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Renegade Children

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by J. N. Chaney

  J. N. Chaney

  Copyrighted Material

  Renegade Children Copyright © 2018 by Variant Publications

  Book design and layout copyright © 2018 by JN Chaney

  This novel is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either products of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living, dead, or undead, is entirely coincidental.

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this publication can be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without permission in writing from JN Chaney.

  1st Edition

  Books By J.N. Chaney

  The Variant Saga:

  The Amber Project

  Transient Echoes

  Hope Everlasting

  The Vernal Memory

  Renegade Star Series:

  Renegade Star

  Renegade Atlas

  Renegade Moon

  Renegade Lost

  Renegade Fleet

  Renegade Earth

  Renegade Dawn

  Renegade Children

  Renegade Union (Jan 2019)

  Renegade Star Universe:

  Nameless (Out Now!)

  Orion Colony (Out Now!)

  Standalone Books:

  Their Solitary Way

  The Other Side of Nowhere

  Stay Up To Date

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  Renegade Children

  J. N. Chaney


  Renegade Children

  Renegade Star Series #8

  People are dying.

  Shortly after Captain Jace Hughes and his team recover hundreds of surviving Eternal refugees, disaster strikes. A recently unearthed fauna dome, one of many biological arks on Earth, is destroyed and several people are killed.

  All proof points to the Eternals.

  Meanwhile, shortly after the slip tunnel at the center of the planet is shut down for good, a strange distress signal is detected. It appears to be coming from somewhere on the planet, but the exact coordinates are unknown.

  Two investigations are launched. One for the saboteur; the other for the source of the signal. With rising tensions between the colonists and the Eternals, Jace must do everything he can to prevent a bloody confrontation.

  Experience a sprawling galactic tale in this eighth entry to The Renegade Star series. If you’re a fan of Firefly, Battlestar Galactica, or Indiana Jones, you’ll love this epic, space opera adventure.

  For my nephews,

  Hayden and Landon,

  Little Renegades in their own right.

  Important Characters and Terms


  Jace Hughes: Renegade, smuggler, gun-for-hire, former Captain of The Renegade Star, and the most wanted man in the galaxy.

  Abigail Pryar (Abby): Kidnapper, assassin, former nun, and Jace’s second-in-command. Abigail risked her life in order to rescue the albino child Lex from a Union laboratory, inciting a series of events that would lead her to encountering Jace on Taurus Station. She now helms The Galactic Dawn on a recruitment operation in the Deadlands, searching for new colonists to bring to Earth.

  Frederick Tabernacle (Freddie): Former priest and scholar. Frederick is an expert on the writings of Dr. Darius Clare, the founder of the Church of the Homeworld. Despite his obvious fear and anxiety under pressure, Freddie is consistently reliable in the face of danger, willing to do anything for the sake of his friends and allies.

  Octavia Brie: Assistant archaeologist, brilliant pilot, combat expert, and former Union medic, Octavia remains an invaluable asset in the mission to rebuild Earth. After being shot by Fratley Oxanos, Octavia lost the use of her legs and believed she would never be able to walk again. That is, until the crew discovered Titan and restored power to its medical bay. When not on the job, Octavia can be found with her colleague and close friend, Dr. Hitchens, though the true nature of their relationship remains somewhat ambiguous.

  Dr. Thadius Hitchens (The Professor): Archaeologist with a focus on Ancient Earth Theory. After the discovery of a group of albino colonists, Hitchens has turned his focus to teaching. He remains optimistic and jolly, no matter the situation, and is always looking to the future.

  Alphonse Malloy (Al): Former Union Constable and spy, expert military strategist, and stoic thinker. During his time at the Red Tower—the Constable intelligence center—Alphonse discovered detailed information on the experiments that were being performed on Lex. Appalled at what he had found, Alphonse disguised himself as a soldier on a ship that had been tasked with pursuing The Renegade Star, allowing him to ultimately encounter Jace Hughes. After saving Lex and proving his loyalty, Alphonse has become a valued member of the crew and a trusted ally in the fight to rebuild Earth.

  Dr. MaryAnn Dressler: A former Union scientist on Priscilla, Dressler was kidnapped by Jace Hughes when they stole a Tritium Core for Titan. While she was initially highly critical of Jace, she has since reversed her stance, especially after witnessing his protective loyalty for Lex and the other colonists. Always analytical and logical in her approach, she remains distant from most of the crew, the only exception being Alphonse Malloy, whom she has grown quite fond of in recent weeks.

  Lex: Discovered in a small pod when she was just an infant, Lex spent most of her life in a Union lab, due to her unique physiology and strange tattoos. The Union correctly believed that Lex held the key to rediscovering the lost homeworld known as Earth. Due to her Eternal ancestry, Lex possesses advanced healing, a greatly extended lifespan, albino skin, white hair, and blue eyes. As far as she or anyone else knows, Lex is truly the last of her kind, being the only pureblood Eternal known to exist. Despite this, Lex remains cheerful, often shining a light in an otherwise dark or dire situation.

  Bolin Abernathy: A former scrap dealer, he and his daughter were rescued by the crew after being kidnapped by the Sarkonians. Bolin is a skilled pilot and trusted friend to anyone who would have him.

  Karin Braid: A young, but highly capable leader. Karin’s mother Lucia taught her everything she knows. She and her people are descendants of a group of Eternals, though they do not possess all of their original abilities, such as immortality. Having spent a great deal of time with the Cognitive Janus, Karin is well versed in ancient technology and remains a highly effective engineer, should the need arise.

  Lucia: Over a century old, Lucia is still highly capable and one of the best hand-to-hand fighters on Titan. Her expertise with a staff makes her a valued asset on any mission.

  Josef (Jo): Karin’s father. He spent years living in a cave, far from his family, hoping to find a Tritium Core to save his people. After so long in isolation, Josef has chosen to embrace his new life on Verdun, spending as much time with his friends and family as possible.

  Admiral-General Marcus Brigham (deceased): The former leader of the Union fleet tasked with hunting down The Renegade Star and capturing Lex. He was killed by Jace in one-on-one com
bat. Upon his death, he promised Jace that the Union would never stop hunting him, no matter how far he ran.


  Athena: The Cognitive in charge of Titan, a seed colony moon-like ship. Originally from Earth, Athena is a fully sentient intelligence over two thousand years old. Using hard light technology, Athena can manifest a body in any room on Titan, often popping in out of nowhere, surprising the crew. Years ago, when Titan’s Tritium Core failed, Athena sent her crew out into space to colonize the stars. In time, they forgot about Titan and the Cognitive who lived there, but Athena did not forget. She waited, remaining in low power, until the day she received a signal from Earth. The transmission said only one thing: “Earth is restored. Initiate Project Reclamation.” With that, she attempted to contact the descendants of her former crew, but no one responded. After decades of unanswered transmissions, Athena decided to awaken the only remaining crew member, a young Eternal infant who had been left behind and discarded by the other humans—a girl who would grow to be called Lex. Athena sent the child away, still asleep, and hoped that whoever found her would follow the trail back to Titan.

  Sigmond (Siggy): Originally, a standard artificial intelligence given to Jace upon his acquisition of The Renegade Star. After receiving a personality program and name, Sigmond became a valued asset and long-time companion to Jace. He was eventually given several additional upgrades by Athena, allowing him to become exceedingly more efficient and, shortly thereafter, caused him to show signs of cognition. During the final confrontation with the Cognitive Hephaestus, Sigmond sacrificed himself to save Jace and the rest of the crew. At this time, he was believed to be lost forever. Shortly thereafter, however, Sigmond reappeared on Titan, manifesting himself before Jace as a fully realized Cognitive whose appearance was unlike any other.

  Janus (deceased): The Cognitive in charge of Karin and Lucia’s former home. He was originally created to oversee three facilities on the same planet, each with its own distinct assignment. After the facilities were overrun by an outbreak of Boneclaws (genetically modified Eternals), Janus lost all contact with Earth. He was left with only a few thousand survivors, whose lives became his only priority. It wasn’t until the arrival of the Union that Janus lost his life, defending the colonists during the evacuation to Titan. His final request was for Jace to look after his people and defend them against those who mean to use them. It is a request that has stayed with Jace, always in the back of his mind. After his death, Athena was able to salvage part of Janus’s shell, which she gave to Sigmond in order to give him additional functionality. This was the beginning of Sigmond’s Cognitive evolution.

  Algaia (deceased): The Cognitive in charge of Tiche and several facilities across Earth space. She was killed, and her shell absorbed by Hephaestus, granting him access to Algaia’s supply depots.

  Hephaestus (deceased): The Cognitive in charge of the defense network and the drone factories. After two thousand years, Hephaestus is a shadow of his former self. His mind has deteriorated so much that he relies entirely on protocol, defending the Earth from all Transient vessels. After encountering Titan, Hephaestus shows aggression towards the ship, ultimately mounting a major assault against Jace and his crew. Thanks to the efforts of an upgraded artificial intelligence known as Sigmond, Hephaestus and his data storage Capsules are permanently destroyed.

  Gaia: The Cognitive in charge of Earth’s terraforming process and the Earth’s core.

  Other Terms

  Eternals: Advanced humans who have been genetically modified with advanced healing and extremely long lifespans. After a few centuries, an additional mutation caused the Eternals to develop albino features, giving them a distinct appearance. They are responsible for most of Earth’s advanced technology, including the seed colony ships, such as Titan, as well as Tritium Cores, slipspace drives, and Cognitives.

  Transients: Normal humans who do not possess the Eternal gene. After Eternals arose on Earth, Transient humans were delegated to the lower class, unable to accumulate wealth or obtain high-level positions in either business or politics. This stagnation led to a rebellion in which the Transients demanded equal opportunity. To satisfy this need, the Eternals offered them a deal: venture out into the far-flung reaches of the galaxy and colonize distant worlds, taking their lives into their own hands. The Transients agreed, and so began the greatest mass exodus in Earth’s history.

  Celestials: Descendants of an offshoot of Eternals who sought to advance their own evolution, these people have declared war on all those they consider inferior. They are determined to wipe out all other humanoids from the galaxy, including both Transients and Eternals. Not much is known about them, except that they are unlike any threat Jace and his people have faced before. It is believed that they reside in the Eagle Nebula, some 70,000 light years from Earth.

  Slipspace: A dimension beneath our own in which faster-than-light travel is possible. While it is not fully understood, many theorize that slipspace tunnels are in a constant state of nuclear fusion and fission, destroying and creating atoms simultaneously at all times. It was believed that slip tunnels were a naturally occurring phenomenon, but this is incorrect. In truth, the slip tunnel network was created by ancient ships from Earth as they expanded across the galaxy. While some tunnels collapsed over time, many remained to this day, providing modern ships with a faster-than-light means of transportation. Since modern ships cannot create their own tunnels, they must continue to rely on the existing network to travel. Titan is the only known ship capable of forming new tunnels.

  Slip Gap Point (S.G. Point): The location between tunnels (i.e. the space between two tunnel entrances). Often the location of colonies and refueling stations, they serve as the intergalactic road stops of the slip tunnel network. While the busier S.G. Points are often heavily policed, the less active locations remain somewhat dangerous due to frequent attacks and surprise raids.

  Turn-key: A special communications device created by the Eternals. Only those with the appropriate tattoos can operate them.

  The Sarkonian Empire: A smaller, but still capable collection of planets. Located on the opposite side of the Deadlands from the Union, the Sarkonians are known to claim planets randomly and without warning. Recently, they struck a deal with the Union for the promise of more territory, should they deliver The Renegade Star.

  The Union: The most powerful military force known to exist, the Union has control over dozens of star systems. They remain in pursuit of Titan, hoping to reacquire Lex so that they might use her genes to enhance their own soldiers. They claim to do this to protect their borders and their people, but all past actions show an empire whose only goal has been territorial expansion.

  Earth: Often believed to be a myth, Earth is said to be the original cradle of humanity, home to lost, unparalleled technology, the likes of which have not been seen in nearly two thousand years. Unfortunately, not much is known about Earth’s history after the Great Transient Exodus, resulting in a massive gap in information, but that hasn’t stopped the Union from sending every available ship to find it. At the same time, Jace Hughes and his crew are determined to get there first to keep whatever awaits them out of the hands of their enemy.

  Verdun: The first and only colony on Earth, built and occupied by Jace and his companions. It rests atop an elevated city, which is supported by heavy scaffolding. Not much is known about these platforms, except that they are the last remaining evidence of technology from a lost civilization. It is believed that these cities once housed the Eternals so that the Earth could be terraformed below them, though this remains only a theory.


  I tossed my satchel down and wiped my forehead with my sleeve. It was midday, and the heat had reached its climax.

  Not that I minded. The air was crisp and clean, and it felt good to work outside with my hands. I always said that if I couldn’t be a Renegade, I’d be a farmer. In this new life, it seemed I could be both.

  “You’re looking well worked, Captai
n,” said Hitchens. He was walking from the nearest building, a twenty-story tower we’d recently renovated into a new set of dorms. With the arrival of the recent Eternals, our little colony had never been so full.

  “It feels nice to be outside,” I admitted, slinging my satchel back across my shoulder. “And I like getting my hands dirty.”

  “I believe that’s true,” he said with a slight chuckle. “You’ve taken to it. Maybe you ought to put down the pistol and take up the plow for a change.”

  “Maybe eventually,” I said, giving him the satchel full of fruit.

  He took it, fumbling with the bag for a brief moment before stabilizing himself.

  I glanced back at the field to see several Eternals working diligently to harvest the crops, tools and satchels in hand. Every last one of them seemed determined to contribute their fair share. I was glad to see that, considering the mess they’d made during their arrival and the distrust that still brewed because of it. Despite all of that, we’d taken them in, given them a place to live and food to eat, and they had been thankful for it. They were eager to work and ready to help, which made everything much easier. So long as they continued to follow orders and assimilate, the two groups might eventually come together.

  “How’s clean up going?” I asked, looking at the building behind Hitchens.

  “Ah, well, since you’re asking,” he said, shouldering the satchel I’d given him and turning towards the building. “Young Billins and his team have made their way to the twelfth floor and are making fine progress. We’ve moved some Eternals into the lower half of the building, but we’re waiting on new beds and supplies for the rest.”

  “I thought we were covered for that?” I asked. “The Galactic Dawn brought back a pretty decent load, didn’t they?”


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