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The Soldiers of the Shadows

Page 2

by Shianne Ayers

  The next day...

  I just got up it was now 7:00 clock. I remembered the letter so I got in my uniform and I told Golden Corral to reserve a spot for me I got in my mustang and left. Once I got to Golden Corral and they ask me, “Are you Brynhildr


  “We have your reservation. Follow me.”

  I replied, “Thank you.” I follow the person and I see another letter so I opened it then it read

  “Look behind you”

  so I looked behind me and there I see Marina so I said, “Marina what are you doing here?”

  She replied, “I'm so sorry Reki they told me too”

  “Who Mari?”

  “I can't tell you”

  I replied, “I understand Mari”

  just as I left the sirens started going off and I hear the intercom say, “This is not a drill. I repeat this is not a drill. Man your battle stations!!”

  so I started running to my base and I put on my battle gear along with my weapons. The team and I started running towards our battle station when we got spitted up. Then I come across a wounded soldier so I ask him, “What's your name soldier?”

  He replied in a lethal sinister voice, “It's Hauk.”

  “Where did you get hit Hauk?”

  “I got hit in my leg and in the arm. I don't want to die”

  as he started to cry and I said, “You’re not going to die. Not on my watch you are. I'll get you to my station”

  I get Hauk on my shoulders then we get cut off so I get on the radio and I said, “This is General Brynhildr! Does anyone copy! I repeat does anyone copy!!”

  Nothing and I said again, “This is Delta Echo. My team and I were separated. I have a wounded soldier-”

  I see the aliens “- HOLY SHIT....Sent back up...”

  then gun fire and I hear someone reply, “This is Black Bird. We're sending back up. Hold on General Brynhildr we have your team right here. Where’s your exacted location”

  I didn't respond and then Hauk said, “General Brynhildr is down so am I. We're in the West Bay we're being surrounded by aliens -” then gun shots “- Hurry!!!”

  I look at Hauk and I said, “I'm in so much fucking pain... Almira is that you”

  Almira replied, “Yes it's me Mommy”

  “It can't be you died in a car crash”

  “I was pulled out when you were looking for Aleksandr Jr.”

  then she said, “Mommy save me please”

  then Hauk said, “Reck she's not really there snap out of it”

  I look at him and I started crying, “I want my Almira back. It's my entire fault”

  “Reck I know where Almira is.”

  “Where is she? Where's my baby girl?”

  “She with Nina”

  “She's with that BITCH!!!”

  “Reck calm down she's okay. I'll call Nina right now”

  “You better”

  “Okay Reck”

  I watch him take his phone out then call Nina and he said, “Hey Nina this is Hauk... can you send Almira to the West Bay”


  “Well I can't wait to see Almira”

  Hauk stopped and he whispered to me, “We need to find somewhere to hide right now.”

  I replied, “Follow me”

  I turned into a black wolf with dark blue eyes. Once we turned a corner I turned into a woman again and there were aliens that looked like some type of Royal Guards were working together and they turn around then one of them said, “Are you Brynhildr?”

  I said, “Why do you need to know?”

  “We need her help”

  I replied, “Yes I'm Brynhildr"

  suddenly they all bow downed to me and I said, “What's going on here?”

  one of them said, “You are our goddess”

  “I'm no goddess. I'm a soldier of war”

  “Yes you are. Did you ever have a Time when you couldn't hide your marking?”

  “Yes how did you know that?”

  “Goddess Thantia” suddenly I knew instantly that the stories my mother told me was true. But I still didn't believe him so I just went along with it. As the day continued I was getting weaker by the minute.

  Chapter 3

  June 1, 2012

  I was being chased by a group of creatures that wanted to cut me open then experiment on me. While I was running to Hauk I was shot on the side of my chest and in the leg so I got on my Dyna. Once I got to Hauk's cabin I started to pound on the door but there was no answer so I used my powers to find and locate Hauk. I found Hauk at the Dark Motel on top of the Dark Night Club. So I pound on the apartment door and Hauk opened it then said, “What the fuck happen?”

  I replied, “I was being chased by them”

  “Who’s them?”

  “The Kimono”

  “That's bad”

  then the phone rang and Hauk answered it then handed to me then said, “It's for you and the leader name is Issachar.”

  So I took the phone and I said, “What the fuck do you Issachar?”

  he said in a cold lethal voice, “We have your daughter-” I hear my daughter screams bloody murder “- if you ever want to see her again meet us in the woods your house at sunset. Or you'll never see your daughter again”

  Than he hung up.

  I looked at Hauk and he knew what I was thinking so he stopped me then Hauk said to me, “I know what you’re thinking Bry, and please stay”

  I growled “No they have my only child that survived out of five. I need to save her. I don't want to lose my baby girl. After all these years. You won't understand”

  than Hauk said to me, “Yes I do. Because I don't want to lose you”

  I was about to exit when I heard him muttered something like I love you Thantia I didn't pay attention to it. After two hours of putting on my weapons and all that shit I notice that it was 7:30 pm it would take me thirty minutes to get to my house. So I got on my 2009 Dyna Low Rider and I drove over to my house in the woods. After I got there it was now 8:00 pm and I said out loud,

  “I'm here Issachar. Where are you?”

  “Right here” he came out of the dark and following him is his helper and one of them was holding Almira then she said to me,

  “Mom I'm scared”

  “Everything is going to be okay honey”

  then Issachar said, “Take your weapons off now and fight hand to hand”

  so I did and he attacked me. I was on the ground then I started hearing my daughter scream so horribly I woke up. I attack Issachar and I said to him, “You mother fucking bitch. You hurt my daughter. I don't care where you are I will rip you in little fucking pieces”

  then he shot me and I bowed down on my knees then he walked over to me then grabbed me by the hair than he whispered to me, “Look at as I kill your daughter”

  he look at his men and yelled to them “KILL HER NOW”

  Issachar shot her and they forced me to watch as my daughter die in front of me. I was screaming bloody murder then Hauk appear right after I clawed my way to her. I was holding on to her dead body and I poured my heart out. Hauk watched me as while I hold on to Almira. I let no one touch her and I screamed to the gods, “WHY!? WHY DID YOU TAKE HER FROM ME!! WHY!?”

  then I felt the demon inside me craving for vengeance. I just couldn't let her go. Not after all these year I found her then Hauk came up to me and said, “It's Time to go Reck.”

  He helped me up then he pulled me into his arms and he said, “Ssh”.

  After Almira death I finally calmed down and I fell asleep.

  Five hours later...

  I wake up and I find myself in my house. I try to get out of my bed but he pushed me back then I saw a sad look on his face then I remembered that my mother was killed by Issachar and I ask him,

  “Is Almira really dead?” he shook his head slowly. I felt my heart slowly break and I scream as the loss of my only child.

  Part II

  After Almira's Death

sp; Chapter 1

  As I hear my mother's voice and I start screaming for vengeance then I run into a God and so I bowed down then the god said, “Raise Almira. I'm Ares and I heard you screaming out for vengeance-”

  I nodded my head and she continued “-and if you like you could come back to life and you can be part of our army”

  “Forgive me for asking but what army?”

  “Army of super soldier call Shadow-Hunters”

  “I would be honored Akri”

  Ares he says to me, “Hold your hand out”

  Ares grabs my hand and place the medallion. I felt so weak and it drained me so fast. I was about to ask them how I was going to fight and then I felt a warm feeling go throw me and I asked Ares,

  “Akri ,I was wondering. What am I fighting?”

  “I thought you never ask Pecado nor should I say Almira”

  “How do you know my real name your Majesty?”

  “I know everything Almira now we're getting off topic and I'm the one who created the Shadow-Hunters that's you. What you are fighting human beings that were cursed a long Time ago in 8000 BC and they use to be called Arzanatina for my sister Arzana created them. Until one day they killed her husband and her only daughter Raininna. So she cursed her creation and they were forever called Shades they are very strong yet beautiful. And you have 48 hours to find two people that go by the names of Marissa and Tristan Ininnoa.”

  than I look at him and I replied, “Yes Akri”

  I start to walk off when Ares said, “And Almira”

  “Yes Akri”

  “You're a very lucky woman”

  I turn around and I ask him with a smile, “Why's that?”

  “Your mother loves you more then you know it come and look for yourself”

  Ares pulls out a mirror and I see Kimono run off and my mother crawling toward my lifeless body. I never seen my mother wanting vengeance and crying so bad and my rage was so bad and I look at Ares, “Where's Issachar and the Kimono. TELL ME ARES!”

  “Here you go this is their location.”

  “They’re going to wish they never killed me. I'm going to rip their fucking jugular out. Bathe in their blood. Send me to their hideout NOW!!!”.


  Issachar came out and he said, “I killed you.”

  “Well I'm back from hell and I'm here to beat the living fucking shit out of you then kill you”

  he yelled to his men, “KILL HER NOW”

  then they started shooting at me but that only pissed me off even more so I expired their worthless ass and now it was Time to kill Issachar. It took me a while to find him when I did... I made him suffer like no other have before. Now that I had my revenge I went looking for Marissa and Tristan Ininnoa and then I remember a poem I read and it was talking about a women feeling so dead inside.

  That Night...

  I finally found Marissa and Tristan they were at Dark Warrior Bar and I said, “I was sent by Ares.”

  Marissa replied, “You must be Almira Pena Ivanovna. Well it's Time for your training. Follow us Miss. Almira” “Okay and just call me Alma or Pecado”

  “Okay Pecado”

  So I follow Marissa and Tristan to the training camp in the woods. It's been four weeks since I was resurrected from the dead by a god name Ares. I've been training for two weeks and finally. Now that I am out of camp to find those soul sucking bitching from hell.

  10,000 Centuries go by....

  It was eight o'clock me and my best friend Rivianna Helsinki were heading to Helmsmen Cafe like we always do and Ricky my usually waiter comes to take my order than he came back with my coffee. Suddenly I felt a shade was nearby and I said to my friend Rivianna, “Shade...Coffee...Shade....Coffee”

  Rivianna said, “It better be Shade Almiraor Ursa will ride your ass if you fail” “But it's chicory coffee”

  “And Ursa will have your ass. If you let the shade live”

  “Your right” so I get a drink and I left. As I felt the presence of a group of Shades ganging up on someone with a soul that was strong after I find them I look at the man and I said him,

  “Run now!”

  As he left I shielded him with fog. Now they were mostly focused on me now. I look at the shades and I said, “Let's dance fuckers” so I took five out and there was eight and then one of the bastards pushed me in the street and then I was ran over by a parade float then remember what Ursa said unconscious Hunter is a dead Hunter so I fought to stay conscious and then the guy came back and he said,

  “Oh Shit! Are you okay? I'll call an ambulance”

  than I replied, “No don't”

  I passed out. I wake up to the smell of my hand burn and I hiss is pain so I have the clouds block out the sunlight. I find myself naked in a room so I rapped a black blanket around my body, got out of the room, and I see a man and he was talking to some of his friends than one of them whisper,

  “Hawk that lady is awake” so the guy turned around and he said,

  “Hello my name is Hawk and your name is?”

  “It's Alma but some people call me Pecado” but I my real name is Almira and he look at his friends and said to them,

  “Pecado that sounds so cool”

  they start chatting away and I said, “Where's my cloths!”

  then Hawk said, “Ooo someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed” he must of washed and dried it so I ask Hawk,

  “Hawk did you wash my cloths”

  “Yes I did and they kinda got destroyed”

  “Did you save my thing in my pockets?”

  “Yes I did”

  “Okay good”

  then he added, “But your money, phone, and keys were stolen”

  “Where's my boots?”

  “Over there”

  I walked over to my boots and crouched then I got up and I ask, “Um what's your friends name?”

  He called over his pals and then Hawk said, “Sin this is my sister’s boyfriend Sasha, my right hand man Jacob, and there's Demyan”

  “Hi guys”

  then Demyan whispered to Hawk, “Man. She looks like a goddess”

  I remember something and I ask Hawk, “Can you pull the curtains please. I can't handle the sunlight”

  “Sure thing”

  “Do you have a phone I could borrow?”


  he handed me a phone and I called Kyon next I said to Kyon, “Hey Kyon can you head over to my house and pick up my spare keys, money, and the other phone”

  “You lost your stuff “

  "I need a pair of cloths also can you bring my Dyna to me”

  “Sure. Where are you?”

  I hold the phone to my chest “Um Hawk where the hell is I?”

  “Do you were the Dark Warrior Bar? Is it Talinoka Avenue?”

  “Thank you Hawk. It's Talinoka Avenue”

  “We'll be there soon”

  “What do you mean we?”

  “Sonya and me”

  “Okay see you soon bye”

  I hung up I look at Hawk “Well I'm completely bored”

  “Hey! How about my sister Riviera go by you some cloths”


  “Um… can I borrow this blanket until they come with my stuff”

  “Yea sure” I walk over to the kitchen and I sit down. I was aching so badly. Hawk walked over to me and asked,

  “So my friends are gone and it's just you and me now”

  “Where's your bathroom?”

  “It's on the left next to my bedroom”

  “Thank you Hawk” I find the bathroom and I take a cool shower. I come back out with feeling fresh but clean and I rap the black blanket around me again. Once I got out of the bathroom, I see Hawk talking to someone and I notice it was Kyon and Sonya. So I walk up to them and I said,

  “Hey Sonya. Hey Kyon. Do you guys have my cloths and everything I that need?”<
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  than Kyon replied, “Yea. Here you go”

  so he handed me a bag of stuff and I ran over to the bathroom and changed.

  Chapter 2

  I was on a mission for Ursa when I ran into Hawk. I was at the alley way when Rivianna showed up and we started talking when Ursa appeared out of nowhere then she said, “Leave Rivianna”

  “Yes Ursa”

  Rivianna left then Ursa said to me, “Your so fucking screwed Almira. You know that right?”

  “Yes I know Ursa” then she left and I was all alone but I didn't whine about it. As the night went on I slayed more and more Shades. I got home and a splitting headache and I fell to the ground and I curled up into a ball and I fell asleep.

  Four hours later...

  I woke up from my phone ringing and I said, “Yes may I help you?”

  “Hey this is Hawk. I was wondering if we could go out for dinner sometime.”

  “I don't know if my boss will let me Hawk. I'll call you later if I get an answer from my boss. I have to go to bed Hawk.”


  then he hung up. I went to my bed changed into my night gown and I got everything else ready for tonight Damn why am I so fucking tired then I went to bed again. I woke up when the sun was setting and I got ready. I grabbed my brass knuckles than I had my chicory coffee along with food. Now I locked, cocked, and now I’m ready to rock. It's Time for those soul thirsty bitches to die. As I was walking down the sidewalk when a god named Chronic appeared right in front of me. He was fucking gorgeous I mean drop dead gorgeous. His long black hair, a white tank top, and his skin was a light tan color... and I like him... then Rikoron showed up and I knew this was spelling trouble than I called Ursa. But it was no use so I went to Rikoron and I said,

  “You’re not allowed in the Human Realm”

  so I called back up just in case suddenly he said to me in a low sinister voice,

  “Silence weakling”


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