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Trapping Sophia: Disciples 6

Page 26

by Sweet, Izzy

  “Will you really?” she asks.

  “They’ll kneel before you and I’ll kill them all.” I say and pull her tight to my chest.

  We lay together for a long time, just Sophia, me, and our fur babies. And maybe… maybe there’s a baby in in her sexy tummy too.

  I know Sophia’s head is full of swirling thoughts. Deep, dark thoughts that hurt and cause her pain. My first instinct is to put her at ease and erase those thoughts from her brain. But I can’t. It won’t help her in the long run.

  It won’t do a damn thing to fix what’s been done and will be done.

  “Why didn’t you tell me about the laptop, Sophia?” I ask, and I’m generally curious why she hid it from me.

  “I didn’t think about it honestly, James. I swear I didn’t,” she says and rolls out of my arms for a moment to reposition herself facing me.

  “Then what happened?”

  “I saw Amanda and it clicked in my brain that she might have it. I don’t know why I didn’t instantly tell you. Maybe I was afraid of what I’d find… But I should have told you, should have trusted you because…”

  Her words trail off again and fade away.


  “Because you would have been there with me, and you would have known what to do,” she says meekly, like she’s ashamed of what happened.

  “We’re a team now, baby, like it or not. We can’t keep secrets like that if they’ll affect your safety,” I say and slowly trail my fingers up and down her spine.

  “I know,” she whispers. “I’m sorry. I won’t do it again. Fuck, James, it hurt so bad when I read those things my dad said. Finally finding the truth was so awful, so vile, I couldn’t breathe,” she says.

  I feel her hips moving toward me so I keep moving my hand up and down her back.

  “You have to remember to breathe, though. It’s what’s going to get you through this. Breathe and understand that shit happened, but I have you. I’m going to make sure they pay for this,” I say.

  Lapsing into silence, we simply hold each other, sharing the same air and space. It’s not a perfect moment with all the death and destruction hanging over our heads like a gallows noose, but it’s the best we can hope for right now.

  Expecting Sophia to fall asleep in my arms after all the shit that’s happened, I’m surprised as fuck when I hear her taking a deep breath.

  Then quickly another.

  Like she’s smelling me…

  “James?” she asks suddenly.


  “What’s that smell?” she asks.

  “Raw man?” I ask in confusion.

  “No, that’s not it,” she says and leans in closer to sniff my shirt.

  A breath later she quietly retches.

  “You feeling sick again, babe?” I ask and pull back to look at her.

  “No.” She shakes her head. “Your shirt… it smells awful.”

  Again, she softly gags.


  This is a clean fucking shirt…

  “Yeah,” she says and turns her head away from me. “Get it away from me, it smells really bad.”

  Pulling back more, I yank the shirt up my body and over my head. “I’m sorry, babe...” Tossing the shirt across the room, I move back into our embrace and ask, “Is that better?”

  Leaning in close to my chest, she sniffs and nods her head. “Yeah, I think so.”

  Then she starts sniffing lower and gags again. “James…”

  What the fuck?

  “Yeah?” I ask, confused as fuck.

  How the fuck do I smell bad?

  “It’s the pants…” she says quietly.

  “Are you for real?” I ask, raising my voice a little.

  “Yep.” She looks up at me with a smirk. “They smell like douchey frat boy.”

  I’ll fucking kill her.

  “That’s it,” I growl. “Little brat needs a spanking.”

  Smirking at me, she says, “Give me my bras back and I won’t have to call you out.”

  Shaking my head, I sigh at her and her little games. I was trying to be good and calm for her, but she doesn’t know what the fuck she does to me. She just doesn’t understand the barely controlled fucking monster I keep inside me.

  “Shower time,” I grunt out as I pull her body close to mine.


  “Yeah, you smell like puke,” I say and stand up from the bed, dragging her with me.

  She starts to protest but yelps when I lift her up and toss her over my shoulder.

  “Shower time,” I say and walk toward the bathroom.

  Sophia slaps at my back, trying to get me to put her down, but her blows do nothing to stop me.

  “Put me down, James,” she shouts.

  “No,” I say firmly.

  “Fine,” she snaps.

  Grabbing the waistband of my sweats, she yanks them up, toward my head.

  Stopping in the middle of the doorway of the bathroom, I ask, “Are you fucking serious?”

  “Put me down!” she snaps at me again.

  Ignoring her and the massive fucking wedgie she gave me, I yank the shower door open and carry her in.

  Walking over to the stone bench along the wall, I set her down and cross my arms.

  “Do you really think that was a good idea?” I growl.

  “You can’t just force me to do things, James,” she growls back as she stands up and stares into my eyes.

  Shaking my head at her, I say, “It’s not forcing you, Sophia.”

  “No?” She puts her hands on her hips and I try my best not to laugh at how fucking cute she looks.

  “It’s taking care of you,” I say, and push my sweats down my legs so they pool down around my feet.

  “I can take care of myself, dammit!” she shouts, instantly telling me her emotions are still in turmoil from today.

  “I know you can, but from time to time you need to let someone else do it,” I say calmly as I watch her shift her weight to her right leg.

  She’s going to bolt as soon as I start pulling my sweats off my feet.

  “Don’t try to run, Sophia,” I say.

  “You…” she starts only to growl in frustration.

  “I know you, Sophia,” I say and kick my sweatpants out the door.

  “No, you don’t,” she says before letting out a long sigh. “You can’t possibly know me as well as you think you do.”

  Moving to stand in front of her, I grab the hem of her shirt. “You’d be surprised.”

  I’ve spent far too many nights watching her from afar.

  Pulling her shirt up, I manage to get it past her stomach before her hands drop down to stop me. “Stop it.”

  “No. If you keep this up, I’ll drag you back to the bed and be forced to give you a sponge bath.”

  Those cuffs and chains won’t rust. I made sure that they could withstand any fluid when I purchased them. Soap and water won’t be an issue.

  Her eyes fill with aggravation. “James, I swear to god…”

  “I wouldn’t do that, he doesn’t typically like his name being mixed with ours,” I say.

  Sophia sighs again and shakes her head. “I can take my own clothes off.”

  “I know that.” I smirk. “But it’s a lot more fun when I do it.”

  Rolling her eyes, she lifts her arms straight up over her head. “Just get this over with.”

  Grinning, I can’t help but take my time slowly lifting the shirt up and over her head. Released from their constraint, her breasts fall and give a sexy little bounce.

  Despite the warmth of the room, her nipples are as hard as diamonds.

  My mouth waters as I toss the shirt out of the shower, longing to taste her. Before I even get the chance to go for her pants though, she’s shucks them down her legs and yanks her feet out of them.

  Glaring at me, she lifts her chin and says, “I can undress myself, James. I’m not an invalid.”

  Pausing before I respond, I look
down at her sexy little feet. Never been a foot guy before, but I can see the merit of admiring them.

  Dragging my eyes up her body, I take in her defined calves and luscious thighs. I want those thighs wrapped around my head again.

  They made excellent fucking earmuffs.

  Her pussy… Fuck, if I could, I’d spend the rest of my life buried inside there.

  Finally jerking my gaze back up to her eyes, I wink at her. “Yes, yes you can.”

  Realizing what she did to me, she stares down at my cock as it thickens and grows just for her. “Oh, for shit’s sake, James.”

  Grinning, I stalk toward her.

  Her eyes widen and she’s got that deer caught in the headlights look. She keeps backing up and I keep advancing until her back is up against the stone wall.

  “You said shower,” she grumbles, trying and failing to squeeze around me.

  “Did I?” I ask, and I honestly can’t remember if I did say that.

  Reaching past her hips, I push the button that starts the water. Like the rest of the shit in my house, the shower is top of the line and has all the bells and whistles. The temperature of the water is already preset to how I like it.

  Cold water falls like rain from the shower head. The spray washing down my body and misting off me to land on her.

  Sophia shivers and I swear those nipples of hers tighten even more.

  “Oh my god, that’s cold,” she hisses, trying to pull away from me.

  Slapping my hands on the walls to trap her between them, I growl, “It’ll warm up soon enough.”

  “How can you stand it?” Looking my body up and down, her eyes land on my cock and stay there. “Aren’t guys supposed to… um… shrink in the cold?”

  I look down at my dick, the fucker is so fucking hard now it’s trying to point straight up, before I growl and look back into her eyes. “Depends on how much of a pussy they are.”

  When the water shifts from freezing to steaming hot, she shuffles closer to me. Trying to get some of the water cascading down my body.

  I grin as she moans and rubs up against me. “Oh god, that feels so good.”

  “It’s preset to this temperature,” I say and wrap my arms around her, pulling her into my chest.

  Looking up into my eyes, she says, “Your shower is magical.”

  Grinning down at her, I say, “You haven’t seen anything yet.”

  She blinks at me. “Huh?”

  I reach around her and press another button.

  Warm water sprays out of the wall jets surrounding us, hitting her back and legs.

  Her gasp of delight is long and fucking sexy as hell.

  So sexy my cock twitches and I feel precum leaking out.

  Forcing myself to pull away from her, I lean toward the soap ledge and grab a bottle of shampoo. It’s probably not the type she uses but it’ll work for now. Squirting a large dab into my hands, I turn her back around and dig my fingers into her scalp.

  Massaging the shampoo deep into her roots.

  “Mmm, that feels good,” she groans.

  By the time I pull my fingers back out, they’re fucking shaking with the desire to grab her hair and use it to force her lips against mine.

  She’s fucking driving me insane just standing in front of me, wet and bare to the world.

  Screaming fuck over and over in my head, I take a moment to let out a slow breath.

  Take care of Sophia.

  Take care of your wife.

  She comes before your fucking needs.

  Unless those needs match yours.


  A grin slowly slides across my mouth. She’ll need exactly what I want soon enough. I wasn’t lying when I said I know her. I know what her body needs, whether she wants to believe it or not.

  Moving her back into the waterfall, I quickly rinse her hair. I know I should be moving slower and with more care, but I can’t fucking help it.

  Holding myself back and being gentle is killing me.

  The way my balls are aching, the way my cock is throbbing with need, I’m going to have to be very careful I don’t hurt her.

  When I grab the bottle of conditioner, she turns her head and tries to read the name.

  “Don’t worry, baby,” I say as I squirt conditioner into my palm. “This shit is the good kind. Better than that stuff you use.”

  Rolling her eyes, she shakes her head at me. “You sound like a pretentious snob…”

  Keep the insults up, brat, I think to myself. You’ll be begging for forgiveness soon enough.

  Pushing the conditioner into her scalp, I slick it down to the tips and leave it to sit.

  Body wash comes next, and I fucking die every second my hands rub across her shoulders and down the smooth skin of her back.

  I force myself to stop just above her juicy ass cheeks because I can’t do those yet. Anything below the waist is a fucking no-go zone until that conditioner is rinsed out.

  Her fucking tits though…

  Shit, shit, shit.

  I want to slam my forehead into the stone wall until I fucking see stars.

  Seeing to her needs has become the Devil’s fucking torture. I should have fucked her first and cleaned her up after…

  Rubbing in slow, round motions, I give her the most thorough breast examination I’ve ever given. Trying to convince myself I’m just checking for lumps and shit, and not purposely kneading and squeezing them because it fucking feels good.

  So good I want to shoot my cum all over the wall.

  We’re both breathing hard by the time I’m done with her tits, but I still have to do her legs and feet.

  How the fuck do I do her legs and feet?

  One breath at a time.

  Shaking my head, I stop myself from squatting down. I can rinse the conditioner out now. It’s a little early… but fuck it.

  Pushing her head under the water, I’m close to drowning her as I try to rinse the conditioner quickly out of her hair. I’m not even sure it’s completely rinsed out when I finally give into the need to fucking finish this shit.

  Squatting down to the floor, I start washing up and down her legs, my eyes glued to her smooth pussy lips.

  Dammit… they’re so smooth, so fucking perfect, they beckon me like death’s hand.

  Turning her around after I’ve scrubbed her front thoroughly, I do her ass with the same care and attention I gave to her tits and pussy.

  Unable to stop myself, I lean forward until my teeth are a scant breath away from biting down hard on her cheek.

  I can practically taste the flesh there, I want it so bad. I want to bite down hard enough to break her porcelain skin.

  I want to scar her ass with my mark. I want her to know who she belongs to.

  I also want to show the fucking world she’s mine. Mine for eternity and I’m never letting her go.

  But I’d kill any motherfucker who looked at her.

  That thought keeps me in check. That and biting her that hard right off the bat might kill any arousal she’s feeling.

  Letting the water rinse her off, I rise to my feet.

  If I could restrain myself, I’d carry her to bed and chain her up again.

  But I can’t.

  I’m too fucking gone.

  Now that I’ve completely washed her and taken care of her, I can no longer hold the monster inside me back.

  Sophia tries to turn around to face me, but I grab her by the hips and push her up against the wall.

  Trapping her with my body, I slide my cock between her drenched thighs.

  Breathing heavily, I can feel every single inch of my cock sliding across her perfect lips.

  “James,” she moans, her breath ragged as she arches back toward my cock.

  Reaching around her, I cup her tits and pinch her hard nipples, pulling them up. Rising slowly to her tiptoes, she keeps trying to impale herself on me, but I’m holding onto what little strength I have left and keeping my cock just out of reach.

Why… please…” she groans.

  “Not yet, brat,” I growl in her ear. “You should have been a good girl.”

  “What?” she gasps.

  “I told you I know what you need and now I’m going to prove it,” I say quietly before nipping at her earlobe.

  I keep pinching her nipples harder and harder until she squeaks out, “Fuck.”

  Then I let go.

  As she lowers back down, I slide my right hand down and rub it across her soft skin.

  “This belly is going to look so good when it gets big and round from my baby,” I murmur. “So fucking sexy when you’re swelling with my child.”

  Groaning, Sophia rocks her hips back against my pulsing shaft.

  Is she doing it because of what I’m doing to her? Or is it because she wants to be knocked up with my baby?

  I’m choosing both.

  Keeping my left hand on her breast, I alternate between pinching and soothing her nipple. I don’t want her to find a break. I want her suffering sensory overload.

  My right hand doesn’t stay idle either. I slide it down and begin rubbing circles over her clit. Slow and steady is the goal. I want to torture her a bit and give her a taste of what she does to me.

  My cock is practically dripping a steady stream of precum between her thighs, though.

  I’m torturing myself just much as I’m torturing her.

  But fuck… I’ve been suffering for months. A few more minutes isn’t going to make much of a difference now. I’ve got so much cum built up inside me, it’s going to take more than one bout of shower sex to help me find any real relief.

  I’m going to have to fuck her nonstop for the next year, at least.

  And even that might not be enough.

  When we’re old and withering away in some old geezer home down in Florida, they’ll probably find us long gone with my old man cock buried inside her.

  And a big fucking smile on my face.

  Moaning in one long sensuous breath, she slows her hips as if she’s trying to regain some type of control.

  Fuck that.

  “No, no, no,” I whisper in her ear.

  She’s fighting to take control from me. I can feel it in the way she’s pushing back on me. She’s trying to break away from the collar I’m slowly wrapping around that pretty little neck.

  “Please, James, don’t tease me,” she begs quietly.

  Continuing to rub her clit, I lick at the side of her neck and nip little bites all over her skin.


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