The Conclusion of Killian & Liri (Cruel Love Book 2)

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The Conclusion of Killian & Liri (Cruel Love Book 2) Page 14

by Glenna Maynard

  I gasp and my stomach lurches. “I never asked you to chase me. You said you’d wait for me.”

  “I woke up and you were gone. Do you have any idea how that felt or how hard I searched for you? I called Hunter. The bastard I’d love to ram my fist through until there’s nothing left of him. His lie cost me you, but I still fucking tried to fight for you.”

  “Killian…” tears roll down my cheeks. His gaze burns into me, and I know that I can’t run from this. I can’t run from him. I have to tell him. I close my eyes and take a deep breath. When I open them, I blurt out my truth, “I’m pregnant and you don’t want that.”

  “You’re what?” his head snaps up and his fists clench at his sides.

  I meet his gaze and straighten in my seat prepared for him to lash out and tell me how much he hates me. That I wanted to trap him. “I said…I’m pregnant.”

  “How long have you known?”

  “A few days…it’s why I’m not in Paris.” What’s one more white lie between us?

  “Liri…” He sways on his feet and leans against the house for support. Rearing his fist back he punches the side of the house over and over again until his knuckles split and bleed. His dark eyes pierce through me full of tears. “You weren’t going to tell me, were you?” he snaps, and I jump at the harshness.

  I stand up though my knees are weak. “Why are you here?”

  “Why am I here? Are you seriously asking me that? I’m here for you. I’m here to tell you that I’m fucking dying inside every day that you’re not with me. I’m dying without you. I need you. I fucking need you.”

  “You don’t want a baby.” I wipe at my cheeks, but my tears continue to fall.

  He walks toward me, and I get choked on my sob. His arms go around me. “You’re right. The idea terrifies the fucking shit out of me. But do you want to know what scares me more?”

  I sniffle and inhale his scent. “What?”

  “Living without you. So yeah. I’m scared, but you can’t decide for me, Liri. I choose you. I’ll always choose you. Wherever you go, I’ll follow you. You’ll never be rid of me. No one will ever compare to the way I feel when I’m inside of you.” His words gut me and put me back together at the same time.

  “How’d you know I was here?” Killian strokes my cheek, and I answer my own question. “Hayley told you I was here.” Cupping my jaw, those obsidian eyes that own me pierce my heart, as he leans in closer.

  “She told me that if I truly loved you that I had better get my ass on the next plane to Phoenix or lose you forever. So here I am. I’m not going to chase you, Liri. I’m going to love you. I’m taking you to Las Vegas and putting my ring on your finger and you aren’t going to fight me. You aren’t going to run. You’re going to smile and tell me that you love me. You’re going to say yes, because one day is here, and I’m asking you again. Will you be my wife?”

  I smile. “I lov—” my words are cut off with his kiss. Killian’s tongue parts my lips, and I open to him completely. With one kiss he washes away every worry. Every doubt. Home is in his arms. Home is when he kisses me, and I’ve finally arrived at my destination. Killian Hendrix is my destiny.

  I moan into him, my toes curling at the sensation of his tongue thrusting deep into my mouth, kissing me like there’s no tomorrow. That butterfly feeling takes flight, and I know that somehow we’ll be okay.

  The sound of someone whistling breaks us apart. Woodrow, Liam, and Hayley are watching us with the biggest grins on their faces. Liam winks at me, and Woodrow gives me a nod of approval.

  My boyfriend’s back, and he really wants to marry me…


  “Merry Christmas,” Haley says and beams at me.

  “I should smack you for going behind my back with Killian, but I’m going to hug you and say thank you instead.” I pull her in for a hug.

  The guys went to check into a hotel for the night. Bill wasn’t about to invite them to stay here. I still can’t believe Killian is here. He asked me to marry him, and this time my answer is yes.

  Hayley pulls back. “I owed you both, and I could see how sad you were, and it killed me knowing I had a part in any of it. Killian does love you. I wanted to at least try to make things right. The grief on your face when you saw him broke my heart, Liri. But now look at you. You’re so damn happy you’re glowing.”

  I wipe at my eyes. “Don’t make me cry. I’ve done enough of that.”

  “Yeah, but this time it’s happy tears. You have your man back, and you’re going to have his baby.”

  “I’m going to marry him.” I wipe under my eyes, and Hayley’s phone buzzes.

  “Speaking of your man…” She grins and goes over to the window and lifts. Killian climbs through with a smile. “Good night you two and please be quiet. My dad can hear the neighbor’s cat next door fart and wake up.”

  I shake my head at her, and Killian takes four steps to me. Hayley shuts the door behind her.

  “Merry Christmas, baby.” Killian kisses me then goes to his knees and kisses my stomach. I sit on the edge of the bed, and he moves between my legs and wraps his arms around me. “It feels so good to hold you. I couldn’t stay away.”

  “I would’ve come to the hotel.” I comb my fingers through his hair.

  “No. We only found one room, and I don’t want those assholes in the way.” I blush at his silliness.

  “You make me happy, babe.”

  “Sorry I don’t have you a present.”

  I gaze into his eyes. “I have you. That’s all I need.”

  “I don’t deserve you, but I’m going to do whatever it takes to make it all up to you.”

  “I know you will. I have faith in you.”

  “Can you forgive me?”

  “I want to leave the past behind us, but that night…seeing Jackie with you…you broke me.”

  “No one will ever come between us again. No one, Liri. I promise you. I will never make you feel like that ever again. You and our baby are everything to me. I won’t mess this up.”

  “I trust that you love me, but I swear to you—hurt me again and there won’t be anything left of me or you. I’ll leave you, and I won’t come back.”

  We move up on the bed, and we kiss and talk for hours. We cry a little too, but mostly Killian just holds me.

  Chapter 24


  “You got everything?”

  “I think so. I only brought the one bag.” Her powder blue eyes connect with mine and take my breath away. Liri Hart owns me so utterly and completely. I’m never letting her go again.

  “Good we need to get to the airport.”

  “Are we really crashing your brother’s wedding?”

  “Stop asking so many damn questions.”

  “How’s your hand?”

  I scowl at her. “That sounds like a question.”


  “Fine,” I growl at her and bring my mouth down on hers.

  Liri pulls away. “If you don’t stop kissing me like that, we will never make it to the airport.”

  A knock sounds on the guest room door. “You guys ready?” Liam presses.

  “We’re coming,” Liri answers him.

  “Not yet we’re not, but soon.” I smirk at her and she shakes her head. Last night we stayed up talking. As much as I wanted to crawl between her legs and remind her how good we are together, there was still a lot that needed to be said. Liri says she forgives me. I know I still have a lot of work to do on myself, but as long as she’s with me I can do anything.

  “You’re so bad.”

  “I know. That’s why you love me. I’m bad but only for you. C’mere.” I grab her hips. My fist is killing me, but I don’t care. I’ll worry about it later. Right now everything is as it should be. I’ve got my girl back, and I’m going to remind her every second of every single day that she’s perfect for me. I grab the handle of her bag and wheel it to the rental car. Hayley and Liri are saying their goodbyes to Bill. I shove Liri’
s bag in next to mine. I check the inner pocket one more time for her ring. I can’t wait to put it back on her finger.

  I swipe the keys from Liam. “I’m driving, and Liri has shotgun. You two fuckers can put Hayley in the middle so you can both hold her hand.” I chuckle and Liam shoots me an icy glare. Woodrow mutters a curse under his breath.

  “Bye, Dad. I love you,” Hayley says, and hugs him again.

  “You kids be safe.”

  I give him a nod. He narrows his eyes on me but gives me a chin lift. I don’t think he likes me much, but he needs to be more concerned with the two fools climbing in the backseat on either side of his daughter.

  Everyone gets their seatbelts on, and I drive us to the airport to check in for our flight to Las Vegas. The flight itself isn’t long. It’s all the hoopla at the airport that takes forever. Liri and I sit together, and Hayley is stuck in the middle of Liam and Woodrow again, but she doesn’t seem to mind having two idiots fighting for her attention.

  “Do Dillan and Noelle know that we’re coming?”

  “Don’t worry about a thing. It’s all taken care of.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “What’d I tell you about all these questions. Hmmm? You’re over the quota.”

  “Stop. I can’t help it.”

  “I know you can’t, baby.”

  “I’ve missed hearing you call me baby.”

  “You’ll never have to miss anything about me again,” I promise, and I mean it. There is nothing I won’t do to prove to her that she’s it for me. I can’t stop staring at her. Liri is having my baby. I never thought the idea of a child could make me smile, but I’m deliriously happy at the thought of a piece of her and a piece of me existing in this world. It scares the shit out of me, but I know there is no one else I’d want to experience life with. No one else I want to make babies with.

  Tilting her chin up, I press my lips to hers for a quick peck. “I can’t wait to give you my name and claim your body for the first time as my wife.”

  “Killian…” She fidgets, glancing around blushing, wondering if anyone can hear the dirty things I’m whispering in her ear.

  “I’m going to claim every fuckin’ inch of your body, baby. There won’t be one spot on your skin that won’t be marked by my love for you. I’m going to take you in every position. They’re going to throw us out of the city you’ll be screaming my name so loud.”

  My girl purses her lips. “You’ll be doing the screaming.”

  “I’m down with that.”

  “Good.” Liri grabs me by the collar of my t-shirt and presses those sweet lips to mine.

  I know I’m a lucky man. Everyone will say that we’re too young. That we will never make it, but I’m going to enjoy proving them all wrong. Liri Hart is in my heart and in my veins. I can’t escape it, and neither can she.

  “Get a room. You two are so cute I think I might hurl.” Woodrow chuckles.

  I flip him off and kiss my bride to be. Kissing her is like a sugar rush, and I’ve never felt freer. Soon my ring will be on her finger where it belongs.


  “Is this seriously our room?” Liri twirls around the suite holding out her arms. I went a little overboard when I reserved this room. It’s a honeymoon suite. Before the accident I bought Liri’s ring and when Dillan was making reservations, I told him I was going to propose on Christmas. My brother said we would do a double wedding if she said yes. A week ago, I didn’t think we’d be here, but we are. I’ve got her back and am never letting her go.

  Hooking an arm around her waist, I draw her into me. “Well I didn’t break in.” I chuckle and she smacks at me. I grab her hands and claim that mouth. Her sweet tasting tongue slides along mine, and I feel so damn happy my heart might burst.

  “Um…what about Hayley?”

  “What about her?”

  “Where’s she staying?”

  I grin and rub my chin. “Well about that. Liam got the last room so he’s sharing with her and Woodrow.”

  “Shut up. That’s so mean.”

  “Serves him right. A little jealousy won’t kill him. It’ll be good for him.”

  “You’re terrible.”

  “Why don’t you take these ugly ass leggings off, and I’ll show you how terrible I can be.” I pinch the navy-blue material with fireworks printed on them between my fingers. I think these are the most hideous ones she owns, but the way her ass looks in them makes me hard.

  “Stop it.”

  “No. I’ve been too long without being inside you. My cock misses you.” I slide my hand down my pants and grab my growing erection. “You make me crazy. I’m so hard.” I groan, and Liri undoes my zipper.

  “Poor little Killian.”

  I smack her hand away. “Don’t refer to my dick as little, baby. He can hear you.”

  “Does your dick have ears because that sounds like some freaky alien sex.”

  “What the hell have you been reading lately?”

  “Don’t judge me.”

  “Oh, I am judging you.” I grab her hips and thrust. Our lips meet, and I scoop her into my arms.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Taking you to bed.”

  “We’re supposed to meet for dinner in like twenty minutes.”

  “You know I can be fast.”

  “What if we wait…until we’re married?” She chews on her bottom lip, and I stop halfway to the bed.

  “You’re already pregnant. I don’t think it’ll matter.”

  “No…but it could be like a fresh start. A do over.”

  “I don’t want a do over, Liri. Our story is ours. It’s not perfect, but like you once told me, it’s real.” I take three more steps. “I want you. Don’t deny me.” I gently place her on the bed.

  She gazes at me with such love. “Then you better be quick.” Liri slides her leggings and panties down exposing her sweet pussy that was made for loving me. I’d bet everything I have that there’s never been two people who fit together better than we do.

  Dropping my pants, I crawl between her legs and taste Heaven. Liri’s arousal explodes on my tongue. My girl is so wet and ready for me. I tongue her pussy and she pulls me up by my hair demanding my cock. With no time to spare, I thrust inside her, sliding right in. Her muscles clench tight around me. Her eyes never leave mine. My hard body presses down on her soft curves that are blooming with her pregnancy. She’s finally putting weight back on and taking care of herself. There’s a small curve to her belly that wasn’t present last time we were together, and it makes me even harder knowing that it’s due to the life we created growing inside her. Liri’s having my baby. It really hits me as I make love to her that we’re doing this. We’re getting married and starting a family.

  I gaze into her eyes and smile. “I love you, baby. You make me so damn happy.”

  Her mouth parts and her breath puffs over my lips. “I love you, Killian.”

  Our story may not have started off like a fairytale, but this is merely the beginning of our story. I’m going to give her the fairytale life she deserves.

  Chapter 25


  “You’re late,” Hayley teases me as Killian and I slide into our seats.

  Liam and Woodrow appear dreadfully miserable. I guess they are no closer to resolving who Hayley’s date to our wedding is going to be. They have a couple of days to figure it out. I don’t know why Hayley doesn’t just pick Liam. She already confessed to me that she wants him back. My crazy cousin needs to go for it. They’ve wasted enough time apart.

  “Well excuse me for wanting a proper reunion with my soon to be wife,” Killian mocks and gulps down a drink of his ice water. He says he’s not drinking but we’ll see. He hasn’t smoked all day either. Said he doesn’t want me breathing in the toxic fumes and it effecting the baby. I find this sweet and protective side of him so sexy.

  “You guys are really going to do it?” Woodrow arches his brows at us and shakes his head.

�Why is that hard to believe?” Hayley throws a fry at him.

  “Because they will probably breakup in like a week.”

  “Nope,” Killian pops the P. “She’s not getting rid of me. We’re doing this. I can’t wait to see the shock on your mom’s face when you tell her. You’ll have to do it over video chat.” He grins at me, and my stomach drops.

  “You okay?” Liam laughs at me.

  “No. I didn’t even think about telling her. She’s going to kill us.”

  “I’m not scared of her. Cooper is a little scary, but they can’t scare me off. I love you.” Killian kisses my temple.

  “Should we invite them to the wedding?”

  “No!” All three of them yell at me at the same time.

  “Okay.” I laugh.

  “I thought it’d be kind of perfect if it’s only us,” Killian tells me. “If you want a big wedding when we can afford it then you can invite her, but this isn’t about making anyone happy but us.”

  He’s right. This should be about us and celebrating our love and the baby we’re going to have. It doesn’t matter what anyone thinks about us. “What about your family?”

  “I’m going to livestream the ceremony if the chapel will allow it.”

  “Oh. That reminds me. I checked with the front desk. Ya’ll need to get your marriage license in the morning. Do you both have your photo ID?” Hayley butts in.

  “Oh shit. I knew I forgot something,” Killian grumbles.

  “Bullshit. You flew here. Don’t do that to me.” I smack his chest and he laughs. “Jerk.”

  Killian’s phone buzzes from his pocket. He digs it out of his pocket. “Dillan and Noelle are here. They just checked in. We’ll meet up with them in the morning to go to the courthouse.”

  I’m not old enough for the Casino so we leave Hayley with Woodrow and Liam and go back to our room. I said yes to marrying him but there is still the whole subject of my move to Chicago. Will Killian want to go with me? Will he want to stay in Crestwood? Could we make long distance work? I don’t even know why I am thinking it. I don’t want to go unless he agrees to come with me.


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