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Wolves' Queen (The Royal Heir Series Book 1)

Page 7

by Jen L. Grey

  Dammit. I felt bad now. “Look, I’m not trying to be a jerk, but my life is complicated.” That was one way of putting it.

  “Girl, mine too.” She reached over and touched my arm. “Look, let’s just hang out and have fun. We can make a pact not to disclose our secrets.”

  The problem was I already knew hers. She was a wolf, and they normally stayed within their pack and social circle. She was taking a leap of faith in trying to hang out with me. Most wouldn’t like it… like her brother.

  “What would Mason say?” He made it clear how he felt about me, and I didn’t want to cause issues with her family or inadvertently think of him.

  “I don’t give a flying fuck what he would say.” She held up her phone, which showed a text.

  Don’t do anything stupid, but make sure she’s okay. Let me know.

  “Is that from him?” He’d been all grouchy toward me that night. This was a strange twist. Maybe he was messing with me and Ella.

  “Uh, yeah.” She tapped her finger on her desk. “It’s kind of strange. He’s actually asking about you.”

  He had to have some ulterior motive.

  “Are you going to tell him?” The less she mentioned me, the better.

  “Hell, no. He was an ass to you the other night.” She pulled her phone back and put it in her bag. “I just got it out to turn the damn thing on vibrate.”

  At least she wasn’t going to respond. That had to mean something.

  “All right.” The teacher walked in at the same time as Connor. “Let’s get this going.”

  I was just relieved that I didn’t have to deal with Connor this morning, too.

  Ella learned how I operated because as soon as I began packing up, so did she. Right at the cut-off time, I stood and headed straight for the door.

  By now, the professor no longer bothered trying to stop me.

  “Hey, let’s get our caffeine fix on.” She caught up to me in the hall. “My treat. I should compensate you for dealing with my weird-ass family.”

  “Are we going to the usual place?” I had a feeling she was going to rope me in for the student center.

  “I’m missing the blonde roast.” She gave a small pout before a smile spread across her face. “Can we go back to the student center?”

  “Fine.” She’d better appreciate how much I love her. “But know this is yet another sacrifice I’ve made for you.”

  “I’m totally worth it.” She bumped her shoulder into mine. “And you’ll survive. You’re a big girl now.”

  We strolled to the student center in silence and went straight to the coffee.

  Within minutes, we were both walking out with our special coffee that I was beginning to love.

  “Let’s go sit…” Her voice trailed off, and she paused.

  “What’s wrong?” I followed her eyes, and there stood Mason with Alec at the same table as the other day.

  “Why the hell is he here?” Her shoulders slumped, and she turned her head toward me. “I’m sorry.”

  “Let’s just go the opposite way.” Maybe he hadn’t seen us. A girl could hope.

  “Yeah, okay.”

  As we turned to head back outside, his voice stopped me in my tracks. “Ella.”

  “Shit.” She spun on her heel back toward him. “Don’t come over here and be an ass again.”

  “I’m not.” He lifted both hands in surrender. “I just wanted to check on… I mean apologize to her.” His eyes were nearly my undoing. “Look, I’m sorry about the other night. There was a lot going on, but I should’ve been nicer to you. I mean, you protected my sister when I couldn’t.”

  “Wait…” She raised a hand and placed it on his forehead. “You apologized. Are you sick or something? Your forehead doesn’t feel warm.”

  “I’m in agreement with her.” Alec punched him in the arm. “You’ve done a lot of shitty things—like sleep with girls and tell them they're worthless right after.”

  This wasn’t what I needed. Him being nice to me would only make this harder. “It’s fine. Don’t apologize or be nice. Just leave me the hell alone, and everything will be fine.”

  “Oh, damn.” Alec burst into laughter. “I don’t think you’ve ever been turned down by a girl.”

  “He wasn’t asking me for anything.” I needed to get away and fast. “Look, Ella, I’ve got somewhere I need to be. I’ll see you Friday.”

  “But…” Her bottom lip stuck out, and she glared at her brother. “Why are you here? You should be getting settled in for your next class.”

  Right when I turned to move, she reached over and grabbed my arm. “You aren’t getting out of here that easily.”

  “If she wants to go, then let her go.” Mason huffed and shook his head. “I should’ve known better than to try to be nice to you.”

  “Yeah, you should’ve.” There was something about him that irritated the hell out of me. I wasn’t sure if it was his cocky-ass attitude or that he was a great brother. Either option didn’t bode well for me. “I only came to that fight for your sister. It had absolutely nothing to do with you.”

  “Well, maybe my sister shouldn’t be inviting other people.” He crossed his arms and looked down his nose at me.

  “If you have such a problem with me being there, why is it okay for her?” I refused to back down.

  “It’s none of your business.” His breathing was ragged, and his nostrils flared.

  At this point, I wasn’t sure if I was angry, turned on, or both. I wanted to push him down and work all of this sexual frustration between us out so I could move on. “If she invites me again, I’ll be damned glad to go.”

  “I think she might be able to take him,” Alec whispered to Ella. “How is this possible?”

  “No clue, but I fucking love it.” She didn’t bother to whisper her response. “I told you there was something about her.”

  “We don’t need you encouraging her.” Mason talked to his sister, but his gaze stayed on me. “Sometimes it’s best to stay with our own kind.”

  Even though he hadn’t expected me to know what he meant, the message was loud and clear to Ella. I wasn’t a wolf, so stay away. “Are you trying to insult me here? What exactly do you think I am?” If he was going to make covert comments, I was going to call him out.

  “That’s none of your business.” A vein popped out between his eyebrows that somehow made him look more attractive.

  My wolf was fighting to push forward, desperate to be with him, and this was the first time I had to push back this hard. “I don’t have time for your sick, twisted game.” I refused to cower. “If you have something to say about me, just say it. Don’t be cryptic.”

  “Fine.” He stepped into my personal space, and my breathing turned ragged.

  His eyes darted straight to my lips. “You aren’t made for us.”

  “Stop it, Mason.” Ella’s voice was almost a desperate plea. “She’s my best friend.”

  He groaned as he touched my cheek and breathed me in. “I need for you to stop hanging around me.”

  “I’m not hanging around you.” I needed to be clear and smack his hand away from my cheek, but I couldn’t. My cheek buzzed ever so slightly from his touch. “I’m friends with your sister.” I hadn’t meant for it to happen, but she tore down my barriers.

  “I think we might need to give them some privacy.” There was a laugh in Alec’s voice.

  “No.” Mason and I shouted at the same time.

  “Okay then.” Ella tilted her head, examining both of our body languages. “This is strange.”

  “This wouldn’t be strange at all if you hadn’t ignored my fucking text.” Mason’s voice lowered even more.

  “Don’t talk to her like that.” Everything in my being told me to stay and fight him, but this wasn’t the time or place. There was a small group forming, watching our very public disagreement. “Apparently, I’m the problem here, so I’ll go.”

  It took everything in me to turn and walk out the door. I wan
ted to fight and show him I was more dominant, but that wouldn’t accomplish anything other than making a scene and upsetting my wolf more.

  As soon as I stepped outside, I took a deep breath, but his earthy scent was still strong as if he was surrounding me.

  “Wait.” He grabbed my arm and gently tugged me around.

  “Look, let’s not do this.” My heart fluttered as he kept a firm grip, not letting me go.

  “You feel it too.” He pulled me into him, and my legs refused to resist. “I don’t understand what’s going on. I’m being a dick, and I’m sorry. I’m not trying to hurt you, but whatever is going on between us can’t happen.”

  “Hey, baby.” A tall blonde sashayed over and side-eyed me. “What’s going on?”

  “Leave me alone, Bridgette.” His eyes never left mine.

  “Are you being serious right now?” She placed her hands on her hips, making her tank top somehow pull lower. Her cleavage was on display for the whole world to see. “Last night, in my bed, you were very attentive.” She smirked at me. “It was the best night of my life.”

  It stung that he slept with her. Maybe I was just imagining this bond between us.

  “It was a mistake.” He lifted my chin to meet his eyes. He then turned his head in her direction and glared. “I said leave me the fuck alone.”

  She huffed and continued to stare as if she couldn’t believe he’d just dismissed her.

  “Look, obviously you and she need to talk.” I tried to keep the jealousy from my voice. I had no reason to feel that way. He wasn’t mine. My wolf howled inside, refusing to clamp down.

  “No, I need to talk to you right now.” He turned his back on her and focused on me. “I couldn’t get you out of my head, and I fucked up. I don’t understand what’s going on between us.”

  Our connection wound tighter as if his words were all it needed to strengthen our bond. He felt it too, but he thought I was human. That could be a good thing. He would think it was just crazy lust. Humans can’t mate with shifters. It was physically and mentally impossible. “Me neither, but it’s probably best for both of us to keep our distance.”

  It was so ridiculous to be upset over him sleeping with the girl. Shifters had needs, and he was fighting our bond. I couldn’t get mad. I was fighting it too.

  He rubbed his hand down his face and groaned.

  “I’ll make it easier for both of us.” I turned around, and it took all my strength to pull my arm from his hand and move my legs. Without turning back, I took off as fast as I could and escaped.

  Chapter Nine

  I wound up skipping first period on Friday, not ready to face Ella and her inevitable questions. The way Mason and I were acting toward each other was asinine.

  As I drove to the university, I parked in the overflow section. Both Ella and Mason knew where I normally parked so I had to be cautious. I walked the long way around campus heading to the back door of the building where my eleven o’clock class was. The only way they would find me was if they were specifically sniffing me out.

  When I was only a few feet away from the classroom, I caught a whiff of Mason’s earthy scent.

  Shit, he was near.

  Before I could even take another step, he appeared, his eyes locking on me.

  ‘Run’ screamed in my mind. I glanced at the door only a few feet away from me. It was the girls’ bathroom, so I rushed inside.

  I was relieved that there were several other girls inside. He couldn’t come in here unless he made a huge-ass scene. I should be safe here, at least for a little while. I walked into the closest stall and took a deep breath. Ugh, the stench of shit filled my nose. I should’ve known better than to do that in here.

  It wasn’t long before the other girls left, and I glanced at my phone. Class had started, which meant I wouldn’t be safe in here for much longer. Everyone would be in class, and the occupants of the bathroom would be sparse. He could walk in here.

  Maybe he’d already left. I could be completely overreacting. I walked out of the stall and headed to the door. I didn’t have to get close before his comforting scent hit me.

  He was still waiting out there.

  There had to be a way out of here. I scanned the room, and a window caught my eye. I rushed over to it and moved to open the window but the damn thing wouldn’t budge.

  “Elena, you okay in there?” Mason’s voice was laced with humor. “Did you eat something bad this morning?”

  Great, now he was mocking me too.

  Then I realized the problem. I hadn’t unlocked the damn thing.

  I fixed the problem and lifted once more. The window groaned as it opened, but it finally did.

  Maybe I could get out of this unscathed after all.

  I chucked my backpack out of it and then sat on the window sill. Thank God. I was home free. As I slid out the rest of the way, I was caught by strong, sexy arms.

  “I’ve gotta say no one woman has ever gone that far out of their way to get away from me.” Mason’s lips turned upward into a huge-ass grin, and he winked at me. “But catching you in my arms made it all worth it.”

  His hands were wrapped around my body and felt way too appealing. I had to get out of them now. “If I can’t make it any more clear that I don’t want to see you, I’m not sure what else I can do.” I pushed him hard in the chest, forcing him to release me, and he stumbled a few steps back.

  “You’re something.” His eyes scanned me from head to toe, making my body come alive. He must have smelled my arousal because his smirk somehow grew even bigger.

  “I’ve got to get to class.” I grabbed my backpack off the ground and slung it over my shoulder. I turned on my heel, but his hand wrapped around my arm, holding me in place.

  “There’s no point.” He glanced at his watch and smiled. “You’re already ten minutes late. You’d be rude to interrupt. Let’s go grab a coffee instead.”

  “No.” I couldn’t be around him. I had to stay away, for his and Ella’s safety. I couldn’t let my selfish urges take over. “That’s a pass.”

  “I saved you from getting hurt.” He pointed at the window that was only three feet in the air. “So, my reward should be a coffee with you.”

  I couldn’t hold back the laugh. “Really, that’s the angle you’re going with?”

  “Yup, you couldn’t be that heartless. I’m Ella’s brother after all.” He arched an eyebrow as he removed the bag from my shoulder and placed it on his. “Come on. It’s just a quick coffee, nothing more. It’s not like I’m asking for your hand in marriage or anything.”

  He was right. I was being a little over the top, and Ella did mean something to me. “Fine, but only a quick coffee.”

  A triumphant grin filled his face. “That’s all I'm asking.”

  “I can carry my bag though.” I reached for it, but he side stepped me and marched toward the student center.

  Refusing to be left behind, I hurried and caught up. “Don't you have a class yourself?”

  “Yup, but you’re worth skipping for.” He winked at me as he picked up his pace.

  My heart skipped a beat, which reinforced why I needed to stay away.

  Within minutes, we were heading into the Starbucks at the student center. He placed an order, and I was stunned when he knew exactly what I wanted.

  “How did you know my coffee preference?”

  “Ella came home the first day she met you and announced to me and Dad that she found her fated best friend. The fact that you enjoyed the drink as much as her meant that there was no turning back.” He chuckled. “She is one for theatrics.”

  “Oh, I know.” That was one of the ways she became so endearing to me.

  Soon our drinks were placed on the counter and I grabbed mine. “Thanks for the drink.” I moved to get my bag back, but he caught my hand.

  “We're supposed to have coffee together.” He held on to my hand as he used his free hand to grab his cup. “That includes drinking it.”

I nodded and took my cup, drinking the entire sixteen ounces in one gulp. It burned my throat, and I hated that I wasn’t going to get to enjoy it, but gaining distance was more important. Once it was all drained, I slammed the empty paper cup on the table. “There.”

  “How’s that throat doing? Is it a little raw?” Amusement once again filled his eyes.

  “Nope, that’s how I prefer to drink them.” I held out my hand. “Now, my bag please.”

  “Well, I wouldn’t be a gentleman if I didn’t at least walk you to your car.” He stared into my eyes as he drained his own drink the same way which I had done mine. “There, we can go now.”

  I wasn't sure how I would be able to get out of this situation while facing the determined look on his face. “Fine, let’s go.”

  When I turned to head into the overflow parking lot, his laughter stopped me in my tracks. I turned around to face him. “What?”

  “You really went out of your way to avoid me.” He caught up and took my hand, nudging me forward. “It’s kind of cute.”

  Between his words and touch, I almost felt stripped down. I couldn’t have this, and it seemed as if I was encouraging him by avoiding him. I yanked my hand out from his and took a few steps to the side so we weren’t walking close to one another.

  The rest of the walk was in complete silence, and when my car came into view, I almost cried tears of relief. As soon as we reached the driver’s side, I turned and grabbed my bag off his shoulder. “Thanks.” I pulled the keys out of my pocket and unlocked the driver door. “I’ll see you around.”

  Before I could climb in, he reached around my waist, turning me to face him. “You sure will.” He leaned down and brushed his lips against mine, shocking me to my core.

  My wolf howled as she clawed inside me, wanting to be free. “Uh.” I pulled back and couldn’t prevent myself from licking my lips. He tasted way too good. Like coffee and mint. “Bye.” I jumped into the car and shut the door, squealing my tires as I pulled away from the parking spot.

  As I lay in bed later that day, I felt like I’d been run through the wringer. Luckily, Mona and Kassie had gone out, so I wasn’t bothered with questions. I’d locked myself in my room and focused on getting a handle on my wolf. She was getting stronger and more out of control the more I was around Mason. I couldn’t keep going to the witch more and more frequently.


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