and external factors, 211
and ‘fright-fight-flight’, 45, 47
and implanted electrodes, 41
medicolegal history of, 208
and non-REM parasomnias, 176
and open eyes, 66
questions concerning, 52–3
‘quite extreme’, 37
self-harm during, 37
sleep-talking a variation of, see sleep-talking
and sound sleep, 54
and SPEC T, 40–1, 42
and surgery, 41–2
treatments for, drug and non-drug, 56–7
triggered by sounds, 53
and twins, 53
Socrates, 216
sodium oxybate, 136–7, 283
Sophie (Adrian’s daughter), 113–14
suprachiasmatic nucleus, 21–2, 27, 28, 31, 33
swine flu, 127
Tamiflu, 127
TATT (tired all the time), 76–7 (see also Maria)
temporal lobe, 123, 170, 171, 172, 177
thalamus, 244, 251
tired all the time (TATT), 76–7
Tom (sleep problems), 198–201, 203–7, 212–15, 216, 217
rape conviction of, 203–7, 212–13, 215
topiramate, 229
Tourette, Georges Gilles de la, 96
twins, and sleepwalking, 53
untreatable sleepiness, 98–9
Vincent (at Guy’s), 15–17, 22, 24–7, 28, 29, 32, 33–4, 35
and excellent exam grades, 32
visual cortex, 6, 171, 172
von Economo, Constantin, 116, 117
Walker, Matthew, 269, 275–6
Willis, Thomas, 144
World Health Organization, 30
‘Yesterday’, 270
Zeitgebers, 19, 22, 27, 29
First published in Great Britain by Simon & Schuster UK Ltd, 2019
Copyright © Guy Leschziner, 2019
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