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Veteran's Salvation

Page 1

by Nicky Fox


  Nicky Fox

  Copyright © 2018 by Nicky Fox

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Cover Designer: Jessica Henshall – Sinfully Sweet Designs

  Editor: Virginia Tesi Carey

  Proofreader: Marla Selkow Esposito

  Formatting: Affordable Formatting

  Photo Licensing: Deposit Photo

  For Chad

  I’m sorry I blew you up in the beginning of this book.



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15


  About the Author


  Also by Nicky Fox



  I walk through the terminal of the small six-gate airport. If you can even call it an airport. It’s the same one that I left from three tours ago. It’s been a while since I’ve been back in my hometown, six years to be exact, and it feels strange being here. There’s no routine here like there had been in the army. I almost feel lost without someone telling me what I need to do or where I need to go. Everything was mapped out in the army—my time, my actions, my life—and I liked the structure. The only reason I’m out is because of the wake-up call I got a few weeks back.

  I was on a T.S.T. (Time Sensitive Target). We were supposed to be in and out with the target alive. I popped a salt packet in my water and gulped it down. It was hot as hell and it smelled horrid. We were positioning ourselves for a raid when suddenly there was an explosion. A severed leg with the foot attached landed near my feet; it was our target. I grabbed my M-4 and charged in. Our target was in pieces, sprayed mostly across the walls. The shit hit the fan, literally. We were getting hit with AK-47s and RPGs left and right and we needed to get the fuck back to the extraction point.

  Chad was beside me on this mission. He’d been with me on countless missions, always had my back. We worked well together. We moved in tandem, always knowing where the other one was and how they were going to move. It was a godsend to have that when you’re in situations like that. Plus, he always kept his cool. I’ve seen other soldiers freak out in their first firefight, but Chad always remained levelheaded.

  Chad was with me when we exited the house. He pushed me to the side quickly when he saw the wire, and everything exploded before my eyes. I knew in an instant Chad was dead. I thought I was too. I thought they’d finally gotten me. I succumbed to the darkness.

  That was the last thing I remembered before I woke up in a hospital bed. Not only did I wake up in agony at the hospital, but there was also a message from the Red Cross while I was overseas. My mom passed away and her funeral was yesterday. I missed my mom’s funeral.

  Adjusting the grip on my pack, I wait for the airport doors to slide open. I don’t want to call anyone, so I grab an Uber. I didn’t leave this town on the best of terms and since I wasn’t even able to attend my mom’s funeral, who knows what the people here will think of me. Honestly, I couldn’t care less. Except for one person. One girl. The one I left behind.

  Chapter One


  “Did you hear who’s back in town?” Mrs. Nelson is talking rather loudly to Mrs. Grimm in the deli section of the grocery store. I shake my head at them. They are always gossiping about someone or something. I’ve been the subject of their gossiping a time or two. Everyone has in this town really. I don’t even care what they’re talking about until I hear two words: Jay Hughes. My ears perk up and I pause pushing my cart to listen to the two women talking in the next aisle over.

  “Oh, that boy. He missed his momma’s funeral. I can’t believe he’d show his face around here after that. Who misses their own mother’s funeral? She was such a sweet woman too.”

  “A heathen, that’s who. He was always a troublesome youth. I’m not surprised honestly,” Mrs. Grimm replies. My hand grabs a can and I throw it into my shopping cart like there’s a catcher at the other end. It makes a huge ruckus and it takes everything in me to bite my tongue right now. Those women know he’s been off fighting in the army. He’s a soldier, a hero from what I’ve heard. It’s been six years since I’ve seen his face in this town.

  We went to high school together. He was in my senior chemistry class and I looked forward to that class every day. Being lab partners benefited me greatly since he was good at science and I was not. I was more into extracurricular activities like dance, track, and photography. Jay and I even studied together at my house a few times. It’s because of him I was able to graduate and get my high school diploma.

  Jay Hughes was a fine boy. Many girls had a crush on him, myself included. He was on the high school swim team and had the body of a muscular swimmer with brown hair and blue eyes. I was able to see his body a few times when I went to the swim meets. Damn. That boy in a Speedo was something else. I touched myself many a night to thoughts of his firm body and those abs. I closed my eyes and imagined Jay as I remembered him.

  “Well, he’s back and he’s living in his momma’s house. Can you believe he’d disrespect his mother like that? May she rest in peace.” My eyes pop open and before I know it I’m charging down the aisle, making a swift right turn and rushing those two old rumor mills. “Oh, Mrs. Lock.” Almost bumping my cart into Mrs. Nelson’s, I confront them both head on.

  “It’s Ms. Sing now, Mrs. Nelson.” I huff. That woman knows I’ve been divorced for two years. This town worships Blane Lock. Blane was the quarterback from his sophomore year until his senior year. He dated Wendy, a cheerleader, and prom queen. After high school, Wendy moved to a bigger city to become a weather girl and Blane stayed here to relive his glory days over and over again. I know it sounds like some John Hughes movie, but after Wendy left, it was like Jake Ryan was asking me out on a date. I was the woman standing there asking, “me?”

  I went to a local college and the popular quarterback was paying attention to me. I was swept off my feet and believed every line he told me. We married eighteen months later. God, I was young and dumb. Thinking about being his wife makes my skin crawl now. Thinking of his lips on my skin and his hands on my hips, I shiver with disgust. He cheated on me with every woman in town. I wouldn’t even put it past him to rut Mrs. Nelson in the ass. Blane is fucking dirty.

  I had heard rumors about him for years. Whenever I confronted him about them, he would always smooth things over. He would tell me not to believe the jealous women in town. He was sweet with me, like sugar, and he treated me well. He couldn’t provide for me worth shit since he was dumber than a pile of bricks. While he worked at the local sports shop, the perfect stomping grounds to relive his glory days with its patrons, I began making a name for myself. I was good with a camera and became a hot commodity for weddings, and eventually, it seemed the whole town was coming to me for their pictures.

  About the time my career was taking off, I found Blane in our bed with a prostitute. I wasn’t shocked I caught him cheating, I was shocked he was paying for sex. Thankfully, I was able to see he was wearing a condom. I still went directly to my doctor and got checked out. Needless to say, I was clean. I filed for divorce the next day. It took me a long time to hol
d my head high. It was embarrassing that my husband was choosing that over me. I’ve tried to stay away from him but it’s a small town. Blane still tries to get back together with me, calling occasionally and approaching me whenever he sees me in public. I have no idea why. He’s still screwing anything with a pulse. From Mrs. Nelson I’ve heard he’s screwing someone’s wife.

  “Oh, that’s right. I forgot you went back to your maiden name. Such a shame.” My evil glare makes an appearance and I unsuccessfully bite my tongue.

  “Mmhmm. I could overhear you on the next aisle over. The next time you’re airing your opinions about someone, I suggest you do it where not everyone can hear you.” Mrs. Grimm looks between Mrs. Nelson and me with wide eyes. I don’t think I’ve ever encountered either one of them speechless. It gives me a nice fuzzy feeling in my belly. She moves her cart along to the next aisle. Mrs. Nelson soon follows with a huff. Old crows. Shame indeed. It’s a shame they don’t see what a loser he is. Blane can go around and fuck a prostitute but I’m the unfortunate one. Ugh.

  Then, I recall what they were talking about. Jay Hughes. He’s back.

  Chapter Two


  Arriving back home on that first day was surreal. It was a strange reality. It was home, yet it had changed. Weeds littered my childhood yard; my momma would’ve never had weeds in her prized yard. Thankfully, the house smelled exactly the same. It took me a couple of days to get settled. When I ran to get some groceries, I bumped into Mrs. Grimm, one of the town gossips. Damn. I did not miss her while I was away. I managed to slip away quickly, much to her dismay. She likes sucking the information out of you. Still, she acted sweet as pie. Mrs. Grimm’s a piranha under all that wrinkly skin.

  I haven’t been able to visit my mother’s grave yet, I don’t have the strength. My pa passed before I even left for the army, so it was my momma and me for a while, and it’s hit me really hard. I’m afraid once I visit her grave that it’ll make it real.

  Right now, I’m trying to make things right by pulling weeds out of her yard. She took almost as much pride in it as she did in me. I’ve always been a momma’s boy, never denied it. She hung the moon for me. My dad and I were never very close. He was the strong silent type, you never really knew where you stood with him. When he died of a brain aneurysm, it was a shock, but my mom and I pulled together. We grieved as one and became even closer. I pull out another weed.

  Year after year, her yard won the prize for the most gorgeous property in all of Jefferson. She had a sign out front that advertised her win and everything. She fucking planted flowers around that sign. The sign has since gone, going to another deserving yard but I still see the flowers planted there. I’m hit with sudden memories of love and then I’m ambushed by thoughts of never seeing her smile again or hearing her voice. Even so, I’m glad I came home; she’d want me to be here. It’s bittersweet. More bitter than sweet right now.

  I’ve gotten almost all of the weeds pulled out when I hear a car pull up. The most gorgeous pair of legs I’ve ever seen steps out of the car. I stand and wipe the sweat from my brow. It’s hot here in the south. Nothing like the deserts I’ve backpacked across but hot just the same. Things get a lot hotter when I see her face. It’s fucking Lea Sing. She’s come to visit me? I guess she heard I was in town.

  I had a huge Johnson for her in high school. My memory doesn’t do her justice. She’s stunning. Her golden hair and bright blue eyes make her look like an angel. She’s always had the most amazing pouty lips. My gaze travels down to her breasts in her tight white T-shirt. Damn, have they gotten bigger since I saw her last? Holy fuck, this woman is hot. My momma would’ve slapped the back of my head if I had said that out loud. I can hear her voice giving me a talking to just the same.

  “Jay Hughes.” A shiver runs through my whole body. The way she says my name—I’d like to make her scream it. I rub the back of my head, anticipating my mom giving me a bop.

  “Lea Sing,” I call out across the yard as she walks toward me. I remove my gloves and realize I threw my shirt off when I began to sweat. It’s on the ground around here somewhere. If she had given me some notice I would’ve taken a shower and looked more presentable.

  “You remember my name.” How could I forget? Is this girl for real? She was the hottest girl in the school. Hell, the history of Jefferson. My mom told me that she got married to that dick Blane a few years back. I glance down at her left hand and see no ring. Perfect.

  “Of course.” Lea makes a move to hug me.

  I’m sweaty and I probably smell. She doesn’t seem to notice. Closing my eyes, I revel in her body against mine. Damn. She feels good against me, a perfect fit. I’m tempted to trail my hands down to her pert ass.

  “I heard you were back in town.” Lea’s smile lights up her whole face as she pulls away from our embrace. This woman has only gotten better with age. If she’s not married, I just might have to ask her out like I should’ve all those years ago.

  “Yeah, I got blown up, so I figured I should probably call it a day and head back to the states.”

  She laughs loudly and seems horrified by her reaction. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t laugh. That’s not funny.” Her hand comes up to cover her mouth to shield her smile from me. I pull her hand away so I can see her gorgeous face. Her cheeks are pink with embarrassment.

  “It’s kind of funny,” I reply. Dropping my gloves, I invite her in for a glass of lemonade. Lea follows me into the house and glances around my childhood home.

  “I’ve never been here before. It’s nice, homey,” she states.

  “It hasn’t changed much since I left after high school.” Grabbing two glasses from the cabinet, I take out the store-bought lemonade from the fridge and fill both cups. “Lea Sing, in my kitchen.” My disbelief shows on my face, I’m sure. “What have you been up to?” I’m thirsty from a long day’s work, so I take a long pull while she fills me in on what she’s been up to.

  “Well, not much to say really.”

  Shaking my head, I reply, “No. You don’t get away with it that easy. I heard you married Blane.” I say the last word with disdain because he’s a fucking leech. I hate that guy. He fucked all the cheerleaders on the squad and bragged about it to anyone that would listen. He was garbage.

  “Wow. You get straight to it, huh?” Lea flushes under my stare. I want to hear how that douche canoe got this gorgeous, sweet woman. I thought many a night about her. Shit, I probably masturbated to her more times than I can count. She’s number one in my spank bank. “Well, I’m divorced now. I came to my senses. I heard you were back, and I had to see for myself if my old chemistry partner was really here.” She changes the subject quickly off her and back to me. We’ll get back to her soon, but I’ll give her a reprieve for now. I don’t feel like talking about Blane either.

  “Yeah. Waking up in the hospital really . . . well, woke me up.” I chuckle. Lea smiles and sips her lemonade, waiting for me to continue. I clear my throat. “Especially after I heard my mom had passed. I figured it was time to come home.” Lea’s body sags.

  “Yeah. I went to the funeral. It was really beautiful. I’m sorry you missed it.” She places her glass down and gives me another hug. The woman only comes up to my chin. I appreciate her sympathy and I can tell her view on my absence is not the same as the rest of Jefferson.

  They look at me like I’m some kind of criminal. My appearance has substantially altered from before I left. I’m more muscled now than I was in high school and my head still sports the shaved look of the army. I’ve experienced things, matured. I may have caused some trouble in my younger years but I’m not like that anymore. I just want to help people. You can call it penance for my past. It’s just something in me that I know I’m meant to serve. I’d love to serve this community if they’d let me. I don’t know if that comes in the form of being a police officer or firefighter. I guess time will tell.

  Other folks in town have made it known I’m not welcome for missing my mom’s funeral.
They don’t know I was lying in a hospital bed fighting for my life. Then again, they don’t really deserve to know. They can hate me for all I care, the only opinion I’m interested in is the woman in my arms right now.

  She smells incredible, like Twizzlers. They’re my all-time favorite candy. Her breasts are full against my chest. She’s comforting my grief and all I can think about is this woman’s body against mine. There’s something wrong with me.

  I knew my mom was sick, but I was shocked by how quickly she had deteriorated. Apparently, she played it down too well. If I know anything about my momma I know she didn’t want pity or anyone to be fussing over her. Which is why I think she didn’t want to alert me to the fact that her health was declining. I suspected it but wasn’t sure. I didn’t have much time left on this tour and was already planning on not returning, but it was too late.

  Lea pulls away. I feel the loss immediately.

  “Thank you, Lea. It means a lot coming from you.” I kiss her on the top of the head like I’ve been doing it forever. I don’t even think, I just act.

  She seems startled by my kiss. I can’t tell if she liked it or not. I sure as hell liked it. Hesitantly, she returns to her side of the kitchen. I lean against the counter so I’m not tempted to grab her and kiss her somewhere else.

  All I ever heard from the guys in the service when they spoke about going back home was how they were going to get laid first thing. I thought they were talking shit. Now, I’m not so sure. All I can think of is getting into Lea’s panties. I shouldn’t be thinking about panties at all, I should be going back outside and fixing my momma’s yard to its former glory.


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