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Pelham — Complete

Page 45

by Baron Edward Bulwer Lytton Lytton


  Tantot, Monseigneur le Marquis a cheval--Tantot, Monsieur du Mazin debout!--L'Art de se Promener a Cheval.

  My cabriolet was at the door, and I was preparing to enter, when I sawa groom managing, with difficulty, a remarkably fine and spirited horse.As, at that time, I was chiefly occupied with the desire of making asperfect an equine collection as my fortune would allow, I sent my cabboy (vulgo Tiger) to inquire of the groom, whether the horse was to besold, and to whom it belonged.

  "It was not to be disposed of," was the answer, "and it belonged to SirReginald Glanville."

  The name thrilled through me: I drove after the groom, and inquired SirReginald Glanville's address. His house, the groom (whose dark colouredlivery was the very perfection of a right judgment) informed me, was atNo.--Pall Mall. I resolved to call that morning, but first I droveto Lady Roseville's to talk about Almack's and the beau monde, and beinitiated into the newest scandal and satire of the day.

  Lady Roseville was at home; I found the room half full of women: thebeautiful countess was one of the few persons extant who admit people ofa morning. She received me with marked kindness. Seeing that--, who wasesteemed, among his friends, the handsomest man of the day, had risenfrom his seat, next to Lady Roseville, in order to make room for me,I negligently and quietly dropped into it, and answered his graveand angry stare at my presumption, with my very sweetest and mostcondescending smile. Heaven be praised, the handsomest man of the day isnever the chief object in the room, when Henry Pelham and his guardianangel, termed by his enemies, his self-esteem, once enter it.

  "Charming collection you have here, dear Lady Roseville," said I,looking round the room; "quite a museum! But who is that very polite,gentlemanlike young man, who has so kindly relinquished his seat tome,--though it quite grieves me to take it from him?" added I: at thesame time leaning back, with a comfortable projection of the feet, andestablishing myself more securely in my usurped chair. "Pour l'amour deDieu, tell me the on dits of the day. Good Heavens! what an unbecomingglass that is! placed just opposite to me, too! Could it not be removedwhile I stay here? Oh! by the by, Lady Roseville, do you patronize theBohemian glasses? For my part, I have one which I only look at when I amout of humour; it throws such a lovely flush upon the complexion, thatit revives my spirits for the rest of the day. Alas! Lady Roseville, Iam looking much paler than when I saw you at Garrett Park; but you--youare like one of those beautiful flowers which bloom the brightest in thewinter."

  "Thank Heaven, Mr. Pelham," said Lady Roseville, laughing, "that youallow me at last to say one word. You have learned, at least, the art ofmaking the frais of the conversation since your visit to Paris."

  "I understand you," answered I; "you mean that I talk too much; it istrue--I own the offence--nothing is so unpopular! Even I, the civilest,best natured, most unaffected person in all Europe, am almost disliked,positively disliked, for that sole and simple crime. Ah! themost beloved man in society is that deaf and dumb person, comments'appelle-t-il?"

  "Yes," said Lady Roseville, "Popularity is a goddess best worshippedby negatives; and the fewer claims one has to be admired, the morepretensions one has to be beloved."

  "Perfectly true, in general," said I--"for instance, I make the rule,and you the exception. I, a perfect paragon, am hated because I am one;you, a perfect paragon, are idolized in spite of it. But tell me whatliterary news is there. I am tired of the trouble of idleness, andin order to enjoy a little dignified leisure, intend to set up as asavant."

  "Oh, Lady C--B--is going to write a Commentary on Ude; and Madamede Genlis a Proof of the Apocrypha. The Duke of N--e is publishing aTreatise on 'Toleration;'and Lord L--y an Essay on 'Self-knowledge.'Asfor news more remote, I hear that the Dey of Algiers is finishing an'Ode to Liberty,'and the College of Caffraria preparing a volume ofvoyages to the North Pole!"

  "Now," said I, "if I retail this information with a serious air, I willlay a wager that I find plenty of believers; for falsehood, utteredsolemnly, is much more like probability than truth uttered doubtingly:else how do the priests of Brama and Mahomet live?"

  "Ah! now you grow too profound, Mr. Pelham!"

  "C'est vrai--but--"

  "Tell me," interrupted Lady Roseville, "how it happens that you, whotalk eruditely enough upon matters of erudition, should talk so lightlyupon matters of levity?"

  "Why," said I, rising to depart, "very great minds are apt to think thatall which they set any value upon, is of equal importance. ThusHesiod, who, you know, was a capital poet, though rather an imitator ofShenstone, tells us that God bestowed valour on some men, and on othersa genius for dancing. It was reserved for me, Lady Roseville, to unitethe two perfections. Adieu!"

  "Thus," said I, when I was once more alone--"thus do we 'play the foolswith the time,'until Fate brings that which is better than folly; and,standing idly upon the sea-shore, till we can catch the favouring windwhich is to waft the vessel of our destiny to enterprise and fortune,amuse ourselves with the weeds and the pebbles which are within ourreach!"


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