The South Was Right
Page 45
9. J. S. Buckingham, The Slave States of America (Negro University Press, New York, NY: 1968), vol. II, p. 112
10. Edward C. Smith, “Calico, Black and Gray: Women and Blacks in the Confederacy,” Civil War Magazine, vol. VIII, No. 3, Issue XXIII, p. 12
11. Ibid, p. 11
12. Ibid, p. 13
13. Ibid, p. 14
14. John W. Haley, The Rebel Yell and Yankee Hurrah, edited by Ruth L. Silliker (Down East Books, Camden, ME: 1985), p. 167
15. Arthur L. Freemantle, as cited in Civil War Quarterly, vol. VIII, pp. 47,50
16. Francis W. Springer, War for What? (Bill Coats Ltd., Nashville, TN: 1990), p. 172
17. Gordon Cotton, Vicksburg Sunday Post, Vicksburg, MS, September 23, 1984
18. Francis W. Springer, War for What? (Bill Coats Ltd., Nashville, TN: 1990), p. 172
19. Ibid
20. Gordon Cotton, Vicksburg Sunday Post, Vicksburg, MS, September 23, 1985
21. Francis W. Springer, War for What? (Bill Coats Ltd., Nashville, TN: 1990), p. 172
22. Ibid
23. Ibid, p. 173
24. Gordon Cotton, Vicksburg Sunday Post, Vicksburg, MS, September 23, 1985
25. Francis W. Springer, War for What? (Bill Coats Ltd., Nashville, TN: 1990), p. 173
26. Ibid
27. Gordon Cotton, Vicksburg Sunday Post, Vicksburg, MS, September 23, 1985
28. Francis W. Springer, War for What? (Bill Coats Ltd., Nashville, TN: 1990), p. 173
29. Ibid
30. Ibid
31. Ibid
32. Ibid
33. Ibid
34. Ibid
35. Ibid
36. Ibid
37. Arthur W. Bergeron, Jr., “Free Men of Color in Grey,” Civil War History, vol. XXXII, No. 3,1986, The Kent State University Press, p. 248
38. Ibid, p. 249
39. Ibid, p. 250
40. Ibid
41. Confederate Veteran, vol. XXXII, No. 10, October 1924, p. 393
43. Ibid, pp. 282-85
44. Ibid, pp. 312-15
45. Ibid, pp. 329-30
47. Ibid, Vol. Ill, pp. 308-16
49. Ibid, Vol. I, pp. 224-26
50. Ibid
51. Ibid, pp. 218-19
53. Ibid, Vol. II, pp. 72-78
54. Ibid, Vol. Ill, pp. 27-33
55. Ibid, pp. 268-271
56. Ibid, Vol. I, pp. 49-50
57. Ibid, Vol. VII, pp. 235-41
58. Ibid, Vol. Ill, pp. 19-26
59. Ibid, Vol. Ill, p. 308
60. Official Records: War of the Rebellion (hereinafter cited as O.R., Series I unless noted), Series I, Vol. Ill, p. 459
61. O.R., vol. XVI, pt. II, pp. 273-75
62. Ibid, p. 277
63. O.R., vol. XLVI, pt. Ill, p. 1005
64. O.R., vol. XXXII, pt. II, p. 477
65. O.R., Series III, vol. 11, p. 53
66. O.R., p. 57
67. O.R., vol. XXXII, pt. II, p. 269
68. O.R., vol. XXXIV, pt. II, pp. 587-58
69. O.R., vol. XLII, pt. II, pp. 653-54
70. Janet Sharp Hermann, Joseph E. Davis Pioneer Patriarch (University Press of Mississippi, Jackson and London: 1990), pp. ix, 57
71. Vicksburg Evening Post, Vicksburg, MS, June 28, 1985
72. Ibid
73. William Sampson, quoted in Confederate Veteran, November-December 1990, p. 18
74. Mary Boykin Chesnut, Mary Chesnut’s Civil War (Yale University Press, New Haven and London: 1981), p. 568
75. Maggie Davis in a letter to Jeff Davis Jr., cited in Southern Partisan, Second Quarter, 1989, p. 28
76. Varina Davis, as cited in Southern Partisan, Second Quarter, 1989, p. 30
77. Ibid
78. Ibid
79. Confederate Veteran, November-December 1989, p. 18
80. Thornton Montgomery, as cited in Confederate Veteran, November-December 1989, p. 18
81. Stewart Family History (Stewart University Press, Centre, AL: 1976), p. 242
82. Journal of the House of Representatives, of the State of Mississippi, Regular Session Thereof, convened January 7,1890, p. 377
83. Ibid, p. 378
84. Daily Clarion-Ledger, Jackson, MS, February 23, 1890
85. Ibid, February 25, 1890
86. Afro-American History Series, “Slavery and Abolitionism, as Viewed by a Georgia Slave” (Scholarly Resources, Inc., Wilmington, DE), vol. 7
87. Ibid, Introduction
88. Harrison Berry, “Slavery and Abolitionism, as Viewed by a Georgia Slave,” as cited in Afro-American History Series (Scholarly Resources, Inc., Wilmington, DE), vol. 7, Preface
89. Maxwell Whiteman, as cited in A Georgia Slave Defends Slavery, a bibliographical note (Scholarly Resources, Inc., Wilmington, DE: 1861)
90. William E. Hatcher, John Jasper (Sprinkle Publications, Harrison-burg, VA: 1985), p. 16
91. Ibid, pp. 26-27
92. Ibid, p. 97
93. Ibid, pp. 28-29
94. Palestine Baptist Church Pictorial Directory 1988 Harrisville, Simpson County, MS, p. 2
95. Ibid
96. Francis B. Simkins, A History of the South (Alfred A. Knopf, New York, NY: 1959), p. 159
97. Ibid
98. Charles W. Hampton, Bill Yopp: Narrative of a Slave (DeKalb Litho and Advertising, Avondale Estates, GA: 1969), p. 2
99. Bill Yopp, as cited in Bill Yopp: Narrative of a Slave, Charles W. Hampton (DeKalb Litho and Advertising, Avondale Estates, GA: 1969), p. 7
100. Charles W. Hampton, Bill Yopp: Narrative of a Slave (DeKalb Litho and Advertising, Avondale Estates, GA: 1969), p. 10
101. Ibid, p. 15
102. Ibid, p. 2
103. Lorenzo J. Greene, The Negro in Colonial New England 1620-1776, (Kennikat Press, Inc., Port Washington, NY: 1966), pp. 15, 42
104. Ibid, pp. 58-59,221,354
105. Ibid, p. 352
106. Ibid, p. 357
107. Times Democrat, Memphis, TN, June 4, 1891
1. Major George W. Nichols, as cited in Truths of History, Mildred L. Rutherford (Mildred L. Rutherford, Athens, GA: 1907), p. 37
2. Edward Pollard, A Southern History of the War (The Fairfax Press, New York, NY: 1977), pp. 203, 393
3. Grady McWhiney, “Jefferson Davis—The Unforgiven,” The Journal of Mississippi History, vol. XLII, May 1980, p. 118
4. McClellans Own Story, as cited in A Confederate Catechism, Lyon G.Tyler (Lyon G. Tyler, Holdcroft, VA: 1935), p. 35
5. Ibid, pp. 34-35
6. Edward A. Pollard, A Southern History of the War (The Fairfax Press, New York, NY: 1977), pp. 351-53
7. Ibid
8. Ibid
9. Ibid
10. Ibid, p. 352
11. CM. Baker, D.D., Confederate Veteran, vol. XXXVI, No. 1, January-February, 1988, p.27
12. Ibid, p. 31
13. Ibid, p. 28
14. Ibid
15. Ibid, p. 33
16. Ibid, p. 34
17. Sam Davis, as cited in Southern by the Grace of God, Michael A. Grissom (Pelican Publishing Company, Gretna, LA: 1988), p. 361
18. David C. Edmonds, ed., The Conduct of Federal Troops in Louisiana (The Acadiana Press, Lafayette, LA: 1988), p. x
19. Edward A. Pollard, A Southern History of the War (The Fairfax Press, New York, NY: 1977), p. 323
20. John D. Winters, The Civil War in Louisi
ana (Louisiana State University Press, Baton Rouge, LA: 1963), p. 134
21. David C. Edmonds, ed., The Conduct of Federal Troops in Louisiana (The Acadiana Press, Lafayette, LA: 1988), p. 30
22. Ibid, p. 32
23. Ibid, p. 38
24. Ibid
25. Ibid, p. 39
26. Ibid, p. 40
27. Ibid
28. Ibid, p. 44
29. Ibid, pp. 51-52
30. Ibid, p. 51
31. Ibid
32. Ibid
33. David C. Edmonds, Yankee Autumn in Acadiana (The Acadiana Press, Lafayette, LA: 1987), p. 52
34. John D. Winters, The Civil War in Louisiana (Louisiana State University Press, Baton Rouge, LA: 1963), p. 347
35. Ibid
36. David C. Edmonds, ed., The Conduct of Federal Troops in Louisiana (The Acadiana Press, Lafayette, LA: 1988), pp. 153, 155-65
37. Ibid, p. 180
38. Ibid, pp. 178-80
39. James Walvin, Slavery and the Slave Trade (University Press of Mississippi, Jackson, MS: 1985), p. 49
40. David C. Edmonds, Yankee Autumn in Acadiana (The Acadiana Press, Lafayette, LA: 1987), pp. 61-62
41. Ibid, p. 62
42. Ibid, p. 318
43. David C. Edmonds, ed., The Conduct of Federal Troops in Louisiana (The Acadiana Press, Lafayette, LA: 1988), p. 168
44. Ibid, p. 169
45. John W. Haley, The Rebel Yell and Yankee Hurrah, edited by Ruth L. Silliker (Down East Books, Camden, ME: 1985), p. 273
46. Ibid, p. 2
47. T H. Pearce, Confederate Veteran, vol. XXXIV, No. 1, January-February 1986, p. 7
48. Ibid, p. 9
49. Ibid, p. 10
50. Ibid, p. 11
51. Ibid
52. Official Records: War of the Rebellion (hereinafter cited as O.R., Series I unless otherwise indicated), vol. XLVI, pt. Ill, p. 1005
53. “Former Slave Speaks,” Southern Partisan, Vol. X, Third Quarter 1990, p.39
54. O.R., vol. Ill, p. 459
55. O.R., vol. XVI, pt. II, pp. 274, 275
56. O.R., vol. XVI, pt. II, p. 319
57. O.R., vol. XXXII, pt. Ill, p. 286
58. O.R., Ser. Ill, vol. IV, p. 1029
59. O.R., vol. XLI, pt. I, p. 933
60. Ibid, p. 928
61. O.R., vol. XLVII, pt. Ill, p. 667
62. O.R., vol. XVII, pt. I, p. 147
63. O.R., vol. XLVII, pt. II, pp. 184-85
64. O.R., Ser. Ill, vol. II, pp. 52-53
65. Ibid, p. 57
66. Ibid, p. 59
67. O.R., vol. XXXII, pt. II, p. 269
68. Ibid, p. 477
69. O.R., vol. XLII, pt. II, pp. 653, 654
70. O.R. Ser. Ill, vol. IV, p. 1028
71. O.R., vol. XLIX, pt. I, p. 782
72. John D. Winters, The Civil War in Louisiana (Louisiana State University Press, Baton Rouge, LA: 1963), p. 313
73. O.R., vol. XVIII, p. 464
74. David C. Edmonds, ed., The Conduct of Federal Troops in Louisiana (The Acadiana Press, Lafayette, LA: 1988), pp. 116-19 [Also see, Arthur W. Bergeron, Jr., A History of the Eighteeth Louisiana Infantry Regiment (Arthur W. Bergeron, Jr., Baton Rouge, LA), p. 131]
1. Jefferson Davis, as cited in A Southern History of the War, Edward A. Pollard (The Fairfax Press, New York, NY: 1978), p. 582
2. Thomas Jefferson, as cited in the Declaration of Independence
3. Ibid
4. Ibid
5. John C. Calhoun, The Works of John C. Calhoun (D. Appleton and Company, New York, NY: 1844), vol. I, pp. 10-11
6. Francis Butler Simkins, A History of the South (Alfred A. Knopf, New York, NY: 1959), p. 58
7. G. H. Sabine, A History of Political Theory (Rinehart and Winston, New York, NY: 1961), pp. 250-51
8. Merritt Hughes, ed. John Milton Complete Poems and Major Prose (The Odyssey Press, Indianapolis and New York: 1957), pp. 755-56
9. John Naisbitt, Megatrends (Warner Communications Company, New York, NY: 1984), p. 175
1. Robert E. Lee, as cited in The Memorial Volume of Jefferson Davis, J. William Jones, 1889 (Sprinkle Publications, Harrisonburg, VA: 1993), p. 309
2. John C. Calhoun, The Works of John C. Calhoun, vol. I, “A Disquisition on Government” (D. Appleton and Company, New York, NY: 1854), pp. 6-7
3. Thomas Jefferson, as cited in the Declaration of Independence
4. Ibid
5. George Washington, as cited in The Fearful Master, Edward G. Griffin (Western Islands Publishers, Boston, MA: 1964), p. ii
6. James J. Kilpatrick, The Sovereign States (Henry Regnery Company, Chicago, IL: 1957), pp. 7-8
7. Ibid
8. Raphael Semmes, Memoirs of Service Afloat (The Blue and Gray Press, Secaucus, NJ: 1987), p. 31
9. Thomas Jefferson, as cited in John C. Calhoun, The Works of John C. Calhoun, vol. I, “A Discourse on the Constitution and Government of the United States” (D. Appleton and Company, New York, NY: 1854), p. 248
10. Ibid, pp. 249-50
11. Ibid, p. 355
12. Ibid, pp. 354-58
13. John C. Calhoun, as cited in Political History of Secession, W. D. Howe (Putman’s Sons, New York, NY: 1927), p. 29
14. Ibid
15. Andrew Johnson, as cited in The Unconstitutional Fourteenth Amendment, Kenneth S. Coe (unpublished manuscript copy in possession of the authors)
16. Thaddeus Stevens, as cited in The Tragic Era (Halcyon House, New York, NY: 1929), p. 63
17. Alexander Hamilton, as cited in James J. Kilpatrick, The Sovereign States (Henry Regnery Company, Chicago, IL: 1957), p. 27. [Also see, The Hundred Years Hoax, Patrick Henry Omlor (Aladextra Press, Menlo Park, CA: 1966), p. 25]
1. Richard M. Weaver, The Southern Tradition at Bay (Harper and Row, New York, NY: 1960), p. 388
2. “English History,” Encyclopaedia Britannica, 1972 ed., vol. 8, p. 499
3. Ibid
4. Roger Pearson, Introduction to Anthropology (Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, New York, NY: 1974), p. 188
5. Merritt Hughes, ed. John Milton Complete Poems and Major Prose (The Odyssey Press, Indianapolis and New York: 1957), p. 881
6. Ibid, p. 454
7. Ibid, p. 359
8. Maurice Cranston, “John Locke and Government by Consent,” in Political Ideas, David Thompson, ed. (Basic Books, New York, NY: 1966), p. 71
9. J. Bronouski and Bruce Mazlish, The Western Intellectual Tradition (Harper and Row, New York, NY: 1960), p. 210
10. Merritt Hughes, ed. John Milton Complete Poems and Major Prose (The Odyssey Press, Indianapolis and New York: 1957), p. 754
11. John C. Calhoun, The Works of John C. Calhoun (D. Appleton and Company, New York, NY: 1844), vol. I, p. 130
12. Merritt Hughes, ed.John Milton Complete Poems and Major Prose (The Odyssey Press, Indianapolis and New York: 1957), p. 754
13. John C. Calhoun, The Works of John C. Calhoun (D. Appleton and Company, New York, NY: 1844), vol. I, p. 130
14. Merritt Hughes, ed.John Milton Complete Poems and Major Prose (The Odyssey Press, Indianapolis and New York: 1957), p. 757
15. Ibid, p. 778
16. J. Bronouski and Bruce Mazlish, The Western Intellectual Tradition (Harper and Row, New York, NY: 1960), p. 212
17. Merritt Hughes, ed.John Milton Complete Poems and Major Prose (The Odyssey Press, Indianapolis and New York: 1957), p. 811
18. J. Bronouski and Bruce Mazlish, The Western Intellectual Tradition (Harper and Row, New York, NY: 1960), p. 212
19. Merritt Hughes, ed. John Milton Complete Poems and Major Prose (The Odyssey Press, Indianapolis and New York: 1957), p. 755
20. Ibid, p. 759
21. John C. Calhoun, The Works of John C. Calhoun (D. Appleton and Company, New York, NY: 1844), vol. I, p. 248
22. Merritt Hughes, ed.John Milton Complete Poems and Major Prose (The Odyssey Press, Indianapolis and New
York: 1957), p. 759
23. W. D. Howe, Political History of Secession (Putnam’s Sons, New York, NY: 1927), p. 31
24. John C. Calhoun, The Works of John C. Calhoun (D. Appleton and Company, New York, NY: 1844), vol. I, p. 249
25. Merritt Hughes, ed.John Milton Complete Poems and Major Prose (The Odyssey Press, Indianapolis and New York: 1957), p. 759
26. Ibid, p. 302
27. Ibid, p. 303
28. Ibid, p. 888
29. John C. Calhoun, The Works of John C. Calhoun (D. Appleton and Company, New York, NY: 1844), vol. I, p. 3
30. Merritt Hughes, ed.John Milton Complete Poems and Major Prose (The Odyssey Press, Indianapolis and New York: 1957), p. 890
31. John S. Mill, Representative Government, in Great Books of the Western World, Maynard Hutchins, ed. (Encyclopaedia Britannica, Chicago, IL: 1952), vol. 43, p. 363
32. Ibid, p. 369
33. John C. Calhoun, The Works of John C. Calhoun (D. Appleton and Company, New York, NY: 1844), vol. I, p. 7
34. Merritt Hughes, ed. John Milton Complete Poems and Major Prose (The Odyssey Press, Indianapolis and New York: 1957), p. 882
35. John C. Calhoun, “The Causes by Which the Union Is Endangered,” in The Causes of the American Civil War, E. C. Rozwenc, ed. (D.C. Heath and Company, New York, NY: 1961), pp. 1-4
1. John Randolph, as cited in John Randolph of Roanoke, Russell Kirk (Liberty Press, Indianapolis, IN: 1978), p. 61.
2. Junius Brutus, Vindiciae Contra Tyrannos, reprint of 1689 translation (Still Waters Revival Books, Edmonton, Canada: 1989), p. 60
3. George Buchanan, De Jure RegniApud Scotos, reprint of 1799 edition (Sprinkle Publications, Harrisonburg, VA: 1982), p. 252
4. Samuel Rutherford, Lex Rex, reprint of 1644 edition (Sprinkle Publications, Harrisonburg, VA: 1982), pp. 126-27
5. Frank L. Owsley, et al., I’ll Take My Stand (Louisiana State University Press, Baton Rouge, LA: 1983), p. 63
6. Carson, Taylor, and Wallband, Civilization Past and Present, Sixth Edition (Scott, Foresman and Company: 1969), vol. 2, pp. 104-106
7. Collier’s Encyclopedia, “Norway”
8. Ibid, “Texas”
9. Ibid, “Panama”
10. Carson, Taylor, and Wallband, Civilization Past and Present, Sixth Edition (Scott, Foresman and Company: 1969), vol. 2, p. 294
11. Francis W. Springer, War for What? (Bill Coats Ltd., Nashville, TN: 1990), pp. 52-54
12. Ibid
13. Francis B. Simkins, A History of the South (Alfred A. Knopf, New York, NY: 1959), p. 97
14. Ibid, p. 100
15. Thelma Jennings, The Nashville Convention (Memphis State University Press, Memphis, TN: 1980), pp. 169-72