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Love Comes Prancing (Holliday Islands Resort Book 3)

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by Danni Roan

  “I still can’t believe that Mr. Holliday is flying me and all of my horses to this resort, based only on the request of Miss Reese, a potential investor at his resort,” Ashley said feeling a sense of peace settle over her at her father’s words. “Apparently they have an entire island specifically for horses and horse events,” she added shaking her head.

  “What I don’t get is how you can have horses in that extreme weather,” Ralph asked turning to help her load a few more tack items into her trunk. “I mean isn’t it frozen solid up there this time of year? In three more days it will be Thanksgiving and then before you know it Christmas.”

  “I was wondering about that too,” Ashley admitted, closing the trunk and hefting it, her petite demeanor belying her strength. “The place is completely enclosed but has huge windows around the arena. Apparently, the entire complex is heated by geothermal vents, you know hot springs, and some sort of regulating system.”

  “You mean they heat the whole place: barn, arena, everything?” Ralph gaped.

  “That’s what I’ve heard. People bring their horses to work with special trainers, or they just go there to experience what it might be like to ride professionally. I understand they even have a youth program.”

  Ralph Bowlings shook his head. “It sounds amazing,” he said. “I hope you have fun.”

  “I think it will be good for all of us,” Ashley admitted. “This has been a long show season for me and all three horses. It will be good to do something for charity without all of the pressure of performance. We can just let go and be ourselves,” she finished with a laugh as she loaded the trunk in the back of the horse trailer and closed the door.

  “You ready?” Ralph asked his baby girl heading to the front of the big truck that would carry them to the private airstrip where Mr. Holliday’s special horse plane was waiting.

  Ashley gaped at the shimmering jetliner sitting on the tarmac waiting for her as she crossed through customs and up to the loading ramp.

  “This is how you’re traveling?” Ralph said letting out a low whistle as he gazed at the sleek plane with the stylized image of a red and green horse’s head stamped out on the tail. “Maybe I should go too,” he added with a laugh. “The Peppermint Pony, is a bit much as a name for a plane though, don’t you think?”

  “Are you Miss Bowlings,” an older woman in a crisp black coat, white jodhpurs, and highly polished black boots, asked. “I’m Emily Jared, and I’m here to help you get the horses settled. Once you’re ready, we’ll be able to take off.”

  “Yes, I’m Ashley,” she replied still stunned by the beauty of the plane itself.

  Mrs. Jared pulled a small walkie-talkie from her pocket speaking into it, and three men came down the ramp headed for the gate of the horse trailer.

  “If you’ll follow me,” Mrs. Jared added pointing toward the boarding stairs at the front of the plane. “We’ll load the horses while you make yourself comfortable.”

  “I’d like to see where the horses are first if you don’t mind,” Ashley said glancing at her father for support. “I always like to know they’re alright,” she finished.

  Mrs. Jared smiled giving a curt nod. “Of course,” she said as they turned to watch one of the handlers carefully back Soot from his box. The buckskin gelding unloaded easily, with no fuss, his pitch-black legs, a dark contrast to his tan body, lifting high as he stepped out. The beautiful horse looked as if he’d walked through a pile of soot, which had given him his name, but he was an old hand at travel and little flustered the well-mannered and easy-going horse.

  Next Goldie’s Garland, her bright golden coat shimmering in the morning sun, stepped from the trailer as she too unloaded like a champ, turning to follow the man holding her lead along the tarmac toward the ramp.

  “Watch Nutmeg,” Ashley called with a grin. “She’s a sweetheart but very curious about everything.”

  The third man nodded opening the gate carefully and untying the red roan horse, that followed him hurriedly out of the trailer, sniffing and gazing around at the loading area. Ashley noted the man’s firm grip on the lead rope and relaxed a little. Mr. Holliday hired truly skilled horsemen and women to work for him.

  “If you’ll follow me,” Mrs. Jared invited again while Mr. Bowlings grabbed one of the tack trunks from the trailer. “I’ll show you where your horses are stabled, and you are welcome to check on them at any time during the flight.”

  Chapter 4

  Ashley sagged into the plush leather seat of the airplane and closed her eyes. Her head was still reeling from the tour of the stable area, and she couldn’t quite take in the luxury of the traveling compartment for both horses and humans alike.

  “Miss Bowlings are you feeling unwell,” Mrs. Jared asked leaning down to look at the younger woman. “Perhaps you’d like us to make up a bed for you.”

  “No, no!” Ashley said opening her eyes and grinning. “I’m just trying to get my head around all of this,” she added waving her hand around at the opulent décor.

  Mrs. Jared looked up taking in the beautiful pale wood paneling, deep leather seating area, and long dark wood conference-dining table. “I suppose I’ve gotten used to it,” she offered with a smile, tucking a bit of gray hair back into the bun at the back on her neck. “How about a beverage?” she added with a smile.

  As Ashley sipped her pumpkin spiced Chai Latte, she looked around the airplane allowing herself to relax and enjoy the comfort. The plane ride was a far cry from the miles and miles she’d traveled in her big shiny horse trailer and truck.

  It wasn’t every day that a girl was whisked off to a holiday resort, all expenses paid, to perform in a charity event. Looking around her she couldn’t help but wonder what the resort would be like if the air transport was this opulent. Never in her life had Ashley sat in such a comfortable chair on an airplane, and if not for the slight vibration beneath her feet, she would have never known she was flying.

  Ashley wasn’t used to this kind of comfort. Sure her family had a nice ranch back home, and her mother had turned the old two-story Victorian style home into a comfortable and safe haven for all of her children, but this was like nothing Ash had ever experienced.

  At twenty-nine and a champion pleasure horse rider and breeder, Ashley had worked on her family’s ranch her entire life. She was used to dusty boots, sore muscles, and calloused hands. Not soft leather recliners that felt like butter to your touch. Smiling, she leaned back into the plush seat determining there and then to enjoy this very special experience.

  The hot tea trickling down her throat filled Ashley with a sense of peace and a hint of holiday spirit. It was almost Thanksgiving after all and then Christmas would be right around the corner. She couldn’t help but think of all the children who would be blessed with the new wing in not one but two hospitals from this event. Knowing that these kids would get the best care in a cheerful, child-friendly place made her heart happy and she embraced the experience completely.

  Unbuckling her seat belt, Ashley took a turn around the plane stopping to gaze at dozens of shots of a lean, dark-haired man riding a variety of prancing horses. Dressage was not her cup of tea, but Ashley could understand the precision and dedication it took to perform in this discipline. Much like western pleasure riding, you and the horse had to communicate well, every nuance counted in these exact steps. If that wasn’t enough, the man in the images was extremely handsome.

  “That’s Collin Holliday,” Mrs. Jared said walking up behind Ashley and making her jump. “He’s the son who runs Prancer Island where you’re going. All of Mr. Holliday’s sons have their own island.”

  “It looks like he rode in the World Equestrian Games,” Ashley said nodding at the photo where the smiling man held a trophy.

  “Yes, he took the Championship in Dressage, several years ago,” Mrs. Jared beamed. “We were all so proud of him. I was one of his first riding instructors you see,” the older woman grinned.

  “Do you still work with him?”
  “For him is more like it,” Mrs. Jared said her bright smile and warm honey brown eyes full of delight. “I’m in charge of the Gymkhana and youth side of the resort, along with some general management. I do a great deal of schooling with young riders. We have horses for brand-new riders, or even more experienced riders. So many people come to the Holliday Islands Resort that we try to offer whatever a horse lover might want.”

  “Is it true that the entire Island is dedicated to everything horse?” Ashley asked.

  “Oh my yes, Mr. Holliday wants his place to be the premier vacation spot for equestrians. That’s why the plane is important. We’ve had people from all over the world come to train or simply to relax in an environment where they feel welcome. We’ve had some very big names in the horse business join us when we first started. Several honeymoon get-aways included,” she added with a quick grin.

  “And the whole island is heated by geothermal venting?” Ashley still couldn't believe it. “It’s a brilliant way to keep everyone comfortable.”

  “That was all Collin Holliday’s idea,” Mrs. Jared said. “He studied engineering at MIT then went to Finland, Greenland, and a few other countries that use that form of energy. Everything on Prancer Island is powered by the energy of the earth.”

  “It’s rather hard to get your head around the whole thing,” Ashley said. “I’m honored to have been included in the event.”

  “You’re in for a real treat,” Mrs. Jared said. “There will be so many people there, the A-list for sure,” she added with a grin.

  “I’m not sure I’m in their league,” Ashley said, “and I know it isn’t like any other event I’ve attended. It’s more a showcase of names and faces if I understood what Mr. Holliday is doing.”

  “That’s the whole point. We’ll be able to raise money for the new hospital wings, but also show people what the equestrian world has to offer. And I’ve seen you ride,” she continued giving Ashley a knowing look. “You’re definitely at the top of the A-list in Western riding. Your partnership with your horses is talked about everywhere.”

  Ashley gaped at the older woman. “I wouldn’t have thought you were up to date with western riding,” she said looking at the woman’s sharp, crisp English riding outfit.

  “Honey, I started riding when I was three on my dad’s old workhorse. They couldn’t keep me from climbing up on that old Grade, so finally they got me my own pony. I rode western for the first half of my life until I met Mr. Jared who asked me to compete with him. Since he had a teaching stable, I learned English too and taught right alongside him until the Good Lord decided He needed him in heaven.”

  Ashley laid a hand on the other woman’s arms seeing the mingled joy and pain in her eyes. “I’m glad you told me,” she said. “I was afraid I wouldn’t fit in when I arrived.”

  “There are three separate stables and hotels on the island,” Mrs. Jared spoke, still studying the pictures. “One for Western, one for youth and Gymkhana, and one for English, each catering to the rider or client’s particular taste, trust me you’ll fit right in,” she finished with a sweet smile.

  Ashley felt excitement bubble up inside her. She was a simple Texas girl, but the concept was intriguing, and she couldn’t wait to see what it was all about.

  “We’ll be having lunch in a few minutes,” Mrs. Jared said a new sparkle in her eye. “Make yourself comfortable while I go check on our progress. You’ll find it a little different on Prancer Island. At this time of year, it’s dark more than it’s light, but it is still beautiful.”

  Ashley nodded. “Thank you for everything,” she said. “You’ve truly put me at ease.”

  Chapter 5

  The plane touched down so lightly that Ashley barely felt it from where she had been dozing in a chair. She had been reading a book by one of her favorite authors, Lisa Prysock, and somehow had drifted off, dreaming of romance and riding, and a winter wonderland.

  “We don’t have an airstrip on Prancer Island,” Mrs. Jared was saying as she bundled Ashley toward the exit. “We’ll have to take a boat from the main island there, but I promise it is just as nice as the airplane,” she finished with a smile. “We do this so often we needed to have everything in place.”

  Before she knew what was happening, Ashley and her horses were transported to a waiting ferry and whisked away to the third island in the chain through a strange pale glow like twilight that quickly faded to black.

  “I’ve never seen anything like it,” Ashley gasped pulling a heavy parka close as she stood by the rail gazing at the lights that twinkled out over the water, reflecting on chunks of glistening ice dotting the black water below.

  “I can’t help but think it’s like a string of Christmas lights,” Mrs. Jared said. “When Collin asked me to come here and help him with the resort, I didn’t know if I’d be able to stand the weather, but this place gets under your skin.”

  Ashley nodded, understanding how the beauty of the place sparkled with holiday magic, like ice crystals in the air. It was magical at first glance, but what would the reality of working and training there really be like?

  It seemed like only minutes had passed before the boat bumped lightly into the dock and a gangplank was lowered. Hurrying to where the horses would be unloaded, she watched each one step boldly across the metal ramp and onto the snowy ground, their heads high, nostrils flared as they gazed at the new surroundings.

  When Soot stuck a jet black leg into the snow pawing it into a shimmering spray around him, Ashley threw back her head laughing with delight.

  “I think they’re going to like it here,” she said with a laugh. “Maybe I’ll even get to play in the snow at some point.”

  “I’m sure you will,” Mrs. Jared said leading her through a wide door where the horses were disappearing behind sturdy grooms. “I hope Prancer Island will be your home away from home,” the older woman finished as they stepped into the warmth of the western riding stable.

  “Ashley!” an excited voice called and Ash turned to see Miss Reese hurrying her way. “I thought you’d never get here,” the beautiful older woman said reaching out and pulling Ashley into a tight hug. “I hope you’ll forgive me for going all fan girl on you, but since I’m checking out the Holliday Islands Resort as a possible investment, I do get a few privileges,” The petite woman with the luxurious golden hair pulled Ashley along toward a shiny elevator. “Since I’m the only person here that you have ever met, I asked Gordon if I could meet you and show you your room. I’m afraid a few things have changed since you agreed to do this gig.”

  It had been several weeks since Ashley had met Miss Reese at a show and the former model had gushed over Ash’s performance. Ashley had appreciated the woman’s kind words but was still taken aback by her interest in Ashley herself.

  Shooting a glance over her shoulder at Mrs. Jared who nodded letting her know that she would see to it personally that all three horses were well-tended, Ashley hurried to keep up with the other woman.

  “I’ll be back later,” Ashley called to the riding instructor slash stable manager, as she was dragged along to the elevator in a whirlwind of lights, leather, and glamorous decor.

  “Now dear,” Miss Reese said pushing a button on the elevator keypad. “I’m afraid that Mr. Holliday has changed a few things since the last time you talked. He has this idea for a big finale, and you’ll need to be prepared to change horses in the middle of one event. I thought perhaps the news would be easier coming from me since we had already met.”

  “Excuse me?” Ashley blinked, startled by the woman’s words. “Which event?”

  “According to Mr. Holliday this is a new ending,” the older woman continued. “You’ll ride out into the arena and do your bit; you know that riding thing you do with the horse dancing around. At the same time, Collin Holliday, the son that runs Prancer Island, will be prancing about on one of his big horses. At a set point in the music, yes there will be music,” she said giving Ashley that don’t speak before
I’m finished look. “At one point in the music the two of you will switch horses.”

  Ashley gaped at the woman for several seconds, completely unaware of the shiny wooden flooring beneath her feet or the horse-based decorations along the spacious hall, all of the glitz and glamor had faded in the light of the other woman’s words.

  “Mr. Holliday wants a shared ride as the grand finale in a show only two days away?” she clarified still in a daze. “I guess I can do that,” Ashley replied as they approached a door where Miss Reese swiped a key allowing them entry.

  Ashley stepped into the warm glow of the room and gasped as she stood in shock at the beautifully appointed space.

  A gentle nudge at her back made her step further into the space as she gazed around at the stone-encased fireplace, and wood-paneled walls. “This isn’t like any hotel I’ve ever stayed in she said, glancing at herself in the horse collar mirror above a table by the door. “It certainly is geared for the upper crust riding class isn’t it?”

  “Oh, all of the hotels are like that,” Evelyn Reese said walking around Ashley to the small refrigerator and bar on the other end of the spacious room. “Each one is specifically decorated and geared to things that the guests might enjoy. For instance, one entire island is for shopping,” she sighed with delight. “No matter what island you’re booked into you can jump on a boat and travel to another one. Prancer Island even offers sleigh rides when there’s snow.”

  Ashley shook her head as Evelyn began to prepare coffee. The room was like a western rider's dream come true. Even the bar seats at the sparkling black granite bar top were made of western saddles, ornately hand-tooled in winter motifs.

  “Where’s the bed?” Ashley finally asked after looking around the beautiful apartment style room, her eyes coming to rest on the sparkling chandelier above her.

  “Through the door there,” Evelyn said, pointing. “Now have a seat, and we’ll catch up,” she finished lifting two perfectly made cappuccinos from the fancy machine by the mini-fridge. “I haven’t seen you since that big show in Dallas, and I’ve been busy looking at the resort here trying to decide if I want to invest,” she added, her blue eyes full of a cheerful twinkle. “I’m a big fan so please indulge me.”


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