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A Lady for the Forsaken Earl: A Historical Regency Romance Book

Page 26

by Bridget Barton

  “My Lord, I’m afraid that I–”

  The butler was cut off by the arrival of Mrs Huntington at the door.

  “My dear Earl, this is a surprise! What brings you to my home? It has been months since I have last seen you.”

  Hugh took the offered hand and laid the lightest of kisses on it.

  “How do you do, Mrs Huntington? I have come to speak to your husband, but your butler has informed me that he is not presently here.”

  Cornelia was apologetic. “Yes, he has taken a trip into London – on business. I really have no clue as to when he will be back.”

  “That is unfortunate. May I come in? Just for a moment. I need to catch my breath and perhaps get a cool drink.”

  Cornelia hesitated. “Uh, yes of course. Why don’t we go to the garden? Rebecca will serve us there.”

  Hugh was sure that they did not want him to enter the house. The question was, why?

  “Yes, thank you, Mrs Huntington. It would be my pleasure to escort you there.”

  He held out his arm and waited for her to take it. She did so, steering him hard in the direction of the garden. Hugh was eager to find out about Madelene, but he needed to bide his time before he could broach the subject. Hugh soon found himself being pushed into a garden chair with his back to the house, while Cornelia sat in the chair opposite.

  “It is a pleasure to have you once more in my home, Lord Scarborough. My Harry should have loved to speak with you.”

  That was a lie. Harry would sooner avoid altogether than suffer his company.

  “Yes. How is your family? I hear that your daughters were married some months back?”

  The woman’s eyes lit up. “Yes, and such beautiful weddings. It is a shame that you could not attend, My Lord.”

  Hugh vaguely remembered receiving an invitation some months ago, but he had politely declined. Not even the hounds of hell could have dragged him to those weddings.

  “I do apologise. I am frightfully busy and could not spare a single moment. But I wish your daughters all the best.”

  “Thank you, My Lord. I’m sure that Rebecca will be arriving any moment with refreshment for you. It is a long journey from London to this area. It is a shame that you could not see my husband.”

  Not in Hugh’s books. He could quite easily ask the Mistress of the house about Madelene. Speaking with Harry Huntington had been a courteous and respectful action on his part.

  “Yes, thank you. I understand that your husband is not here, but perhaps you could help me.”

  Cornelia smiled, but it did not reach her eyes.

  “I’ll certainly try. What could I help you with, My Lord?”

  Hugh decided to do away with any beating around the bush and get right to his reason for his visit.

  “Madelene has returned, and I wish to speak with her.”

  Cornelia became still. “Where have you heard such a thing from? I assure you that she has not returned.”

  What would the woman gain by lying to him about this? If anything, she should be the first to inform me of her return out of courtesy to me. They had, after all, given her to me as a bride, and Harry has yet to make a single payment to pay off his debt. And as I did not wholly dismiss the marital agreement made between Huntington and me, I would assume that the offer is still on the table.

  “My good woman, it is no use lying to me. I am fully aware that Madelene resides in your house once more, and I wish to talk to her.”

  Cornelia looked away, focusing on the maid carrying a tray towards them.

  “Let us discuss this matter over some tea, My Lord. Come, Rebecca, pour the Earl some tea.”

  The woman is stalling. What have they done with Madelene? Surely they have not hurt her?

  “Mrs Huntington, I have no need of your tea. Where is Madelene?”

  But Cornelia continued to busy herself with the tea tray, pouring tea into both cups.

  “Sugar, My Lord?”

  It seemed to Hugh that only a threat would have this woman speak.

  “Mrs Huntington, I fear that I may declare it to the ton that you have been a most ungracious host in refusing to answer the simplest of questions. Now, correct me if I’m wrong, but your husband did give Madelene to me in payment for his debt? A debt that he has neglected to pay.”

  A flicker of alarm came and went in the woman’s eyes.

  “Very well, My Lord. If you must know, Madelene is betrothed to another. She is resting at this moment and cannot see anyone.”

  This had to be a cruel joke. Madelene had only arrived at the house the previous day – how could she be so quickly betrothed to another?

  “How is this possible? To whom, may I ask, is Madelene betrothed to?”

  “Not that I am at liberties to say much, but I will reveal his name – Lord Allandale. They will be married in a matter of days.”

  Lord Allandale! Of all the men to become mixed up with! Hugh thought back to some months ago, when Madelene had met with the Viscount. Could they have been planning something then? No, it could not be! Lord Allandale was a criminal, someone that Madelene would never consider marrying. Not only that, but the man was twice her age! Something about the situation did not sit right with him.

  “I wish to see her, Mrs Huntington.”


  “That is not possible, Lord Scarborough. She is resting.”

  “At this hour? I find that hard to believe.”

  Madelene never rested at this time, not even on her busiest of days.

  “Believe what you must, Lord Scarborough. I have many matters to attend to.”

  Cornelia stood up, effectively dismissing him. This woman is a social climber, and yet she would risk offending me – a man of much influence? Hugh’s thoughts quickly turned to Lord Allandale. The man had to be behind all of this; he had no doubt about that. Lord Allandale was a dangerous man that one did not deal lightly with, and if Madelene was being held against her will, then he needed to help her escape. But he couldn’t do anything about it now, not until he was sure of what he was going to do. He stood up himself.

  “Very well, Mrs Huntington. I bid you farewell.”

  Hugh left, knowing that he would return the very next day. He was not about to allow anyone to force his Madelene to marry a dangerous scoundrel like Lord Allandale.


  Madelene was reasonably certain that the bed linen would hold her weight without tearing, and that the bed was sturdy enough to remain in place while she climbed through the window.

  “They should have considered placing a barrier across these windows as well! They do not know me well if they believe that I will allow a little height to deter me.”

  She looked down. “Well, perhaps not so little, but it is no different to Father’s ship.”

  But her father’s ship had been surrounded by water to break her fall. If she should fall now, it may prove fatal.

  “Do not think about it, Madelene! Just do it.”

  Madelene gripped the linen rope she had made for herself and made her way down the walls of Grosvenor House. There was not much light except for the moon, reminding her of her last escape.

  “Except I was not climbing down walls. Well, if I survive this, I’ll have a great story to tell my James.”

  Thinking of James brought her sorrow. She may never see him again. Madelene just hoped that Julia would continue with the plans for his birthday picnic. Her linen rope ended, but she was not yet at the bottom.

  “Just close your eyes and jump, Madelene.”

  She readied herself, thinking back to how Rashid had taught her how to jump down from a height. Jump and roll, he had said. Madelene jumped, and as soon as her feet touched the ground, she dropped down and rolled. She got up, only feeling a few sensitive places on her body.

  “That was not too bad, but I would not wish to do it again!”

  Next on her plan was to steal a horse and ride like the wind all the way to London. Madelene was confident that she could do it. />
  “I have to do it, or my uncle may have me followed. And who knows where the Viscount may be lodging? I cannot take that risk.”

  If she needed to, she would take a short break along the way, well away from the road. Madelene snuck to the stables and readied a horse, leading it outside before hoisting herself onto its back. She set off at a gallop, needing to put as much distance as she could between herself and Grosvenor House.

  “I will return to Scarborough House, get my servants, and go to America. If we are quick, we will avoid detection by Lord Allandale. The man must still be in the countryside, waiting to take me by force.”

  Madelene concentrated on her plan, refusing to consider failure. America was to be her new home, and in time, she would forget all that England had done to her.


  Hugh was at Grosvenor House at first light. He looked around to see if Lord Allandale’s carriage was anywhere to be seen, but there was nothing.

  “The man has not arrived yet. I will still have time to rescue Madelene.”

  Hugh felt for the pistols close to his breast. He could whip them out in a flash if necessary, but they would remain hidden for the time being. Hugh did not want to make his presence known just yet; he needed to scope out the area. He snuck closer to the house and frowned when he noticed servants running around the estate. He came close to one of them, staying behind a hedge to avoid detection. He saw the maid who had brought the refreshments the previous day running to a male gardener.

  “She’s gone again! Miss Madelene is gone. The Mistress is livid, and the Master has drunk himself into a stupor again. We have been ordered to search every part of the estate, but I believe that she is long gone. Miss Madelene is not one to leave situations to chance.”

  The maid sounded as though she was in awe of Madelene, but who wouldn’t be?

  “She’s done it again.” Hugh smiled.

  He crept back to his horse and rode away from the estate, laughing. His gut told him that she had gone back to Scarborough House.

  Madelene arrived at nightfall the next day, her body aching from the torturous speed she had kept. No one was at the gates, but she knew of another way to get in. She tethered the horse to a tree, crept along the fence, and found the weak spot. Madelene squeezed herself through the fence, not caring about the mud she collected on her hands and knees. She needed to get to Maria and Giles’ window and wake them up – they did not have a moment to lose. Madelene stayed in the shadows, arriving at the servants’ side of the house.

  “Thank the heavens Maria decided to keep her room on the ground floor – it makes this mission all the easier.”

  Madelene arrived at their window and peered inside. She could see a little light – were they still awake? Madelene tapped on their window, immediately hearing the scraping back of a chair. The window was carefully opened, and Giles peeked outside.

  “Miss Madelene!” he whispered and called to his wife. “Maria, Miss Madelene has returned!”

  Maria came rushing to the window, flinging the window wider.

  “Ma cherie! I have been so worried! What are you doing out here? Come inside – I will open the door for you.”

  “No, Maria, not through the front door. I have not come back to stay. We need to leave now – Lord Allandale may be on his way back already.”

  “Lord Allandale?” Giles asked.

  “It would appear that my uncle has sold me to the highest bidder once again. I arrived at Grosvenor House only to discover that they mean to have me marry him against my will. I managed to escape, but there is no telling what the man is capable of.”

  “Mond Dieu! The nerve of these people! But do not worry, the Earl will protect you. Come inside.”

  Madelene shook her head. “We are not involving the Earl, Maria. We must leave now. I still have mother’s brooch – that should help us get to America.”

  “But, ma cherie, think about this! The Earl, he is a good man and genuinely cares for you. Let him help you.”

  He may care for me, but not in the way that I need or want. No, it is better that I leave.

  “No, Maria, this is my final decision. You either come with me, or I will go alone.”

  Maria gasped and turned to her husband, who only nodded.

  “Our loyalty is to Miss Madelene, love. If she goes, we must go too.”

  “Very well, allow us to pack a few things, and we will be with you in a few moments.”

  Madelene could hear the resignation in her abigail’s voice. I am sorry, Maria, but I’m afraid that I have no other choice. Very little time had passed when the first bag flew out of the window, and then the second. Giles helped Maria through the window with Madelene’s help before jumping out himself.

  “The gate is locked, Giles, and you are too big to fit through the hole that I slipped through. How will you get out?”

  “Do not fret, Miss Madelene. I keep the gate keys on hand. We will escape with little hindrance.”

  “Wonderful, Giles. You will need to lock the gate behind us and throw the keys over the gate – I would not want the Earl to think us thieves.”

  “But do you believe this necessary, ma cherie? Why not just wait for the Earl to return? He went to bring you back, after all.”

  Madelene frowned. “To bring me back?”

  “Oui. He has much to tell you, ma cherie. If you would just wait for him –”

  “No, Maria. This is our plan, and we are sticking to it. I am sure that Eva will provide us with lodging while you exchange the brooch for money, Giles. From there, you can secure our passage to America.”

  They arrived at the gate and stepped back for Giles to unlock it. Maria took her hands and looked into her eyes, her expression sad and serious.

  “Are you sure that this is what you want, ma cherie? There is no turning back after this.”

  Madelene nodded. “I am sure, Maria. You will see that everything will work itself out perfectly once we are on American soil.”

  “D’accord. If you are sure, then I am happy.”

  They walked into the night, a big man carrying two bags, and two women walking side by side. Madelene did not think about her man’s disguise – what use was it to her now? She was going to board that ship as herself and arrive in America a woman wiser than when she had arrived on English soil.

  Maria awoke before the sun had begun to bring light to the sky. She had not felt well since leaving Scarborough House, so confident was she that they were walking into her mistresses’ doom. If she could just get back to Scarborough House, she could inform the Earl of what Madelene planned to do.

  “No good can come of this plan; I just know it.”

  She looked at the sleeping figures on the floor, picking her way through the bodies and making her way to the door. Maria was well aware that she was going against the wishes of her Mistress, but she had promised Madelene’s father that she would keep her safe.

  “Even if I must betray her. She will understand eventually.”


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