Myths and Gargoyles
Page 8
Red and Pucky gave quick nods and handshakes to a couple of the other Myths, telling me we’d have time to get better acquainted later. They led me to the smaller of the cars, with our own driver—a man who nodded our way, never saying a word. He wore shades and would’ve almost looked like an agent if not for the driver’s hat and vest as part of his suit. We climbed in and were off, just like that.
“Now what?” Pucky asked, glancing back toward the airport nervously.
“Since Mowgli will need to track down one of our informants, see what they can give us then put that together with what we already have at our disposal plus what I just heard before he’ll get back to us, I’d say we have at least a couple hours to kill and, honestly? I’m famished.”
“Food?” Pucky perked up at that. “Margaritas?”
“You know it,” Red replied, her tongue moving out and playing with her lip ring, then glancing my way. “And it’s salsa night.”
Pucky looked my way too, and for some reason I wasn’t sure whether to be scared or excited. What I knew for sure was that, if there were margaritas, they’d have chips and salsa—and that was my weakness. If I were a superhero and there was anything that would be my kryptonite, everyone knew that chips and salsa would be it. Especially when the chips were warm and lightly salted to perfection.
My mouth was already watering, taking me from shaken and uncertain to ready to fucking taste those chips in my mouth. Mmmmm.
The chips were every bit to my liking, but as much as I was loving them, they were nothing to the fascinating way Red was moving her hips to the music out on the dance floor. Every time her cloak swung around giving me a view, I was enchanted.
I took a sip of my margarita and turned to see Pucky watching me curiously.
“Like what you see?” she asked, nodding back to the dance floor without taking her eyes off me.
“I’m—Oh, shit.” I took another sip, racking my brain for answers to this question, only to be caught off guard a moment later when she burst into laughter.
“Relax,” she said, hitting my arm playfully. “We already said we weren’t putting labels on anything. So, what? You find Red as beautiful and attractive as she objectively is? No surprise there.”
“Still, I mean…” I leaned in, the slight buzz causing me to throw my inhibitions to the wind. “Earlier, I was going down on you.”
She had started sipping through her straw, and now spat some out. Grabbing a napkin and wiping her chin, she laughed, nodded, and said, “And you won’t again just because you think she’s hot?”
“Of course I would!”
She grinned. “Right here, under the table?”
I looked around, totally caught off guard by that, but the tablecloths were long enough… it could work.
“Again, joking,” she said, apparently realizing I was very seriously considering doing it. “You’ve never done that… have you?”
“Gone down on someone in the middle of a restaurant?” I scoffed. “Uh, no.”
“I don’t really know what kind of guy you are,” she admitted. “I wouldn’t judge you if you had.”
“Well, until today I wasn’t the type to get handjobs in moving cars. And I certainly wasn’t the type to have airport security aiming guns at me.”
She grinned, reached over, and took my hand. “That was so hot. In the car.”
For a long moment she just stared at me and I stared back, almost uncomfortable but so lost in thoughts of taking her right there that my arousal beat out any other feelings.
“Come on,” she finally said, pulling me by the hand onto the dance floor.
“Oh, I don’t really dance,” I protested, but she had me over by Red, my mind losing its focus, and then Pucky was moving too, and it was like I was in a trance. These two ladies were hotter than anyone I’d ever been with, that was for sure. More beautiful than probably any women I’d ever even talked with, actually.
“I wish they were playing salsa music,” Pucky said but shrugged as a hip-hop beat came on, only a handful of others dancing while those at the tables glanced over from time to time.
“This is more my style,” Red said. “For dancing, anyway.”
Pucky grinned my way, and then took my hand and let me spin her as if it were salsa before pulling me close, and then, to my surprise, leading me to Red as the base thumped.
Red looked up at me with large, light-blue eyes and allowed a hint of a smile to touch her mouth. She seemed amused, but I wasn’t sure why until Pucky came up behind me, taking my hands and placing them on Red’s hips.
I didn’t resist. Red went with it, moving her body and putting her hands on my shoulders, then lowering herself and letting her hands run down my chest, along my hips, and to my legs as she got low. Pucky laughed and did the same behind me, and I glanced around, relieved to see nobody looking our way.
“They won’t,” Red said, coming slowly back up, her hands lingering at my waistline and playing with the edge of my pants. The back of her fingers brushed against my skin and I shuddered with anticipation.
“Won’t what?” I asked.
Red grinned. “I still have the cloak on. They only see us dancing, nothing out of the ordinary here. So if I do this…” She suddenly reached into my pants, using her other hand to deftly undo the top button so there was room, and then grabbed me by the balls. “Nobody would think anything, except what we want them to think they see.”
I cramped up, my body so not ready for that. Her fingers were a bit cold but damn, it felt good. Pucky was still there, dancing, and now her hands were moving to my exposed skin as she smiled at me. She licked her lips and nodded toward the people sitting around the room. Sure enough, nobody was reacting as I would’ve expected them to. The only heads turned our way were a couple of older guys likely checking out the ladies. My guess was they were jealous, but I had to laugh at how jealous they’d be if they really knew what was going on here.
“Wow,” I finally said, instantly hating myself for not being able to say anything more original than that.
“Wow is right,” Red said, moving her hand from my balls to my stiffening cock.
Pucky lowered herself behind me again, still moving with the music, but this time taking my pants with her—only enough to leave me exposed. Again I cringed, expecting some old lady to shout out at the sight, but nothing of the sort happened.
“Look,” Red said, nodding to the window on the other side. It was dark now, so we could see our reflection. Sure enough, even as she started stroking my fully exposed cock, Pucky behind me reaching underneath and fondling my balls, the reflection showed the three of us dancing. No red cloak, no exposed cock.
“This could get interesting,” I said.
She laughed. “We can’t get horizontal, if that’s what you mean. While it could still hide what we were doing, someone would probably come over and ask what the hell we were doing lying on the dance floor.”
Pucky chuckled. “One time my clothes were totally torn during a fight, and Red’s cloak really came to my rescue.”
“Except that the other Myths still caught damn good glances your way,” Red teased, and Pucky groaned.
“Don’t remind me.”
It was funny, but honestly my mind was having a hard time concentrating on much of anything other than the euphoria of them working me as they were.
“Pucky mentioned what you two did earlier,” Red said, leaning into me, continuing to stroke and now taking my hand and sliding it up her shirt, letting me know I was welcome to touch her as well. “I figured, since we’re a team and all…”
“And I said it made sense,” Pucky interjected, now taking my other hand and guiding it behind me to her inner thigh. “After all, we don’t want jealousy or anything like that creeping in on the team.”
“No, we wouldn’t,” I said in a bit of a daze, one hand now moving up and brushing along the bottom of Red’s round breast, the other moving up Pucky’s inner thigh until I felt
the heat of her, and then her wet panties. I moved them aside and started massaging her clit as we danced—though at this point, it was more like barely nodding to the music.
“So… just a taste for now,” Red said, giving me one last tug, and then patting my cock like it was a pet. “But more to come. Or… cum?”
She laughed, squeezing my hand to her breast where it had almost reached her nipple, and then pulling back so that she could dance seductively again while Pucky slid my finger out of her panties and redid my pants for me.
“You… you’re kidding, right?” I said.
“Speaking of taste,” Pucky said, and then gestured back to the table. “Come on.” She turned back to Red as she guided me from the dance floor, and said, “We’re going to um, finish our drinks.”
The look in Red’s eyes showed she didn’t buy that for a second, but she just nodded and kept dancing. We reached the table and saw that our food had arrived, so I figured that’s what Pucky had been referring to. We sat and I looked it over, almost able to forget my raging boner at how delicious the chimichanga I’d ordered looked.
But when I grabbed a fork and looked up to see what Pucky thought of her food, she wasn’t there. I looked around, then back to Red, and she waved, moving away from some guy who was trying to move in close to her.
I was totally confused, but figured Pucky must’ve slipped off to the bathroom when I wasn’t paying attention, so took my chimichanga and bit into it. Oh man, the greasy, amazing taste of meat and cheese, and then—something moved on my crotch. I sat up straight, alarmed, until I felt hands moving on my thighs, undoing my pants, and my cock being pulled out.
At least I knew where Pucky had gone. When I felt her tongue on my shaft a moment later then her whole mouth engulfing me, I understood that her reference to ‘taste’ had nothing to do with the food.
Sometimes I could be a bit dense, I admit, but I quickly got over feeling like an idiot and instead focused on not showing my “O face” to the entire restaurant. But damn, with the chimichanga still fresh in my mouth and the way she was bobbing up and down, caressing and fondling, I knew chimichangas would never be the same—and that I’d better hurry and swallow before I choked.
It was a good move when I did, too, because not two seconds after I’d swallowed that bite, Red came back over and, about to sit, noticed my expression. Her eyebrows raised as one, and she stifled a laugh then came around back and said, “Why, Jack, you look stressed.”
“I’m… I’m good. Great. Amazing.”
“Still, maybe you need a shoulder rub to help?”
Instead of a response I bit my lip as a spasm of pleasure coursed through me, and clenched my fists to stop from pounding the table because it felt so good. Then Red had her hands on my shoulders, really getting in there, and oh shit, I was cumming, and this time I couldn’t keep myself from pounding the table lightly. I moaned as quietly as possible, but the old couple at the table next to ours still glanced over in surprise.
“He loves his massages,” Red said.
“Nice save,” I whispered, and felt another spasm so said, “Right there, deeper,” trying to play up the massage angle as another spasm hit me and I knew the last of my cum had just shot into Pucky’s mouth.
There was a sound of surprise and pleasure from below. I carefully dropped a napkin for her to wipe her mouth with.
“You really need to relax at work more,” Red said, continuing the massage and then giving a waiter who passed by a quick, “Sorry about that.”
“I get it,” he replied. “With hands like that—”
“Not interested,” she replied, before he could finish hitting on her.
“What do I do now?” Pucky hissed. “Are they looking?”
“Actually, a couple are,” Red said.
“Can’t you just use the cloak?” I asked.
“Oh, of course.” Red chuckled, then sat next to me and wrapped her cloak around the gap between us. As Pucky slipped out behind, still in the cloak, Red reached over and ran her hand down my pants, caressing me in a way that gave me new spasms and joy. Then she nibbled my ear and said, “My turn next. I like ‘em limp,” but then the band on her wrist vibrated.
“Time?” Pucky asked.
Red rolled her eyes, opened it, and then grinned. “Rain check, I guess.”
“Where’re we headed?” Pucky sat down on the other side of me. I wondered if anyone watching would’ve just seen her appear, or how the cloak worked exactly, but felt Red’s free hand still on me. God, that felt good. In my estimation the post-orgasm caress is too often overlooked.
Pucky quickly made a little taco from her plate of fajitas, stuffing it in her mouth as Red checked her wrist device, reading a series of symbols that made no sense to me.
After Pucky had taken a few more bites , Red gave my dick a playful squeeze, took her hand back, and clicked her screen to shut it off.
“Eat quick,” she said. “We think we have their hideout. Not just a safe house, but the actual local operating base.”
“Get out of here,” Pucky said with wide eyes and a full mouth. She glanced my way and made a kissing motion with guacamole on the side of her lip, and I had to smile at that. “Oh, Jack,” she said, sitting up straight. “You took out some Shades back there. Level up before we go.”
“Yeah, good idea,” Red said, glancing around. “Come on, we can do it in the bathroom. Er, level up, that is.”
“How do we do that here?” I asked, taking another big bite of my meal while reaching under the table to put myself away and zip up.
“The blue orb,” Pucky said. “We’ll show you.”
Red went to pay the bill, telling the waiter she’d take care of it at the counter, and asking for ‘to go’ boxes while Pucky and I headed for the bathroom. We took the handicapped one so we could both go in, and locked the door behind us.
As soon as we were in she pinned me against the wall and pressed her lips firmly to mine. I was still in the zone, so grabbed her ass and pulled her close, loving the taste of tacos on her tongue as I met it fiercely with my own.
“That was so hot,” she said, pulling back after a moment of passionate kissing. “Was it… I mean, did I do it right?”
“Um, it’s pretty easy to tell, and I think it answered for me.”
She laughed, wiping her lip of my saliva, and actually blushed. “So that’s a yes?”
“That’s a huge fucking yes,” I replied. “But… you said you haven’t done all this before?”
She nodded. “Still, I watched a lot of videos from time to time, you know… touching myself, studying… for when the right man came along.”
I frowned. “I’m that right man?”
“For us, right now?” She nodded. “Like I said, no labels. We’re all a team, we’re having fun between bouts of risking our lives—nothing wrong with that, is there? And so what if I’m letting years and years of built up sexual frustration out on you. You seem to be enjoying it.”
“More than you can imagine,” I replied.
“Good.” She giggled, gave my crotch a playful squeeze, and then reached into my pocket for the blue orb. It was small, about half the size of my fist, and flat on one side. Using it to scan me, she then showed me the flat side and held out my palm, placing it flat side down. “This is one way, at least for now.”
Holding it like that, my hand began to glow green and the object lit up, casting a holographic screen in front of me.
“Wicked,” I said. “But if I lose it?”
“Don’t,” she replied. “But they’re just windows to all this, at others set up at safe houses. It would only be a temporary setback. Okay, quick—the Ichor.”
“So basically, Ichor helps you figure out your class,” Pucky said. “Like I said, people took this concept and made games from it, so it’ll be somewhat familiar, though different, as everything changes in its versions and over time.
“I’m confused. I get to pick whether to be a warrior or mage, basically?�
“Close.” She took a deep breath, glancing at the door. “Let’s make this short—we can get into more details later, but for now—I’d say the main classes you need to worry about are Warrior, Druid, Monk, Sorcerer, Tempest, and Prestige. These are classes, mind you, and taking any one route doesn’t mean you can’t fight or do magic, but means you have a specialization, and that affects what magical items work for you.”
“So, like if I found a cloak of invisibility, it wouldn’t work if I chose the Warrior class.”
“Correct,” she said with a smile. “Though, there’s no such thing—that’s just a story. Likewise, if you chose Monk, swords would actually not be a good idea for you to use.”
“Let’s cross that one off the list then. I want a fucking sword.”
“Of course you do.” She laughed. “Meaning, you probably want to go with Warrior, but you could use one as any of the other classes too. Warriors get magic swords, or items that help them with strength and power attacks.”
“And the others?”
“Well, I’m in the Druid class,” she explained. “But that was by nature—not chosen. Only Protectors and others who were normals but then become Myths or Legends get to work toward a class. Druids, like me, can affect nature magic and related items. Since we have me on the team, I recommend you go for another class.”
“And what’s Red?” I asked.
“Prestige,” she said with a smile that showed she thought highly of that. “It’s a tough class to be in, in part because magical items in that class are extremely rare—however, her red cloak and reason for her name are a prime example with the way it makes others see what she wants them to see, to a degree. If anyone were to ever take on her cloak, they would become a Prestige also.”
“Leaving Monk, Sorcerer, and…” I tried racking my brain for the last.
“Tempest,” she told me. “Thor, for example, would be a good example of a Tempest, given his magic hammer and how he works with thunder.”