in front of this man any further. She ran out of his study, blindly taking the stairs to her room. He has rejected me because I am his servant, a woman of lesser rank. Why did I allow him to kiss me? Why? How will I face him now? These thoughts ran through her head as she reached the top step and walked straight into Julia.

  “Maddy? What has happened? Is it James? Is it Hugh?”

  Madelene shook her head, trying to get past Julia and into her bedroom, but Julia wouldn’t let her.

  “What has happened, Maddy? Please, tell me.”

  Julia’s hands gripped her arms, not painfully so, but it was enough to force her to stop her frantic movements to get away.

  “Please, Julia. Please release me. I must be on my own right now.”

  “But why, Maddy? What has happened to have put you in such a state?”

  Madelene shook her head. “Do not ask me, Julia! Please, allow me to pass. Please.”

  Julia wrapped an arm around Madelene and pulled her closer.

  “Come, we will go to my room, and you will tell me what is wrong. I could never think of leaving you in such a state!”

  Madelene allowed herself to be steered into Julia’s room, suddenly too weak to argue anymore. Julia shut the door behind them and led Madelene to the bed, getting her to sit down on the large bed before making herself comfortable beside her.

  “Now, you must tell me what has upset you so, and do not deny me an opportunity to help you. I consider you my closest friend, no, a sister. You are like the sister I did not have the blessed opportunity to have. You must allow me to help you.”

  Could she tell Julia about something so shameful? Hugh was her brother, after all. Surely she would take his side.

  “Please, do not make me come between a brother and sister, Julia. I do not wish to speak of this.”

  “So, it is my brother who is the culprit? What has the great oaf done? I shall go right away and give him a piece of my mind!”

  Julia stood up, but Madelene quickly grabbed her hand, bringing her back to the bed.

  “No, you must not do that. I am sorry for ever having mentioned him! Please, Julia, you will only make matters worse.”

  Julia sat down. “Then you best tell me what has happened or else I will go straight to Hugh and find out the truth for myself.”

  Madelene could see that Julia meant it. What choice do I have? I fear that I must tell her or risk greater shame at the hands of her brother.

  “Do I have your word that you will not relate any of this to a soul?”

  Julia crossed her heart. “You have my word. Now tell me what has worried you so.”

  Madelene took a deep breath and released it slowly before she felt emotionally stable enough to speak of her shameful moment. How could something so heavenly quickly turn into my greatest shame?

  “Your brother, he kissed me.”

  Julia gasped before clapping her hands in glee. Why was she so happy?

  “How wonderful! I often hoped that Hugh would come to his senses and see the treasure that you are! Did he confess his love to you? Did you reciprocate?”

  His love? Whatever was Julia talking about?

  “It was not like that at all, Julia. He kissed me, only to regret it seconds later.”

  “He regretted it?” Julia screeched. “What an absolute fool! What did he say exactly?”

  “Only that he could never be with me, for he is an Earl, and I am his servant.”

  Julia frowned. “That is unlike Hugh. He would never give rank as an excuse.”

  That is what Madelene had believed herself, but she had been proven wrong.

  “Please, Julia. I no longer wish to speak of this. I do not wish to experience any more humiliation. Please, would you allow me time to myself? I should like to go to my own room.”

  Madelene stood up, only to be stopped by Julia again.

  “Wait just a moment, Maddy. I must tell you something about Hugh. Perhaps it will shed some light on his behaviour. Not that I condone what he has done to you, but he has a past that drives much of what he does.”


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