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The Horsemen Gather: An Urban Fantasy Action Adventure (The Unbelievable Mr. Brownstone Book 17)

Page 20

by Michael Anderle

  He tapped his AllBand a few more times to send along some images he had intercepted of James battling Fortis agents outside the Leanan Sidhe.

  “In addition, there is little evidence that any tactical-scale magic or technology available on Earth presents a serious threat to Brownstone any longer, including most of the tactical-scale weapons available to the Alliance. Therefore, it is imperative that the humans agree that we take possession of Brownstone. Without the support of his government and with surprise, it might be possible to capture Brownstone. Since the humans obviously don’t trust the Alliance, it is my recommendation that we provide them with a technology sample that proves our good intentions. Altering the course of their technological development wouldn’t violate general policies, given that the course of their history has already been heavily manipulated by the open use of magic.”

  Sentry 8224 took a deep breath, unsure of his next statement, but also understanding it was where the evidence led him.

  “Lastly, it is my recommendation that a fleet presence be established in this system until such time as we take custody of James Brownstone or he’s killed. After analyzing human technology and magic in addition to reviewing Sentry 7921’s reports, I believe that it should be easy to conceal a number of ships as long as we keep them in the outer system. Their technological detection methods remain crude, and their experiments suggest that the range and power of magical spells is limited off Earth. Please note; it is important that we conceal the fleet. The humans will not knowingly tolerate the presence of a fleet in their system.”

  A few firm confirmatory beeps issued from the AllBand and he transmitted the message. It was up to his superiors now.

  The Vax knelt in front of the central spire of the Temple, his eyes closed as he murmured a prayer. As First, it was his solemn duty to lead and protect his people the best way he knew how: by cleansing the galaxy of all threats.

  The last few cycles had gone well. Only a few Forerunners had failed. Most had sent out their pulses, and the Vanguard had gone to meet them. Death had followed. The cleansing of worlds that might threaten his people continued. The Culling Path continued to protect them.

  Light footsteps sounded behind the First.

  He opened his eyes but didn’t turn around. “What is it?”

  “I apologize for disrupting your prayers, First, but an unusual signal was detected.”

  “A Forerunner calls for the Vanguard?” The First stood and turned to stare at the robed Vax behind him.

  “No. The signature was Forerunner energy, but it wasn’t a hyperspace pulse.”

  The First narrowed his eyes. Many of the technical details of the Culling Path eluded him, as did those of the bonded. When he was younger, it had bothered him, but now he had faith that every Vax had a part to play. His was to lead, not to understand the minutiae of hyperspace pulses.

  “Clarify,” he demanded. “And be efficient about it, servitor.”

  The other Vax blinked his yellow eyes a few times. “It’s…you see… We believe a Forerunner used transformation abilities near existing portals, perhaps those generated by other races. Somehow it resonated in a way that we were able to detect it, as if the signal was amplified.”

  “Other races with portal technology?” The First shook his head. “This isn’t acceptable. They must be Culled. They are a threat to our people and our planet. Why hasn’t the Forerunner called for the Vanguard if he’s using his abilities?”

  “That’s the other important finding,” the servitor explained. “Given what we detected, we believe this is the Heretic Child.”

  The First’s breath caught. He almost fell to his knees to weep at the good fortune bestowed on them. The years might have passed, but the Heretic Child had never left his thoughts. His parents might have paid with their lives, but they’d wasted a Forerunner and sent him off to some unknown place.

  “It will be difficult, First, but from what I’ve been told, we can use this resonance to track the Heretic Child,” the servitor continued. “But we need your permission to send the Vanguard.”

  “No.” The First shook his head. “The purity of the Heretic Child is questionable.”

  “But he’s using transformation abilities. He is a bonded, then, and performing his duty as part of the Culling Path.”

  The First turned back toward the spire. “We cannot be sure his symbiont rules him. Send a Purifier. Once he has found the Heretic Child, he will call the Destroyers directly to Cull the world.”

  The servitor gasped but didn’t say anything. The First knew what he was thinking. His plan varied from the official Culling Path dogma, but some perversions couldn’t be allowed to exist.

  “Conflict comes from impurity,” the First intoned. “Purity breeds strength. And strength will protect the Vax.”

  The Artifact Enigma

  Hey - If you liked Daniel Winters, please check out The Artifact Enigma, book one in The Daniel Codex from Judith Berens.

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  Author Notes - Michael Anderle

  March 7, 2019

  THANK YOU for not only reading this story but these Author Notes as well.

  (I think I’ve been good with always opening with “thank you.” If not, I need to edit the other Author Notes!)

  RANDOM (sometimes) THOUGHTS?

  I know I mentioned in the last Author Notes (I think) that we are doing a Brownstone-type series with another character in his in the . That person is a and will handle the situations as they pop up, similar to Officer during the event at .

  I hope you look forward to it!

  Another James Brownstone idea we are tossing around is a road trip series. Maybe a book every 3-4 months when James goes on the road for BBQ and busting someone’s ass.

  I like to think of it as a kick-ass road trip series.

  You know, James gets bored, decides to try some Kansas City BBQ, and then someone does something stupid around him while he is there?

  Let us know what you think of that idea on the Facebook Group for Oriceran:

  In a couple of days, my wife and I are going to have dinner with Mark Dawson and his wife at their home in Salisbury, England. Mark offered to meet us someplace else since their town is where the Russian agents killed someone with horrific poison that sticks around. I explained I wasn’t too concerned if those who lived in the city were dealing with it just fine.

  Something new, something old.

  For those who have read enough of my author notes, you know I am a Texan by birth and lived there most of my life.

  You don’t just drop the attitude.


  One of the interesting (at least to me) aspects of my life is the ability to work from anywhere and at any time. In the future, I hope to re-read my own Author Notes and remember my life as a diary entry.

  London, England

  I’m looking out the window at Big Ben (most of it is covered up as they work on it, but the clock face is almost staring right at me.) We are here for the London Book Fair, which is starting next week.

  I can’t honestly tell you what else I have to do today since my mind is goop. The trip from Las Vegas to New York and then New York to London went well enough, but I’m wondering if the height the planes fly is causing me breathing issues.

  I just find it harder to breath up in the air.


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  Go ahead. I bet you can’t read just one.

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  Review them so others have your thoughts, and tell friends and the dogs of your enemies (because who wants to talk to enemies?)… Enough said ;-)

  Ad Aeternitatem

  Michael Anderle

  Other series in the Oriceran Universe:

  Other series in the Oriceran Universe:












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