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Undefeated: Blood Bond: Parts 13, 14 & 15 (Volume 5) (Blood Bond Saga)

Page 26


  So I improvised. I pushed the computer monitor out of the way, set Erin on the desk, and spread her legs. Her fragrance wafted up to me once more, and I closed my eyes.

  “I smell it too, Dante. It’s us. The scent of us.”

  I groaned and pushed my cock into her wet pussy.

  “God,” she sighed.

  “So good,” I said. “Nothing has ever felt so good.”

  “Mmm, I know.”

  I kissed her lips as I slid back out and then into her again. Slowly, slowly… No, slow wasn’t going to cut it. My need was too great, and from her moans when I quickened the pace, I knew she wanted speed as well.

  I thrust into her again, her slick walls perfectly molding to my hard cock.




  “Dante, Dante, I’m going to come!”

  I clenched my teeth. “Come for me. Now!”

  She spasmed against my erection, milking me, until my release shattered me with an intense explosion.

  I let out a roar.

  Vibrations surrounded us as we both continued our climaxes. The room was shaking, spiraling us out of control as my climax continued longer than it ever had before. With each pulse of her pussy walls, I spasmed again.




  The filing cabinets rattled on the other side of the room, and the monitor toppled to the floor.

  And still I came.

  And still she came.

  Until we both reached the pinnacle of our climaxes together.

  Chapter Twenty-One


  Colors. Pinks, and blues, and bright sunny yellows.

  And the music. Always the music. Soft jazz. A piano. A clarinet. Soft drum cadence.

  The floating sensation as my climax reached its peak again and then again.

  Had we floated again?

  No, I was still sitting on the desk. Something was vibrating around us. “Oh my God! Dante!”

  I looked down when he moved out of me. His legs were farther apart, and a narrow crack had manifested in the tile floor.

  “What? What, baby?”

  “Uh…I think you just made the earth move.”

  Dante’s eyes widened. “I don’t think it was me.”

  “It had to be.”

  “No, baby, it was us. It’s always been us. You are part of this power I have. I’m certain of it.”

  “How can that be? I’m not always with you when it manifests.”

  “But you are my control. My reason and my control. Without you, the power would be dark. Dark and dangerous.”

  I smiled. “I think you’re exaggerating, but I’m glad you want me to be a part of this.”

  “We need to finish the job we’re doing,” he said, his tone serious as he regarded the crack in the floor. “Right now, this underground fortress is collapsing.”

  I gasped. “Is it going to crumble on top of us?”

  “I don’t know. But you’re shielded. You’ll be protected.”

  “Dante, you told me the shield was against vampires who wished me harm. You didn’t say anything about crumbling rock.”

  His eyes narrowed and shone with fright. “You’re right. We need to finish this and get out of here.”

  “Find Bonneville. Put an end to her.”

  “How? She’s immortal, if what the Texts say is true. How do you end an immortal?”

  “I don’t know.” I willed my mind to think. “You’ve rendered her unconscious a couple times, but that’s not enough. A virus, maybe?”

  “She’d be immune. A gun won’t work, and River and Jay are gone anyway. They were the only ones who carried guns.”

  “A wooden stake to the heart?”

  “Not according to the Texts.”

  “True, but according to the Texts she does have one weakness. We just need to figure out what it is.” I grabbed the book out of my pack and reread the part about male vampire blood.

  “Male vampire blood has unique properties not present in blood from a female vampire. While it will cause changes in psyche and temperament, the effect won’t be as pronounced as that from female blood. Its most profound effect, though, is prolonging the aging process. Any vampire who ingests male vampire blood will preserve his youth and vitality for as long as the ingestion continues. He will appear ageless, and indeed will never succumb to normal illness or injury. Any injury, even one seemingly fatal, will heal.

  “Heed the warning, though. Male vampire blood has one major drawback, one that can never be reversed.”


  Damn! I picked up the book, ready to hurl it across the room.

  Dante stopped me, grabbing it from my hands. “You didn’t let me do that. Remember?”

  “But time is running out! This compound has been breached. The roof could cave in. We need answers, Dante!”

  “Baby,” he said, “you’re not going to like this, but you need to leave.”


  “I’ve fed. I’ll be okay. I’ll take care of her and get out as quickly as I can, but I can’t risk you, Erin. I just can’t.”

  “I won’t leave you here with her.” I’d promised to end her myself for what she did to Dante. But how? I had no power. None whatsoever against an evil and immortal vampire doctor.

  I tossed the book on top of my pack.

  And it fell open to the same page.

  “Dante, look.” I picked it up again.

  “Heed the warning, though. Male vampire blood has one major drawback, one that can never be reversed. That which gives life is the one true rival and will bring the ultimate death.”

  “That which gives life?” Dante shook his head. “God? The universe?”

  “Or something a little less intangible.”

  “Like what?”

  “Don’t be such a guy, Dante. A woman, of course. A woman gives life.”

  “I doubt Bonneville’s mother is alive, since she herself is nearly two centuries old.”

  “True. She’s probably rolling over in her grave somewhere,” I said. “Wait! She’d be a ghost, right? Maybe we can summon her.”

  “My father said ghosts whose bodies have been gone for over ten years can no longer walk the earthly plane.”

  “Your mother did, in the graveyard.”

  “Yeah. That’s still inexplicable to me.”

  “And your mother and my grandmother came to loved ones in dreams.”

  “Because the need was dire,” Dante said thoughtfully.

  “I’d say the need is pretty dire at the moment,” I said.

  “But neither of us are Bonneville’s mother’s loved ones.”

  “Maybe a medium could summon her,” I said. “What about Bea?”

  “Bea doesn’t even realize she’s a medium,” he said. “Plus, ghosts go to her. She doesn’t go to them.”

  “True.” I pulled at my hair. “Damn!”

  “Maybe it doesn’t have to be her mother,” Dante said. “Maybe any woman will do. Or any mother, at least.”

  “She’s been around women and mothers many times. Nothing happened.”

  “I guess it has to be her mother.”

  “Who’s dead,” I added and then jumped.

  The door to the records room had opened.

  “Get dressed,” Bonneville said icily.

  We were still naked from our lovemaking.

  Dante raised his hand, but she stopped him with a gesture.

  “I’m letting Erin go, Dante.”

  I whipped my hands to my hips, not giving a shit that I wasn’t wearing a stitch of clothing. “I’m not going anywhere without him.”

  “Oh, you are. Isn’t she, Dante?”

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  This was the end.

  The end of her.

  Or the end of me.

  She was willing to let Erin go because her beef was not with Erin.

  It was with me.
r />   I hadn’t become the dark apocalyptic menace she’d been counting on, and she was immortal. She planned to take her revenge.

  I nodded gravely. “Leave, Erin. You’re protected.”

  “Whether she’s protected has no bearing,” Bonneville said. “I’ve instructed that she not be harmed. She will have safe passage out of here. On one condition.”

  “And that is?”

  “You will meet me in the arena. One final fight. To the death.”

  Erin gulped audibly next to me. “No. No way. She’s im—”

  I quieted her with a gesture. “I know what I’m doing.” Though I didn’t. I could render her unconscious, immobile, but I had no way of ending her life.

  Once Erin was gone, I’d fight her.

  “All right,” I said. “I have a condition of my own.”

  “What is that?”

  “No weapons. Only our bodies.”

  “As long as yours is clothed.” She looked away. “You’re quite a specimen, Dante. We could have done amazing things together. I agree to your terms. You may have unheard-of powers, but I have something you do not.”

  Immortality. Did she know that I knew? What the Texts had revealed to us?

  “Dante”—Erin caressed my cheek—“No. Just no.”

  “It’s the only way, baby. This is my fight. Not yours.”

  “What’s yours is mine. That’s what you’ve always told me.” Erin turned to Bonneville. “You’re a horrid, evil piece of shit! And to think I actually defended you at work. Said what a good physician you were.”

  “I’ve been a physician for longer than you know.”

  “I know that. We figured out your secret. There is no Zabrina Bonneville. No Zarah Le Sang. They’re all you.”

  I stalked forward, but Erin grabbed my arm.

  “You really expect me to leave Dante here alone? I love him! That’s something you’ll never understand.”

  “Dante is mine now. He’s always been mine. And since things haven’t quite gone as planned, he’s now mine to destroy.”

  “You bitch!”

  “Bitch. Queen. Whatever you wish to call me.”

  “You’re no queen,” I said quietly. “You were never a queen.”

  “I could have been, once I restored order. Don’t underestimate me. My plans may have failed this time, but I will try again. ‘Darkness rising. And we shall rise again!’”

  Erin met my gaze.

  “I love you,” I said gravely.

  “How touching,” Bonneville said. “She leaves now, or I can’t guarantee she’ll get out of here in one piece.”

  “I’ve shield—”

  “Your shield means I can’t touch her. The Claiborne gang can’t touch her. Do you think I don’t have others than vampires to do my bidding? Who I can summon with a mere thought? She leaves now, or she stays, and your fate will also be hers.”

  My fate.

  My fate was Erin.

  I knew it as much as I knew my own name.

  I would find a way to win this battle. I had to.

  “Say your goodbyes,” Bonneville said, walking out the door. “And for God’s sake, get dressed. You have two minutes. I’ll be waiting for you in the pit, Dante.”

  I grabbed Erin, skin to skin, and kissed her harshly.

  An untamed kiss, a ferocious kiss.

  And I was determined it wasn’t a kiss goodbye.

  But if it was? I wanted to taste every crevice of her mouth one more time.

  One more time.

  If only this kiss could last forever.

  If only…

  Against every instinct, I broke the kiss.

  “No!” Erin screamed, tears streaming down her cheeks.

  I brushed them away. “It’s okay, baby. Have faith.”

  “But she—”

  “Have faith.” And maybe she’d have enough for me.

  Erin sniffled and nodded, and then got dressed. I did the same.

  I kissed her again, this time quickly. “Can you find your way out? I can come with you.”

  “No. I’ll be okay. I’m more concerned about you.”

  “Have faith,” I said again.

  She caressed my cheek and ran her thumb over my bottom lip. “I love you so much, Dante. Please come back to me.”

  “I love you too, baby. Have faith.”

  She nodded and then walked out the door.

  And I walked to the arena.

  I jumped down into the pit, landing on both feet.

  “Nicely done, Dante.” She sighed. “You are truly magnificent. I feel a little like Pygmalion.”

  I said nothing.

  “You were always undefeated,” she said menacingly. “Today, that changes.”

  “Does it?” I said. “I’ve already proved I can pin you to a wall, immobilize you, and knock you unconscious.”

  “You can pin me to a wall now. I assure you that I’ll outlast you.”

  “Eventually you’ll need to feed.”

  “Will I?” She glared, her eyes blue ice.

  Ice chilled my veins. Did immortality mean she could beat starvation? I’d eventually succumb to sleep, and she’d take my blood, which would keep her immortal. Was this truly a losing battle?

  No. I refused to believe it. I’d come this far. I’d gotten everyone to safety. But how safe would they stay if she still existed?

  “One way or another, I will end you.” I hurled energy toward her and she landed against the wall.

  She didn’t lose consciousness this time. “Funny thing,” she said. “My body tends to get used to things. You’ve pinned me against a wall, what? Three times now? Head gets harder every time. I won’t lose consciousness again.”

  Red rage heated my blood, until I could almost see my skin burning. My father had taught me never to harm a woman, but this was no woman. This was a monster who had tortured and enslaved me, who threatened everything I believed in. “I. Will. Destroy. You.” I raced into her, tackling her to the ground. I landed a punch square to her nose.

  “Is that all you’ve got?” she gasped through the pouring blood. “Your girlfriend did better than that.”

  Darkness rising.

  I summoned every last bit of dark energy, letting it simmer into a boil in my gut, and then I forced it through every cell of my body, pummeling her with my fists, my feet, my knees.

  Soon she was a mass of blood and bruises.

  But she remained conscious.

  “I’ll ask again,” she rasped. “Is that all you’ve got?”




  My muscles grew weary, but still I pummeled into her.

  “I created you,” she said with a choke.

  “And I cast you out of my head!” I rose. “Stand up. You wanted this fight. Now stand up and take it.”

  She stood and was surprisingly nimble.

  “News for you, Dante.” She advanced toward me. “I was never in your head. If you perceived me there, you put me there!”

  Was she lying? No. Her words rang true. It was always me. The darkness inside me. The darkness that was me.

  She’d put it there, but I had learned to harness it and now I’d destroy her with it. I imagined a ball of energy in my hand, summoned it, and hurled it at her. She flew against the dirt wall.

  But again, she didn’t lose consciousness.

  “You could have had”—gasp—“everything. I gave you”—gasp—“everything. I chose”—gasp—“you.”

  I hurled it at her again. Again. Again. “I don’t need anything you could give me. Certainly not at the cost of others’ lives.”

  “You’re not the man I thought”—she coughed, blood sputtering out of her mouth—“you were. You…can’t”—she gasped—“destroy me. You don’t have…the power. We can stay down here for a lifetime”—gasp—“and I will be the victor. I promise you. As sure as the sun will rise”—gasp—“I promise you.”

  “The sun doesn’t rise down here, my qu
een,” I said sarcastically. “So maybe you don’t—”

  I stopped, a thought spearing into my mind.

  That which gives life.

  Then you know I’m perfectly safe here.

  The sun.

  Had she been in the sun? She’d gone to Erin’s house to tell her about Patty and the baby and that she was going on vacation. All lies. When had that been?

  Early in the morning, after Erin’s shift. Perhaps the sun hadn’t come up yet. Or perhaps it was a cloudy day.

  I couldn’t know for sure.

  I met her icy-blue gaze. “‘That which gives life is the one true rival and will bring the ultimate death.’”

  Her eyes widened, and despite the darkness, her pupils turned into pinpoints.

  Emotion coiled through me. Could I do it? I’d forced a crack in the floor earlier when Erin and I had made love, but I no longer had her energy to supplement mine.

  Plus, it could be nighttime, for all I knew. Daylight had no meaning underground.

  Still, River and Uncle Brae had taken everyone out of here, and Erin would be safely above ground by now.

  Have faith.

  I had to try.

  I breathed in, harnessing every bit of light energy, every bit of dark energy, every bit of rage for what she had done to my family and to me.

  A fire burned in the pit of my belly, and my muscles tensed and tightened.

  I bared my fangs, and they lengthened to their sharpest points ever with a snap no longer painful.

  A snap signifying the energy rising within me.

  Darkness rising.

  And we shall rise again.

  Yes, we would rise again.

  As fate dictated. Without her.

  I reached above my head, stretching my arms, and I roared.

  A howling roar.

  My whole body sizzled with energy. It flowed through me, saturating every cell within me, pinging and ponging until it rose, rose, rose…

  Out my fingertips with an explosive blast.


  The ceiling hundreds of feet above us opened.


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