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Black Rose (The Life of Bliss Book 1)

Page 8

by D. Camille

  “Tell me about Laz…”

  Rome lifted a brow. “What do you want to know?”

  “I see he’s strapped.”

  “He’s here for an added level of protection.”

  “I’m not arguing against that.” Bliss told him. “I want to know how someone gets you to trust them.”

  Rome stared at her. “When you’ve put your own life and livelihood on the line for me, and the only thing you had to gain was seeing me come through…”

  “It’s hard to find people like that.”

  “Especially in my world…”

  Another attendant arrived with mimosas and Bliss grinned as she sat the glasses in front of them.

  “Thank you.” Rome told her.

  “Brunch will be served after we leave the dock.”

  “Perfect.” Rome said, then she disappeared.

  Bliss reached for her glass. “How many people are on this boat?”

  “A small staff of five.”

  Tasting the fruity drink, Bliss looked at him.

  “Thank you...I love mimosas, and this one is excellent.”

  “A little too early for a Black Rose.” Rome reached for his glass.

  “Maybe later,”

  He smiled and took a sip. “Definitely on the agenda.”

  They sat staring at one another as the boat took off and began to sail down the Potomac.

  “Are you ready to talk to me?” Bliss asked.

  “I’m always ready to talk to you, Bliss.”

  She glanced at the scenery and said, “We have to find another way, Rome.”

  “You don’t think I’ve exhausted every possibility?”

  “You may think you have.” She turned her gaze back to him.

  “Okay...what do you suggest?”

  “Make the deal...then deal with the alternative consequences.”

  Rome lifted a brow. “Ruining the reputation I’ve built and possibly losing everything I’ve worked for?”

  “As opposed to being six feet under? Hell yeah…” Bliss replied firmly.

  “You don’t understand,”

  She reached for his hand. “Then help me to understand...please. Because all I hear is that you won’t be here...and I can’t just let that happen.”

  “Bliss, I came from nothing...less than nothing. Now, I can ride around in Maybachs and sip mimosas on yachts…” Rome explained. “I’m supposed to give all this up and go back to chasing dreams?”

  He shook his head. “I’d rather be dead.”

  “Rome, I make deals in my sleep. Let me help you negotiate something that works for both sides,” Bliss offered.

  “Baby, you negotiate with people who both have something to gain…” Rome told her. “These people are only concerned with getting what they any means necessary. Plus, I don’t want you involved in this in any way.”

  “So you’re just going to accept it?” Bliss released his hand.

  “I’m going to fight for as long as I can,”

  Her eyes narrowed and she reached for her glass.

  “Fight with your mind, Rome.” Bliss said angrily.

  This time Rome reached for her hand.

  “I didn’t bring you here to make you angry.” He said softly. “We’re supposed to be having a wonderful time, remember?”

  Bliss stared at him. “Do you know the history of J.P. Morgan?”

  “You told me that they owned slaves on Wall Street.”

  “Not the company, the actual man himself?”

  Rome shook his head. “No…”

  “John Pierpont Morgan...born the son of a wealthy banker. Generational wealth...” Bliss stopped, then continued, “One of his maternal relatives was the founder of Yale University, and his grandfather founded Aetna Insurance Company. He inherited twelve million when his father died, doubling his net worth overnight.”

  Rome listened closely.

  “He gained significant control of the railroad industry during the time the transcontinental line was being completed. J.P. gained control of enough stocks and eventually controlled one-sixth of the entire industry.”

  “Damn…” Rome commented.

  “He used his influence to save the nation from disaster and loaned the federal government nearly sixty million dollars...and this was in 1865.” Bliss gave him a look. “So that was hella, hella money at that time.”

  “Hell, that’s hella, hella money right now.”

  “Exactly…” Bliss agreed. “And he used that money and power to infiltrate the entire banking industry…”

  “Why not?” Rome shrugged.

  Bliss agreed. “Right. Why not?”

  “What else did he do?” He asked.

  “He then manipulated the banking system for his personal gain and colluded to control the entire American banking system.”

  “Shit…” Rome breathed.

  “And because of his actions, we now have the Federal Reserve System, which is another story…” Bliss added. “J.P. Morgan built a 49 billion dollar fortune in his lifetime by taking shit over and controlling industries.”

  “So what are you saying?” Rome asked.

  Bliss looked around. “You’ve built all of this without a father leaving you twelve million, owning slaves, or mass murdering. Now, make this money work for you…”

  Rome sat back. “You’re my Wealth Manager. Tell me what to do…”

  Bliss smiled. “Watch me work, baby. The Ancestors are guiding us.”


  Sitting in a booth at Regalia, Bliss smiled as her sister and friends joined her.

  “Hey,” Bliss said happily.

  Kris lifted a brow. “Hey yourself, Miss Missing In Action.”

  Bliss laughed. “I’ve been busy.”

  “For over two months?” Drea asked, taking a seat. “I’m almost ready to deliver.”

  Looking at her still small belly, Bliss smirked, “I think you’ve still got plenty of time.”

  Drea laughed. “I want my baby to know you.”

  “She will,” Bliss promised. “I’ll take her shopping and we’ll be all good.”

  The other woman at the table stared at Bliss.

  “So what have you been up to now, Bliss?” Brandy asked.

  “Very important business.” Bliss replied.

  Brandy stared at her. “We heard that you shut down the bartender.”

  “Don’t ever try anything like that again.” Bliss warned.

  “I was ready for you to snap at us as soon as we arrived,” Brandy continued to watch her. “What’s up with you?”

  “This is bliss.” She told them with a grin.

  Kris turned to her sister. “If this man has you making time for your friends and family...then he gets my vote.”

  “Mine, too…” both Drea and Brandy agreed.

  “This dude must be from another dimension,” Brandy commented.

  Kris glanced at Bliss.

  “He’s going to beam down at any moment,” Bliss told them mysteriously.

  Before the women could ask, Rome appeared with a fine bottle of wine.

  “Good evening ladies. Welcome to Regalia.” He said smoothly.

  All eyes at the table were glued to him as he expertly opened the bottle, and poured three glasses around the table, after Drea put a hand over her glass and shook her head.

  “I hope you enjoy your meals and the wine. If you need anything, your server for the evening will be Oliver.” Rome told them, standing at the table.

  “Uh...thank you.” Kris said slowly, while the other women looked at him in surprise.

  “What’s your name?” Brandy asked.

  He smiled. “I’m Rome.”

  Bliss sat back enjoying the show.

  “Can you serve us tonight, Rome?” Brandy inquired.

  Rome glanced at Bliss. “You’d have to ask the black rose about that…”

  Seeing where his gaze remained, they all turned to the woman wearing the soft smile.

��Bliss?” Kris asked, then her eyes widened in realization.

  Holding out a hand, Bliss lifted her face to Rome.

  The other women watched as he took the hand in his and lowered his lips to hers. When he stood again, Bliss made the introductions.

  “Rome, this is my sister Kris, and our friends Drea and Brandy.”

  Rome extended a hand to each woman, greeting them with a smile.

  “Oliver will be fine as our server. You have other things to do…” Bliss told him softly, when he turned back to her.

  “Okay, I’ll see you after your dinner.”

  Bliss nodded. “Yes, you will.”

  Turning back to the stunned women at the table, Rome smiled. “It was nice to meet you all.”

  When he walked away, the table was silent until Bliss chuckled.

  “You all are too much.” She picked up her wine glass.

  Kris stared at her. “That’s him?”

  “Yes, that’s him.” Bliss answered.

  “Who?” Brandy asked.

  “Yeah, who?” Drea echoed.

  Bliss stared in the direction where Rome had disappeared out of sight.

  “That’s my man,” she said proudly.

  Brandy blinked. “What?”

  “You heard me.” Bliss lifted her glass to her lips.

  “He works here?” Drea asked. “I’ve never seen him before.”

  “He’s not a server...he’s a boss.” Bliss told them.

  Kris quickly reached for her glass. “This is going to be quite the story…”

  “You don’t even know, Kris.” Bliss agreed.

  “How long has this been going on?” Brandy asked.

  “A few months.”

  Lifting her glass in the air, Brandy looked impressed. “I’d be missing in action, too.”

  “You never told me who he was,” Kris complained to her sister.

  “I know.”

  “So why are you revealing him now?” she asked.

  Bliss shrugged. “I wanted to make sure you all got the chance to meet the man who has put this smile on my face.”

  Kris looked at her sister, knowing the predicament she was in. Reaching over, she touched Bliss’ arm.

  “I see why you didn’t walk away.”

  “And, I never will…” Bliss looked down into her glass.


  After dinner with her girls, Bliss headed back to Rome’s office. When she entered, he stood and went to greet her with a hug.

  “How was your dinner?” Rome asked, kissing her face.

  “You know Regalia is the best in town.” Bliss said, holding on to him.

  “I hope so.” He grinned, then led her to the sofa where they sat in each other’s arms.

  “Your girls are something else…” Rome told her. “Especially Brandy…”

  Bliss sighed. “She and I bump heads all the time, but she’s cool.”

  “I liked them.”

  “Clearly, they liked you.”

  He laughed, then nuzzled her face. “I was surprised when you introduced me.”

  “I was surprised that you brought us a bottle of wine.”

  “I just wanted to see you. You didn’t stop in when you got here.”

  Bliss touched his face. “They said you were in a meeting.”

  “Had to have a talk with one of my managers.”

  She sat up. “Something wrong?”

  “Just making sure things are in order.”

  Bliss looked concerned. “Are you worried?”

  “Nah, but you always should cover your bases…”

  “That’s true.” Bliss touched his face.

  He sighed. “You’re sure you want to be involved this way?”

  Bliss stared into his face. “Look at what I have to gain…”

  “When I think of what I have to lose, I’m more motivated than ever,” Rome told her. “And I’m not talking about my businesses and reputation.”

  “These last few months have been better than I ever imagined.” Bliss told him softly.

  “I told you that I keep my promises.”

  She held his gaze. “Make me another one.”

  “What do you want, baby?”

  “I want you to trust me, Rome.” Bliss said firmly.

  Rome memorized her beautiful face. “I do, Bliss.”

  “I meet with Brad tomorrow.”

  His eyes narrowed. “If he comes at you wrong in any way…”

  “I need him on my team right now…” Bliss told him.

  “Like I said...if he comes at you wrong in any way…”

  She moved her hand to rub his muscled arm and soothe him. “I understand.”

  “Make sure he understands, too.”

  “Right now, my concern is you...and this looming deadline.”

  “One way or another, it’s going to be over soon.”

  Bliss sighed. “I know…”

  “Come here,” Rome took her into his arms. “At the end of the day, we will have both done all we could…”

  “I know it’s going to work out fine.” Bliss said quietly. “I’ve manifested it already.”

  “Then it’s done.” Rome kissed her gently. “Now, let me take you home.”

  “Your place or mine?” She asked.

  He smiled. “I’m going to let you kidnap me tonight.”

  “I think you like being snatched up.”

  “Only by you…” He told her. “Anybody else tries that shit and it would be a whole ass problem.”


  The next morning, Bliss headed to the elevator in her building. As she waited, Brad joined her in the hall.

  “Good morning,” he said with a smile.

  “Hello, Brad.”

  “I’m glad you came around to see things my way. With you and me as a team, we can do the incredible.”

  She frowned. “We aren’t becoming partners.”

  “No, but we’re going to discuss doing business together, with you allowing me to utilize your special clients like Rome McIntyre.”

  “Don’t test Mr. McIntyre.” Bliss warned. “That won’t be in your best interest.”

  “I just want his business.”

  “You mean his money.”

  Brad smiled as the doors opened. “One in the same.”

  Bliss stepped into the elevator and Brad followed.

  “Just do your job.” Bliss told him, pressing the button.

  “You do the same.”

  “I always do.” She reminded him.

  The elevator descended smoothly as the two remained silent. The doors opened, then Bliss walked out.

  “See you at the office.” Brad called out.

  Bliss didn’t respond as she walked out the door. In her car, she called Rome.

  “Good morning, baby…” he answered. “You left too early.”

  “I always feel that way when you leave, too.”

  “Are you on your way to your office?” Rome questioned.

  She made a turn. “I just left Brad in the elevator.”

  “What the hell he say?”

  “He talked about you,”

  “What about me?”

  Bliss made a face. “He’s itching to get his hands on some of your funds.”

  “I bet his ass is…”

  “I’ll call you after I meet with him.”

  “Yeah, do that...and then I’ll be ready to meet with him, too.” He said cryptically.

  Chapter 8

  At her office, Bliss stopped at Nikki’s desk.

  “Good morning, Bliss.”

  “Blissful risings,”

  Nikki studied the determined look on Bliss’ face.

  “I see you’re ready for today.”

  Bliss nodded. “I stay ready so that I don’t have to get ready.”

  “Good luck with that.”

  “Thank you for the positive energy.”

  “How’s Rome?”

  That brought a smile to Bliss’ face. “He’s wonderful.”
  “Let’s keep him that way.” Nikkie said pointedly.

  “That is my number one goal.” Bliss replied, then turned and went into her office.

  Preparing herself for the day, she sat in her chair and began a quick meditation to settle her mind and focus on her task. Today was one of the most important days in her life, and could determine the course for her entire future.

  “I am strong. I am powerful. I am able to manifest whatever I desire.” Bliss chanted. “The Universe responds to my intentions, which are set in my mind.”

  After a few more deep breaths, she stood and went to meet with Brad. At his office, she knocked on the open door and he looked up at her, getting to his feet.

  “Good morning again, Bliss.”

  “Hello, Brad. Let’s get started. My time is valuable.” Bliss told him, entering the office and closing the door behind her.

  Taking his seat again, Brad replied, “We could’ve just met at our building.”

  “This is J.P. Morgan’s building...and this is where I conduct J.P. Morgan business.”

  He stared at her. “Fine, let’s get started.”

  “Okay,” Bliss began. “You’ve been on my ass for two months trying to get access to my client list, so let me hear your offer.”

  Brad thought about her ass, which he’d watched closely for the last few months and smiled slowly.

  “Look Bliss, I’ve got all kinds of information on your clients, and they’re just the type of people that I need to work with me.” Brad explained.

  “Work with you in what way? I protect my client’s assets.”

  “J.P. Morgan isn’t just into investing.” Brad told her.

  “I know that.”

  Brad sat back. “I’m sure you know about what happened a few months ago with the ship owned by the company…”

  Bliss lifted a brow. “The one with a billion dollars worth of cocaine on it?”


  “J.P. Morgan declined to comment about it,” she replied.

  Brad looked at her. “Because there wasn’t anything that could be said that wouldn’t make the company look even worse.”

  “That ship was purchased using client assets.” Bliss commented.

  “You’ve done your homework.”

  “I always do.” She told him.

  Bliss watched as Brad toyed with a folder on his desk.

  “What do you want from my clients, Brad?”

  “That shipment being seized put the company under a spotlight.” He told her. “And now we need another method of transporting the left over product.”


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