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These Reckless Hearts

Page 11

by E. M. Moore

  Stone leans into me, gaze trailing over the two burly bodyguards. “How are we going to ditch these guys tonight, hmm?”

  My face flames, and embers ignite in my core. Who knew killing a rattlesnake would get Stone all hot and bothered? “Are you asking if we should sneak away from our private security detail tonight?”

  He bites my earlobe, tugging on it playfully. “I sure as fuck am.”

  I hadn’t thought about this problem. With Dave and Ninja here, how are we going to get any sexy times in? I doubt Cole wants to get a report with our sex schedule added in. From 1–4, they metal detected. From 4–6, they fucked like rabbits.

  The satellite phone Cole made us bring is eerily quiet. He told us if he heard something, he’d keep us updated. It’s possible Lance’s team isn’t attempting to get us up here this time. Now that Stone’s up here with us, Lance’s plan might have morphed. He might not try anything with his son in the line of fire.

  I’d like to think that Stone’s presence would automatically make him take a step back, but I’m not so sure. He’s a horrid man.

  Stone blows on my ear. “Where did you go? Come back to thinking about me fucking you in the stream.”

  “Is that what I’m supposed to be thinking about?” I croak out.

  “That’s what I’m thinking about.”

  Dave groans. “Ugh, horny teenagers.”

  I don’t think Stone cares who’s watching. He kisses a trail down my neck. But me, I pull away. This isn’t a sideshow. “We’re not teenagers,” I throw back, lip curling.

  Ninja scowls at his guard buddy. “Dakota’s our charge. We don’t say shit when Cole’s getting his. She’s the same.”

  “In case you haven’t noticed, we’re in nature,” Dave grunts, then takes a swig of water. “It’s not like they can go in another room.” He leans back, still looking properly disgusted at mine and Stone’s display of affection.

  All of a sudden, the firelight catches something shiny in the air. My eyes dart right to it, but I don’t know what it is until Dave hisses. “What the fuck? You threw your knife at me?”

  Ninja winks. “I guess my aim isn’t as good as Dakota’s. Get the fuck up and do your rounds. If you hear a rattle, don’t move. We’ll be out to help. Maybe.”

  Dave gets to his feet, holding his pinky. A single drop of blood seeps between his fingers. He glares at Ninja as he gets his gun out and starts walking the perimeter.

  Ninja also gets to his feet. “I’m sorry, Dakota. He’ll be spoken to. We’re your guards. We’re here to keep you safe while you’re going about your normal business. We’re certainly not supposed to have commentary on what you plan to do with your time. He’s a good guard, he’s just…odd.”

  “Oh, well....”

  “Good,” Stone butts in, his face dark as he glares at Dave still shuffling away from camp. “Make sure it doesn’t happen again, and Dakota will expect an apology from him.”

  Ninja nods. When he’s out of earshot, I push Stone playfully. “What was that about?”

  He gives me an amused grin. “They take their jobs seriously, so we should take them seriously in return. Cole’s going to be pissed about what he just did.”

  Please. He’s not fooling me. “You just wanted them both out of here for your nefarious plans.”

  “What are those plans?” Wyatt asks, smiling from ear-to-ear. The brim of his cowboy hat blocks his eyes, but his smile says it all.

  “I’m wondering the same thing,” Lucas purrs.

  “You guys should’ve seen our girl kill that rattlesnake.” Stone gets to his knees and crawls over me. “You’d be as hard as I am right now if you had.” He looms over me, forcing my back to the ground. I drag deep breaths into my chest as he hovers just out of touch.

  “I don’t need her to kill a rattlesnake to get me hard,” Wyatt answers, his voice closer than it was a moment before.

  “No, just teach you how to cook the rattlesnake she killed,” Lucas taunts. I hear a smack, but whoever was on the receiving end doesn’t react. “Is anyone else thinking that skinny dipping in the stream is a great idea? That way we’re not on full display for everyone.”

  “Dakota will have to be quiet, too,” Wyatt warns with a growl. “If she can.”

  Stone suddenly lifts from me, then grabs my arm to haul me to my feet and over his shoulder. A squeak gets caught in my chest as the four of us head toward the riverbed. Wyatt and Lucas strip while they walk, and I enjoy the view of the moonlight playing off their skin while their cocks harden.

  Sharing myself with all of them at the same time sounds like a game I can get on board with. Especially up here in one of my favorite places. I always knew this area was the stuff of legends, and right now, I’m about to play out my own mythical fairytale. A foursome. I’ve only read up to a ménage à trois in books, but I have an imagination to fill in the rest.

  I rake my fingers up Stone’s muscular back, and he moans before lowering me to my feet, dragging me down his taut body. My core settles over the tent in his pants, and I suck in a breath.

  “You like that, baby?”

  I nip at his neck like he did to me earlier, then nod. He groans, hands searching up my back, tangling in my shirt, and whipping it off while he leans back to stare at one of the bras he bought me. “Best money I ever spent.”

  Lucas wraps his arms around me from behind and palms my aching breasts. “I don’t know. At this point, I’d pay good money to stay at a nude commune.”

  I drop my head back to his shoulder, arching my chest into his adept hands.

  “Jesus,” Stone growls. “She likes that.”

  “She fucking loves it,” I confirm.

  Stone lowers the zipper on my pants, revealing the matching midnight-blue silk panties he bought to go with this bra. He tightens his hold over my hips possessively, keeping me in place. The fresh air blows a couple of curls over my face, and he sweeps them aside before returning his firm grip.

  Not to be left out, Wyatt brushes his fingers down my side, making my nerve-endings spark. He crouches until he’s at waist-level. Peeking at him, the wild look in his eyes tells me he has something wicked planned. He bites the waistband of my pants and peels them down with his teeth, scraping the skin of my thigh as he goes. I shudder, dampening the crotch of my panties.

  Being in the middle of my man-sandwich is testing my resolve. They’re everywhere. Touching me. Staring at me. I’m their damn spotlight, and I can’t get enough.

  Lucas slips past the silky cups of my bra to squeeze my tits almost to the point of pain. He kneads my flesh, and I moan into the night, my pleasured cry mingling with the night insects’ chirps.

  Stone lets Lucas take all my weight as he steps back to tear off his shirt. His muscles glisten in the light of the stars and moon like the beauty of a meteor arcing through the sky. I trail my gaze down his chiseled planes with anticipation.

  Wyatt’s hand on my calf grabs my attention. His bright blue eyes lock on mine as he removes my shoes and finally yanks my pants away, tossing them to the side. He holds my stare before tracing a finger over the curve of my panty line, gently caressing my folds through the thin fabric. I mewl, eagerly awaiting his next move. He pushes the material aside to run his fingers up and down my slit. “She’s wet for us,” he announces with a sexy growl.

  My mouth opens in a silent cry as he teases my pussy, claiming my lower half as his own while Lucas buckles my legs with his breast play. Stone’s eyes devour his friends’ movements. Lips parted, he takes everything in as if he’s trying to commit it to memory. Finally, his fingers move to his waistband where he slowly slides his pants to the ground in the most glorious scene I’ve ever laid eyes on. Inch by inch, he reveals his stiff dick and muscular thighs. He cups his huge cock right through his boxer briefs, giving it a slow tug before he mercifully looks at me. “Move her bra to the side. I want her in my mouth.”

  I nearly combust on the spot. Pleasure trickles between my legs, and Wyatt uses it as lubricant
, continuing his ministrations along my slick skin, intentionally skirting my hole without ever dipping inside.

  Lucas does as Stone commands, peeling the cup of my bra away and offering my breast to him as if it’s the main course.

  Wyatt angles to the side as Stone steps forward. Focus now on my heaving chest, Stone dips his head, darting his tongue out to circle my nipple. Lucas squeezes my tit, and Stone responds by sucking the puckered bud into his mouth, moaning like he’s a man starved.

  At the same time, Wyatt slips a finger into my waiting cunt and I buck against him, letting out a low cry. I pin his hand to me, thrusting against him, searching for relief from this sweet torment by all three of them.

  “We should get into the stream now,” Wyatt practically chokes out. He swirls his finger in my channel. “She needs dick.”

  “So much dick.” I gasp as Lucas tugs at the cup holding my other breast, and Stone moves to the other side, ravishing my pebbled nipple with the tip of his tongue. A gust of wind caresses my bare chest, sending goosebumps shivering over me. Lucas palms my free breast, using the wetness Stone left there as friction to pull and play, peeking my nipple until it’s hard enough to carve rock. “I’m not trying to be dramatic,” I breathe, still pressing against Wyatt’s finger. “But I might come soon, and if one of your dicks isn’t inside me, I’m taking a vow of celibacy.”

  Three moans meet my ears. Wyatt removes his finger to tear my panties down, and Stone doesn’t waste any time hoisting me in the air and impaling me with his big dick. I wrap my legs around his body, clutching him, remembering the first time I saw his huge cock which is currently trying to fucking ruin me.

  I fail at keeping quiet, letting out a cry that leaves nothing to the imagination about what we’re doing if anyone’s within earshot. In my defense, it’s probably physically impossible to stay silent during a foursome. I have very limited experience with the matter, but if the last few minutes tell me anything, muting myself is going to be an unattainable goal. In this moment, I can’t bring myself to care.

  Lucas removes my bra from behind, and Stone walks me to the creek with his lips teasing the sensitive skin of my neck. Biting, then soothing, he laps at me, following quickly with little nips that make me buck against him.

  Wyatt helps support my ass while I dig my heels into Stone’s backside, fucking him. My cowboy’s fingers sink into my flesh, helpfully moving me against his friend, kneading and pushing. “Fucking Christ,” Stone bites out, returning my fervor with his own pronounced thrusts.

  Wyatt’s chest presses against my back, and he licks the curve of my ear. “That’s right, Tits. Fuck him so hard he starts talking about all those babies he wants to have with you. I know you love that.”

  My pussy spasms, and I nearly come. Each stroke fires all my nerve-endings in quick succession.

  Lucas hums in agreement. “Take him deeper, Wild Girl. I know you can.”

  Droplets of creek water hit my skin as we wade deeper, desperately seeking at least a little camouflage to our naughty fling. As soon as my ass hits the water, we splash as we come together again and again. Water flies everywhere, dampening my heated flesh. The slight wind off the mountains caresses the slick trails of moisture beading down my body, lighting up all my senses.

  “Fuck, this is next level,” Wyatt groans. His chest envelops my back, his cock nudging the base of my spine. He pushes the head of his dick lower until it rubs over the crack of my ass with each movement, flirting with my puckered hole. I lose it. Ecstasy shoots through me, and my pussy clenches around Stone’s dick.

  He takes control, holding my hips as he fucks me mid-orgasm, grinding against my clit. I scream, clinging to him during my aftershocks as I have the longest orgasm of my life.

  Afterward, he slows the pace while my chest heaves against his. He moves one of my feet to the bottom of the stream until I’m standing on top of his own, then hooks my other leg under his elbow to change the angle.

  “Don’t be a show-off,” Lucas warns. “We don’t want to hurt her, and I get the feeling she might want to experience all three of us.”

  My pussy tightens around Stone involuntarily. “Yep. Yes,” I pant, nodding. “That’s what I want.”

  “The only thing Dakota has to do is enjoy me, and I’ll be filling her with my cum in no time.”

  I lock gazes with my gray-blue-eyed tormentor. He glides in and out with so much power. I squeeze my pussy around his dick, and he shudders. “Fuck yes.” He reaches up, fingers splayed against the back of my head. Yanking me forward, he kisses me feverishly, sucking on my lower lip before turning my head. I nearly groan in frustration until my stare lands on Lucas.

  The dark promise of his eyes tells me this sexual escapade is just beginning. I trail my eyes lower. Beads of water glisten his torso, dripping over his carved abs. He pleasures himself in slow strokes, using his finger to catch his pre-cum to lubricate his shaft. The water comes up to his thighs, and out of the three, of course it’s Lucas that’s standing there proudly, letting everything out for the world to see. “I’m waiting for you, Dakota.” His low voice more like a warning than a promise, and I’m so damn happy that he got his lush voice back. “I’m going to fill you so damn fast.”

  My pussy clenches again, and Stone quickens his pace, slamming into me while Wyatt curves me backward to take my nipple into his hot mouth. He lashes his tongue across me in whip-sharp movements. I can’t see Lucas anymore, but I hear his moans of appreciation as I reach out, clawing the air for purchase during this freefall of absolute bliss. My nails find Stone, and I dig them into his abs. He stiffens, and I lock gazes with him over Wyatt’s retreating head. In one swift movement, he yanks me up and against him, grinding out his release through clenched teeth.

  “Fuck,” I pant, tethering myself to the fire in Stone’s eyes. His dick jerks inside me, and I gouge my heels into his ass to keep him fully seated.

  The water calms around us as we come up for air. It licks against my navel while Wyatt moves to my back again. The heat my cowboy radiates makes me shiver. I can’t see him, but I know he’s running his hand up and down his shaft because he caresses the head of his cock across my ass cheek in the process. “Sorry, Lucas,” he grinds out. “I’m going to blow if I can’t have her right now. I got way too fucking excited.”

  Stone leaves me with one last thrust. The friction tightens the bundle of nerves above my pussy. My feet don’t even make it to the rocky bottom. Wyatt bands an arm around my middle, positioning his cock between my ass cheeks again. “I want you like this, Tits.” He rocks forward, sliding into my greedy cunt. I gasp as he presses his thumb on my clit, reminding me that my cowboy isn’t the lovey-dovey type during sex.

  He turns us so I’m facing a tortured Lucas whose movements have quickened, crease lines forming along his brow.

  Wyatt wraps my thighs around the outside of his, and with the added buoyancy of the water, I stay where I am in my cowboy’s able hands. Even when he leans me forward slightly with a sure hand at the base of my spine and starts to move inside me, I only rise and lower on his cock.

  “Fuck me,” he grunts. He bites my neck playfully. “Play with your namesake. Let’s give Lucas a show.”

  I grin as I drift my hands toward my tits. I break the surface of the water, cupping my mounds and plucking my nipples while locking my gaze with Lucas’.

  “Aw, fuck,” he grits.

  “Let’s see if we can break him,” Wyatt whispers.

  I drop my head back to Wyatt’s shoulder, pinching my pebbled buds, letting a moan pierce the air between us.

  “Mmm,” Wyatt groans in my ear. “I had to feel you. Best. Fucking. Feeling. Ever,” he grunts, punctuating his words with sharp thrusts.

  It’s hot as fuck knowing Lucas and Stone are watching while Wyatt fucks me from behind. He lowers his pinky to trace my clit. I tremble against him. “Oh, yes.”

  “You like that?” He lowers his hold on me, digging the heel of his palm into my abdomen while his
finger circles my tight bud.

  “Wyatt, please. Fuck.”

  “Oh my fucking…God.” Wyatt loses himself, jerking his hips forward until he pulses inside me on an unrestrained cry. He rubs my clit, and I come all over him, strangling his cock with my climax. He digs his fingers into me as he rides our joint pleasure out. We’re the loudest pairing yet, and I can’t help the noisy pants that escape. “Fuck, Dakota. I want to live inside this perfect pussy.” Tremors still subsiding, he drops a kiss to my shoulder.

  Lucas lets out a low growl of refusal. His movements have slowed once more, but his fingers have tightened around his base, almost as if he’s squeezing his cock into submission.

  Unsurprisingly, I’m staring at him like I can’t wait for him to be my next ride. I’m not wrung out or tired. I’m still heady with the scent of the four of us in the air. Fueled by their passionate gazes, I get to my feet and wade toward Lucas.

  He waits for me, hands by his side now, with his perfect body bobbing in the small laps of water. Lucas is the most alpha during sex—and trust me, I love that about him. But something in the look he’s giving me tells me this might be my only shot to take charge.

  I place my hand on his chest and move him backward before tripping him on purpose. We fall together, and he catches us gracefully, his upper half out of the water on a sandy patch beside the stream. My core aches for him, and I crawl over his body to straddle his hips.

  He digs his heels into the stream, then grimaces.

  “Are you okay?”

  He nods his head. “Never fucking better.”

  I grip his cock, lining us up before lowering myself over him. He makes a strangled growl as I clench around him. “Fuck me,” he breathes.

  It isn’t a demand, it’s a saying, but I take it as a command, my rite of passage. I ride his dick like it will be the last ride of my life. I bounce on top of him, water splashing everywhere again.

  Wyatt’s hands move around my chest, cupping my heavy breasts in his rough palms. “That’s right, Tits, my little cowgirl. Tame him.”


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