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The Case and the Girl

Page 2

by Randall Parrish



  West gazed out through the window, wondering where they were. In hisinterest in his companion, he had until this moment, taken no note ofthings without, nor did his eyes rest now upon any familiar scene. Theywere swiftly, and noiselessly, passing blocks of respectable residences,none of these particularly distinguished. Her sudden invitation ratherstartled him.

  "You mean I am to question you freely."

  "Assuredly; while I am to remain quite as free in my answers. That isperfectly fair, is it not?"

  "At least, it sounds so. Where am I being transported then? And why thedress-suit?"

  His questions evidently amused, for her eyes sparkled.

  "Naturally that query comes first; and especially the dress-suit. Youhave the prejudices of your sex, I see, and without regret. I shallendeavour to reply catagorically, yet with reservations. We are going toa country home, where we dine, in company with a few guests."

  "I see; I am first of all to be projected into society. Are any of theseguests known to me?"

  "God forbid; and I may even venture to predict that you will never careto know any of them again. You are to be present as my guest, and will sobe welcomed."

  "I feel the honour; but would it not be well under these circumstancesfor me to know more clearly whose guest I am? Suppose, for instance, Ihad to refer to our long friendship, it would be extremely awkward not toeven be able to mention your name."

  "My name! Why, of course, you do not know what it is. Well, really I amnot altogether certain that I do either. We will therefore compromise onthe one I am known by; which will be safer. Allow me, Captain West, topresent to you Miss Natalie Coolidge."

  She held out frankly a neatly gloved hand, which he as instantly took,and retained in his own, the girl making no immediate effort towithdraw it.

  "This is very kind of you, Miss Coolidge," he acknowledged, adaptinghimself to her present mood. "But it seems there is no necessity for meto present myself. Apparently my identity is already known."

  "Otherwise you would not be among those present," she admitted frankly."You must surely realize that I needed, at least, to have someinformation relative to a man in whom I expected to confide. Tellingsecrets--especially family secrets--to strangers is not my specialty."

  "Then, I judge you have not accepted me blindly?"

  "No, I have not," earnestly, and now releasing her hand. "I do not thinkwe ever really know any one except through personal intercourse; but I doknow who you are, and something of what your life thus far has been. Itwas two days after I received your answer before I replied to it. Thistime was devoted exclusively to making me somewhat better acquainted withmy correspondent."

  "But how could you? I signed no name."

  She smiled, again quite at her ease.

  "The box number at the Club was amply sufficient. I have friends there;once possessed of your name and army rank, the department records atWashington furnished all further information. A Senator kindly attendedto that end, and was also able to supply a little additional gossipthrough one of his Southern colleagues. So you perceive, Captain, I amnot altogether reckless. Are you interested in learning what I know?"

  "I am; both from records and gossip. Will you tell me?"

  "Willingly," and she checked the points off on her gloved fingers. "Youare Matthew West, the only son of Judge Robert Peel West, of Atlanta,Georgia. Your mother, who was of the well-known Bullock family, died whenyou were about fifteen, and her widowed sister has since been thehouse-keeper. You are a graduate of the university of Virginia, beingfourth in your class in Scholarship. Your engineering course wascompleted in Massachusetts, and you later became connected with the WyantContracting Company, of Chicago. You were here, however, only a verybrief time, making but few acquaintances, when the War broke out. Youimmediately entered the first officers' training school at Fort Sheridan,graduating with the rank of First Lieutenant, and were assigned to aregiment of Engineers, among the earliest to sail for France. While thereyou were wounded twice, and cited once for special gallantry in therescue of a seriously injured private. Your last wound caused your returnto the United States on a special mission, and also won you the rank ofCaptain. Since then you have been honourably discharged, but have madeno effort to resume professional work. You are twenty-six, and unmarried.Is there anything else you care to know?"

  "I think not; really your agency has been most efficient. Could you tellme also if I have ever been in love?"

  "In love! Really I made no inquiries, as that did not interest me in theleast. I am prepared to be confessed to, however, if you feel itnecessary."

  "I may have to confess later. Just now it might be better to let mattersremain as they are. And so this review satisfied you that I was reallythe man you sought?"

  "No, it did not wholly satisfy, but it looked promising. You wereevidently courageous, and a gentleman. These qualities were essential;whether in other respects you measured up to my purpose, could only beascertained through a personal interview. There was no other way."

  "And now?" he persisted.

  "Still encouraging. I must admit, although the test is not yet complete.However, we are now approaching the end of our journey. Before we turn inI am going to ask a favour of you--call me Natalie."

  "Natalie; that will be easy."

  "And also forgive me if I fail in always addressing you formally asCaptain West. I presume your friends say Matt, do they not?"

  "Some have that habit."

  "Then I claim also the privilege."

  She bewildered him, left him in wonderment as to what she would do next,but there was scarcely time in which to answer before the speedinglimousine turned abruptly into a private drive-way, curving gracefully tothe front of a rather imposing stone mansion, set well back from theroad. West caught a glimpse of a green lawn, a maze of stables at therear, and a tennis-court with several busily engaged players. Then theywere at the side entrance, and a servant, in the same unobtrusive liveryas the chauffeur, was quietly opening the door. He turned and helped hiscompanion to emerge.

  "Take the gentleman's bag to the Blue Room, Sexton," she said calmly,"and then lay out his evening clothes."

  "Yes, miss."

  "I will be in the hall when you come down, Captain, but there isno hurry."

  West followed the servant up the softly carpeted stairs, finding theapartment assigned him not only extremely comfortable, but even elegantin its furnishing. He stood at the window looking down on the tenniscourt, while Sexton opened the bag, and spread out the requiredgarments on the bed. Evidently he was in a home of wealth andrefinement. The grounds outspread before his eyes were spacious andattractive; in the distance he even perceived an artificial lake withpaths winding enticingly along its shore, and through strips ofwoodland. Who could this strange girl be? this Natalie Coolidge? Andwhat could she possible desire of him? These questions remainedunanswered, yet continually tantalized. He could not even grasp herpersonality. In spite of her apparent friendliness, her irresistiblesmile, her lack of conventionality, there remained a certain reserveabout the young woman he felt quite unable to penetrate. Whatever gameshe was playing she kept the cards securely in her own hands. He wasnot yet admitted to her confidence. He stood there immersed in thesethoughts still, when Sexton spoke.

  "Shall I assist you, sir?"

  "No; it will not be necessary. You have laid out everything?"

  "Yes, sir."

  "Very well; that will do, at present. What is the hour for dinner?"

  "Seven o'clock, sir."

  "I have ample time then. That will be all." The man retired noiselessly,closing the door after him, and West began slowly to dress, rather amusedat the care he took, that all details should be as correct as possible.Unquestionably the girl interested him oddly. She was original, a newtype, and he made no effort to drive her from his imagination. He had notbeen long back from the war zone, his acquaintance in the city wasextremely limited, and conseq
uently this girl, thus suddenly brought intohis life, had made a far greater impression than she might otherwise. Yetunder any conditions, she would have proven noticeable, and attractive.He endeavoured to analyse what constituted this peculiar attractiveness,but without arriving at any definite conclusion. She was young, ofcourse, and undeniably pretty, with eyes really remarkable, and a smilenot to be easily forgotten. She possessed a sense of humour, and had leftupon him a strong impression of frank sincerity. Yet in these qualitiesshe did not differ so greatly from others he had known. Perhaps mysteryhad much to do with her power of enticement--a continual wonderment as towhat she might do next. Then she was so self-poised, so confident ofherself, so naturally informed. All these things had their charm, and,coupled with her undoubted beauty, left his brain in a whirl.

  He was satisfactorily dressed at last, although obliged to switch on thelights before this was accomplished. The reflection of himself in thepier glass quite met his deliberate approval, and he glanced inquiringlyat his watch, rather eager to delve deeper into this adventure. It was afew moments of seven, and she would undoubtedly be waiting for him in thehall below. He descended the broad stairs, conscious of a thrill ofexpectancy; nor was he doomed to disappointment.

  Miss Coolidge met him in the dimly lighted vacancy of the hall, withsmiling eyes of welcome. They were mocking, puzzling eyes, the depths ofwhich he could not fathom--they perplexed, and invited at the sameinstant. She was in evening dress, a creamy satin, revealing whiteshoulders, and rounded, beautifully mounded arms, visible beneath foldsof filmy lace. If he had dreamed the girl attractive before in theplainness of street costume, he now beheld her in a new vision ofloveliness. His heart throbbed at the sight, every nerve tingling to theintimate tones of her voice. And she met him in a more delightful mood ofinformality than had found expression even during their afternoon ride.She was apparently in the highest spirits, eager to overstep allconventionality.

  "Again you please me," she said, surveying him critically. "Really thisis too much, the wonderful way in which you meet every test."

  "You mean in clothes?"

  "In everything, so far. Clothes--yes; do they not reveal the very soul ofa man? I hardly think I could ever have forgiven if you had come down notlooking the part you are to play."

  "Nor could I have forgiven myself, if I am to enjoy the pleasure oftaking you in to dinner."

  "That privilege is yours even without the asking. But," quizzically, andglancing up frankly into his eyes, "You may not care when the time comes.For the great test arrives first. So, buck up, Captain, for you are goingto have the shock of your life. Whatever you do, even if you feel thatyou are about to faint, don't, for my sake, let your face show it."

  "But," he protested, "give me some warning, some opportunity to preparefor such an emergency."

  "No," she laughed gaily, "there is no time; it is ordained to fall uponyou like a thunder-bolt. They are all in there waiting for us now. Youwill offer me your arm."

  He accompanied her, amused, yet bewildered, through the wide archway intothe more brilliantly lighted drawing-room. It was a magnificentapartment, containing a half dozen people. The one nearest the entrancewas a man of middle age, exceedingly pompous and dignified, whoimmediately arose to his feet, expectantly. Miss Coolidge cordiallyextended her hand in greeting.

  "So glad to learn you could be out, Judge," she said, the leastperceptible hesitancy in her voice. "Permit me to present Judge Cable, ofthe Supreme Court; Captain West, my fiance."


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