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The Midwife's Secret Child

Page 11

by Fiona McArthur

To her surprise he laughed out loud. ‘That house has bolted.’

  She blinked. ‘It’s “That horse has bolted”.’ The second time Raimondo had mistaken his metaphors. He didn’t appear any less amused when she corrected him. Suspicion and disbelief raised the hairs on her arms. ‘What do you mean?’

  ‘In this case, I have bought a house, and the gate is bolted.’ He grinned a wicked flash of white teeth at her. ‘We are off topic and Chloe will wake soon, I imagine.’

  Faith glanced at her watch but her head still spun at the assertive man she had definitely underestimated.

  No. He did not just say that. ‘Bull. When did you have time to do something that complicated?’

  Dark brows arched at her. ‘It is not complicated if others do the paperwork. Did you not spend eight hours at your place of work yesterday?’ He spread his hands in a very Italian gesture. ‘I am a rich man. I saw something I liked and it is done. But I can wait to put it in Chloe’s name if you prefer.’

  That was scary. He had done it. Bought a house for a five-year-old.

  Or for himself to have access to Chloe. On his first day back and before meeting her daughter. His actions defied sense.

  ‘What house did you buy?’ She guessed that meant he wasn’t planning on never seeing Chloe again. She’d wanted that reassurance, hadn’t she? But with this new broadside she didn’t feel as confident she had everything under control.

  He settled back and studied her. ‘Which house do you think I would buy? Which house would be useful to me?’

  She could feel her own temper slipping and knowing that he was goading her because she’d goaded him didn’t help. ‘Well, you can’t buy mine because I own it.’

  He waved the comment away. ‘The one beside you. It is nothing. Me dealing with inactivity.’

  Next door? Which house was for sale? Only one. The old Sea Captain’s house. With the turrets. It was a wreck. She shook off the wild thoughts and concentrated. He had her off balance. That wasn’t good. He’d just bought the house next door! That was huge. And had huge implications for him being around more. Her turn to blow out a breath.

  How he spent his money could not affect her. She wouldn’t let it, or she could try not to let it. But holy heck.

  And there was more. What was his third request? What more could he want? ‘And the last?’

  He paused. ‘I would like Chloe to know I am her father before I leave to return to Italy. In fact, I would like her to know now, but...’ Another shrug. ‘I agree to wait until you decide the time is right, as long as it is before I leave.’

  And there it was.

  The endgame. She could understand that. And he obviously had real plans to return to see his daughter in the future—he’d started proceedings to become a property owner—she had no valid reason not to confirm his relationship to her daughter. But the thought sat, terrifying her like a black hole of unknown depth just the same.

  What if he let Chloe down?

  What if Chloe began to want something she couldn’t have?

  Even more terrifying. What if Faith did?

  ‘I have no control over your second condition except it would have been more sensible to buy her an expensive doll’s house, not a real one. Your third request I will consider and let you know tonight. I can understand you wanting her to know.’

  ‘Thank you.’ He stood. ‘I have given you much to think about.’

  Yes. He had given her a lot to think about. And did she want him to arrive with them as a part of their party at the barbecue later? No real choice. He was in their life. Now. Probably for ever.

  He looked a little uncertain and, even in their short acquaintance, she could see it sat oddly on him. ‘Do you still wish me to join you tonight, at your friend’s dinner?’

  ‘Of course.’ She looked at him with a resigned expression. Shook her head. He was reading her mind again. ‘I’ll have to get used to you popping up out of the woodwork.’

  ‘You will.’ His eyes crinkled. ‘And I will too. Pop up, as you say. Reappear with regularity. Regularity, that I promise.’ His brows raised. ‘I hope you grow to welcome my arrival.’

  Welcome his arrival? Would she? A transference of awareness settled over her, as if from his aura to hers, a melding of their senses while not touching, as he captured her gaze with his. ‘Let us see where this leads us, Faith. I will not let you down again.’

  Her barriers quivered under the strain but held. ‘As you say. We’ll see.’

  She watched his eyes narrow at her less than trusting response.

  He held out his palm and reluctantly she took his strong fingers in hers and his warmth seeped into her like it had from the first moment they’d met years ago—until their hands separated, slowly.

  She tucked her fingers behind her back. ‘We’ll leave here by six. It won’t be a late night. Chloe gets tired.’

  Instead of stepping away, he stepped closer, his bulk blocking out the light from the open door. His male scent coated with the salt of the sea. His strong jaw coming closer as he leaned in and she turned her head until he kissed her cheek. His breath was warm on her face, his mouth even warmer, and despite herself her body softened even with that light touch. His hand came up and caressed the other side of her cheek, cupping her face with more warmth and such tenderness that slowly she turned her head towards him. Towards his full, sensuous mouth, until their lips were a breath apart. Inhaling the life force between them as they hovered on the brink of the kiss they shouldn’t have.

  Yet it was she who leaned forward and offered her mouth, her first sign of trust, her first forgiveness.

  But it was he who propelled them slowly but surely into a kiss that buckled her knees and sent her hands up between them to clutch his shirt. His arms came around her with a certainty and possession that jammed them together until her breasts were hard against his rock-like chest. She wanted to be lost like this so much.

  She pushed him away.

  He stilled at once. Nodded, turned and left before she could make her feet move. Her breath eased out. She sagged against the door she moved to shut.


  She glanced down at the table and a small package lay there.

  Her brow furrowed as she opened the door again and called out to him softly, ‘You left something.’

  He turned and his smile lit his dark, handsome face and made her knees weaken again. ‘It is a small gift for Chloe when she wakes.’

  She held the package but almost forgot it in her hands as she watched him walk away. That kiss. They could have ended up in bed if she’d let that go on.

  A kiss that had shattered her reserves. Thank goodness she’d managed to cling onto the extremely tattered remains of her protective coat by a few wispy threads. See. This was the problem with the man. Once he touched she became lost on the ocean of his expertise.

  She hated that. She’d been like seafoam in his hands until the thought had crashed in that this had happened before. That he couldn’t be trusted, despite her body telling her he could. But why did she lean into the kiss knowing this?

  She should regret that kiss but in her heart she knew she didn’t. And even more worrying was the fact she didn’t care that she held no regrets.

  She wrapped her arms around her middle and stared at the closed door as if it were the man who had just left. How did this change things for her, for Chloe, for them as a family?

  If she didn’t know the answer to that, then thank goodness she’d pushed him away.


  WHEN CHLOE WOKE an hour later she wandered out of her room, rubbing her pale face with small fists. Faith saw the moment she realised only her mother was there and their visitor had departed while she’d slept.

  ‘Has Mr Salvanelli gone?’

  The sudden droop to her daughter’s mouth gave Faith a pang in her stomach.

>   ‘Yes, darling. But he’ll be back tonight.’ She suppressed a worried sigh. Already he was charming her daughter too.

  ‘Oh. Okay. He’s nice.’ Chloe’s gaze landed on the small parcel Raimondo had left. ‘What’s that?’

  ‘Mr Salvanelli said it was for you. A present he thought you might like.’

  ‘For me?’ She hopped up and down and then hurried towards it, just as Izzy came in through the front door. ‘Aunt Izzy, I have a present!’

  Chloe caressed the tissue-wrapped gift carefully. ‘Can I open it?’ This to Faith.

  ‘Yes. Open it.’

  Faith’s eyes met those of her aunt. ‘Hello, Izzy. Raimondo left Chloe a present while she was sleeping.’

  ‘Nice of him.’ They both watched Chloe burrow through the tissue paper carefully. Luckily there was only one piece of tape so it didn’t take too long.

  While they waited Faith asked, ‘How’s Myra?’

  ‘Good. Looking forward to tonight. I hear we’re all going up to Reg’s impromptu party.

  ‘Raimondo is coming.’

  Izzy’s brows rose.

  ‘Oh, she’s beautiful!’ Chloe’s reverent voice interrupted them. She spun to show her mother and aunt the gaily dressed Italian peasant doll. ‘Look at her apron. And her scarf and hat.’ The red touches did make the little figure glow with colour.

  ‘Lovely, darling,’ Faith said and suppressed another exhalation. This was just the beginning.

  ‘She must be from Italy.’ Her aunt was watching her. Faith avoided her aunt’s eye and looked at her daughter. Forced a gay smile.

  ‘She needs a name and she should meet all your other little dolls.’

  Chloe nodded seriously. ‘She doesn’t have blonde hair but I’m going to call her Elsa. Like in Frozen.’ Chloe clutched the doll to her chest.

  ‘Elsa is a lovely name,’ Faith said. ‘Why don’t you take her into your room and show her to your other dolls?’

  Chloe flashed a brilliant smile at them both and dashed off.

  Izzy tilted her head at Faith. ‘You look like you need a cup of tea.’

  ‘I think I need two.’ She lowered her voice to a whisper. ‘He’s put a deposit on a house here. Next door.’

  Izzy’s startled eyes flew to Faith’s from the hot water jug she’d been plugging in. ‘The Captain’s house? Right next door?’ Saw the confirmation in Faith’s face. ‘Good grief!’

  Faith nodded heavily. ‘Apparently for Chloe. In trust.’

  ‘Did you tell him a doll’s house would have been more sensible?’

  Faith felt the burden of her worry lighten. She had to laugh. She loved her aunt. ‘I did, actually.’

  ‘Well.’ Izzy finished plugging in the appliance and came across to hold out her hands for Faith to take. Izzy’s warm squeeze of her fingers settled her thumping heart. ‘He seems a good man. You wouldn’t have been attracted to him if he hadn’t been. Perhaps just see where this leads? I guess this means he’s planning on sticking around.’ Izzy dropped her hands and patted her shoulder.

  ‘I don’t see that. He’ll return to Italy, leaving us all unsettled again. Including Chloe now. I’m worried this means he’s planning on popping in and out of our lives like a jack-in-the-box.’

  They both looked towards Chloe’s room, where the sound of animated one-sided conversation carried on. Quietly Izzy pointed out, ‘She does need a father.’

  ‘And he wants me to tell Chloe before he leaves.’

  Izzy nodded. As Faith knew she would. ‘I think that’s fair. Now that we all know he’s invested, literally, but also I believe emotionally in finding his daughter.’

  Faith closed her eyes for a second to centre herself. To calm, and be sensible, like she normally was. But again that man had thrown her life into turmoil. She could see where Izzy’s usual sense was leading. ‘I believe he cares for her already too. And you’re right. I know that. I just don’t know how to tell her.’

  Her aunt laughed. ‘Darling. She’s five. She’ll take to the news as easily as she took to the doll. It’s adults who complicate things.’

  Izzy was probably right. In fact Faith knew she was. ‘How did I get such a wise aunt?’

  ‘Just lucky, I guess.’ They hugged and stepped apart. ‘Right. Tea.’

  ‘Hold that thought. I should do it now.’

  ‘May as well. Keep it simple.’


  Chloe’s head popped out of the room and then her whole body appeared. She had a doll in each hand. ‘Susan and Elsa said they are going to be best friends.’

  ‘That’s lovely. Friends are very special. And I’ve got a secret to tell you.’

  Chloe scooted right up to her mother. ‘A secret?’

  ‘Well, after I tell you it won’t be a secret but it is true. Come sit with me.’ She drew her daughter across to the settee and then onto her lap as they sat. She couldn’t help a last glance at her aunt, who waved her on. Her heart thumped in her chest as she smoothed her daughter’s hair. Inhaled the scent of her baby beside her.

  ‘Do you remember me telling you that before you were born your daddy had to go away and wasn’t ever able to come back here? That we wrote to him when you were born but he still couldn’t come.’

  Chloe’s little brow furrowed and her big eyes blinked as she concentrated on her mother’s serious tone. ‘Yes.’

  ‘Good.’ A quick glance to Izzy and another deep breath. ‘Well, he still lives away, but it seems that sometimes he will be able to visit us.’ And she’d better add one of those big forced smiles here. She actually felt like crying as she watched her daughter process the information. Then the little face beside her jerked up as the penny dropped.

  ‘My daddy? My real daddy? Like Piper has a daddy and Emily has a daddy?’

  Oh, good grief, Faith thought, and her heart cracked. ‘Yes. Though he won’t be living with us like that. But you will be able to write to him. And maybe talk to him on the phone sometimes.’

  ‘And he’ll visit. And I’ll be able to see him?’

  ‘Sometimes.’ Faith thought her heart would break for her little girl, who’d missed out on a daddy like Piper and Emily but liked the idea of a part-time parent zooming in and out of their lives because she knew no better. Izzy must have sensed that because she came and sat down beside them both.

  Izzy said brightly, ‘I think a daddy who can come sometimes is still better than a daddy who is never here. What do you think, Chloe?’

  Chloe glanced at Izzy. ‘Yes.’ Though Faith thought her daughter didn’t sound too sure.

  Izzy waved Faith on. ‘Simple,’ she mouthed.

  ‘Anyway. The secret is...’ in a rush ‘... Mr Salvanelli is your father and he’s very excited to finally meet you and know you are his daughter.’ The words were out, never to be taken back, and Chloe stared at her.

  ‘Really?’ Her daughter frowned, searched her mother’s face as if sensing Faith’s mixed feelings.

  ‘Yes. Really.’

  ‘That’s exciting. It must be why he gave me the doll.’ Her hand slipped into her mother’s and small fingers tightened around hers. Chloe’s big green eyes searched Faith’s face. ‘But you’re still going to be my mummy, aren’t you?’

  Faith hugged Chloe to her, the soft floating hair surrounded her, the tiny body wiggled in closer. ‘Yes, my darling baby.’ She smoothed Chloe’s silken hair again, the strands so precious under her fingers. ‘I will always be your mummy and I will always be here for you.’

  Chloe slipped her arms around Faith and squeezed her back and then wriggled away. ‘I’ll have a daddy here for my birthday. That’s lovely. Can I go play with my dolls again now?’

  Faith’s eyes met Izzy’s and she blinked away the emotion that clouded her vision. Her daughter’s world was secure. She wished her own world was as simple.

sp; ‘Yes. Off you go.’

  * * *

  Two hours later, as he strode uphill towards Faith’s house, Raimondo knew his life was about to change in ways he’d only ever imagined in weak moments. He was a father. A real family with warmth and joy and he was a part of it.

  His axis had already shifted, meeting Faith again and being forcibly reminded by her beauty and calm how much they had connected so briefly so long ago. And earlier today.

  That kiss.

  Dios, that kiss.

  He must not be distracted.

  Because now, knowing of his daughter, he was already growing to love the child. She was such a beautiful young girl and he only hoped Chloe would come to love him when she knew him.

  For his daughter was easy to love, like the mother had been almost six years ago, though he hadn’t known at the time the indelible imprint Faith Fetherstone would have on his soul.

  And on his life. On his future. He should have been here earlier.

  His daughter. He crossed his fingers behind his back. Now he was being childish, but perhaps Faith had already told his daughter since he’d seen them this afternoon and Chloe would call him papà.

  Though he couldn’t help but wonder if he deserved such kindness.

  He stopped outside the house with the sold sign. Barely saw the neglected gardens and peeling paint on the old weatherboards. Pah, it would fix with money. He glanced up at the turret that looked over the top of Faith’s house and out to the sea. Remembered his daughter’s words and the synchronicity of his purchase before he had even heard them.

  A castle for his princess. He imagined his daughter looking though the polished brass telescope he would buy her, perhaps standing on a set of wheeled steps until she grew of a height, but excited and pointing at a passing ship. Yes. He could see that.

  And that wasn’t all he could see—though this part was more fanciful. He saw her beautiful mother watching fondly, imagined all the things in the wide world he could show them both. The Italy he could show them. The life they could share. If they’d let him. Patience. Already he was bursting with impatience.


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