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Avoidables Angels

Page 11

by Rachel Medhurst

  Chapter Eleven

  If only I had gone in the shower straight away. I could have locked myself in until it was over. At least I would be clean. Instead, I stood behind the despicable man that would never think about protecting anyone but himself.

  ‘I don’t have Sandor,’ the chancellor stuttered.

  The man was physically unattractive, there was no denying it. However, I could see the light that shone for the woman he was seeking. It showed in his eyes, through the hatred.

  ‘How did you even know that’s who I wanted? Because you’re guilty, that’s how!’

  The scowl on the man’s face lessened when he spotted me behind the chancellor. He blinked a few times before sneering at me. ‘Having fun with our friend, are you?’

  I shook my head quickly. He frowned as the chancellor glanced back at me. Did he realise that I wasn’t the chancellor’s lover? What would be the consequences if he believed I was?

  My whole body shook as the man stared at me. There was only so much of the tough act I could muster. I was an angel in a human world.

  ‘You can go.’ The man gestured with his head.

  I froze. Would that be a wise thing to do? The Avoidable was clearly dangerous but my alliance needed to be with the chancellor. As much as it sickened me.

  ‘What about him?’ I stepped forward and placed myself in front of the man that I would have to defend.

  The Avoidable raised his eyebrows. ‘So you are with him?’

  I clenched my hands at my sides. I had to think like a Perfect, not an angel. Being one of them meant I had to behave completely against my nature. It had to be done.

  ‘He’s my boss. I won’t just leave him here so you can hurt him. You don’t want to do this anyway, you’ll get caught.’

  Why hadn’t the guard shot the threat? The thought flashed into my mind. Looking at the guard, I caught myself before I opened my mouth. His grin told me all I needed to know. He was an Avoidable posing as a guard. I hoped the Perfect hadn’t been hurt in the acquisition of the uniform.

  ‘Why shouldn’t I do this? No one knows I’m here. The rebels never get caught!’

  The chancellor chuckled behind me. My whole body vibrated as I fought the urge to spin and slap him myself.

  ‘Sandor hasn’t been found. Your men are searching for her this very moment. They won’t find her. She’s not here.’ The chancellor ran a hand down my arm.

  I cringed inside but didn’t let it show on the outside. He would get a lesson as soon as the Avoidables were gone. He had no right to touch me whenever he wanted.

  A crackling noise sounded from the Avoidables pocket. He pulled out what looked like a rough radio and spoke into it, turning away for privacy.

  ‘You’re doing well,’ the chancellor whispered to me.

  I nudged his arm away when he tried to get hold of me again. He chuckled. I ignored him as I tried to hear the Avoidable.

  ‘You’re right,’ he said a few moments later, turning back to us. ‘She’s not in the compound. You’re lucky today. I’ll let you live.’

  The Avoidable turned to go with the guard protecting his retreat. ‘Oh, one more thing,’ he said, glancing over his shoulder. ‘I will find her, Chancellor. When I do, your new woman will not be able to protect you.’

  I released my breath when they ran from the room. The door to the front of the bunker banged shut behind them.

  ‘Well done, dear. You’re very brave. We could do with having someone like you on our team.’ He rubbed the back of his fingers down my wrist.

  Spinning away from him, I glared. His back came up as he looked down his nose at me.

  ‘Thank you, sir. I must insist that you treat me with the respect that I deserve. After all, we will soon be colleagues.’ My insides quaked when he sucked air through his nose.

  A smile spread over his face. ‘Very well. I shall wait for you to come to me when you’re ready. In the meantime, William,’ he spat my friend’s name, ‘will want to interview you. Don’t worry, I will make sure you get the job. As long as we know that we’re on the same page.’

  He waved me away as he got his phone out of his pocket. I hurried to the bathroom, ready to lock myself away.

  As the chancellor reported our run in with the Avoidables, I showered as quickly as I could. I towel dried my hair, all the time listening to those talking outside the bathroom.

  ‘It’s okay. They’ve gone,’ someone said.

  Opening the door ajar, I watched those in the other room. Three guards and three other people that wore suits stood talking.

  ‘There she is, come out, Melissa,’ the chancellor called.

  I joined them, ignoring the two women as they sniffed the air when eyeing my damp hair. Maybe I should have taken the time to blow dry it instead of worrying about what had transpired.

  ‘Melissa has applied for the job of children’s welfare official. I’ve seen her credentials and she’s the perfect candidate.’

  I smiled up at the chancellor. He was blatantly lying but if it helped me get a seat on the council, I didn’t mind.

  ‘You and your Perfect jokes,’ one of the ladies laughed, hitting him gently on the arm. He leered down at her.

  I kept my expression clear. I didn’t understand what she meant. He wasn’t joking.

  Stepping away from them, I went over to the guards. One of them nodded before leaving the other to talk to me.

  ‘Are you okay?’ he asked.

  I folded my arms across my chest. ‘He was scary. I’ve never seen an Avoidable so close before. Who is he?’

  My weak woman impression was convincing. He looked down my top as he nodded sympathetically. ‘It was Leon. He’s the leader of the rebels. Sandor is part of their group.’

  I blinked rapidly as he looked up and I gazed into his eyes. He was gorgeous. Of course he was. It was a little boring to be honest. His jaw was square and strong. A bit like William’s. I wanted to reach out and stroke the smooth skin. The twinkle of blue in his eyes told me that he knew what I was thinking.

  ‘Why didn’t he kill us?’

  The smile that formed on his plump lips as he leant even closer made my stomach flip. His broad shoulders blocked out the view of the others chatting behind him. My breath deepened as his breath hit my cheek.

  ‘Because you’re too beautiful. What did you say your name was? I’ll need to take a statement.’

  My cheeks heated when he winked. My whole body buzzed with an energy I had never felt before.

  ‘Melissa. Maybe you could take my statement over some dinner. I’m starving.’ I giggled when I realised how forward I sounded.

  ‘What are you talking about over there? Shouldn’t you be out there killing those vile creatures?’ the chancellor called.

  My initial impression of the chancellor vanished. He wasn’t kind. The man was… I shuddered as the guard stepped back and nodded towards his boss. ‘Yes, sir, I’m just taking a statement.’

  ‘I need to get back home. Is there any way I can do that?’ I asked, anxious to get out of the bunker.

  The guard let his head drop to the side. ‘I thought we were having a nice discussion.’

  My smile returned. He seemed like a genuine man. Unlike the others in the room. Would I ever be able to trust any of the Perfects?

  ‘Yes…but it’s late. Very late. I could do with some sleep.’

  I had slept on the streets for two nights in a row. I had finally managed to persuade a letting agent to rent me a small apartment. I was ready to get some proper sleep.

  ‘I’ll drive you back to your home,’ the guard said.

  Clearing my face of any expression, I approached the chancellor. ‘I’m going home now. I’ve had enough of defending you against the Avoidables.’

  The chancellor was tipsy. His cheeks were red and his eyes glazed over. ‘Come for an interview tomorrow. I’ll make sure Catherine gets you in to see our new…’

  ‘William is gorgeous!’ one of the women interrupted. ‘I can’t
wait to sit and watch him in meetings. I wonder if he’s married.’

  They giggled as the chancellor scowled at them.

  ‘Let’s go, Melissa,’ the lovely guard said.

  I offered my hand to the chancellor. He sniffed the air, refusing to take it. ‘I don’t think that’s the proper way to say goodbye to someone that got you out of jail.’ His breath stank as he leant down and kissed me on the cheek. ‘I’ll see you tomorrow.’

  The shudder that came over my body as I walked away couldn’t be disguised. Luckily, the others had drawn him back into conversation. The guard saw it, though. His eyes sparkled with mischief.

  ‘Not as friendly with the chancellor as you made out,’ he whispered as he escorted me out of the bunker.

  Guards patrolled the gardens, guns in hand. How did Leon and the other man get into the bunker so easily? Were the government so sure of themselves that they were slack with their security?

  ‘I’ve been in university so long, I haven’t had any experience of government procedure. What’s it like working here?’ I asked.

  He put a hand on the small of my back as he guided me out of the compound and to his car. The blue and white uniform fit him well. Tucking the gun away, he rushed to the passenger’s side and opened the door for me. I bit my lip as I climbed into the car.

  ‘Thank you,’ I said when he climbed in next to me.

  He frowned. Turning the engine on, he put an arm over the back of my seat and twisted his head to watch behind as he reversed out of his parking spot. ‘What for?’

  ‘Never mind.’ I wondered if women ever thanked a man for opening the door for them anymore. They used to a long time ago. Things had changed drastically. The world was no longer built on values. It was based on physical appearance. My heart sunk as I watched him. These people had no idea how to love.

  ‘Working as a guard is okay. I get to carry a gun around. The government make sure that we’re all okay. The Perfects, anyway. They run the city. If anything is out of order, we just deal with it. Can’t have people falling below standards. A lot of women…’ his sentence trailed off. He didn’t blush when he realised what he had been about to say. I shook my head, hiding my smile by looking out of the window.

  ‘Well, my name is Michael. Where do you live?’ he asked.

  I froze. Michael was one of my favourite names.

  My plastic bag was clenched in my hand. I opened it to find the address on the tenancy agreement. He nodded once, turning on the heater when I shivered. It had been an eventful night.

  ‘You’re going to work for the government, then?’ He broke the silence that had fallen.

  Looking down at my hands, I traced my fingers with the opposite hand. ‘Hopefully…well, yes. I have an interview tomorrow.’

  ‘What you said earlier, about dinner, do you want to skip it?’

  My gaze shot to his face. His lips were parted slightly. There was no hint of nervousness. No hesitation in the way he spun the steering wheel.


  His eyes snapped to mine before looking back at the road. ‘No?’

  I grinned. ‘Have you never heard that word before?’

  The laugh that came out of him startled me. He shook his head as amusement quirked his lip.

  ‘I like you. You’ve got balls. When can I take you out for dinner?’

  His shoulders were relaxed. The cocky nature of every Perfect had to change. I would knock him down a peg or two.

  ‘If I get the job tomorrow, you can take me out. If you want this,’ I gestured to myself. ‘You have to earn it.’

  The car pulled up outside my new home. Seeing the street name and the right number, I yanked the door open.

  ‘Wait!’ he called when I went to run up the steps. ‘Are you seriously not inviting me in? I drove you home.’

  I laughed as I shook my head. ‘Just because every other woman gives in to you instantly, doesn’t mean I will. I’m worth more.’

  Blowing him a kiss, I went up the last two steps and shoved the key in the lock. Once inside, I turned to close the door behind me. The last thing I saw before my view was blocked was the gapping mouth of the handsome guard.


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