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Kilted Sin: Brethren of Stone

Page 10

by Andresen, Tammy

  Gemma reached for her hand and they held them together for a moment. “Agreed.”

  Giving Ewan a final kiss, she set him on the floor. “I’ll leave you to talk with Mr. McLean in peace. I’ve got a field to plant.”

  Mary set down the baby next to Ewan. “I’m glad we talked.”

  “Me too,” Gemma answered. “Good luck, Mary McLaren.”

  Mary leaned over. “Don’t let his lord go. That’s the sort of man ye keep.”

  Gemma didn’t answer as she looked down at the floor. She’d like to do just that, grab him with both hands and never let go. But she loved him so much, she couldn’t take children of his own away from him. Not if he wanted them.

  * * *

  Will watched Gemma walk out of the house. She looked…beautiful. She always looked like that to be fair. It was more that her head was high, her body relaxed.

  She approached him and Fiona with a determined stride that made him toss the seed in his hand back into the basket. “How’d it go?”

  “Good,” she answered, her mouth set in a straight line. “But there is something I need to say to you.” Then she took his hand and led him several feet away.

  “What is it?” he asked.

  She took a deep breath. “Sean and I were married for a year before he left.”

  He cocked his head to one side. “All right.”

  “In all that time I never missed a bleed. Not once.” Her hands fisted at her side. “I thought it might be Sean but then he came here and Mary had two babies.”

  Will scratched his head. He was trying to understand. “So yer worried that ye might not be able to have children?”

  She let out a huff of breath but a niggle of excitement bloomed in her chest. Her pulse began to race. “Yes I’m worried that I might not be able to have children.” Her hands came to her hips. “You’re telling me that you’d be fine if I never gave you a son?”

  He scrunched his brows together. “Is this the reason you don’t want to marry me?”

  “Of course it is! Are you daft?” Her breath came out in short gasps. She wanted to shake him, but she also wanted to hold him close. “Ye’re a laird. What’s more, you’re ridiculously competitive with your brothers. How are you going to feel when they have six children each and we have none of our own?”

  He laughed then, which only seemed to make her stand up straighter, but he couldn’t help it. “Ye really have gotten to ken me lass, I am competitive to a fault with my brothers. But on the subject of children, I’m afraid yer wrong. I don’t care if ye have a baby or not. We’ve already got two children if ye haven’t noticed. And, when we’ve got more money, we can adopt more if ye want. Sinclairs help people. It’s our oath.” He reached out and took her hand. “I can’t think of a better way tae do it then to give children in need a good home to grow up in.”

  Gemma stared at him her mouth opening and closing. “Do ye really mean that?”

  Chapter Eighteen

  Will stood holding her hand, but he wanted to make love to her right then and there. She’d been saying no to him because she was afraid that she didn’t bring enough to the marriage.

  “Gemma, I mean every word, lass.” He reached for her other hand. “Now, I’m going to ask ye one more time and then—” But he couldn’t finish. There was a thump behind him and a cry. Twisting his head about, he looked over to see Fiona frantically attempting to pick up the basket of seed that she’d knocked down. “Bloody bullocks,” he yelled.

  Fiona started, looking up at him with wide eyes as the color drained from her face. “I did not mean to. I was trying to move it closer,” she whispered.

  Will let go of Gemma’s hands and ran his fingers through his hair. “Inside, Fiona. This is no place fer ye.” He pointed to the house. “I can’t have ye slowing us down today. This crop is too important.”

  Fiona nodded, her eyes welling with tears as she stood and began walking away.

  Gemma stepped next to him. “You’ll help next time sweetheart, when we’re not in such a rush.”

  Fiona didn’t answer and Will let out a long sigh. He shouldn’t have been so hard on her but he’d lost too much time already and now he was going to have to salvage the seed. “Help me pick this up,” he said to Gemma. “Then we’ll get started.”

  “Fiona is upset,” Gemma crossed her arms over her chest.

  “I ken,” he answered. “I’ll apologize later.” He moved the basket, straightening it and scooping handfuls of seed from the dirt.

  She bent down next to him, doing the same. Once they’d cleaned up the mess, they began the arduous process of raking the dirt back into its mounds and seeding again.

  As the morning gave way to afternoon, Gemma looked up and wiped her brow. They’d hardly made a dent in the field where they worked. No wonder Will was so worried. It was a massive job.

  He straightened too, stretching his back. “I ken yer thinkin’ it. We’ll never get this done.”

  She looked over at him. She should tell the truth. There were moments in a relationship, however, where it sincerely seemed best to lie. This was one of them. “We’ll get it done.”

  He grinned, stretching his back once again. “Do ye hear that?”

  She pivoted and saw a rider come over the crest of the hill. Then another. They were joined by several wagons, horses, and men. “Is that yer brother?” she asked.

  “Aye, it is.” He rubbed his forehead with his dirty hand. “How’d he get here so fast? I didn’t send Barkley until this morning.”

  Gemma shrugged but she stepped closer to him and linked her arm through his. “He must have known ye’d need help.” Then she leaned her head on his shoulder. “It’s so good to have family.”

  As Blair approached, Gemma and Will walked over to meet them. Will was glad to see Blair and happy for the help, but he’d have to take his lumps.

  “Hello, brother,” Blair called. “I ran into yer rider near Tore.”

  “What were you doing in Tore?” Will called back, reaching out his hand to shake Blair’s.

  “Coming tae help ye, of course. I didn’t honestly think ye’d ask. Yer a stubborn arse that way.”

  “Did ye come here to help or insult me?” Will fired back. Then he turned to Gemma. “If ye were wondering why I never ask fer help, this is yer answer. Older brothers only give it with a load of insults while they remind ye they don’t ever need help.”

  Blair swung down from his horse. “What are ye talkin’ about? Elle and I wouldn’t be married if it wasn’t fer ye and I wouldn’t have my business going if it wasn’t fer Stone. We all need help sometimes.”

  Will stopped. That was true he supposed. “I’d forgotten that Stone had sent men to help.”

  Blair brought one shoulder up and down. “Money too. I’m only telling you because if it comes to that, you ask.” Then he stepped closer. “And don’t forget where you learned to farm in the first place. Stone needed you. When our parents died, Stone was drowning with the duties of the earldom and we each took over a section as he learned. We all need help. That’s what a family is for.”

  Will swallowed a lump in his throat. “I hadn’t thought about it like that.”

  “We’re not going to let you sink, Will. Sinclairs help. Especially one another.”

  Will couldn’t speak as gratitude rose in chest. Instead, he hugged his brother with one arm. “Thanks, Blair. I wanted to prove I could do it on my own, but I suppose none of us ever do.”

  “I certainly can’t.” Gemma gave him a glowing smile. “I tried. This was is much better.”

  That is was. “Let’s go get Ewan and Fiona and have a bite to eat.” He wanted his family with him now. They were more important than anything else.

  * * *

  Gemma walked toward Mary’s farm feeling like a weight had been lifted from her shoulders. They’d get the crop in the ground. She was sure of it. And, if Will asked her to marry him again, she’d say yes. This was where she belonged.

  Knocking on M
ary’s door, she stepped inside and saw Ewan playing on the floor happily babbling with the other boys. “Where is Fiona?” she asked looking around the common room. “Did she lay down?”

  “Fiona?” Mary asked. “Isn’t she with you?”

  Dread trickled down her spine as she wiped her brow. “Didn’t she come here this morning?”

  Mary shook her head. “I haven’t seen her since she asked to help.”

  Spinning around, Gemma dashed back outside. “Will,” she yelled. Everyone turned to look at her. “Will! Fiona, she isn’t in the house!”

  “What?” he looked at her, his brow scrunching together.

  She lifted her skirts to run faster. “She never came back to the house. She could be anywhere.”

  Will’s face drained of color. “Spread out,” he bellowed. “Look everywhere.”

  Blair raised his hand. “Wait. Let’s just take one minute to think. Why wouldn’t she go back to the house?”

  “I was angry, she tipped the basket of seed but I…” Will rested his head in his hands, scrubbing his face. “You don’t think she left because I was upset?”

  Gemma chewed on her lip. Fiona was always going on about how good she would be if they just allowed her to stay. “She wanted to be perfect for us.” She shook her head, looking at the ground. “Poor thing is worried we won’t love her enough to keep her if she isn’t.”

  Will let out a low groan. “Ye really think that’s the reason?”

  “We’ll know for sure as soon as we find her. Where would a little girl go?” Blair scratched his head.

  Gemma tapped her foot as her arms crossed about her chest. “She could be anywhere…she’s quite smart and determined.” Normally that would be a compliment but it made Gemma’s foot tap faster now. “If she puts her mind to it, she could get quite far.”

  “Especially if she had a horse.” Will looked over at her. “She loves horses.”

  Gemma gasped. “Of course. Are there any barns nearby?”

  “McPherson’s is close. He’s got Shetland ponies.” Will was already striding toward her. “It isn’t far.”

  “We’ll fan out, just in case.” Blair put his foot in the stirrup. “Let’s meet back here in an hour.” Then he swung up on his horse and began directing the men he’d brought.

  Will and Gemma started for the barn, quickly breaking into a run. It likely took them less than five minutes but it seemed an eternity.

  The barn was quiet, except for the three ponies grazing in the nearby field. They whinnied as Gemma and Will passed. “Have you seen a little red-haired girl?” Gemma asked them. Somehow, she felt better to be saying something instead of the worried silence that had settled over them.

  The barn door was partially open and Will held his fingers to his lips before he slipped inside. Gemma followed holding her breath. She wanted to ask why they had to be quiet but before she had the chance, she understood why. As they stopped, she heard the soft sound of someone crying.

  Will crossed the barn, his head swiveling back and forth until he stopped in front of a stall. “Fiona.”

  The crying abruptly stopped.

  “Fiona?” Gemma called more loudly, choking on the word, She rushed to where Will stood and looked into the stall. Fiona stood with her arms about a pony, her face red and puffy. “Fiona, we were so frightened.”

  The girl let out another loud sniff. “Please don’t send me away. I’ll be better. I promise.”

  Gemma dropped to her knees. Her legs refused to support her as her heart shattered in her chest. “Sweetheart, you’re not going anywhere no matter how naughty you are.” She looked to Will, her own eyes filling with tears. “Tell her, Will.”

  He reached into the stall and plucked the girl up into his arms, hauling her over the short gate. “Fiona, my little lass, you are stuck with Gemma and me forever.”

  “But I spilled the seed. How will you plant it?” Fiona began crying again.

  “I’ll get it done. My brother came to help me and my other brother can help too if I need it. Can I tell you a secret?”

  Fiona wiped away a tear with the back of her hand.

  Will took a breath. “I made a mistake too. I thought I had to do this all by myself. I forgot that it’s all right to ask for help now and then.”

  “You made a mistake?” Fiona’s tears stopped as she looked into his eyes. He lowered them both down to sit next to Gemma.

  “I did. And so did Gemma. She thought I wouldn’t love her if she couldn’t—”

  He stopped looking over at her. Her own heart swelled, understanding what he was doing. “I was worried that I couldn’t give Will everything he wanted. We all made mistakes, Fiona. And we’ll make more. None of us is perfect and we don’t expect you to be. We certainly won’t stop loving you ever and we’re not sending you away.”

  “In fact,” Will reached for Gemma’s hand. “I was thinking I’d ask Gemma to marry me. What do ye think, Fiona?”

  “Oh yes.” Fiona gave a little clap behind his back.

  Will gave Gemma a wink. “What do ye say, love? Will ye be my wife?”

  Gemma couldn’t breathe. Her heart had been broken a minute ago, but here was Will putting it back together once again. “Yes,” she whispered.

  Then he turned to Fiona. “And you, my little lass who scared me half to death. Will you be our daughter?”

  Fiona sucked in her breath as a sob broke from her little chest. Gemma couldn’t stand it and she threw herself at them both wrapping them in a hug. “Don’t cry Fiona. If you keep crying, I’m going to cry.”

  “I’m so happy,” Fiona wailed. “I can’t help it.”

  “We’re going to be a family,” Gemma said, hugging them tighter.

  “Well, we’re going to make it legal.” Will gave a low chuckle. “In my heart, we already are.”

  “Let’s go get Ewan,” Gemma pulled herself off of them both. “He needs to be part of this hug too.”

  Chapter Nineteen

  Will didn’t work for the rest of the afternoon. The next day, he’d be back at it but that day, he had something far more important to do. He had to hold his family.

  They ate their lunch and then returned home. Blair took over the work in the McLaren croft and Will was certain his fields were in capable hands.

  He and Gemma sat with the children the rest of the day. It was the most pleasant one he’d had in a long time. After they put the children to bed, Will brought up several buckets of hot water and filled a large bath. Climbing in together, they began planning their wedding.

  Will sat with Gemma between his legs as he gently soaped her arms. “We could go see a smithy and be done with it.”

  She looked back at him, tendrils of hair curling around her face from the steam. “Much as I want to be your wife, I want to include our families too.” She reached up to stroke his jaw, her fingers scratching along the stubble. “I want to send an invitation to my mother, though I don’t know how I’ll get her here if she accepts.” Gemma sighed. “Still, I need her to know she’s welcome into our lives.”

  “We’ll get her here. Blair owns a shipping company,” he said, pushing her forward to wash her back.

  She raised her brows, still looking over her shoulder. “Another favor? What’s gotten into you?”

  “Blair was right. I helped both him and Stone when they got started and I shouldn’t feel bad about needing help in return. Besides, it isn’t just about me anymore.” He pulled her back against him, beginning to wash her front.

  Her breath caught, her back expanding against his chest as he soaped over her breasts. “I suppose it isn’t.”

  He found the shell of her ear with his lips and gently suckled the sensitive skin into his mouth even as his hands slid lower. “Besides, Stone is paying for the wedding feast.”

  She gasped as his fingers found her most sensitive spot. “Why is that?” she groaned as Will hardened. Her sounds were as enticing as the rest of her.

  “I spent years farming his l
and for free. I’ve only just realized he owes me.” Will didn’t really mean it like that. He was grateful to have his brother’s help and he’d do anything for either Blair or Stone. But, Stone was going to tease him incessantly when he asked for money and so he needed to be prepared with a response.

  “I’d…tell…you…to be…kind…but…” Gemma panted.

  He let out a low rumble. “Ye’re right, no more talking.” Then, grasping her hips, he turned her so their chests pressed together even as he slid inside her sheath.

  She clasped her arms around his neck, even as he held her hips, guiding her movements. It began slowly, their bodies moving together. As their desire built so did the tempo until they were both panting and groaning. Will gritted his teeth, his body desperate for release but he ignored it, more concerned with hers.

  When he couldn’t stand another second, she let out a cry even as she tightened around him, her body shuddering against his. He couldn’t hold back another second as he groaned out a release of his own.

  Gemma collapsed against him, her body melting into his. He stroked her back for a minute before he lifted them both out of the water. “It’s getting cold,” he murmured, kissing her shoulder.

  Her cheek tightened and he knew she was grinning. “You’ve dealt with colder.”

  “You little minx,” he rumbled. “I’ll get ye back fer that someday.” He didn’t really mean it, which he thought obvious as he wrapped them both in a blanket.

  But Gemma pulled back to look at him. “Will,” her voice was hoarse as her hands came to both his cheeks. “I’m not sure how I not only managed to gain your forgiveness but also your love. However that came to pass, I am so grateful.”

  His chest tightened. “Love, I appreciate what ye’re saying but ye don’t need to be grateful. I don’t ken how I’d do any of this without ye. It’s me who should be thanking ye.”

  She covered his lips with hers. As she pulled away she gave him a devilish smile. “So…if I were to push you in that tub of cold water, you’d still—”


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