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Page 9

by Chelle Bliss

  “You want to call Triple A or someone else?” he asked without taking his eyes off me. They were an amazing shade of blue, and I couldn’t look away. I’d always loved my blue eyes, but his were almost turquoise. I felt like he was staring through me, into me, seeing everything I hid under the surface. I wanted him, but I didn’t want to admit my attraction. I couldn’t admit it.

  “Triple A is good,” I said, reaching for my purse to find my membership card. I fumbled with my wallet, finding the card behind everything else inside. I could feel his eyes on me; he studied me and it made me nervous. What was he thinking? I dialed the number as I swiveled away from him, needing to avert his stare.

  “Hello, Triple A, how can I help you?”

  I could barely hear the tiny female voice above the loud classic rock that pulsed throughout the smoky bar. City chatted with the bartender as I tried to drown them out and give my location and details about my car. They wouldn’t be able to make it out to my car until morning. Fuck. I thanked her for helping me before hitting the end button.

  “What’d they say?” City asked with a sincere look as the bartender sashayed away from us.

  “They won’t make it out here until morning because they’re busy and we’re in the middle of nowhere. I’m to leave it unlocked so they can get in and put it in neutral or something. I don’t know how it works. I’ve never had my car towed before.” Now what the hell was I going to do? I was stranded at the Neon Cowboy with Mr. Sexalicious and my dirty thoughts.

  “I’ll bring you back to your car when I’m done eating. I guess you’ll need a lift home too?” he asked, sipping his drink as he eyed me.

  I smiled at him. Though I hated the thought of him going out of his way, and I wasn’t that comfortable with a stranger knowing where I lived, I couldn’t say no. “I’d appreciate it, if you don’t mind.”

  “Not at all, Suzy. I can’t just leave you here and walk out the door. I got ya, babe.” He turned his stool toward me and leaned into my space. “Where do you want me to take you after we leave? Home?” He quirked an eyebrow, waiting for my response, and held me in place with his hard stare.

  Home? Whose home was he referring to? City looked to be the type that had different women falling out of his bed every morning…or maybe he kicked them out before he fell asleep. His fingers brushed against the top of my hand and my internal dialogue evaporated.

  “Where. Do. You. Live?” The laughter he tried to hide behind his hand made it clear that I’d sat there longer in thought than I had realized.

  I cleared my throat. “I need to unlock my car then I need a lift home. I live about fifteen minutes north. Is that okay? I mean, I don’t want to—” He put his finger over my lips and stopped me mid-sentence.

  “Doesn’t matter, I’ll take you anywhere,” he said with a sly grin that made my pulse race and my body heat. He licked his lips, and I stared like an idiot. My sex convulsed at the thought of his lips on my skin. What the fuck was wrong with me? Every movement he made and word he spoke turned sexual, as if permeating my brain. I needed to get laid; this man was not hitting on me, was he?

  “You want some? I can’t eat it all,” he said as the plate was placed in front of him.

  I shook my head and picked up my drink, trying to cool my body off from the internal fire caused by City. The cool, sweet strawberry slush danced across my tongue and slid down my throat.

  I swirled the red straw in my mouth, trying to occupy my mind. His arms flexed as he lifted the burger to his mouth, forearms covered with tattoos. The left arm had various designs woven together—a koi fish, a tiger, and a couple of other nature-themed pieces that seemed to move across his skin, and his right arm had a city skyline. I wanted to touch his arms and run my fingers across his ink. He looked big everywhere, and my gaze drifted down his body and lingered at his crotch. I wondered if his motorcycle and tattoos made up for shortcomings elsewhere, but I couldn’t believe a man like him was tiny. There was no way in hell he had a party…


  I blinked and moved my eyes away from his crotch to his eyes. Pickle? He held it and motioned for me to take it.

  “No. Thanks, though. You eat it,” I said, feeling like he was reading my mind. God, I hoped he didn’t see me staring at his crotch. I sucked down the rest of my drink, wishing now that it did have alcohol in it. Maybe then I wouldn’t feel so embarrassed. “I noticed your tattoos. What’s the one on your right arm?”

  “That’s the Chicago skyline,” he said, as he took another bite.

  “You from there?”

  “Born and bred, baby.” He grunted and continued to chew. I couldn’t take my eyes off his mouth. Watching him eat was erotic to me; his lips moved as he chewed, and he sucked each finger in his mouth to clean off the juices that flowed from the sandwich. Damn. It had been too long since I’d had sex—when eating becomes sexual. Houston, we have a problem.

  Uncover Me Prologue

  Men of Inked Series

  Copyright © 2014 Chelle Bliss

  Available 1.13.15 - Pre-Order Today


  Everything in my world had been controlled and every decision methodical. Since joining the MC and immersing myself into “the life,” everything started to spin out of control.

  I had a mission, a true course and a clear goal when I became a prospect. I’d get patched in, learn the ins and outs of the Sun Devils MC, find enough proof of their illegal activity, and bring them down.

  No one thought I’d climb the ranks, becoming sergeant-at-arms and one of the deciding members of the MC. I had my hands in everything.

  Where did the line blur? Was there a point where I was just as guilty as those that I was trying to ruin? When did the good guy become one of the bad?

  I felt lost. The one person keeping me track was James, my handler. We’d joined the DEA years ago and quickly became friends. He assured me I was the same man he met in training, but I feared he was wrong.

  Being away from my friends and family for so long that it had stretched into years in the blink of an eye had an effect on me. They were my true north, my world until I left them all behind.

  How could one lead a life filled with violence, crime, and deceit and still be the same man?

  I hadn’t realized how far I’d fallen down the rabbit hole until Bike Week. Sitting around the table with the guys, drinking our beer, watching the ladies, and shootin’ the shit.

  When I heard her voice, my heart skipped a beat. Looking into her eyes, I felt the weight of my actions hit me square in the chest. A sledgehammer to the head would have hurt less than seeing my sister and knowing the danger. Everything could come tumbling down like a house of cards.

  She played along, pretending she didn’t know who I was, and it seemed to work. No one seemed to think anything of it. Rebel was a little too interested in her, eye-fucking her at the table, but I kept my cool and waited for the right time.

  I spent my teen years trying to protect my sister. Seeing men looking at her like she was a piece of ass drove me insane. It wasn’t a new emotion I felt. The protective nature were ingrained in me. All Gallos had it. From the time we were little, we protected each other and would give our life for one another if necessary.

  My only goal was getting her the fuck away from the MC and Rebel. Having her near fucked with my head. It’s hard to describe through words, but she made me ache for something I didn’t have. My family.

  Laying eyes on Izzy was like being hit by a semi at sixty miles an hour and watching it happen in slow motion. Unable to stop the collision, I tried to contain the damage the best I could.

  I called the one man I knew would keep my sister safe. James Caldo had my back, and I knew he would protect my sister with his life. When she was safely whisked away, I decided I had enough.

  It was time to bring down the Sun Devils MC. No more waiting for the perfect moment. Perfection is one of those bullshit words that people use. There would be no right time to do it, only

the now.

  The motherfucker was going down.



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