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Cedric: A Savage Kings MC Novel

Page 8

by Hart, Lane

  “Because he’ll think something is going on when there’s not.” Of course, that’s a humungous lie. Something just went on…I kissed Cedric and he went down on me, and it felt so good I don’t know if my limbs will ever recover.

  “I always thought you and Cedric would end up together,” my mother tells me as I drive.

  “We were just friends.”

  “So you said, but I saw the way he looked at you. That boy loves you to the moon and back.”

  Loves. She said loves, not loved in the past tense. She thinks he still feels the same way, which is mind blowing. I thought that by now Cedric would’ve fallen in love with someone he met at college and forgotten all about me.

  Apparently, I was wrong.

  And for the first time in years, there’s an emotion that wells up in my chest, one I wasn’t sure I would ever feel again.


  * * *

  The past few weeks since seeing Cedric at the doctor’s office have been horrible. It’s taken twice the number of pills to get me through each day because I can’t stop thinking about him.

  Not that I ever really did, but it was easier when the memory of his face and his steel-blue eyes weren’t fresh in my mind. The way he touched me and kissed me was intense and amazing, leaving me impatient for more.

  And his promise that he would see me again soon isn’t helping.

  I want to know how soon is a few months. Two? Three? Four? Normally, none of those would be a large amount of time; but lately, days feel like years as I wait with no way of getting in touch with Cedric. Well, unless I want to track down the Savage Kings. I refuse to do that, not with how closely Lowell keeps an eye on the searches I make on my laptop and my phone. He even looks through the history of shows I’ve streamed. I have no clue what he’s looking for, and he’s never told me I can’t watch any particular show. Still, he treats me like a child, and I hate it. I hate him, more so with every second I’ve had to spend with him after seeing Cedric.

  Lowell has noticed too, because I’ve been unable to completely hide my feelings. I’ve been more disobedient than before, less inclined to put up with his shit.

  Like this morning when Lowell woke me up by climbing on top of me, pulled my panties to the side and thrusted in deep without any foreplay or lube.

  He’s such a selfish asshole. While his behavior is nothing new, and he paid a lot of money for me to be his on-demand whore, today I just can’t let it slide. One time with Cedric and I’m spoiled to the way he made me feel good without asking for anything in return.

  “God, Lowell,” I groan as I turn my face to the side. “Couldn’t you at least try to get me wet first? And a little toothpaste goes a long way first thing in the morning.”

  “Feel plenty wet to me,” he says. “You’re always dripping wet lately. Can’t get enough, can you?”

  That’s solely because of Cedric.

  I kept the memories of being with him fresh for weeks after our night together. That’s what helped me get through the first few months married to Lowell.

  But eventually, they began to fade away until his face became blurry and I couldn’t remember how his touch made me feel.

  Now, after the day in the doctor’s office, I’m not sure I could ever forget how damn good Cedric looked or his devouring kisses again. He’s right. He’s not the same boy I left behind. In fact, he’s tougher, stronger, and I enjoy the thought that one day he may very well kick Lowell’s ass.

  * * *


  The grand opening of the new and improved Avalon is a huge production. Savage Kings from all over the country come in to support the venture, much like they did when Savage Ink reopened.

  And while I can certainly appreciate the amazing bodies of the naked women on stage, I’m here drinking with the guys and celebrating for a different reason.

  The reopening of Avalon means that, in just a few weeks, the members will each reap the rewards of a very lucrative business. Not to mention all the additional money pouring in from up on the second floor where we’re now live streaming six different girls all day long.

  The women get to live in the apartments for free and earn a commission of the profits that come in; and, of course, they can turn off their web camera any time they want for a little privacy, but the Kings are the ones raking in the big bucks on subscriptions.

  “How’s it going, kid?” Roman, the president of the Myrtle Beach Savage Kings, asks when he comes over with a bottle of beer in his hand and takes the empty seat at the table I’m sharing with Ian and Maddox. “No permanent scarring from our kidnapping and assault?”

  “Only emotional scars,” I joke with him, banging my fist against the left side of my chest. His men roughed me up a little and tried to scare the shit out of me, but all I left with were a couple of aches and bruises, along with a beautiful black and chrome 1200 Custom Harley. Totally worth it.

  “Glad to hear that,” Roman replies with a chuckle. “This is a damn nice setup you guys have got here. I bought all of my men yearly subscriptions to the shows upstairs as an early Christmas present.”

  “Thanks, man. We appreciate your support,” Ian says, raising his beer to cling it against Roman’s.

  Seeing Roman and the Myrtle Beach charter suddenly gives me an idea about how to earn even more money for Rita.

  “How hard is it to organize a charity ride?” I ask the three men at the table.

  “No clue,” Ian says. “You guys have them all the time, don’t you, Roman?”

  “Yeah, not much to it really,” he explains. “You pick a good cause, set a date, and then spread the word with the other Savage Kings charters and even all the other MCs in the area. As long as you offer free food and booze afterward, you’ll rake in plenty of dough for the charity.”

  “Why do you ask?” Maddox questions me.

  “I think I’d like to organize a ride for someone. She’s been struggling with kidney failure for years and is waiting for a transplant, all without insurance. Her dialysis and prescriptions aren’t cheap, not to mention doctor visits and all. Think we could do something for her?”

  “I don’t see why not,” Ian responds. “Bring it to the table during our next meeting and get a vote for it.”

  “Okay, I will,” I agree. With the money I bring in from my shares of the Kings’ businesses and a charity ride, I may finally have enough cash to take care of Rita and get Evelyn away from Lowell by the first of the year.

  * * *

  “Business is even better than before, and our quarterly payouts should be ready next month,” Torin tells the group as we all sit at the Savage Kings table in the chapel. It’s only my fifth meeting, and I still haven’t gotten used to having an actual seat with these guys. The seat is Gabriel’s, but we’ll add another once he gets out of prison. Still, when Torin asks if there’s any other business, I don’t hesitate to speak up.

  “I was talking to Ian and Maddox about a possible charity run,” I say, then fill them in on all of Rita’s details. “What do you all think? Would you support it as an official Savage Kings’ event?”

  “Sounds good to me,” Abe agrees.

  “Me too,” Chase says. “Let’s vote it.”

  “All in favor?” Torin asks, and everyone speaks up with a yea. “There you go, kid. Congrats on your first project.”

  “Thanks,” I tell them. “I really appreciate you all offering to help. And, ah, that brings me to another issue.”

  “What’s that?” Torin mutters, as if he knows it could be bad.

  “Soon, I’m going to do something, and it may bring trouble to the MC if I do it while wearing my cut.”

  “Let’s hear it,” War urges.

  “There’s this girl, a woman…”

  “Isn’t there always,” Dalton says with a chuckle.

  “She’s currently with a member of the Dirty Aces,” I add, which causes a few grumbles among the guys. “But only because he’s using his illegally obtained drug money to help her
mother with medical bills.”

  “Let me guess,” Reece says. “She’s the daughter of the woman you want to help with the charity ride?”

  “Yes,” I answer.

  “Which member is she with?” Chase asks like he’s familiar with the group.

  “Lowell Rogers. Do you know him?”

  “Yeah, I’ve heard of him before,” Chase responds. “Guy is a class A dick leftover from the Ace of Spades.”

  “He’s possessive and controlling. Evelyn can’t go anywhere without him except to take her mom to the doctor, and he only lets her visit twice a fucking week.”

  “I can’t speak for the entire table on this,” Torin starts. “But I would tell you that in this situation, do whatever you need to do, need being the operative word here. You’ve got a good head on your shoulders and won’t do anything unnecessarily stupid. I don’t think.”

  “I agree,” Miles speaks up and says. “And don’t even think of taking that cut off unless you’re dead, and even then, we’re going to put it back on your corpse and bury you in it.”

  “You should all know that this is the reason I prospected for the Kings; not the only reason but one of the big ones.”

  “The group is stronger than the individual,” Cooper says. “That’s not rocket science. Most of us joined the Kings because we wanted to be part of something greater, a brotherhood that has your back no matter what.”

  “Thanks,” I tell the men. “Lowell is a nasty piece of work, one who was holding the money Evelyn needed over her head. I couldn’t do anything to help her a few years ago, but soon I’m going to try.”

  “Good luck,” Ian says. “Sounds like you’re going to need it.”

  “Yeah, and there’s one last thing,” I say. “I’m ready to get inked. And while I wish Gabriel was here to do it, would you all mind if I ask Krista or Jesse to give me the bearded skull king back tattoo?”

  “I’m sure Gabriel would want to do it himself; but if you asked him, I know he would tell you to go ahead and get your tat from one of his associates at Savage Ink,” Abe, Gabriel’s brother, tells me.

  “Agreed,” Ian adds. He and Abe don’t normally have much in common except for their love of Harleys, but lately they are brothers in arms, grieving and counting down the days until Gabriel gets released from prison.

  “Gabriel’s the best, but I’ve seen their work and Jesse and Krista are amazing artists in their own right,” Torin says. “Get your skull king. You’ve earned it.”

  “I appreciate that,” I tell him, planning to do just that as soon as our meeting is over.

  Chapter Eleven


  My first payout as a King is more money than I’ve earned in my entire life, from all the odd jobs I’ve worked put together. It’s…substantial, to say the least, since the guys threw in a big bonus, paying me for all the nights I spent monitoring the security while I was a prospect. At the time, it was just one of the many things I was told to do without payment to prove I wanted to become a Savage King. Now, I’m reaping the benefits, and I couldn’t be more grateful.

  The charity ride went off without a hitch. It was a huge success thanks to the guys helping promote it, and all of our other charters chipping in to help. In the end, we raised over fifty-thousand dollars.

  My earnings and the fundraiser won’t cover Rita’s expenses forever, but they are a damn good start.

  That’s why I go ahead and take the next step of my plan. After making a few phone calls, I take a drive back to Carolina Beach.

  “Cedric!” Rita says with a smile when she answers the apartment door. “It’s so good to see you again.”

  “You too,” I say as I give her a hug. “And I need you to do me a favor.”

  “A favor? Well, I’m not sure what I can do for you, but whatever it is, I’ll try my best.”

  After we sit down, I go over the details of my plan and ask her, “So, how would you feel about moving?”

  “I can start packing my bags right now,” she says.

  “Are you sure? I know you have a doctor here and all, but I found you one in Wilmington who is supposed to be the best nephrologist on the east coast. And I’ll drop whatever I’m doing to take you down there for every appointment.”

  “I wasn’t all that crazy about Dr. York. She’s just the only nephrologist in town.”

  “So, you’ll do it? You’ll move?”

  “Just tell me when and give me a little time to pack. I get tired easily nowadays, but I can get it done.”

  “You don’t need to lift a finger,” I tell her. “I’ve got movers who are ready to come pack up your things tonight if you’re on board.”

  “Well, it sounds like you’ve thought of everything.”

  “I had a lot of time to plan,” I remind her and then glance at the time on my phone. “Evelyn will be here soon. Do you think you can convince her?”

  “Oh yeah. Just watch and see,” Rita says with a wink.

  * * *


  Sunday, I wake up with a bad feeling, like something awful is about to happen. Impending doom I would even call it.

  That’s why I nearly break the door down in my haste to get into my mom’s house when Lowell and I ring the doorbell, but she doesn’t answer.

  “Mama? Mom? Are you here?” I call out as I move through the living room, tossing my purse on the sofa to hurry down the hall to her bedroom which is where I finally find her. “Mama! What are you doing in bed?” I ask in concern as I rush to her side.

  “Ev? Ev is that you?” she whispers, barely cracking open her eyes.

  “Yeah, Mama. It’s me,” I tell her. “What’s wrong? Do I need to call the doctor or take you to the emergency room?”

  “No, dear. I just woke up feeling a little dizzy today and could barely find the energy to get out of bed.”

  Behind me I hear Lowell’s heavy sigh.

  “Why didn’t you call me? I would’ve come over sooner,” I tell her. “Have you taken your meds today?”

  “Not yet. I just…didn’t have the…energy.”

  “I’ll go get them right now and fix you something to eat,” I say as I feel her forehead, checking for a fever. Thankfully, her skin is not burning up.

  Lowell follows me back into the kitchen where I start pulling out some pans, then laying out eggs from the refrigerator. I have to cook up something quickly, since she probably hasn’t had anything to eat or drink all day if she’s too weak to get out of bed. “I think I need to stay with her, at least until she can get up and down on her own again,” I tell him.

  “Fine,” he grumbles. “But if she’s not better by the morning, I’ll have a nurse come stay with her.”

  While from most people I would appreciate the offer of an in-home nurse to keep a check on my mother, I know that Lowell isn’t being charitable. He doesn’t give a rat’s ass about my mother. The only thing he likes about her is that she gives him leverage over me. He doesn’t want me to stay here without him for more than one night.

  “I’ll come by to get you at eleven in the morning,” he tells me when he strolls over and grabs my chin to give me a peck on the lips before he waltzes out the door. I stand there frozen and listen to see if he’s really leaving. Eventually, the Suzuki he recently bought whines to life and then grows distant as he drives back to our apartment or to who the hell knows where. I don’t care really, as long as he’s not here.

  I finish making my mom’s eggs; then put it on a tray with a glass of water and her morning pills to take it to her in her room.

  I’m surprised to see her sitting up and looking spritely, when just moments ago she seemed so frail.

  “Are you feeling better?” I ask when I set the tray down on her bedside table.

  “Why, yes, I am,” she agrees with a smile.

  “But…I don’t understand. You were so weak. I thought I was going to have to take you to the hospital!”

  “Sorry about that,” a man’s deep voice says from behind my
back, startling me because I assume it’s Lowell sneaking back into the house. But when I spin around, Cedric is standing in the doorway, dressed in his leather cut with a white tee underneath, loose jeans and black boots.

  “Cedric?” I say in surprise. Then I remember his promise from the doctor’s office. The next time you see me will be the last time you ever have to see Lowell again.

  “Does this mean…”

  “I just gave Rita a seventy-five-thousand-dollar check,” he says. “That’ll pay the bills for a few months, won’t it?”

  “Uh-huh,” I agree with my jaw gaping.

  “Movers are on the way. I’m taking you and your mother to Emerald Isle. We’ll have you both settled in before the sun comes up tomorrow.”

  “You’re serious?” I ask. It sounds too good to be true. Would I really never have to see Lowell again or go back to the apartment I’ve been trapped in for years? There’s nothing of value of mine there, just clothes he bought and things that can be easily replaced. I keep my most valuable possession on me — my seashell bracelet. All of our family photos are here, with my mother. I have my purse with my driver’s license and phone, which is all I need.

  “I’m serious,” Cedric responds as he walks over to me and takes my hand. “But I’m not going to make you do anything, Ev. Ever. You know that, right? I hope this is what you still want, but it’s your decision.”

  “Lowell is crazy, Cedric,” I tell him. “He’ll come looking for me.”

  “I know,” he says. “Will he track your phone?”

  “Oh shit. Yes,” I answer.

  “Good. That’s what I’m betting on,” he responds smoothly. “But you don’t have to worry about that. Just trust me when I promise you that I won’t let him touch you again. So, what do you say?”

  I pull my hand from his so that I can throw my arms around his neck. “Thank you,” I whisper while placing a kiss on his scruffy cheek when he squeezes me back. “I don’t deserve your kindness.”


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