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The Dark Bite: Vampire Hunter Society

Page 1

by Leia Stone

  Copyright © 2021 by Leia Stone

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Created with Vellum


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Book Two


  To Jaymin Eve, the best bestie I could have ever hoped for.

  Chapter One

  I took one look over my shoulder, making sure that I wasn’t followed, and slipped down the alley between 3rd Street and Grant. Tonight’s mark had been a challenge to hunt and I was going to be sore as hell tomorrow. My fingers clenched the heavy burlap sack as I stepped up to the nondescript brown, rusted door. I banged three times fast, then once slow, followed by two times fast. A thin eye slit opened, but it was too dark to tell who was on duty. Probably Finn.

  “Password.” Finn’s gritty Irish voice came through the door in a muffled timbre.

  “Daemonium interfectorem,” I whispered.

  The metal panel to the right of the door popped open and slid to the left, revealing the hidden keypad underneath. Pressing my finger to the pad, I waited for the soft click of the door mechanism opening. My fingernails still had blood in them from the kill, and my lower back throbbed from being slammed against the wall so hard.

  The door clicked and I took one more look down the alley to make sure no one was there, before slipping inside.

  Finneas Blight was sitting in his chair, crossbow slung over his back, with dual guns at his sides. As head of security, Finn didn’t mess around. His legs were propped up on the worn mahogany desk. Behind him, the House of Rose crest hung on the wall, perfectly lit by the two sconces on each side. Out of the four supernatural hunter houses, House of Thorns, House of Ashes, House of Skulls, and of course House of Rose, we killed the most vampires per year than any other. The other houses took out any supernaturals, but we strictly specialized in the bloodsucking variety.

  “Aspen. Did ya get yer mark?” Finn’s Irish accent was thick. Normally I didn’t dig redheads, but Finn was hot, from his tall muscular physique right down to the reddish-brown, bushy beard. He had a man bun that always rested at the nape of his neck, and at thirty years old had that sexy older guy vibe going on. I’d had a minor crush on him when I was sixteen, but he was nearly ten years older than me. I got over it, and he was happily married now.

  I held up the sack, a few drops of blood staining the bottom, and he grinned. “What’s that now, sixty?”

  I winked. “Something like that.”

  It was actually seventy-three, the most kills for any junior hunter in the society ever, but I was working on being humble, so I kept that to myself.

  Finn waved me forward. “Maz is in back, she’ll be happy to hear it.”

  I slipped through the dingy entryway and into the real entrance of our secret society. Two gigantic marble doors pulled back to reveal an opulent foyer: rich hardwood floors, tasteful cream wallpaper, and timeless mahogany furniture.

  Kenzley, the butler, greeted me with a grin. “Aspen, lovely to see you. Shall I whip you up something to eat? You must be famished after your hunt.”

  You never turned down food by Kenz and his staff. He was an incredible chef. “Yes please, but just something quick.” I wanted to shower off. Tonight’s mark had been hard and I was battle weary, but first I needed to see Maz.

  Kenzley disappeared into the kitchen as I traversed the well-lit halls. I passed the library, nodding in greeting to a few of my fellow hunters, raising the bag to show them my kill. Then I moved on to the dormitory, where our hunter apartments all spanned out. The exterior of this building fronted as a nondescript factory, but inside it boasted ten floors, fifty apartments, a large dining hall, youth dormitory, training gym, library, and much more. The Vampire Hunter Society was Spokane, Washington’s best kept secret. We took care of the vampire infestation on the entire inland northwest so that the humans never had to know there was even a problem. Eastern Washington, Northern Idaho, and even parts of Montana were well within my hunting territory.

  When I reached the two ornately carved wooden doors to Maz’s office, I straightened my shoulders, brushing my candy apple red hair out of my face before I knocked.

  “Enter!” Maz’s singsong voice called out.

  I pushed the doors open and she looked up from her desk. “Aspen! Tell me you got him?”

  I held up the sack and she thrust her fist in the air, the sleeves of her priestess robe peeling back to showcase toned forearms. Mazzienne Rose was a sixty-five-year-old badass vampire hunter, woman of God, and the leader of the Spokane branch of our society. I’d looked up to her my entire life, and seeing the approval on her face now made pride swell in my chest.

  She pulled out her iPad, brushing a silver lock away from her face, and opened up the photo app. “Let me ID him.”

  I set the bag down and opened it, peeling the edges back to reveal the head of the dirtbag vampire I’d pulled off of an innocent human.

  “He’d been about to drain her,” I told Maz, thinking back to the way he’d fed on her, sucking at her neck as she…

  I shivered, remembering the human’s moan of pleasure.


  Maz glowered. “That’s him. Got more complaints about this one than any other. You did good. God bless you, dear.” She snapped a photo of the head and then indicated to the incinerator that sat in the corner of her office.

  As she typed into her iPad, telling the client we’d taken care of the assailant no doubt, I walked over to the incinerator. Putting on the silicone glove, I peeled open the hatch, a waft of heat lashing out at me as I chucked the head into the fire, before closing the hatch once more. The flames flared to life, consuming the demon completely. I used to be affected by seeing them like this, because they looked so human, but then I saw them fight, I saw them kill, I saw what they really were. Monsters.

  “That’s number seventy-three for you. Keep this up and I’m going to have to promote you to senior hunter soon.”

  I froze. Senior hunter. At nineteen? You didn’t get senior hunter until at least twenty-three. My bestie Liv would flip when I told her later.

  I finally found my voice. “I would be honored.”

  Maz nodded, looking up at me with bright blue eyes which were nestled behind a bed of wrinkles. “The bounty has been wired to your account.” She tapped something on her iPad.

  Only about one percent of the human population knew about or believed in vampires, and the ones who did paid us good money to avenge their fallen or assaulted loved ones. It was our job to protect the humans from the bloodsuckers, and I would step in any day to protect a human free of charge. But the money we made from hired hits helped us keep the organization going for generations. Most of the other hunters within the society were put on patrol at bars and nightclubs that we knew the bloodsucking demons frequented. They kept the humans safe from random vampire attacks.

  Some of the bloodsuckers fled Magic City and tried to make a life out here in the human world; others had been here years but get sloppy and we catch them. We were well within our rights to wipe them from the face of the Earth the second
they crossed the line from their secret little compound in Northern Idaho. But for me, Liv, Vasquez, and some of the other elite junior and senior hunters, we got the paid gigs, the marks who had done something horrible and needed justice to be served, and God willing, I wanted to be the one to bring those families closure.

  My phone buzzed with the incoming wire. Five grand.


  “Thanks, Maz.” I headed for the door, tired, hungry, and sore all over.

  Her iPad dinged as I was walking out. “Oh, Aspen? How tired are you?”

  I spun, wearing a smirk. She always had a mark for me. Sometimes they took a few weeks to track down, but she always had more.

  “I have this other mark…” She fiddled with her pen. “I’ve sent some of the newer hunters just to tail him, but I just got word that he’s at Bang, planning to drain some pretty little blond no doubt. I’d like to take him out now, before he can hurt anyone or gets too comfortable and sets up residence here.”

  Bang was a nightclub where a lot of unknowing humans went to die. It was a notorious underground feeder club. The lower level was for “VIP” customers, AKA vampires, and if he was there, he was up to no good.

  I didn’t answer right away. I was tired and she took that as a no. “No worries, I’ll send Vasquez.”

  Freaking douchebag Vasquez? No way.

  “No, I can do it.” I perked up. “What’s the bounty?”

  I was tired, but nothing a double shot of espresso couldn’t cure. Still, I wasn’t going back out hunting for less than five grand.

  “This is a big mark, Aspen. Your highest profile client yet. He’s very dangerous. He just broke out of Magic City Prison.” She looked at me with one raised eyebrow.

  My tongue instantly stuck to the roof of my mouth. Magic City Prison? Holy crap, he must be a big baddie. Bringing down big baddies brought me untold joy.

  Magic City was segregated into six territories, housing all of the supernaturals: vampires, werewolves, witches, light fey, dark fey, and trolls. Magic City Prison was their way of trying to contain their miscreants. If he’d broken out of prison and then escaped the enclave, and was in Spokane, I wouldn’t be able to sleep without his head in that incinerator.

  “It pays fifty grand,” she added.

  Fifty grand!

  I whistled low. I loved my job, and the society, but I already had a retirement plan in place. Get to one thousand kills and five million bucks in savings, then quit and go buy a private island where I could live on the beach with Liv and whatever hotties we were married to by then.

  “There’s been chatter of an issue in Vampire City and he’s fled to seek refuge here,” she said. If there was an issue in Vampire City, that meant the bloodsuckers would flee to the human world and there would be more deaths here—in my city. I couldn’t have that.

  “Send me the details. I’ll do it,” I told her instantly.

  She nodded, but then looked up at me with an unreadable expression. Maz was hard to read sometimes. As a priestess of our secret order, she was basically a nun. She’d devoted her entire life to God and our calling of ridding the Earth of the foul demons called vampires.

  “Aspen … there is something you should know about this mark.”

  I steeled myself, waiting for her to tell me he was a part of the royal family or something.

  “He’s a Drake. Luka Drake,” she finally said, and I nearly choked on my own spit.

  He was a part of the royal family. “A Drake?”

  Maz inclined her head. “Yes. He’s the nephew of the queen. But the family paying the bounty is high society. He drained their daughter of blood over ten years ago after asking her on a date. They want closure.”

  That sick bastard.

  “I’ll do it. I’ll take Liv with me. Split it.” If this guy was a member of the Drake family line, I’d need all the help I could get.

  She nodded, looking pleased. “Smart. It might take both of you to bring him down.”

  The mention of the vampire royal family had me nervous. They were powerful, strong, and freaking scary. They also raped and murdered women like it was a hobby. One of our most valuable vampire hunter society members was the Spokane City chief of police. Chief Baker helped make the kill list and passed it down to Maz. He saw the human bodies, drained of blood, prick marks on their neck, positive rape kits. He saw all the ugly and tipped us to who the demon perps were. If this douchebag had killed some innocent chick, then I was bringing his head back. Tonight.

  After I left Maz’s office, I grabbed my food from Kenzley—a yummy breakfast burrito with extra sausage—then took the elevator to my shared apartment with Liv.

  She was off tonight, but she’d never pass up twenty-five grand and a chance to bring down Drake royalty. As a part of our training we’d seen pictures of and memorized the entire royal family line … and that was saying a lot considering there were over a hundred of them. They bred like freaking rabbits.

  Using my key, I entered our apartment and grinned when I saw my bestie on the couch, surrounded by popcorn, brownies, ice cream, and candy. She was watching some romantic comedy on TV and crying. Liv was three-days post breakup with douchebag Vasquez, and clearly not handling it as well as I thought.

  “Hey, how are you?” I approached the couch with caution. One ice cream container was already empty and on the floor, and I was regretting my decision to take her with me tonight. Maybe she wasn’t ready to go back to hunting yet.

  She looked up at me and wiped at her eyes. “I’m good. I’ve decided to become a lesbian.”

  I forced myself not to smile, and instead pretended to take her seriously. “Okay.” I’d known Liv since she was a day old; we grew up in the order’s orphanage together. She was straighter than an arrow.

  She paused the movie and sat up, looking feral. Her black hair was kinky and unbrushed, flying about her head like a lion’s mane. She glared at me with her honey hazel eyes. “Because women aren’t cheating, lying, dirtbags who think with their dicks!” she roared.

  Ouch. She was definitely in the anger phase of grieving.

  “True,” I agreed, shoving the last bite of my burrito down my throat. I’d need to shower and change into something super slutty if I was going to Bang and posing as a feeder.

  “If Vasquez—” she said his name like it was poison “—wants to screw half the hunters here, then so be it! I’ll screw the other half! Including the women. Take that!”

  This was worse than I thought. Liv and I were both virgins, as outlined in the strict moral code of conduct for female hunters that we adhered to, so I didn’t think she was going to go and bang half the hunter squad anytime soon. “You wanna go hunting?” I hedged, “Take out your rage on a member of the vampire royalty?” I tried to switch gears and bring her out of this depression.

  Pure joy spread across her face and she grinned, showcasing the dimple in her left cheek. “Yes!”

  Liv was passionate, and turning that passion into rage would help tonight. “Get dressed. We’re going into Bang as feeders.”

  “Think there’s time to slash Vasquez’s tires on the way out?” She raised an eyebrow.

  Damn, he really screwed her over. I’d have to have a little talk with him later.

  “Maybe later,” I lied.

  And with that we got ready for one of the most high profile kills of my career. If I brought back the head of a Drake, Maz would surely make me a senior hunter.

  Chapter Two

  Music poured out onto the street as I parked my baby yellow 1967 VW Beetle right in front of Bang. I preferred to hunt a mark in the middle of the day while they slept in their home, but sometimes you didn’t have that luxury. The royal family had multiple secret hideouts and offices, much like our society, and tagging one of them usually meant the kill needed to be in public. Public kills meant you couldn’t take as many weapons. Liv and I had only packed one six-inch, thin hunting stake each, which we’d tucked into our knee-high boots, and one silver razor w
ire which would take a vampire’s head clean off. That was tucked into the side of my barely-there skirt. Because the vampire’s body started to disintegrate right after you killed it, the razor wire was coated in a special serum to preserve the head for identification.

  As a failsafe, I had stakes built into the heels of my stilettos, I only needed to uncap them.

  Luka Drake was going down tonight.

  Supernaturals had been around since the dawn of time, and Maz and her family had been tracking vampires and killing them for generations. If a werewolf or witch or any of the other supernaturals got out of line, it was up to the other hunter houses to take care of them. House of Rose was strictly a vampire hunting house, and I was proud to be a part of it. We were God-ordained to expunge the demons from this earth and protect human life at any cost.

  In order for a vampire to pick you as a feeder, you needed to basically be dressed as a prostitute. My plan was to hopefully get picked as Luka Drake’s feeder and just kill him in the feeding room, but if that didn’t work, I had plan B and C lined up.

  My purse had the little waterproof, lined burlap sack we’d use to transport the head to Maz after the kill; it was shoved inside, folded into a tiny ball. This was minimal hunting at its finest, though I still longed for my well-equipped hunter duffle bag with all of its fancy crossbows and metal spikes.

  When Liv and I stepped out of my car, every male’s head turned in our direction, causing Liv to smile. She loved that kind of attention. I, however, wanted to shrink into a ball and disappear. I didn’t like skeezy men staring at my bare legs.

  We waited impatiently in the long line, and finally got in after forty-five minutes. I didn’t want to tip any suspicions by pulling strings to get on the list. Vampires were very aware of hunters and how well connected we were. Anything like that might blow our cover. Liv and I had just turned nineteen, only two months apart, but we had the best fake ID that money could buy, so tonight we were twenty-two.


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