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Avoidables Angels

Page 7

by Rachel Medhurst

  Chapter Seven

  ‘You can’t seriously hold me in here,’ the chancellor spluttered.

  The prison block was bright but dismal. The cells were small but they did have a soft bed and a shower/bathroom area at the back.

  ‘Chancellor,’ I purred. ‘I had to set an example but we both know that you’ll be fine.’

  His breathing calmed as he regarded me through the bars. The metal was cool to the touch when I wrapped my fingers around them. As much as I despised the man, he was someone I needed.

  ‘And Sandor?’ I asked.

  His hair was greying. The smooth line of his jaw and the perfectly shaped eyes told me that he had once been incredibly handsome. All that was left was a dark energy. One that tried to reach forward as he came near.

  ‘Where is she?’

  The idea that he kept her somewhere for his own bidding made me swallow down the bile that rose in my throat.

  ‘I don’t know. She was set free a while ago.’ He lied. His cheeks glowed red but I couldn’t pull him up on it. His trust was more important to me. I would deal with the Sandor situation when I was in complete control.

  ‘Fine, then I will let you out tomorrow.’

  ‘Tomorrow!’ His hands wrapped around mine and squeezed. ‘I don’t know who you think you are but I’m the chancellor!’

  My teeth gritted together. I could see why he hated me. My waltzing in and charming the rest of the officials had given him plenty of reason.

  ‘Then you know that what we’re doing is best for the Perfects. For your people. Think what we could do with the Avoidables at our disposal?’ My throat threatened to close. Especially when a slow grin spread across his face.

  ‘Yes, you’re right. Why would having an Avoidable slave be any different? I mean…’ He shrugged, his smarmy grin still in place.

  I attempted to copy his grin. ‘It is illegal and so it should be. Let’s not get too ahead of ourselves. We can use them to pave our path but using them for personal use, that’s a bit much. Anyway, Chancellor, a man like you should have plenty of women at your disposal.’ I winked at him before turning away.

  ‘I better get a decent dinner in this foul place,’ he muttered as I left him to it.

  The effects of his energy washed over me. I needed to get out of the prison and back to a better place. Would my angels be okay? I needed their energy to remind me who I was.

  ‘William?’ Catherine called.

  She ran to catch up to me in the courtyard. My first day had gone well so far. In only a few more hours I would be able to check in with the angels.

  ‘Hello, Catherine, I was about to go back to the offices before I headed to yours.’

  Her smile spread as she shook her head. ‘There’s no need. You have your own quarters here now.’

  I grinned back, hiding my first reaction. Would I be able to sneak out to see the others?

  ‘I was wondering if you could help me tomorrow. I have a few interviews. We need some new officials on the board. I’ve been putting it off for a while but now I think we are ready to go ahead.’ She rested her hand on my sleeve.

  The sound of footsteps on concrete around the corner made me pause. John came around the side of the building, whistling a tune. When he saw us he nodded before approaching.

  ‘Of course I’ll help. Do I need to know anything?’ I asked, looking into her eyes.

  My power of persuasion was overwhelming. She blinked as she handed me a pile of folders. ‘Here are the candidates.’

  Rubbing my sleeve, she turned to her husband as he joined us. ‘Hi, darling, how are you?’ she said. ‘I’ll meet you out front in a few minutes. Show William to his rooms.’

  ‘He’s not coming back with us tonight?’

  Catherine shook her head as she left. ‘No, he’s the leader now. He gets special treatment.’

  My back went stiff as she disappeared around the corner. I didn’t trust her. She didn’t trust me. It was obvious. She didn’t want me in her home, which was fair enough. Had I played my hand too soon?

  ‘Your rooms are over there.’ John pointed towards the big building on the left. The French doors opened onto the courtyard. ‘Don’t worry, we have cameras installed everywhere so you’ll be safe.’

  I may be safe but would I be able to sneak out myself?

  ‘Have you settled in today?’ he asked as we walked towards my new home.

  If you call sitting behind a desk and writing down your plans to pass onto the other angels settling in, I suppose I had. Couldn’t really tell him that, though. I had regretted writing it all down as soon as I had.

  ‘Catherine mentioned a press release tomorrow. Is that going ahead?’ John looked at me earnestly.

  The short announcement last night hadn’t produced mass concern it seemed. I had to speak in front of the cameras tomorrow. Many Perfects would be wondering what was happening. ‘Yes. But before that, I need to speak to Noland. I want you to take me to Lower Side. I need to see what it’s like for myself.’

  John stalled, his foot scraping on the ground. I turned to him. His eyebrows tried to escape under his hairline.

  ‘I can’t do that,’ he said. ‘It’s too dangerous.’

  Nodding, I put a hand on his shoulder and squeezed gently. His face relaxed as my energy filtered into him. Was it just me that was using my power to get the Perfects on side? Or were the other angels doing the same? I didn’t know if it was the right way to gain access to the Perfect government but it had worked so far.

  I gazed around the courtyard. We stood right next to the door that led into the living quarters. Would I be safe?

  ‘You don’t know me. None of you do. I understand why it might seem strange that I’ve just turned up and all of a sudden I’m the leader but I’m sincere. I want to make this government, and the city, the best place it can be.’

  John glanced around. He gestured with his head for us to go through the door. Once inside the hallway, he handed me a key. ‘This is for your rooms. The whole of this level is yours.’

  Thanking him, I let myself into my new home. The plush curtains that covered the window were blood red. My very own bed was covered in a white cover. The cushions plumped up high. A television set waited for me to watch it in the corner.

  ‘There’s something about you, William. I trust you and I have no idea why. Catherine and I spoke. We agreed that three months is enough time to get to know you. I know the others have been searching your records. It seems you were a busy man.’ John strode into the room and opened the mini fridge. Taking out a can, he handed it to me. I had seen Perfects get drunk in clubs as they danced. There were quite a few on Upper Side. I had never tasted it myself before. Opening it, I took a swig. It wasn’t quite the end of the day but it wasn’t far off. One drink wouldn’t hurt.

  ‘Yes, I have been a busy man.’

  I made a point to read my own files before he could question me any further. I didn’t even know what I had supposedly been up to. Was whoever running the show manipulating the system for me?

  ‘Will you take me to Lower Side? Tonight?’

  John choked on his beer. I didn’t blame him, it didn’t taste as amazing as I thought it would. Maybe it was the effect of the alcohol that made it seem better than it was.

  ‘I don’t know.’

  Putting the can on the side, I went to the wardrobe. Opening it wide, I tried to keep a straight face. It was a walk in wardrobe that housed rails of fancy suits. And even plain clothes.

  ‘What happened to the last leader?’ I asked before I could think.

  Where I had come from, I would have known. Arion would have been able to tell me. I wouldn’t have had to ask the Perfect guard that now frowned at me.

  ‘I mean, his clothes. Are these his clothes?’

  John shook his head as he smiled. ‘No, these are yours. Catherine knew you needed a new wardrobe so she sent out one of her assistants.’

  ‘Talking of assistants, maybe Jason can come with us ton

  John froze, his beer can halfway to his mouth. He shouldn’t really be drinking on the job but I wasn’t going to point that out. He was almost done for the day. Except for my private little mission.

  ‘I’m not so sure-’

  ‘I don’t want to get all bossy on you but trust me. It will be good for the lad to see what we’re working with. It will also help me to really know what it’s like over there. I want to make friends with your brother. The Enforcer should be in close contact to the Perfect government. As far as I’m aware, he isn’t.’

  I hoped I was right.

  ‘I’ve been saying that for a while. Catherine isn’t having any of it.’ John looked at the patterned carpet on the floor.

  ‘Right then, it’s settled. I’m the leader of the government now. I’m asking you to help me on a top secret mission. I need to establish communication with Artie. Noland is also a problem I need to fix. I would rather do that before everyone knows exactly who I am.’

  Downing my drink, I threw the empty can in the bin. John did the same before pulling his phone out of his pocket. Putting it to his ear, he waited for someone to answer.

  ‘Jason, I know we said that you didn’t need to start your new job yet but William has requested your company. Please come to the compound.’ He switched the phone off before the lad could even give an answer. Both his parents were used to giving orders.

  ‘I’m glad you see it my way.’

  John clucked his tongue before opening the door. ‘This way, sir,’ he said, smirking when I grinned as I led the way out of my new home.


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