Roland P D Omnibus

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Roland P D Omnibus Page 26

by Ruth DuCharme

  “Won’t you sit down and join me?”

  “No, no. Judge Judy is on and I don’t ever miss my Judge Judy.”

  Granny leaves me alone in the kitchen and its only seconds before I hear Judge Judy banging her gavel from the back room.

  I inhale my food. It’s been days since I’ve eaten and I’m glad no one is here to see me stuff my face. I finish my food and get up and go to the sink with my dirty plate. It’s only good manners to do the washing up when someone else has been kind enough to do the cooking.

  When I hear the doorbell ring I wait for Granny to answer it. Judge Judy seems to take precedence so I go to the door and peak through the window. It’s about time.

  Chapter One Hundred Eighteen

  I eagerly open the front to Camden and see he has brought Lizzie along. Camden picks me up in a bear hug and only sets me down when I pound on his shoulder. “Down boy!”

  “What the hell, Sarge?”

  “And hello to you too!” I turn to Lizzie, “I see you’ve seen fit to blab to fine Officer Noble.”

  “Get over it.”

  “You are putting her in danger bringing her here!”

  Lizzie butts in, “I know what I’m getting into and if you recall I’ve been through worse. I’m going nowhere.”

  I motion for Lizzie and Camden to sit and the plastic covered couch squeaks as they obey. I take my time filling them in on what’s happened so far.

  I don’t wait for questions. “You’re turn. Tell me what’s happening out there.”

  Camden wipes a hand over his eyes and sighs, “It’s what you’d expect. The rank and file have been going nuts looking for you. We’re out there riding two man units in case we get into some shit. We are under orders to contact all of our CI’s and O’Connell is on the war-path. He’s really worried, Sarge. I’ve never seen him like this before.”

  An elephant makes itself at home on my chest. O’Connell was like a father to me, especially since I’d never had one. “I’m sure he is. Camden, listen carefully. You can’t tell him what’s going on. Not yet. The least amount of people who know the best.”

  Camden and Lizzie glance at each other and I immediately pick up on their not so subtle “oh crap” looks. “What? What aren’t you telling me?”

  Lizzie speaks up for the first time she arrived. “There was a shooting last night and we picked it up.”


  “And your vest was on the victim.”

  “Ronnie Washington. How’d O’Connell know the vest was mine?”

  Camden took over the explaining. “He didn’t. When I took the vest at the scene I checked it and found your personal cell phone in the trauma pocket. I knew it was yours because you keep that dumb little pineapple sticker on it.” Camden smiled and so did I.

  He continued, “Me and your pal Ronnie had ourselves a little conversation but he wouldn’t tell me shit. Just said he found it.”

  I smiled at the thought of Ronnie covering my ass. See, that’s what friends are supposed to be like. They get you out of a jam and don’t stab you in the back.

  “What does this have to do with O’Connell?”

  “I went to him. You can imagine how upset he was when I showed him what I had found.”

  “Does he think I’m dead?”

  “No. He told me he knew you would surface. He also said he wasn’t going to wait for that to happen. Sarge, he hasn’t stopped searching for you for two days! None of us have.”

  “I’m sorry, but you can see what I’m working with here.”

  Camden looks angry. “You’re sorry? Everyone has been here, FOR YOU! You’re out here all vigilante style when you COULD have had us helping this whole time!”

  “Calm down. I know you’re angry and so am I! But this is almost over.”

  “How? If you’re not coming in how is this almost over?”

  “I have a plan.”

  Chapter One Hundred Nineteen

  Shorty pulled his car up to his house and frowned at the sight of the cop car parked out front. He raced up the front steps and slammed the front door open. “Granny! Granny you ok?” He caught sight of the three officers pow-wowing on his grandma’s couch and growled. “What the hell is going on here?”

  Camden jumped to his feet, “Chill man. No one’s hurting your granny.”

  Shaw shushed him, “Relax Shorty, they are here to help.”

  “Yeah but in the mean time they got their car parked out front. You think my boys aren’t going to get all suspicious about that?”

  Shaw waved off his worries. “Stop panicking. For a banger you sure have a weak stomach. You’re the boss so quit tripping.”

  “I want you all out, NOW!”

  “Keep your shorts on Shorty. We have a plan but we need your help.”

  “I’m done helping you, Sarge. You’ve been nothing but trouble since I asked for help. Remember that? I asked YOU for help? And did you? No! I had to take care of that little problem myself!”

  Camden interrupted, “What did you do, Shorty?”

  “Man, I handled my shit. Kimmie’s gone. I sent her away. That bastard won’t be able to get to her.”

  Shaw stood and crossed the living room to place her arm around Shorty’s shoulder. “C’mon. I know things didn’t turn out like we planned but I need you one last time. And then we’re square.”

  Shorty shrugged off Shaw’s arm. “Square? Are you smoking crack? You owe ME!”

  “Ok, fine. I owe you. And if you help us out, I’ll be owing you for a long time to come.”

  “What do I gotta do?”

  Chapter One Hundred Twenty

  Once Shaw, Camden and Lizzie have gone, Granny turned off her television and shuffled out to the kitchen.

  “Those cops gone?”

  “Yes Granny, they are gone.”

  “Marquis, what have you gotten yourself into now?”


  Granny watched Shorty walk down the hallway to his room and immediately return with a large handgun. “Doesn’t look like nothing to me. Why are you going out strapped? Why do you need a gun?”

  “It’s nothing Granny. It’s just for protection. I got a friend to go see.”

  “Don’t you lie to me! You’re going out to cause trouble and I’ve had it!” Granny reached her weathered hands up to grab Shorty’s face. “Look at me boy. Your mama is dead, your daddy’s dead and you’re all I have left.”

  Shorty kissed his grandmother on her cheek. “I’m not going to die. I’m going to be fine. I’ll be back later tonight. Please, don’t worry.”

  Chapter One Hundred Twenty-One

  Granny stared worriedly at Shorty’s back as he made his way out the front door, down the walk and to his car. She has had enough of all this worry. She picked up the phone and called an old family friend.


  “Ronald, its Gladys.”

  “Miss Gladys! How are you?”

  “I need your help. I’m worried about Marquis.”

  “Why? He seems to be staying out of trouble. We haven’t seen him in the station for quite a while.”

  “He’s heading out to do something dumb. He took his gun.”

  “He always takes his gun, Gladys.”

  “There’s one more thing. That lady cop was here. I don’t like that. Something really bad is going on and I don’t like it.”

  “What lady cop?”

  “The one from the TV. She was here all night. I don’t know what you all are doing over there at that police station but I’m worried Marquis is involved in something he won’t come home from this time. Can you help?”

  “Yes, ma’am. I’ll help.”

  Chapter One Hundred Twenty-Two

  Shorty climbed into his car and shifted the gun in his waistband. His boys were waiting for him and he had already wasted too much time with Shaw and her crew. It was time to do some business of his own.

  Ronnie shouldn’t have been on Shorty’s side of town. Now shit was going to
get crazy. Shorty reached into the ashtray and retrieved the joint he had stubbed out earlier. He fired up the remainder, reclined his seat two more inches and started the engine.

  Shorty made his way through his neighborhood nodding to the radio and considering his next move. He stopped at a red light and sat up a little straighter. Stopped at the red light opposite him was a car full of South Side Boy’s. The driver made eye contact with Shorty and the three other occupants started shuffling around.

  Shit! Alone, without his boys, Shorty wasn’t ready to die just yet. The light turned green and Shorty sped through the intersection, ducked as far down behind the steering wheel as possible.

  Chapter One Hundred Twenty-Three

  Shorty made it through the intersection with no sounds of gunfire. A block later he heard a sound that gave him just as much alarm as gunfire. Sirens. He looked in his side view mirror and spotted a black slick-top cop car with its lights flashing and siren wailing.

  Shorty pulled his car to the curb and quickly moved his gun from his waistband to under his seat.

  He watched as Carson approached his driver window. Shit! Shit! Shit!


  “Is there a problem officer?”



  “I’m a lieutenant”

  “Lieutenant….Carson. What seems to be the problem? Or you just going to hassle me for fun today?”

  “You were burning rubber.”


  Carson leaned down towards Shorty’s window and inhaled deeply. “I can smell the odor of marijuana emanating from your vehicle.”

  “Man, so what. That shits legal.”

  “But it isn’t legal to drive while under the influence. I’m afraid I’m going to have to ask you to step from the vehicle young man.”

  Carson radioed for a second police car to cover him. When the officer arrived, Carson directed him to make a full search of Shorty’s car.

  Carson placed Shorty in handcuffs and then put him in the back of the patrol car. He took a seat behind the wheel of the patrol car and spoke to Shorty through the screen. “You take care of what I asked you to?”

  “Fuck no! And I’m not going to either. Kimmie’s long gone.”

  “You helped her get away didn’t you?”

  “Fuck you pig.”

  “You really don’t want to mess with me, Marquis. You make it too easy for me to punish you. Kimmie made that mistake. She stole from me.”

  “Man, for someone who comes from these streets you should know you can’t trust a poor, single mom with that kind of dope and money. Besides, what are you going to do? Arrest her like you’re arresting me?”

  Carson turned to face Shorty. “You might think you run these streets but you don’t.”

  “Oh yes I do.”

  The officer searching Shorty’s car whistles to get Carson’s attention. Carson looked through the windshield and saw the officer holding up a gun by the grip. Carson clicked his tongue. “Tsk, tsk, tsk, Marquis. Looks like you’re going to be my guest for a few days.”

  Carson turned back to look Shorty in the eye. “Looks like I’m the one who runs these streets after all.”

  Chapter One Hundred Twenty-Four

  It took a little over an hour for Shorty to be transported to the jail, processed and offered a phone call.

  “Yo, JDawg.”

  “Man, where you at? We’ve been waiting on you for hours!”

  “I got hooked up.”

  “For what?”

  “A gun. But look man, there’s something I need you to do.”

  “Hey no sweat. I got your back. I’ll handle shit out here while you in there. We gonna make those boys sweat…”

  Shorty interrupted JDawg’s diatribe, “Man, do you EVER shut up?”

  “My bad.”

  “Listen carefully. I need you to go to the spot and meet a friend.”

  “What friend?”


  “Awe man, come ON! She’s a cop!”

  “I promised her!

  “Look, I was cool with doing a little surveillance for her because let’s face it, Carson is batshit crazy, but then he found out!! Home boy TOOK HER! And now you want to go up against him again by helping that woman? You stupid.”

  “You want him to keep coming after us? Coming after Kimmie? Dude, he tried to have her killed!”

  “My point exactly. What do you think he’s gonna do to my sorry ass if he finds out I’m helping his enemy? That’s three times as bad. Besides Kimmie’s your cousin not mine.”

  “Listen here, I’m still in charge. You just do what I tell you to do. Get to the spot and let her in. She will do the rest.”

  Chapter One Hundred Twenty-Five

  JDawg had his instructions from Shorty. He hung up the phone and redialed.

  “We have a little problem.”

  “What now?”

  “You know that problem you’ve been trying to take care of? I think I can help you out.”


  “Before I do, what’s in it for me?”

  “You like being second in command? You like taking orders every day? How about this, once Shorty’s gone his territory is yours.”

  “How’s that?”

  “I caught him gunned up today and this time, I’m not getting him out. With his record he’ll be gone for quite some time. I’m going to need someone to take his spot at the top for me.”

  “Fair enough.”

  “Now what you can tell me about my little problem?”

  “I know where she’s going to be.”

  Chapter One Hundred Twenty-Six

  I arrive at the house thirty minutes early and take up a position of surveillance across the street. The sun is going down and the shadows are deepening.

  I take my personal cell from my pocket and turn it over and over in my hand like worry stone. Camden had found it in my vest, charged it and then returned it to me. I keep it off until the time is right.

  The plan is a good one. Shorty should be here soon to let me in and keep an eye on things before he calls Carson to meet. Once Carson is inside I can turn on my cell phone and record. The phone being on will allow my team to finally ping my location. Camden knows how to get that taken care of in timely fashion. The department will be able to “rescue” me and the recording will take that bastard Carson down for good.

  This is almost over.

  Chapter One Hundred Twenty-Seven

  Its time. I cross the street and go to the back door as planned. When I knock, JDawg opens it almost immediately.

  I make my way inside and question JDawg, “Where’s Shorty?”

  “He aint here. Didn’t you know he’s been arrested?”

  “What? No! For what?”

  “Something about a shooting the other night. He called me from lock-up. Told me to be here for you in his place.”

  I’m not sure I trust this guy. I consider my options and tell myself that Shorty was willing to trust Camden so the least I can do is the same. No one betrays Shorty.

  I take a seat on the couch and reach into my pocket. I discreetly press the power button, turning the phone on.

  “I’m going to the kitchen for a drink. You want a beer or something while we wait?”

  “Sure.” When JDawg leaves to retrieve my beer I take out the phone and turn on the voice-recording app. I watch the counter ticking off the seconds and I return the phone to its hiding place in my pocket.

  The kitchen door swings open and I shoot to my feet.

  “Sergeant Shaw. How nice to see you again.”


  “Sit down, Sgt. Shaw and listen.”

  “I’ll stand thank you. I won’t ever sit in your presence again.”

  “ I know why you’re here and what youre up to. Where is the recording device? In your pocket?”

  My hand involuntarily flutters near my pocket and Carson laughs.

  “You didn’t thin
k I was going to let you get away with this did you, Carson? I know you were going to have Kimmie killed. Why? Because she crossed you? All she wanted to do was feed her family.”

  “I don’t give a shit about her or her family. No one steals from me!”

  “You really are a heartless bastard aren’t you!”

  “That just might be. Why do you care so much about what I do?”

  “You are a disgrace to the badge. You are sworn to serve and protect this city, not take advantage of it!”

  “Do you recall me telling you that I grew up here? Miss Gladys is an old family friend. She used to babysit me back in the day. She called to tell me all about the pretty blond cop and her friend who stopped by. She also told me Shorty was carrying. It didn’t take much to hem him up and get him out of the way. Oh yes, I know he’s been helping you.”

  It’s becoming clear to me that Carson has been one step behind me for days and now he might actually have gotten one up on me. The only thing I can do is try to stall for time and hope Camden gets here soon.

  “So what are you going to do? Kill me? You’ve already tried that once and failed.”

  “True. You have proven to be a somewhat challenging opponent. Clearly drugging you and leaving you in a ghetto grave wasn’t as effective as I had hoped.”

  “So what are you going to do? Shoot me?”

  “Oh I’m not going to touch you.”

  JDawg and two of Shorty’s boys that I don’t recognize, enter from the kitchen. Carson looks them over and then turns his gaze back to me. “I told you, I’ve been around longer than you and I run these streets. Not Shorty, not Ronnie, not you.”

  Carson smiles an evil smile and walks out the front door.


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