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The Romeo Arrangement: A Small Town Romance

Page 36

by Nicole Snow

  I’m dangerously happy here, living a lie so beautiful I never want it to end.

  I keep smiling at my reflection in the mirror, full of if-onlys.

  If only Ridge loved me.

  If only I wasn’t...well, me.

  I’m so not the kinda catch a movie star marries. He’s Prince Charming in lethally sexy flesh. I’m a freaking peasant.

  Ridge slides so easily into being Mr. Normal that it’s easy to forget. Sure, a wickedly handsome and very loaded kind of normal but...

  Normal in his laughter. Normal in his dreams. Everything except normal when he kisses me so hard I start believing in wishes again.

  Seeing the show he put on for Clay and his goons reminded me just how good of an actor he is.

  Fortunately, I look the part of a princess tonight.

  The dress I’ve chosen is royal blue, strapless, and there’s no chance of my boobs falling out.


  A shudder ripples through me, though, remembering that time Ridge walked in while I’d been trying on dresses not so long ago.

  I shouldn’t even dare to want a rerun.

  No way.

  After tonight, this last big shindig, I have a feeling I’m destined to turn into a pumpkin as far as he’s concerned.

  Not that he’d throw me out on the street or anything—though maybe that’d be easier—rather, he has to turn me loose soon.

  “Need some help, darlin’? Here.” He crosses the room, and I try not to tremble when I feel his hands on my back.

  He zips me up, the one thing I hadn’t done yet. His chiseled face behind me completes the look, like I’ve morphed into someone else.

  If only it was that easy.

  I put my hair up using the gold filigree barrette clasp Bebe sent with the dresses. It leaves a few loose waves around my face. The high-end makeup does its job, too.

  Glancing at myself in the mirror as I step into the black heels, another special delivery, I’m surprised by the image staring back at me.

  It’s me, obviously, but the reflection is a woman who’s actually pretty. Sophisticated. Halfway worthy of a man like Ridge Barnet.

  Amazing what an outfit worth more than any vehicle I’ve ever owned can do for a girl.

  “You know, you haven’t looked at me once,” he whispers, tucking his chin against my shoulder, pushing soft, warm breath to my throat. “What’s the matter, Grace? Figured out how fucking knockout sexy you are and now this boy isn’t good enough? Look at me, darlin’.”

  Slowly, tenderly, and yes, seductively, he turns me around to face him.

  He’s wearing the tux. The same one Tobin resumed fussing over as soon as he could walk again, and oh my God.

  Pure electric desire rushes through my system, threatening to short-circuit every inch of me.

  My body heats like fire at the points where his hands linger on my waist.

  “Holy hell,” I whisper. “You look—”

  “Fuckable? I hope that’s the next word you planned on coming out of your mouth.” His grin makes it hard to stay conscious. “Because I’m all healed up from my dustup, and later, Miss Sellers...I’d love to pick up right where we left off.”

  There’s no doubt whatsoever what he means.

  Not with his finger grazing down my back, tracing my spine, languidly running across my ass.

  “Almost forgot. I also have this for you,” he says, breathing into my ear while this small shiny thread materializes from nowhere.

  A necklace. And he does the honors, draping it over my neck.

  Glancing down, I see a string of pearls. Very expensive ones.

  “The pearls belonged to my mom a long time ago. She never wore them since she was young,” he whispers. “Beautiful things deserve to be seen on beautiful people, not locked up in a box. And, Grace, tonight you’re fucking dynamite.”

  “Oh, Ridge. I can’t. This was’s too special,” I say, stunned that he’s giving me the honor.

  “Exactly. Was hers. Now it’s yours.” He kisses my shoulder before twisting me around, showing off my look of shock in the mirror. “It’s too perfect with that dress. Don’t make me drag Tobin in here for a second opinion.”

  I smile, knowing I should protest, but it’s only one night.

  So I nod and step away, moving to the closet to grab this stylish white velour cape. “Is everyone else ready?”

  “They’re waiting on us,” he says, taking the cape. He drapes it over my shoulders and ties the silk strings under my chin. “As much as I’d love to linger and unwrap you right damn now, best not to keep the people waiting.”

  I want to loop my arms around him, kiss him like mad, but I resist the urge.

  If there was ever a time to start weaning myself off him, it’s now.

  Ridge and I take his dually pickup, while Tobin, using a cane I’d found in the antiques a few weeks ago, rides with Dad and Jackie in her car. It’s easier for him to get in and out.

  “No reason to be nervous,” Ridge says as we’re driving along the highway. “You’re about to shock and awe everybody in the room. I don’t care how rich they are or how many film credits they’ve got.”

  I pinch my lips together, continuing to look out the side window. “There’s also no reason to keep up this game, Ridge. Clay’s in jail. Dad and I are safe. We can go anytime.”

  “Sure you can. Once the trial’s over and your Ford gets repaired.”

  Oh, Jesus.

  The truck. It’s probably totaled.

  Jess had it towed to town along with the new truck Tobin was in when they ran him off the road. With everything else going on the past week, it totally skipped my mind.

  “Where do you think you’ll end up? Back in Wisconsin? I’m sure a judge would give you the farm back.”

  I shrug. “It’s up to Dad. Mostly.”

  “Don’t you have a say?”

  It hardly matters. The only thing I know is I’m going to need time to heal from all of this.

  “I’m sure we’ll discuss it at some point,” I say glumly.

  “Just as long as you’re happy wherever you end up,” he says, a sharpness in his eyes. “Whether that’s Wisconsin or Wyoming or right here in little Dallas.”

  I nod, glance his way briefly, and then stare out the windshield. “He always wanted to see Montana. That’s where we were headed that first night, to my cousin Noelle’s farm.” Tears sting my eyes, hot emotion ambushing me, but I need to tell him. “We can’t stay with you forever, Ridge. Dad wants a fresh start and so do I. The sooner the better.”

  His silence scares me, this quiet storm building.

  But it also tells me I’m doing the right thing, getting everything out in the open.

  I mean, if he had, by some freakish miracle, fallen in love with me, he’d have said so...right?

  And I can’t say boo about it either way because he’s already done far too much for us.

  I can’t stand putting more on his shoulders.

  I know what that’s like thanks to Dad, carrying someone else.

  “We’ll talk about it tonight. After we get home,” he says firmly but not angrily. “Right now, we’ve got a hotel full of people looking for a rush of fun. Let’s give them what they expect.”

  “You’re right. Sorry. I’m not trying to ruin anything. We’ll knock ’em dead.”

  I smile, reach across the console, and take his hand.

  If this is my last night as Ridge’s bride-to-be, let’s go out with fireworks.

  The hotel looks bigger and fancier than I thought.

  It’s this place from the fifties by the interstate with a grand banquet hall. A natural backdrop for the rich and famous, an elegant small-town gem.

  I find out later it’s been renovated recently with a community grant from North Earhart Oil, Drake and Bella Larkin putting the old Reed fortune to good use, making Dallas shine.

  There’s a huge buffet set out, tables, a dance floor, a live band, and an open bar—thank God.
/>   A stiff drink sounds nice right about now. Liquid courage never hurt a girl.

  The room is already swarming with people when we arrive, and there must be ten cameras for every guest.

  Ridge introduces me to so many familiar faces of people I’ve never met. All well-known stars, reporters, businessmen, and badass ladies showering us with wishes as this happy new couple.

  Like I need even more reminders I don’t belong in his life.

  They’re all very nice and surprisingly grounded, though, and Ridge is his usual cocky, fun-loving self.

  He leads me through the crowd, the introductions, making it feel just a little more effortless.

  Bonus: he’s deliciously encouraging with his hands.

  Every time he touches me, I melt a little more inside.

  Which, let’s be real, is all the freaking time when his arm rests snug around me or his hand is in mine if it’s not on the small of my back.

  My ears burn as an actor tells Ridge he can’t wait to see him on the screen again.

  “It’s a decent script. Another Western thriller, they want me to be Mr. Tortured Outlaw Man. Considering recent events, I’m up for the job.” Ridge chuckles. “Guess filming starts in a few months.”

  Ridge’s words echo in my head.

  I thought he was done with film?

  They go back and forth, bantering about working together again, all the things that happened during their last film.

  Bebe joins our small group a minute later. She’s ecstatic as she mentions how Hollywood is already buzzing over the new film, and then starts talking about schedules, producers, directors, writers, and plenty more that makes my head spin.

  I spot Alicia and Amy near the bar and excuse myself from the group, but I only take a few steps when Bebe grasps my elbow.

  “That dress looks amazing on you, doll,” she says, flashing this smile that could eat up the entire world.

  “Thanks for sending it, plus the other stuff. I’d be a lot less impressive if I had to go digging in my own wardrobe.”

  “All part of the deal! Which, I need to thank you for again,” she rushes out beneath her breath. “My God, the magic you worked on that man...”


  “Yes, you! Who else? Ridge agreed to do more movies because of you.” She elbows me with surprising strength for being such a pint-sized woman. “I think someone’s in love. Honey, keep a leash on him, whatever you’re’s working beautifully for you both.”


  Just when I didn’t think anything else could shock me tonight, here comes an atom bomb.

  My insides sink.

  Because of me, she said.

  I’ve chased him out of his home.

  Out of retirement.

  Back into everything he hates.

  “Excuse me,” I force out. “I just...I need to speak to someone.”

  “Of course,” Bebe chirps. “Enjoy the night, and thank you again. Lord knows I tried everything to woo him back to the screen for years, and you did it in weeks. The Prince is back, and I don’t think anyone cares about the why!”

  I nod, swallowing the bitter taste in the back of my throat.


  I’m overwhelmed. The terrifying, exhilarating possibility that Ridge feels something deeper makes my heart pound.

  It’s insane even considering it when we’re worlds apart.

  Still...he cut a deal for more films, the very thing he hates, all so he could slay my dragon.

  All for little old me.


  “Hey, Grace! Over here!” Amy calls out, seeing me blundering around like a lost gazelle. “Who’d you kill for that dress?”

  She gives me a hug, and so does Alicia.

  “It does the job. You two look fantastic.”

  Honestly, they do. Amy has her long hair curled and pinned up, while Alicia’s hangs long and straight.

  “You have no idea. It’s a relief to get out of mom attire for once!” Amy lifts her dress. “Heels even. No yoga pants, t-shirts, and Crocs tonight.”

  “No ponytails either,” Alicia says, flicking her hair with a smile. “I haven’t worn a formal since high school. I swear, the entire town is here. Look, Bella Larkin brought the big guns!”

  I look over and see a curvy, elegant-looking woman with piercing eyes and styled brunette waves. She’s in a long flowing baby-blue dress, Drake Larkin hanging on her arm.

  “Damn,” Amy hisses, watching them float through the crowd. “I wonder if they feel upstaged, having folks even richer and more famous than they are here tonight? Then again, with Ridge moving here, that’s kinda already happened. They’re rich and famous but not star famous.”

  “Amy, hush!” Alicia jabs her sister playfully in the side. “They’re good people. If only they’d brought Edison to the party. Did you hear what that crazy horse did last week?”

  I shake my head.

  “While the ruckus with the cops and those thugs was going down at your place, Edison chased down this punk kid who thought it’d be cute to steal fireworks from the Dallas Days festival coming up next month.” Alicia smiles, shaking her head. “I guess Bella took Edna into town for a stroll, and Edison went looking for his mare. It’s true what they say, he’s part bloodhound. And I guess he’s an honorable deputy of the Dallas Police now, too.”

  “Only thing I wonder is which one’s luckier,” Amy says, her eyes following the happy couple. “Him for marrying a girl that rich, or her for marrying a dude that hot.”

  I smile and shake my head. Of course, I’ve heard the story of Bella, Drake, and Edison a dozen times. Bella seems so normal making the rounds. It’s easy to forget she inherited her grandfather’s massive wealth and an oil company.

  Drake didn’t come from money. He was a salt of the earth security type from what Ridge told me. And yet somehow the stars decided they were meant to be.

  They met.

  They fell in love.

  They’re clearly making it work.

  Could that be my ever after with Ridge?

  “Uh-oh, watch out!” Amy claps her hands against her cheeks, leaning toward me. “See over there? Miss Marcellus, our old gym teacher. She’s never seen in public.” She nods at an older woman with short grey hair and what looks like a permanent scowl glued to her face.

  “She looks scary,” I say.

  “She is!” they both yell simultaneously.

  “What’s wrong tonight, Grace?” Amy asks. “You look down.”

  Amy Berland’s keen insight is one of many reasons why I enjoy our friendship.

  “I’m just a little overwhelmed.” Glancing around the crowded room, I nod at their wine glasses when my gaze makes it back to them. “I need another drink.”

  They look at each other, then at me.

  “Oh, we know exactly what you need,” Amy says with a wicked smile.

  “We’ll fix you up right,” Alicia echoes.

  A few minutes later, all three of us have a shot of tequila, salt on our other hands, and a lime wedge.

  “On the count of three,” Alicia says. “One. Two. Three!”


  I lick the salt, toss back the shot, and stick the lime in my mouth, sucking out the juice as I swallow the tequila.

  It’s still burning on the way down when hands circle my waist from behind. I gasp, unsure whether it’s the shot or Ridge’s very capable hands drawing the air out of me.

  “Tequila shots?” he asks.

  I shrug. “It’s not a party until Captain T shows up.”

  My insides sink at the puzzled way Amy and Alicia look at me.

  “It’s a joke,” I say. “Something we always said in college.”

  They both burst out laughing.

  “I need you for a minute,” Ridge growls in my ear.

  Waving at Amy and Alicia, I walk away with him.

  “Don’t do that to yourself,” he says, once we’re out of earshot.

  “Do what?”
  “Look so freaked, thinking you’d embarrassed yourself in front of them. Darlin’, they love you and so does damn near everybody you’ve met in this town. You’re cutting yourself short again.” He stops, steps in front of me, and cups my face. “I know you’ve been through hell. It doesn’t define who you are. What matters is how you came through it. Head up and standing tall. Own that, woman. Be proud of yourself. You know I am.”

  Heaven help him, he gets a smile out of me.

  Still, a pep talk isn’t what I need right now. More tequila sounds better.

  Grabbing his hand, I lace my fingers through his and squeeze.

  “You don’t need to do this anymore, you know,” I whisper.

  “Do what?”

  I can’t look him in the eyes.

  “This hero act. Being extra nice to me like we’re more than a couple mixed-up people who got tossed together. It’s over...or it will be soon, I guess.”

  No sooner had the words come out than I know I’ve made a mistake.

  He runs his hands over my shoulders, down my arms, and cups my waist. Then he pulls me closer so our hips collide.

  “Is it?” he wonders, that sinful smolder in his voice. “Doesn’t feel one damn bit over, Grace. Not to me.”

  Oh, my. I hold my breath against the hot frenzy of emotion.




  Stir them up together and you’ve got one heady cocktail. I’m not even sure I want that tequila anymore when I’m drunk on this infuriating, sexy, all-too-hard-to-crack man.

  “So I heard something interesting,” I say softly, laying my hands over his shoulders. “Bebe told me I’m the reason you agreed to give Hollywood another chance.”

  “I told you from the beginning I’d do anything and everything I could to help you and Nelson. Bebe risked her ass arranging this party, working her contacts for the drugs that set up the sting operation. She wanted a few more movies in return, so I agreed.”

  “I still can’t believe how many drugs he was packing.” A shiver ripples through me. “Why, Ridge? Why did you do something so dangerous?”

  We lock eyes. Those gems of his glow like bright-blue flames, his expression pure stone.

  “The fact that you’re even asking tells me I’d better show you. C’mon.”


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