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Ethria 3: The Liberator

Page 7

by Holloway, Aaron

  “I don’t know if I can accept Rayid. I’m YOUR guide, not the other way around.” I shrugged. I had thought something like this might happen. So I already had an argument ready for her objection.

  “I, am a wizard. Wizards give quests, sage advice, and boons to help heroes along their journeys to slay evil and defeat dark lords or ladies right?” She glared at me, but slowly nodded as I explained. “Well, that part of my job is new to me. I’ve only given three quests before. And it was a kind of by accident.” That reminded me I still needed to see what the outcome of those were. Many notifications awaited me for when I was alone. “So, you are helping me explore this aspect of my characteristics sheet. Of who I am. So just accept the quest, and gain a bit of essentially free XP.” She scowled at me, but she accepted.

  “Let’s just hope my boss doesn’t think this is a conflict of interest. And no, not the gods who hired me. My queen, the real head honcho. She can be kind of a stickler for the rules.”

  “Winter or summer court?” I asked. It was something I had wanted to know since I first met her. She grinned and went back to eating her sweet roll. “Fine, keep your secrets.” I looked back at the rest of the table. “So, with all of you having accepted the quest, I can’t actually help you fulfill it. Not directly anyway.” That wasn’t strictly true. I could help with common quests, I would just be giving up any benefits like xp earned. The true restrictions that would invalidate quests didn’t happen until I was much higher level according to my class interface. But I needed time alone to work, and they didn’t know that. “Which means...” Traser rolled his eyes, and Tol’geth chuckled.

  “Which means, you don’t have to go run today’s errands.” Traser said. I beamed happily at him and nodded. “Fine, but we’ll need you in two days. I’ve set up a meeting between us and the United Orders at Fort Saint Michael. You need to be there, we all do. Understood?” I nodded, and the conversation shifted to other topics.

  Traser didn’t think most of the nobility left in Sowers Vale would be of much help. Perhaps a few might contribute a handful of household guards for the effort, but only at substantial cost. The real reason he wanted to meet with them was to warn them off. Many of the non-knighted nobility had been in various partnerships with Cardinal Telik. Most of which he was sure would have been purely legitimate business, but a man like Telik often had a way of twisting things in his favor.

  “You know, I had thought that Cardinal guy was just a jerk and his sorcerer got out of hand. But from what you’re saying he was the string puller around here.” Traser looked at me, confused, as the servants took everyone’s plates away and began cleaning the table. We all stood and made our way into the small sitting room off to one side of the main entrance.

  “I don’t know what you mean by string puller...” Traser just looked at me, wanting an explanation this time.

  “Oh, uh. Usually, you all just let weird stuff go. Okay, I’ll explain. A puppet master. String puller, the person who controls the puppets behind the screen.”

  “You mean like children’s stories told by traveling tale tellers who are too old to dance and act out the scene?” Tol’geth asked. It was my turn to look dumb struck. But everyone else there seemed to know what he was talking about.

  “Sure, maybe. Ailsa help.” The fairy giggled and darted off my shoulder to buzz around Zed’s head.

  “Yes, that’s what he means.” She looked at me and winked. “Try a different metaphor. Like, a spider in their web.”

  “Sure, let’s go with that. The man is a spider.” Traser nodded.

  “Agreed.” The knight sat down on one of the long couches, followed by the rest of the group. I joined them as they waited for the coach that would take them to their first appointment of the day with the city watch. Traser explained that the goal there was to clarify our position with them, and perhaps even offer our aid if the watch needed it. They would be hard pressed with the Count and the rest of the knights gone to keep crime at a reasonable level. We all threw around ideas of how to help the watch until one of the staff arrived and my friends left. I closed the door, waving to them as their coach whisked them away to their work.

  When I turned around, I cracked my knuckles and found the house staff, including the lead butler, standing there. “We are at your service Master Rayid.”

  “Today is going to be a good day.” I said as I handed over the small stack of lists.

  Chapter 6: Growth

  "There's only one growth strategy: work hard." - William Hague

  The Traser Estate, City of Sowers Vale, 4th Novos, 2989 AoR

  I sat in the tallest room on the wing of the Traser Estate that was closest to the city’s wall, and as far from other people in the city as possible. I was cross-legged, with my gear laid out around me. The staff were carrying in more and more ingredients that I had ordered, delivering them through to the rear gardens where I had first made the dragon golem. I wouldn’t need them for a while yet. Right now, it was time for some character maintenance while I waited for my visitors to arrive.

  I started by pulling up my character sheet and reading through it.

  Name: Rayid (Daniel) Tear

  Race: human

  Heritage: Eastern Islander (Earth, Western, Pioneer)

  Height: 6’1

  Age: 26

  Hair: Brown

  Religion: Unknown (LDS/Mormon)

  Class: Wizard

  Profession: None

  Level: 11

  Material Characteristics















  Physical Attraction



  Immaterial Characteristics









  Emotional Stability












  Combat Statistics

  Total Defensive Bonus


  Health Points


  Melee (ST+Dex+Perc+Luck)

  Ranged (Dex, Gen Im, Perc, Luck)

  General Attack Bonus




  Traits are innate, non-magical aspects of yourself that you do not earn, but are rather granted to you at birth, or by a being of great power.

  Human Adaptability (10th Lvl):

  Humans are by far one of the most adaptable species on all of Ethria. As such, upon taking a class they gain 1 free characteristic point, and 2 characteristic points in the primary class characteristic of their chosen class, and 1 point distributed randomly.

  Unlucky/Lucky (Agent of Change):

  Your life is filled with moments of extremes. You are both very unlucky, and very lucky in that bad things tend to happen to you, but they usually work out in the end. Random events generated at +1.5x. Other effects to be discovered.

  Right of the Hunter! - Razor Back Ursine

  +2 Strength. +5% resistance to all Fear and Terror checks.

  Gift of Eldritch Knowledge:

  Having come from another plane of existence, and having been considered highly educated among your people, you have been blessed by the celestial being (s) of that foreign realm with the ability to perfectly recall any information you had learned on your old world. Be careful however, as those who have any trait or affiliation that ties them strongly to this plane of existence will not take kindly to outsiders such as yourself meddling in their affai
rs. Your knowledge is power, hide it well. Other effects to be discovered.

  Gift Of Tongues:

  You have been blessed by the cosmic being (s) of your home plane to be able to speak or read any language that you might encounter at the level of Proficiency, as if you were a native speaker with no accent. In order for this ability to activate you must first encounter the language twice. LIMITATION: This gift is less effective on High Languages, or languages that are alien to your physiology. As such you the bonus is decreased depending upon the language in question. Other effects to be discovered.

  Gift - Mysterious Stranger:

  As you are from another place, certain aspects of yourself are permanently hidden from denizens of this new realm you now call home unless you reveal it to them. These aspects are listed as Unknown on your character sheet and will be seen by others as such until you learn more about yourself and claim a new place in the world. You will always have the hidden labels from your past home, but the new labels will be revealed to all that see. Find a new home, forge a new heritage for yourself, and claim Ethria as your own. In addition, this means that you have a natural resistance to mental manipulation, as your experiences and thought patterns are alien. 15+current level % chance of mental manipulation failure both magical and natural. Other effects to be discovered.

  Mysterious Stranger Aspect "Past Oaths"

  “Past Oaths.” In your past world, the oaths you took were relatively easy to keep, and as such had little hold on your soul. Most of these were stripped away when you went through the veil. However, you can reclaim these oaths as part of the Mysterious Stranger gift, granting you both guiding principles by which to live your life, and certain restrictions and boons based upon these oaths.

  Oaths Reclaimed

  The Sanctity Of Life: In your past life you swore to uphold the sanctity of the lives of other humans. You have interpreted this as to apply to the sanctity of all sapient life, a rare sentiment indeed on Ethria. While further growth and knowledge may change your specific understanding and application of the principles of this oath, you are bound to it.

  Oath Type: Rare.

  Oath Restrictions: May not willfully or knowingly take the life of a sapient being without just cause. Doing so will have severe negative effects either temporary, or permanent depending upon severity of the breach.

  Oath Boon: +1 automatic relationship status upgrade to all sapient beings upon their learning of this Oath. Oath Status: Newly Reclaimed, Loyal 2

  Unlimited Potential

  Ethria itself has given your race this boon, you will be able to learn every type of magic native to Ethria as your people have no native magic of their own. This boon synergizes with each of your cosmic gifts. Known Synergies: None

  I noticed, as I had noticed before, that many of the descriptions had updated slightly. The information from my character sheet was primarily the magic of Ethria’s system, simply quantifying everything about me. That being said it had become clear to me that descriptions of things like my Traits were often based on a mix of several things. My knowledge and capability to understand and analyse the information I had available, and Ethria providing me some basic information about how the system worked. The major change that piqued my interest was in Ethria’s boon to me “Unlimited Potential”.

  It seemed like that boon was not just for me, as I had originally thought. But also for everyone else that came from Earth after me. That seemed to contradict what had been discussed months ago with the angel, lizard guy, and that strange lawyer about my summoning being the product of some cosmic loophole. But, Ethria was prepared in case other people eventually made their way here. With a mental shrug, I forced myself to move on. There was more to examine.

  Special Abilities

  Special abilities are abilities you learn that have a super-natural component to them. Whether through the manipulation of mana, life force, or some other thing, they are earned rather than given.


  Using more than your sight and wits to view and read a situation, you extend your life force over an object, creature, or person to gather more information. Your current Analyze Ability strength is based on your analyze skill, and your ability to manipulate Life Force (also known as Chi, Ki, and Kie among other names), and any other applicable skills, abilities, traits, etc that you might have.

  Current Strength: Weak.

  Possible Strength Levels: Pathetic, Very Weak, Weak, Average, Above Average, Strong, Very Strong, Overwhelming. These levels are relative to the average Life Force user on Ethria.

  Effects: You have a 50% chance to learn basic combat information about an opponent such as current HP, Level, Skills, and Abilities whose Analyze or other applicable skill is of equal or weaker strength to your own. This likelihood is cut in half for every opponent level above yours.

  You have a 90% chance to learn basic information such as name, race, and disposition towards you of any target with a strength equal or less than you. -10% for every level of strength the target has above yours.

  You can increase your chances by 10% for every 1 second of continued use of Analyze on the target. +10% chance for every minute you have used the Analyze Skill on the target before use of the ability.

  Mana Redirection

  You can now redirect a spell’s mana into another spell, mana fueled object, or willing spell participant.

  Restrictions: Does not work with multicast, does not work with spells or enchantments of lower rank than the spell being redirected.

  Warning: Increases spell failure chance of new spell by 15%. Spells failed this way increase damage from mana feedback by x3. Damage from spell feedback from the spell that was intended to be redirected still applies.

  Nothing major had changed there, so I moved on.

  Magic Statistics





  Mana Regen



  Mana Pool




  Skills are the practical, magical, mundane and any other type of skill that you gain throughout your life. A skill level can not reach above a person's current character level + numbers of years of life they have lived, divided by 2. Because you are a Mysterious Stranger however, Skills and other aspects of your character might be uncovered as the magic of Ethria quantifies your alien experiences.

  Current Skill Cap


  Skills Key

  Skill Rank Bonus Modifiers

  - any # = Confused


  0 = Proficient


  1-5 = Novice


  6-10 = Journeyman


  11-25 = Master


  26+ = Grand Master


  Mana Pool Modifiers

  Proficient Av Magic Skill








  Grand Master



  Skill Points

  Skill Score

  Read/Write (English)






  Statistical Analysis



  Deceive (any format)



  Basic House Cleaning / Maintenance



  Basic Cooking






  Use Weapon: Sword



  Armor: Light



  Shield: Light









  Mana Manipulation



  Water Magic



  No SKILL or MASTERY bonuses have been discovered. Speak to a Master to learn more about Water Magic.

  Force Magic



  “SKILL BONUS: The Force Magic Skill is less of a burden on one's mana pool size then other magic types. It also acts as a conduit through which other magics can be channeled. Novice level: removes 1 Types of magic from the denominator of your mana pool. Journeyman Level: Removes 2 Types of magic from the denominator of your mana pool. Master Level: removes 3 Types of magic from the denominator of your mana pool. Any type of magic you have Mastered is also removed.

  MASTERY BONUS: As force magic is the locus of all magics, mastery of it opens doors that might never have been opened to you before. You may select one Greater Power and become a rank 1 novice in it. Greater Power Chosen: Death Magic.”


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