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Exposed (The Broken Soul Series Book 3)

Page 10

by Jenny Phillips

  “Are you okay?” He searched my face.

  “Yeah, I’ll be all right. I just need food and sleep.” Rylan helped tuck me in to my bed and pulled the covers up around me.

  “You don’t want to eat anything first?”

  “I don’t think I can stay awake. If you’ll stay and make sure I’m safe I really need to sleep.” I shouldn’t trust Rylan, however, he’d shown me that he cared and would protect my well-being no matter who threatened me.

  “I’m not going anywhere. You can eat when you wake up.”

  I felt him stroke my hair and fell asleep fast.

  I woke a short while later to Rylan talking heatedly on the phone.

  “How do you know it’s them?” he demanded harshly but barely above a whisper. He waited for an answer and I could see him tug his hair with his hand in frustration. “Okay. Thanks. I’ll let Stephen know.”

  He hung up the phone and saw that I was awake. “Hey. Feel better?”

  “A little. Now I’m just starving.”

  “Well, I don’t think you slept enough but I kept the pizza waiting for you.”

  I didn’t even waste any time with small talk—I shoveled in two pieces, barely pausing to breathe. Rylan watched me amused but only handed me a bottle of water. Once I’d sucked the entire bottle down I turned to Rylan and said, “Okay, fill me in.”

  His face paled as he searched for words.

  I prompted him, “Drugs?”

  “Oh. To keep you complacent, Stephen requests for anyone that’s being … um, kept here to take this medication that keeps your Gifts dulled.”

  “Which would be why I haven’t been able to use my Gifts at all.”


  “So it’s okay for Stephen to pump drugs in me for his safety, but it’s not okay for Tessa to overdose me because, you know, my safety.” I punched my pillow and buried my face into it. “I just want to go home,” I sobbed.

  “I’m sorry, Morgan, but you know that’s not possible.”

  “Why?” I still mumbled into the pillow. “Why am I here? I didn’t ask for any of this.”

  “You’re important.”

  I pulled my face out of the pillow. “I keep hearing that, but have no idea what anyone is talking about.”

  “Tonight. I’ll show you, tonight.”

  “Really?” I turned skeptical. “How?”

  “You’ll see.” Pulling his phone out again, he texted someone. He turned his focus back on me. “Zachary is turning tonight.”

  “I’m not sure I want to be there for tha—”

  “It will be good for you. It may help clear up some confusion and any questions you have.”

  I had to admit I was curious, but what if they tried to turn me? What if it was all a trap? Rylan had to know there was no way I would actually go through with something like that. I tried to imagine myself with red eyes like Stephen and I shuddered.

  “Are you cold?” He felt my forehead.

  “No. I just got a chill.”

  “Well you should probably rest up for the ritual tonight. I’m sure you could use a little more sleep.”

  Rolling over, I pulled the covers up around me. I barely slept at all. I tossed and turned in anticipation of the ritual … or was it dread?

  Chapter Ten


  We were on hotel number two in as many nights. My patience was only getting worse. None of the other team had any leads and my panic was growing. The longer we took the colder the trail would run. Nolan was following his gut and I had nothing to do but hope his instincts were right.

  “Here,” Maggie said, handing me a stale gas station sandwich. “You’re not going to be much help if you die of starvation.”

  “I can’t really eat not knowing what she’s going through.”

  “Stephen’s not exactly grandfather of the year,” Jackson jumped in, “but I know he feeds his prisoners.”

  I made a show of taking a bite. “Happy?”

  “I will be when you finish it.” Maggie’s face told me she wasn’t playing around. She handed one to Nolan with a smile and tossed another across the room to my brother.

  “Everyone needs to eat and get a minimum of four hours of sleep. I don’t care if you sleep here or in the car, but if you don’t sleep you don’t drive.”

  When did Maggie become our leader? It suited her. Nolan seemed to think so, too, as he stared at her adoringly. I choked the rest of the sandwich down and made it a point to show Maggie the barely chewed mouthful.

  “Lovely.” She laughed. “Thanks, Chase. I could’ve done without that but appreciate you humoring me.”

  I checked my phone for probably the millionth time that day. I knew Stephen wouldn’t be dumb enough to let Morgan have her phone but I hoped he’d slip up enough for her to sneak. “Hey, Jax,” I called.

  “Yeah?” He was now lying on the bed next to me.

  “Try really hard to connect with Kali, okay?”

  “That’s what I’m trying to do.”

  Maggie lay in the bed next to us while Nolan opted for the couch. He was still sitting erect and I knew from his rigid position he was concentrated on trying to Sense Morgan’s pull. I wasn’t one to advocate taking a break from tracking Morgan. However, Maggie made sense and even I could see Nolan was wearing himself out.

  “Hey, Nolan, you should probably get some sleep.”

  He rubbed his eyes wearily. “I know.”

  “You’re not going to last long at this rate.”

  “I feel like I owe it to her, you know?” He flopped back onto the couch. “She saved my life and now it’s my turn to pay her back. I can’t fail.”

  “I understand exactly how you feel.”

  I knew Maggie was probably observing our conversation but Jackson was already snoring softly next to me.

  “I’m glad you’re here, man.”

  “Ah, don’t start getting mushy on me now.”

  I let out a soft chuckle. “For real, though. I know we didn’t start out on the best foot, but things are different now and I’m glad you stuck.”

  “Chase, apology accepted.”

  “Thanks.” I sighed a breath of relief; he was letting me off the hook so easy. I’d felt bad asking Nolan for any favors but his forgiveness meant he didn’t see it like I was taking advantage. I meant it as more of an acceptance into our world. Just because the Council didn’t see him as one of us didn’t mean I agreed.

  I eventually drifted off and woke to the smell of coffee. Nolan was still sleeping soundly, as was Jackson. Maggie was already up and around. She carried the coffee cups and a bag of what smelled like doughnuts.

  “You know,” I said with a smile, “your rules apply to you, too.”

  “Well it’s a good thing I got my four hours in then,” she said smugly.

  “How?” I jumped up to look at the alarm clock. It was seven a.m. We’d slept six hours! “Wake up!” I yelled to the others. “It’s time to get moving!”

  Nolan jumped up, practically rolling off the couch. “Whaaa?”

  Jax didn’t even flinch. I kicked at him.

  “Get up,” I growled.

  “Shut up,” he mumbled back.

  “Didn’t you hear me?”

  “Dude, I think everyone in the building heard you.”

  “Then let’s get moving.”

  Nolan was sitting up. “Is that coffee I smell? Maggie, you are a saint.”

  “Yeah, you help balance out my brother’s crazy on this trip from hell.” Jackson jumped up and snagged a cup.

  “You have twenty minutes,” I warned. “Get ready, eat, whatever …”

  Nolan spoke up, “We definitely need to keep heading south.”

  “You’re sure?” I asked.


  “We need to check the weather reports.” Jackson blew on his coffee before taking a sip. “Wherever they were there was a nasty storm last night. Kali wasn’t a fan of all of the lightning.”

  “Has sh
e had any communication with Morgan?” I asked.

  “A little.” Jackson brightened. “They’ve found a way to leave each other notes.”

  “She’s okay, then?”

  “Yes, little brother. So far she’s okay.”

  I didn’t like the way he said so far.

  “Let’s get going as soon as we can. I can check the weather once we’re moving.”

  “Hey, Chase?” Maggie called.


  “I beat you to it. ‘Record setting lightning strikes Carolina Coast’,” she quoted.

  I turned to Nolan, hoping he’d have some insight as to which call to make.

  He shrugged. “It’s south. What else can we do?”

  The drive was starting to get irritating and boring. I watched Jax chew on his lip ring from the backseat.

  “You’re going to rip that out of your face.”

  “You sound like Mom.”

  “Someone has to be.”

  Jax flipped me off playfully.

  “Is it time to stop and stretch?”

  “No,” I said firmly.

  “I’m going to need a restroom soon,” Maggie added.

  “How much longer until we hit North Carolina?” Nolan asked.

  “We’re in North Carolina,” I answered, tightening my grip on the steering wheel.

  “Good. We’re definitely heading in the right direction.”

  “I’m starting to pick up a bit of a pull now, too,” I added.

  “Really?” Maggie asked with obvious surprise.

  I’d started feeling it not far from the North Carolina border. At first it was just a bit of a flutter in my stomach, but with each passing mile it grew greater and I knew we had to be on the right track, finally.

  “We should probably call Charles,” Jackson said, clearly eager to get back in the Elder’s good graces.

  “Not Charles,” I replied.

  “Fine, I’ll call Dad.”

  With the others notified and heading our direction, we’d soon pin down Morgan’s location. It would take a half day for everyone to be in North Carolina.

  It became clearer and clearer she was toward the bottom of the state. The closer we got the easier it should be to find her.


  Rylan had refused to leave me alone after the ceremony/ritual, whatever you wanted to call it. I called it disgusting and terrifying. Zachary spent most of the process on the floor convulsing while Stephen chanted ancient Latin and smeared his forehead with a concoction that looked eerily similar to blood. I had come back to my room and curled into a ball.

  I knew Nolan was close now, I could feel it. I told myself I only needed to hold out a little longer. I had begged Rylan to give me some space and after the previous day he wasn’t very quick to respect my wishes.

  I felt bad for the hurt and confusion he clearly wore on his face, but sighed in relief when he finally left to check in on Zachary who had been carried out unconscious. Rylan assured me that was a normal part of the process and I dutifully reminded him there was nothing normal about that process.

  Knowing my rescuers were getting closer caused me just as much anxiety as it did relief. There was no way I was getting out of here without a fight. I would be no help without my Gifts, and as I’m sure Kali had also been drugged—

  Kali!! I launched off my bed and quickly scrawled out a message letting her know they were close. She needed to be prepared.

  The best thing I could do was rest and try to flush my system. I would have to cut my food intake off and start drinking more fluids. Before I’d give Rylan time to protest it, I forced myself to close my eyes and sleep as much as I could.

  My stomach flipped at the thought of being near Chase again. I couldn’t let on that I knew, though, and would have to focus on not giving anything away. Knowing Chase he’d be rushing to get me out of here as soon as possible, but Charles would be cautious and calculated. He wouldn’t be quick to storm in without a strategy and weighing all of his options.

  I must’ve dozed off because I woke to slamming and shuffling in the hallway. Something was happening. Rylan threw the door open and I sat up so fast I should’ve given myself whiplash.

  “Remember when I said you needed to be ready fast?” His cheeks were pink and his hair wild. “That’s now. Start packing.”

  He tossed me a couple of trash bags. I tried to fight the panic. I couldn’t let him know Chase was close, but if we were packing they must already know.

  “That shouldn’t be hard,” I said, then tried to act casual. “Why the move?”

  He shrugged. “We always move unexpectedly. Keeps us off the radar.”

  “I know but this seems urgent.” I referred to the chaos in the hall and his flushed appearance.

  “Nah. Just have a lot to do quickly,” he lied.

  Chase had to be close and they knew it!

  Grabbing my arm, Rylan pulled me close. He had let his eyes slip to black when he had torn into the room, but now he focused on showing me the amber I preferred.

  “Stay right next to me, okay? When we leave there’s going to be chaos.”

  I nodded, feeling vulnerable being this close to his face.

  “Raven is still here,” he warned. “I don’t want her or Tessa to take advantage of the situation.”

  He was worried about my safety from Raven and I’d completely forgotten about her in my excitement for Chase’s arrival. Maybe he wasn’t aware of Chase after all … or perhaps his plea to stay close was nothing more than to make sure Chase couldn’t break me free.

  I started throwing things from the closet into one of the bags. Rylan must’ve been impatient because he went to my desk and threw in the few belongings he’d gotten for me. I could hear a commotion in Kali’s room through the thin closet walls.

  I flung my plastic bag over my shoulder and yelled to Rylan, “Help her!”


  I stomped my foot. “Kali! There’s something going on over there!”

  “She’s fine, Morgan. We have to get you out of here!”

  “No! I’m not going without her!”

  He clenched his jaw but after a second said, “Fine.” He thrusted the bag with my desk contents into my hands and dragged me behind him, out the door and into the hall. For having so much noise only minutes before it was completely deserted now.

  The door to Kali’s room was locked and it made me instantly sick to my stomach. Rylan kicked the door in, and behind him I heard Kali cry out in pain. I tried to use my speed but I was still barely faster than an average human. Kali was crumpled in a corner cowering from Tessa. Her nearly white eyes shone bright iridescent. She sneered as Rylan and I approached.

  “To think, I was this weak once.”

  “You were never this weak,” Rylan said, and I gawked at him until he finished. “You would’ve been too had you been drugged though.” He continued toward her. “What an unfair fight, Tessa,” he scolded. “I’m surprised you would even lower yourself.”

  I could only see his back as he advanced on her but by his menacing tone I was sure his eyes would be as black as night.

  Tessa jumped and appeared to cringe at an unknown presence but quickly gained her composure and said, “Nice try.”

  “Then try taking on an equal force instead of picking on—” Rylan went completely still for a moment and then went rigid.

  “What’s wrong, Rylan? Can’t fight back?” she practically purred. What was her Gift? I could help him if I knew what I was dealing with.

  “Morgan?” he called for me before she had a chance to reach him first.

  I stepped closer. “I’m right here.”

  “Remember what I said?”

  About sticking close? “Yeah,” I said slowly, and to prove it I slipped my hand in his. In an instant, Rylan’s body relaxed.

  Tessa’s rage overflowed in a howl. “You!” she screamed, and turned her accusatory eyes on me.

  Rylan jerked me back behind him. “Tessa has
the ability to momentarily take away my Gifts … well, that’s not true is it?” he taunted her, and I was just waiting for her head to explode in rage. “She can take away your senses. Technically, you could still use your Gifts—”

  I realized he was training me on how to take her down right as she charged us both.

  Rylan took the full force of her tackle while I slipped by to help Kali up. I shoved her into the hallway and glanced back at the two crashing around Kali’s room. I knew he wanted me to stay close but out in the hall with weakened powers Kali and I were sitting ducks. It appeared Rylan had the upper hand, so I tore down the stairs clinging to a girl I’d never actually met.

  Her light brown hair was wet with blood. I didn’t have time to check over her injuries; I had to focus on getting the two of us out of here. We’d just reached the front door when suddenly my legs were swept from underneath me. My jaw hit the ground so hard I felt my teeth rattle. Kali had let go of me and stumbled to the floor only slightly more graceful than I.

  Someone grabbed hold of my hair and lifted me off the ground. I struggled to get my feet under me to relieve the pain. I managed to turn around to face my attacker but knew who I’d see without ever taking a look.

  Chapter Eleven

  “Oh am I happy to see you again, pet.” Raven glared.

  Pet? “Wish I could say the same,” I managed through an excruciatingly painful jaw.

  “Where’s your boyfriend?”

  “Currently taking out Tessa.”

  “Not that one.” She shook me by my hair. “God, you’re so pathetic! I’m going to make him pay first … you realize that, right? And you’re going to watch. After I’ve had my fun with him then it will be your turn.”

  She opened her mouth again, spraying spit out when she said, “This is long overdue—” Stopping, she stared at me in confusion, then surprise as she looked down at her chest. The blue shirt she wore was stained in a growing flower of red. A fireplace poker jutted from her chest. She lost her grip on me and dropped to her knees. Rylan stood behind her looking pretty rough after his fight with Tessa. He dropped the other end of the poker and rushed to me.

  “I’m fine,” I assured him.

  He helped Kali to her feet and the three of us stepped outside into a war zone. There was chaos all around. Dirt and chunks of concrete flew up in the air. People were fighting in groups and one-on-one so that I wasn’t even able to make out a single familiar face. They were blurring too fast with their enhanced speed and powers. An electric pole popped and sparks rained down. The lights in the manor dimmed and then surged again before finally plunging into darkness.


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